91 research outputs found

    Power Aware Real Time Scheduling in Constrained Devices

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    Real-time scheduling algorithms, such as Rate Monotonic and Earliest Deadline First, guarantee that calculations are performed within a pre-defined time. As many real-time systems operate on limited battery power, these algorithms have been enhanced with power-aware properties. In this thesis, 13 power-aware real-time scheduling algorithms for processor, device and system-level use are explored

    Spatiaalista mallinnusta pistedatalla: kyselypohjainen analyysi koetusta terveydestä ja turvattomuudesta Helsingin metropolialueella

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    Tässä menetelmäartikkelissa esitellään spatiaalisten mallien soveltamista sosiaalitieteellisessä kyselytutkimuksessa. Havainnollistavina esimerkkeinä käytetään koettua terveyttä ja koettua turvattomuutta Helsingin metropolialueella. Spatiaalinen analyysi tarjoaa joustavia työkaluja paitsi analyysin eksploratiiviseen vaiheeseen, myös mallinnukseen, jossa havaintojen spatiaalinen korrelaatio voidaan ottaa huomioon paikkatietopohjaisen naapuruusmäärityksen avulla. Artikkelissa käydään läpi spatiaalisten mallien soveltamisen kannalta keskeistä käsitteistöä ei-teknisellä ja käytännöllisellä otteella. Havainnollistavassa esimerkissä verrataan tavanomaisten regressiomallien tuloksia aluemallien vastaaviin. Artikkelissa todetaan, että koetulla turvattomuudella on selvästi enemmän alueellista rakennetta kuin terveydellä. Turvattomuus on siinä määrin spatiaalisesti korreloitunut ilmiö, että spatiaalisten mallien soveltaminen on perusteltua, minkä seurauksena selittävien kontekstimuuttujien piste-estimaatit pienenevät tuntuvasti tavanomaisten mallien tuottamiin estimaatteihin nähden

    Sosiaalinen järjestys suomalaisissa lähiöissä

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    Transnational Activities and Identifications –A population-based study on three immigrant groups in Finland : Migration and Development

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    Our understanding of the lived experience of transnationalism is limited by the scarcity of high-quality quantitative evidence. Representative evidence on the emotional and identification aspects of transnationalism is especially missing. To address this gap, we investigated the transnational involvement of three migrant groups ? Somali, Kurdish and Russian ? in Finland. Using high-quality random sample survey data, the study examined transnational activities ? remittance sending, following media, keeping in touch with and visits to the country of origin ? as well as transnational identification with significant others living abroad. Multiple correspondence analysis (MCA) demonstrated that transnational involvement can be empirically divided into transnational activities and identifications, as suggested by prior theoretical works. Regression analysis showed that transnational activities and identifications varied strongly between the three groups. Russians were the most active in transnational activities while Somalis showed the highest levels of identification with their country of origin. Activities increased with the longer stay, while identification decreased. Family ties played a role in transnational identification. Our results point towards the complexity in the relationship between transnational involvement and economic integration in the host society.Peer reviewe

    Epäjärjestys ja turvattomuus asuinalueella

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    Insecure and restless neighbourhood conditions lower the quality of life, imply health risks and may accelerate segregation through selective migration. This study examined subjective insecurity and perceptions of social disorder—including public drunkenness, vandalism, threatening behaviour and the like—in different residential contexts. The focus was on Finnish post-WWII housing estates built in the 1960s and 1970s. Compared to other kinds of neighbourhoods, these areas often suffer from a negative reputation related to poverty, insecurity and disorder. However, the residents’ views are often at odds with the negative public image. There is a lack of reliable evidence on where estates stand in comparison to other kinds of neighbourhoods. Furthermore, the full diversity of estates has typically not been addressed in prior studies. Empirically, the study relied on three sets of survey data that were combined with contextual register data. The covered area varies from Helsinki to the entire country while the contextual units range from statistical grids to city districts. The key findings were the following: 1) The level of perceived social disorder was only slightly higher in the estates built in the 1960s and 1970s than in other multi-storey neighbourhoods. This small difference was due to socio-economic disadvantage. As expected, the low-rise neighbourhoods were considerably more peaceful than the multi-storey ones. 2) Rental-dominated tenure structure exposed the estate residents to higher levels of perceived disorder because rental estates are typically more disadvantaged. Social integration of the estate community played no role in terms of disorder. In contrast, the level of normative regulation partly explained why disadvantage is related to disorder. 3) At the district level, disadvantage, disorder (from police registers), residing in proximity to a metro or train station and living in a social housing flat exposed residents to subjective insecurity. Victimisation partly mediated the association between disadvantage and insecurity. The study shed light on the diversity of estates. From the point of view of social life, estates markedly differ from each other. Tenure structure has a decisive influence on the socio-economic structure, which implies differences in normative regulation and social order. This is an important finding in terms of tenure-mix policies. Compared to rental-dominated neighbourhoods, a more mixed tenure structure implies a less disadvantaged and more regulated local community, which paves way for a more peaceful local social life.Turvaton ja rauhaton naapurusto heikentää elämänlaatua, tuo mukanaan terveysriskejä ja voi kiihdyttää asuinalueiden eriytymistä valikoivan muuttoliikkeen välityksellä. Tämä tutkimus tarkasteli subjektiivisia turvattomuuden kokemuksia ja sosiaalisen epäjärjestyksen (mm. julkinen juopottelu, vandalismi, uhkaava käytös) havaintoja erilaisilla asuinalueilla. Tutkimus keskittyi erityisesti 1960- ja 1970-luvuilla rakennettuihin lähiöihin. Verrattuna muunlaisiin naapurustoihin lähiöt kärsivät tyypillisesti heikosta maineesta, joka liittyy köyhyyteen, turvattomuuteen ja sosiaalisen järjestyksen ongelmiin. Asukkaiden kokemukset ovat kuitenkin usein tätä julkista mielikuvaa positiivisempia. Luotettavaa tutkimusnäyttöä lähiöiden tilanteesta suhteessa muunlaisiin naapurustoihin on niukalti. Aikaisemmat tutkimukset eivät ole myöskään riittävästi huomioineet lähiöiden koko kirjoa. Tämä tutkimus hyödynsi kolmea laajaa kyselyaineistoa, joihin yhdistettiin kontekstuaalista rekisteritietoa kuvaamaan asuinalueen ominaisuuksia. Tutkimusalue vaihteli eri osajulkaisuissa Helsingistä koko maahan. Asuinkonteksti puolestaan muodostettiin tilastoruuduista ja Helsingin peruspiireistä. Tutkimuksen päätulokset olivat seuraavat: 1) Sosiaalisen epäjärjestyksen taso oli 1960- ja 1970-luvuilla rakennetuissa lähiöissä vain hieman korkeampi kuin muissa kerrostalonaapurustoissa. Tämä pieni ero selittyi sosio-ekonomisella huono-osaisuudella. Matalasti rakennetut naapurustot olivat rauhallisempia kuin kerrostaloalueet. 2) Vuokravaltaiset lähiöt olivat muita rauhattomampia, mikä johtuu sosio-ekonomisesta huono-osaisuudesta. Lähiön sosiaalisen integraation taso ei ollut yhteydessä sosiaaliseen epäjärjestykseen. Sen sijaan erot normatiivisessa sääntelyssä selittivät osin lähiön huono-osaisuuden ja sosiaalisen epäjärjestyksen suhdetta. 3) Tarkasteltaessa Helsingin peruspiirejä havaittiin, että sosio-ekonominen huono-osaisuus, järjestyshäiriöt (poliisirekistereistä), asuminen metro- tai juna-aseman läheisyydessä sekä kunnallinen vuokra-asunto kerrostalossa altistivat koetulle turvattomuudelle. Uhrikokemukset selittivät osaltaan huono-osaisuuden ja turvattomuuden suhdetta. Tutkimus toi lisätietoja lähiöiden moninaisuudesta. Lähiöt eroavat toisistaan merkittävästi sosiaalisen elämän osalta. Hallintasuhderakenteella on keskeinen vaikutus sosio-ekonomiseen rakenteeseen, mistä seuraa eroja normatiivisessa sääntelyssä ja sosiaalisessa järjestyksessä. Tämä on olennainen tulos sekoittamispolitiikan näkökulmasta. Verrattuna vuokravaltaisiin alueisiin, sekoitetumman alueen väestöpohja on tasapainoisempi, paikallinen sosiaalinen elämä tehokkaammin säänneltyä ja yhteiselo siten rauhallisempaa

    Neighbourhood Ethnic Density, Local Language Skills, and Loneliness among Older Migrants—A Population-Based Study on Russian Speakers in Finland

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    So far, little attention has been paid to contextual factors shaping loneliness and their interaction with individual characteristics. Moreover, the few existing studies have not included older migrants, identified as a group who are vulnerable to loneliness. This study examined the association between neighbourhood ethnic density (the proportion of own-group residents and the proportion of other ethnic residents in an area) and loneliness among older migrants. Furthermore, we investigated whether local language skills moderated this association. A population-based representative survey (The CHARM study, n = 1082, 57% men, mean age 63.2 years) and postal code area statistics were used to study Russian-speaking migrants aged 50 or older in Finland. The study design and data are hierarchical, with individuals nested in postcode areas. We accounted for this by estimating corresponding mixed models. We used a linear outcome specification and conducted logistic and ordinal robustness checks. After controlling for covariates, we found that ethnic density variables (measured as the proportion of Russian speakers and the proportion of other foreign speakers) were not associated with loneliness. Our interaction results showed that increased own-group ethnic density was associated with a higher level of loneliness among those with good local language skills but not among those with weaker skills. Good local language skills may indicate a stronger orientation towards the mainstream destination society and living in a neighbourhood with a higher concentration of own-language speakers may feel alienating for those who wish to be more included in mainstream society

    Multifocal Integration and Marginalisation : A Theoretical Model and an Empirical Study on Three Immigrant Groups

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    Recent sociological discussions have examined the classic theme of social integration from the point of view of belonging and multiple solidarities. As a research topic, migration importantly elucidates these general sociological questions. Literature on migration, integration and transnationalism lacks an encompassing theoretical model, which limits our understanding of complex integration processes. We propose a multifocal model of migrant integration including three key foci of integration: the host society; transnational sphere; and co-ethnic community in the host society. Moreover, the model considers integration in terms of different dimensions. With this model, we define multifocal marginalisation and study Russian, Kurdish and Somali migrants in Finland. We find that the different foci do not compete with each other, but are in a moderate positive relationship. There are clear group differences in integration patterns. Determinants of multifocal marginalisation include Kurdish background, weak Internet skills and older age. Discussion themes include belonging and social change.Peer reviewe

    Neighbourhood Ethnic Density, Local Language Skills, and Loneliness among Older Migrants—A Population-Based Study on Russian Speakers in Finland

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    So far, little attention has been paid to contextual factors shaping loneliness and their interaction with individual characteristics. Moreover, the few existing studies have not included older migrants, identified as a group who are vulnerable to loneliness. This study examined the association between neighbourhood ethnic density (the proportion of own-group residents and the proportion of other ethnic residents in an area) and loneliness among older migrants. Furthermore, we investigated whether local language skills moderated this association. A population-based representative survey (The CHARM study, n = 1082, 57% men, mean age 63.2 years) and postal code area statistics were used to study Russian-speaking migrants aged 50 or older in Finland. The study design and data are hierarchical, with individuals nested in postcode areas. We accounted for this by estimating corresponding mixed models. We used a linear outcome specification and conducted logistic and ordinal robustness checks. After controlling for covariates, we found that ethnic density variables (measured as the proportion of Russian speakers and the proportion of other foreign speakers) were not associated with loneliness. Our interaction results showed that increased own-group ethnic density was associated with a higher level of loneliness among those with good local language skills but not among those with weaker skills. Good local language skills may indicate a stronger orientation towards the mainstream destination society and living in a neighbourhood with a higher concentration of own-language speakers may feel alienating for those who wish to be more included in mainstream society