659 research outputs found

    Applicability of Modern inventory management models for smes: A case study in Karaman

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    Bu çalışmada stok kontrol yöntemleri, modern stok yönetim sistemleri incelenerek, KOBİ’lerde bu modern stok kontrol ve yönetim sistemlerinin etkinliği araştırılmıştır. Etkin stok kontrol ve yönetim politikaları KOBİ’lerin geleceği için büyük önem taşımaktadır. Tüketici tercihlerinin çok hızlı değişmesi, ürün çeşitliliğinin artması, taleplerdeki belirsizlikler, geleneksel stok yönetim yaklaşımları, işletmelerin zor durumda kalmalarına neden olmuştur. Günümüz rekabet ortamında KOBİ’lerin yaşamlarını devam ettirebilmeleri için zamanında ve isabetli karar verebilmeleri zorunlu hale gelmiştir. Bu çalışma kapsamında yöneticilere tüm bu kolaylıkları sağlayabilecek modern stok kontrol ve yönetim sistemleri incelenmiştir. Sözü edilen bu modellerin KOBİ’lerde uygulanma etkinliği, yapılan araştırma ile tespit edilmeye çalışılmıştır. Bu amaçla Karaman ilinde küçük ve orta ölçekli işletmelerde modern stok yönetim sistemlerinin ne derecede uygulanabildiği araştırılmıştır. Yapılan anketle KOBİ’lerin çoğunun etkin bir stok yönetim politikasına sahip olmadığı belirlenmiştir. Sonuç olarak, stok yönetim modellerinin istenilen düzeyde uygulanamadığı belirlenmiştir.Within this study, the effectiveness of this modern inventory control and management systems for small and medium enterprises (SMEs) were searched by examining the inventory control methods, and modern inventory management systems. The effective inventory control and management policies have a great importance for the future of SMEs. Quickly changes in consumer preferences, increases in the variety of products, uncertainty of demands, traditional inventory mangement approaches caused difficulty in the situation of firms. In today’s competition world, SMEs have to decide timely and accurately in order to survive in the market. The extent of this study, modern inventory control and management systems were searched to provide facilities for the managers. In SMEs the effectiveness of the application of these models were studied to identify thanks to the search. For that purpose, the degree in the practicability of modern inventory management systems in SMEs of Karaman was searched. There has not been found in the most of the SMEs effective inventory management policy by the questionnaire. As a result of that, the inventory management models can not be apllied at the desired level was determined

    A Rising Concern: a Case of Perforation of the Floor of the Mouth Caused by Tongue Piercing

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    DergiPark: 439218tmsjAims: The aim of this study is to present a case of an infection in the oral cavity due to tongue piercing perforatedinto the floor of the mouth, thus to raise concern over the increasing popularity of tongue piercing in spite of its risksincluding perforation in the oral cavity and oral ulcers.Case Report: A sixteen-year-old female patient presented to the clinic with lesions and extreme pain in her oralcavity. The thorough examination showed displacement of the piercing through the tongue, causing a perforation ofthe floor of the mouth. The piercing was surgically removed. The ulcers were treated with medication. The patientwas advised to get professional help and was instructed to pay close attention to oral hygiene in case of reiterateddemand for tongue piercing.Conclusion: It is important to ensure that piercing is inserted by a specialist under sterile conditions to preventcomplications. If a surgical operation is needed to treat the complications occurred, the clinicians must be aware ofthe critical veins and nerves that are located in the oral cavity and they should be very careful not to cause any harmduring the operation

    Multiple papular lesions in a patient with HIV and/or AIDS and coinfected with hepatitis B virus: Amyloidosis

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    Introduction: The most common form of systemic amyloidosis is amyloid A induced by a chronic inflammation. In HIV-infected patients, elevated serum amyloid A levels might be associated with chronic inflammation.Patient presentation: A 43-year-old male patient was admitted to hospital with a complaint of papular lesions around his eyes, existing for four months. The patient is receiving antiretroviral therapy. HIV RNA was undetectable, and the CD4 count was 770 cells/mm3. He suffered from a bladder carcinoma for four years. On examination, periocular, perioral and anogenital papules, papular lesions in the meatus of external auditory canal, and intranasal polyps were observed.Management: Microscopic examination of the biopsy material taken from the periocular lesion and then from perianal polyps revealed eosinophilic deposition, and stained positively by Congo red. Serum amyloid A level was negative. Antiretroviral therapy was continued.Conclusion: A rare form of amyloidosis in a patient with HIV and/or AIDS and coinfected with hepatitis B virus (HBV) was presented here with cutaneous and mucosal lesions

    Operacılık oyunu

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    Taha Toros Arşivi, Dosya No: 180-Operet ve Operalar (Cemal Sahir

    Design Optimization of 18-Poled High-Speed Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator

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    The aim of this research is to optimize the design of an 18-poled 8000 rpm 7 kVA high-speed permanent magnet synchronous generator. The goal is to find the best factor levels for the design parameters, namely magnet thickness (MH), offset, and embrace (EMB) to optimize the responses namely efficiency (%), rated torque (N.m), air-gap flux density (Tesla), armature current density (A/mm2), armature thermal load (A2/mm3). The aim is to keep the air-gap flux density at 1 tesla while maximizing efficiency and minimizing the rest of the responses. Optimization was carried out with one sample algorithm selected from each of the commonly used optimization algorithm classifications. For this purpose, different class of well-known optimization techniques such as response surface methodology (gradient-based methods), genetic algorithm (evolutionary-based algorithms), particle swarm optimization algorithm (swarm-based optimization algorithms), and modified social group optimization algorithm (human-based optimization algorithms) are selected. In the Ansys Maxwell environment, numerical simulations are carried out. Mathematical modeling and optimizations are performed by using Minitab and Matlab, respectively. Confirmations are also performed. Results of the comparisons show that modified social group optimization and particle swarm optimization algorithms a bit outperform the response surface methodology and genetic algorithm, for this design problem

    A study for estimation solar radiation in Zonguldak using geographical and meteorological data

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    Bu çalışmada, Zonguldak’ta Rüzgâr hızı, Hava sıcaklığı, Toprak sıcaklığı, Deklinasyon açısının sinüsü, Nem miktarı, Güneş ışınımı alımının gün uzunluğuna oranı ve Aylık ortalama atmosfer dışı güneş ışınımı gibi meteorolojik ve coğrafi parametrelerinin aylık ortalama güneş ışınımı şiddeti ile aralarındaki ilişkiler araştırılmıştır. Bu etkilerin belirlenebilmesi için Zonguldak iline ait 1995 ile 2004 yılları arasındaki on yıllık aylık ortalamalar halindeki yedi veriye lineer ve çoklu lineer regresyon analizi uygulanarak modeller geliştirilmiştir. Geliştirilen modeller arasından en yüksek ve en düşük korelâsyona sahip olan modeller seçilerek Ocak/2005 ve Aralık/2005 arasındaki toplam güneş ışınımının aylık ortalamaları hesaplanmış ve 2005 yılında ölçülmüş olan veriler ile karşılaştırılmıştır. Ölçülen değerler ile hesaplanan değerler arasında ortalama % 6’lık bir sapma olduğu tespit edilmiştir.In this study, the relationships between, monthly average solar radiation and some meteorological and geographical parameters of Zonguldak such as; wind velocity, air temperature, soil temperature, sinus of declination angle, humidity, the ratio of solar irradiation to daytime length, and monthly average of extraterrestrial solar radiation were investigated. To determine these effects, some models were developed by applying multiple linear regression analysis on seven data of monthly average belonging to ten years of Zonguldak from 1995 to 2004. Among the developed models, the ones with the highest and the lowest correlation were chosen and then the monthly average of total solar radiation between January/2005 and December/2005 were estimated, and were compared with the data measured in 2005. An average deviation 6% is determined between the measured and estimated values

    The Effect of Propeller Pitch on Ship Propulsion

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    The appropriate choice of a marine engine identified by using self-propulsion model tests is compulsory, in particular with respect to the improvement of vessel performances. Numerical simulations or experimental methods provide insight into the problem of flow, where fixed pitch propellers or controllable pitch propellers are preferred. While calculation methods are time consuming and computationally demanding for both propeller types, hydrodynamic performance assessment has more workload in controllable pitch propellers. This paper aims to describe and demonstrate the practicability and effectiveness of the self-propulsion estimation (SPE) method in understanding the effect of propeller pitch on ship propulsion. Technically, the hydrostatic and geometric characteristics of the vessel and open-water propeller performances are the focal aspects that affect the self-propulsion parameters estimated by the SPE method. The input coefficients for SPE have been identified using a code that generates propeller open-water performance curves. The propellers utilized to study pitch variations have been based on the Wageningen B-series propeller database. The method was first validated on the full size Seiun Maru ship whose sea trial tests are available in literature. After extensive calculations for full size KCS and DTC at service speeds, the study focused on the effect of the Froude number on propulsion parameters. These calculations have demonstrated that greater propeller pitch does not improve propulsion efficiency, and that maximum propeller efficiency changes with a ship\u27s forward speed