6 research outputs found

    The Ezrin-Radixin-Moesin Family Member Ezrin Regulates Stable Microtubule Formation and Retroviral Infectionā–æ

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    We recently identified the cytoskeletal regulatory protein moesin as a novel gene that inhibits retroviral replication prior to reverse transcription by downregulation of stable microtubule formation. Here, we provide evidence that overexpression of ezrin, another closely related ezrin-radixin-moesin (ERM) family member, also blocks replication of both murine leukemia viruses and human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) in Rat2 fibroblasts before reverse transcription, while knockdown of endogenous ezrin increases the susceptibility of human cells to HIV-1 infection. Together, these results suggest that ERM proteins may be important determinants of retrovirus susceptibility through negative regulation of stable microtubule networks

    Interaction of Moloney Murine Leukemia Virus Capsid with Ubc9 and PIASy Mediates SUMO-1 Addition Required Early in Infection

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    Yeast two-hybrid screens led to the identification of Ubc9 and PIASy, the E2 and E3 small ubiquitin-like modifier (SUMO)-conjugating enzymes, as proteins interacting with the capsid (CA) protein of the Moloney murine leukemia virus. The binding site in CA for Ubc9 was mapped by deletion and alanine-scanning mutagenesis to a consensus motif for SUMOylation at residues 202 to 220, and the binding site for PIASy was mapped to residues 114 to 176, directly centered on the major homology region. Expression of CA and a tagged SUMO-1 protein resulted in covalent transfer of SUMO-1 to CA in vivo. Mutations of lysine residues to arginines near the Ubc9 binding site and mutations at the PIASy binding site reduced or eliminated CA SUMOylation. Introduction of these mutations into the complete viral genome blocked virus replication. The mutants exhibited no defects in the late stages of viral gene expression or virion assembly. Upon infection, the mutant viruses were able to carry out reverse transcription to synthesize normal levels of linear viral DNA but were unable to produce the circular viral DNAs or integrated provirus normally found in the nucleus. The results suggest that the SUMOylation of CA mediated by an interaction with Ubc9 and PIASy is required for early events of infection, after reverse transcription and before nuclear entry and viral DNA integration

    Interaction of Moloney murine leukemia virus matrix protein with IQGAP

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    The matrix protein (MA) of the Moloney murine leukemia virus (M-MuLV) was found to interact with IQGAP1, a prominent regulator of the cytoskeleton. Mutational studies defined residues of MA critical for the interaction, and tests of viruses carrying MA mutations revealed a near-perfect correlation between binding and virus replication. The replication-defective mutants showed defects in both early and late stages of the life cycle. Four viable second-site revertant viruses were isolated from three different replication-defective parental mutants, and in all cases the interaction with IQGAP1 was restored by the suppressor mutations. The interaction of MA and IQGAP1 was readily detected in vitro and in vivo. Virus replication was potently inhibited by a C-terminal fragment of IQGAP1, and impaired by RNAi knockdown of IQGAP1 and 2. We suggest that the IQGAPs link the virus to the cytoskeleton for trafficking both into and out of the cell

    Moesin regulates stable microtubule formation and limits retroviral infection in cultured cells

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    In a functional screen of mammalian complementary DNA libraries, we identified moesin as a novel gene whose overexpression blocks infection by murine leukemia viruses and human immunodeficiency virus type 1 in human and rodent lines, before the initiation of reverse transcription. Knockdown of moesin by RNA interference resulted in enhanced infection, suggesting that even the endogenous basal levels of moesin in rat fibroblasts are sufficient to limit virus infection. Moesin acts as a crosslinker between plasma membrane and actin filaments, as well as a signal transducer in responses involving cytoskeletal remodeling. Moesin overexpression was found to downregulate the formation of stable microtubules, whereas knockdown of moesin increased stable microtubule formation. A virus-resistant mutant cell line also displayed decreased stable microtubule levels, and virus-sensitive revertants recovered from the mutant line showed restoration of the stable microtubules, suggesting that these cytoskeletal networks play an important role in early post-entry events in the retroviral lifecycle. Together, these results suggest that moesin negatively regulates stable microtubule networks and is a natural determinant of cellular sensitivity to retroviral infection