135 research outputs found

    Performance-Aware High-Performance Computing for Remote Sensing Big Data Analytics

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    The incredible increase in the volume of data emerging along with recent technological developments has made the analysis processes which use traditional approaches more difficult for many organizations. Especially applications involving subjects that require timely processing and big data such as satellite imagery, sensor data, bank operations, web servers, and social networks require efficient mechanisms for collecting, storing, processing, and analyzing these data. At this point, big data analytics, which contains data mining, machine learning, statistics, and similar techniques, comes to the help of organizations for end-to-end managing of the data. In this chapter, we introduce a novel high-performance computing system on the geo-distributed private cloud for remote sensing applications, which takes advantages of network topology, exploits utilization and workloads of CPU, storage, and memory resources in a distributed fashion, and optimizes resource allocation for realizing big data analytics efficiently

    Identification of molecular markers associated with fruit traits in olive and assessment of olive core collection with AFLP markers and fruit traits

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    The purpose of this study was to characterize olive core collection with amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers and fruit traits and to determine AFLP markers significantly associated with these fruit characters in olive. A total of 168 polymorphic AFLP markers generated by five primer combinations and nine fruit traits were used to characterize relationships between 18 olive cultivars. Although all olive cultivars were discriminated from each other by either AFLP markers (<0.75 similarity level) or fruit traits, clustering based on the AFLP markers and fruit traits was not significantly correlated (r = 0.13). Partial clustering of olive cultivars by AFLP markers according to their geographical origin was observed. Associations of AFLP markers with fruits were determined using a multiple-regression analysis with stepwise addition of AFLP markers. Significant associations between eight AFLP markers and fruit traits were identified. While five AFLP markers demonstrated significant negative correlation with fruit and stone weight, width and length and total polyphenols (P < 0.05), three AFLP markers displayed significant positive correlation with a-tocopherol and.-tocopherol (P < 0.01). This is the first report on the association of molecular markers with fruit traits in olive. Molecular markers associated with morphological and agronomic traits could be utilized for the breeding of olive cultivars. However, the association power of these markers needs to be confirmed in larger populations, and highly correlated markers should then be converted to PCR-based DNA markers such as sequence-characterized amplified region markers for better utilization

    Association of SSR markers with contents of fatty acids in olive oil and genetic diversity analysis of an olive core collection

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    The purpose of this research was to characterize an olive core collection using some agronomic characters and simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers and to determine SSR markers associated with the content of fatty acids in olive oil. SSR marker analysis demonstrated the presence of a high amount of genetic variation between the olive cultivars analyzed. A UPGMA dendrogram demonstrated that olive cultivars did not cluster on the basis of their geographic origin. Fatty acid components of olive oil in these cultivars were determined. The results also showed that there was a great amount of variation between the olive cultivars in terms of fatty acid composition. For example, oleic acid content ranged from 57.76 to 76.9% with standard deviation of 5.10%. Significant correlations between fatty acids of olive oil were observed. For instance, a very high negative correlation (-0.812) between oleic and linoleic acids was detected. A structured association analysis between the content of fatty acids in olive oil and SSR markers was performed. STRUCTURE analysis assigned olive cultivars to two gene pools (K = 2). Assignment of olive cultivars to these gene pools was not based on geographical origin. Association between fatty acid traits and SSR markers was evaluated using the general linear model of TASSEL. Significant associations were determined between five SSR markers and stearic, oleic, linoleic, and linolenic acids of olive oil. Very high associations (P < 0.001) between ssrOeUA-DCA14 and stearic acid and between GAPU71B and oleic acid indicated that these markers could be used for marker-assisted selection in olive

    Sathi kaplamalı yolların köpük bitümle soğuk geri kazanımının araştırılması

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    The course of turned of bituminous pavement layers into hot mix asphalt (HMA) layers has been increasing day by day all over the world. Bituminous surface treatment that contains consirable amount of aggregate and bitumen, is an important source of recycling that offers a great amount of pavement materials intead of virgin material usage on pavement consruction. In the study, it was aimed to investigate the usability of bituminous surface layer treatment in the base layers of the HMA roads by mixing with foam bitumen and active filler materials in order to eliminate the potential performance degradation that will be encountered when it is recycled due to the low bitumen percentage compared to hot mix asphalt and the wear of the aggregate due to climatic conditions and traffic loads over time. The study conducted that intends to technically evaluate the cold recycling of bituminous surface treatment of roads with foam bitumen and active filler materials; for 70/100 bitumen grade, 5 different bitumen mixes were prepared and ideal bitumen percentage was investigated for this bitumen grade. The effect of bitumen percentage on mixture performance was evaluated with 50/70-100/150-160/220 bitumen grades and mixtures were prepared in single bitumen ratio (2.5%). It was investigated that active fillers will give suitable results for foam bituminous mixtures by preparing mixtures for three different active fillers; cement, hydrated lime and fly ash. To evaluate all these productions, ITS, unconfined compressive strenght, triaxial resilient modulus and asphalt permanent deformation tests were performed. The results obtained showed that production made using 2% foam bitumen and 1% was found suitable for moisture sensitivity and structural stability. Recycling of bituminous surface treatment using foam bitumen and cement is an environmentally and economically beneficial method by reducing both waste and raw material consumption.Tüm dünyada sathi kaplamalı yolların BSK (bitümlü sıcak karışım) yollara dönüştürülme trendi günden güne artmaktadır. Ömrünü tamamlamış sathi kaplamalar barındırdığı agrega ve bitüm nedeniyle geri dönüşüm için önemli bir kaynaktır. Çalışmada, sathi kaplamaların bitümlü sıcak karışımlara göre düşük bitüm yüzdesiyle üretilmesi ve içerisinde ki agreganın zaman içerisinde iklimsel şartlar ve trafik yükleri nedeniyle yıpranması nedeniyle geri kazanıldığında karşılaşılacak muhtemel performans düşüklüğünün giderilmesi için köpük bitüm ve aktif filler ürünlerle karıştırılarak, BSK yolların temel tabakalarında kullanılabilirliği araştırılmaya çalışılmıştır. Geri kazanılmış sathi kaplamaların köpük bitüm ve aktif filler malzemelerle soğuk geri kazanımını teknik açıdan değerlendirebilmek için yapılan bu çalışmada; 70/100 bitüm sınıfı için 5 farklı bitüm yüzdesinde karışımlar hazırlanmış ve bu bitüm sınıfı için ideal bitüm yüzdesi araştırılmıştır. 50/70-100/150-160/220 bitüm sınıfları ile tek bitüm yüzdesinde (2.5%) hazırlanan karışımlarla da bitüm sınıfının karışım performansına etkisi değerlendirilmiştir. Çimento, sönmüş kireç ve uçucu kül olmak üzere üç farklı aktif filler için karışımlar hazırlanarak hangi aktif fillerin köpük bitümlü karışımlar için uygun sonuç vereceği araştırılmıştır. Tüm bu üretimleri değerlendirebilmek amacıyla dolaylı çekme modülü, serbest basınç dayanımı, üç eksenli esneklik modülü, asfalt kalıcı deformasyon testleri gerçekleştirilmiştir. Elde edilen sonuçlar göstermiştir ki 2% civarında köpük bitüm ve 1% çimento kullanılarak yapılan üretim nem hassasiyeti açısından ve yapısal stabilite açısından uygun olduğunu göstermiştir. Sathi kaplamaların köpük bitüm ve çimento kullanılarak geri kazanılması, hem atık hem de hammadde tüketiminin azaltılması ile çevresel ve ekonomik olarak fayda sağlayacak bir yöntemdir

    Bukhārī’s Issue of Including the Hadīths of Shebīb Ibn Saʿīd Called ‘Salīh Al-Hadīth Lā Beʾse Bih’ by Abū Hātem to his Sahīh

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    Buhârî (ö. 256/870), sahih hadisleri bir araya getirme niyetiyle kitap telif eden ilk muhaddistir. Dolayısıyla hakkında en çok çalışma yapılan şahısların başında gelmektedir. Teoride koştuğu şartları yerine getirip getirmemesi, rivâyetlerinin senet ve metinlerinin incelenmesi bu çalışmaların bir kaçıdır. Bununla beraber genel anlamda ricâl araştırmaları da hadis ilminin omurgasını oluşturmaktadır. Hadis ricâli araştırmacılarının ilklerinden ve en önemlilerinden biri olan Ebû Hâtim (ö. 277/890), birçok râviyi değerlendirmiştir. Doğal olarak bu değerlendirmelerden Buhârî’nin râvileri de nasibini almıştır. İşte bu çalışmada genel olarak münekkitlerin, özel manada Ebû Hâtim’in değerlendirdiği Buhârî’nin, el-Câmi’u’s-sahih eserinin râvilerinden olan Şebîb b. Saîd hakkındaki görüşler ele alınacaktır. Bu râvinin seçilmesinin sebebi ise bu görüşlerle beraber onu sika mertebesinden düşüren ve Ebû Hâtim tarafından kullanılan “sâlihu’l-hadîs lâ be’se bih” değerlendirmesinin olmasıdır. Zira bu değerlendirme, Buhârî’nin şartlarına uymadığı anlamına gelecektir. İlgili râvinin el-Câmi’u’s-sahih’te yer alan rivâyetlerini ve Buhârî’nin onun naklettiği hadisleri tahric ederken takip ettiği metodu açıklamak da konunun anlaşılmasına yardımcı olacaktır.Bukhārī (d. 256/870), is the first muhaddith who wrote a book with the intention of bringing together sound ḥadīths. In this sense, whether it fulfills the requirements in theory, examination of the promissory notes and texts of his narrations, etc. Many studies have been done on the subject. Nevertheless, in general, the research about people of the sanad constitute constitutes the backbone of the science of ḥadīth. Abū Ḥātem (d. 277/890) who is one of the first and most important one of ricāl researchers (Rijalul Hadith), has evaluated many narrators. Bukhārī’s narrators also got their share from these evaluations. In this study, the opinions of the critics, in particular, about Shebīb Ibn Saʿīd, one of the narrators of Bukhārī’s book al-Jāmiu al-ṣahīh evaluated by Abū Ḥātem will be discussed. The reason for choosing this narrator is the evaluation of “ṣalīḥ alḥadīth lā beʿs bih” that used by Abū Ḥātem and these evaluations and views lower him from the rank of thiqa because these evaluations will mean that Bukhārī does not comply with his own conditions. Explaining the narrations of the related narrator in al-Jāmiu alṣahīh and the method that Bukhārī followed while interpreting the ḥadīths narrated by him will also help to understand the subject

    The COVID-19 Pandemic Affects Male Patients With Chronic Spontaneous Urticaria More Than Female Patients

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    Introduction: The COVID-19 pandemic dramatically disrupts health care for patients with chronic diseases including chronic spontaneous urticaria (CSU). As of now, it is unknown if the effects of the pandemic in CSU are different than in other chronic diseases. We also do not know, if different groups of CSU patients, for example female and male patients, are affected differently. Aim: To understand how CSU patients and subgroups are affected by the COVID-19 pandemic in their disease activity and control and treatment, using psoriasis as control. Patients and Methods: We analyzed 399 patients (450 visits) with CSU or psoriasis assessed during August 2019, i.e. before the pandemic, or August 2020, i.e. during the pandemic, for changes in disease activity, disease control, and the treatment they used, and how these changes are linked to age, gender, and disease duration. Results: Male but not female patients with CSU had markedly increased disease activity during the pandemic. CSU patients' age or disease duration were not linked to changes. Male and female patients with psoriasis showed similar increases in disease activity and decreases in disease control. The rate of omalizumab treatment, during the pandemic, was unchanged in male patients and increased in female patients with CSU. The efficacy of omalizumab treatment, during the pandemic, was reduced in male patients but not female patients with CSU. Conclusion: Male but not female CSU patients, during the COVID-19 pandemic, show loss of disease control linked to loss of omalizumab efficacy. The reasons for this need to be investigated

    ANFIS ve Bulanık Mantık Yöntemlerinin Köpük Bitümün Genleşme Oranı ve Yarılanma Süresi Parametreleri Tahmininde Kullanılabilirliğinin Araştırılması

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    Teknolojik gelişmeler sayesinde asfalt üretim sıcaklıkları düşürülerek sıcak karışımlara benzer performanslı karışımlar elde edilebilmektedir. Sıcak karışım asfaltların malzemelerinin yani agrega ve bitümün yüksek sıcaklıklarda ısıtılması nedeniyle yarattıkları olumsuz çevresel etkiler, üretim maliyetlerinde meydana gelen sürekli artış ve hammadde kaynaklarındaki azalma nedenleriyle asfalt üretim sıcaklıklarının düşürülmesi eğilimi ve malzemelerin geri kazanımının popülerliği giderek artmaktadır.Köpük bitüm ve geri kazanılmış/doğal agrega kullanılarak uygulanan köpük bitümle geri kazanım yöntemi, çevresel ve ekonomik olarak avantajları olan bir yöntemdir. Köpük bitümle uygun bir karışım hazırlayabilmek için ilk aşama, karışımda kullanılacak bitümün en ideal köpürme özelliklerinin (genleşme oranı ve yarılanma süresi) doğru şekilde belirlenebilmesidir. Bu nedenle çalışmada, farklı asfalt çimentolarının köpürme özellikleri deneysel olarak belirlenmiştir. Ayrıca deneylerde kullanılan bitümlerin köpürme özellikleri Bulanık Mantık ve ANFIS yöntemleri kullanılarak modellenmiş ve sonuçlar deneysel olarak elde edilen verilerle kıyaslanmıştır.Elde edilen veriler ışığında kullanılan tüm bitümlerin farklı köpürtme su yüzdeleri için kullanımlarının literatürde önerilen minimum köpürme özelliklerini sağladığı ve kullanılan tahminleme yöntemlerinin benzer sonuçlarla deneysel verileri desteklediği sonucuna ulaşılmıştır

    Evaluation of the effect of mitral stenosis severity on the left ventricular systolic function using isovolumic myocardial acceleration

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    Background: Isovolumic acceleration (IVA) is a new tissue Doppler parameter in the as­sessment of systolic function of both left and right ventricles. It remains unaffected with the changes in pre- and after-load within the physiological range. The aim of our study was to assess the effect of mitral stenosis degree, which is determined by echocardiography, on the left ventricular (LV) function using IVA. Methods: A total number of 62 patients with mitral stenosis (MS) and 32 healthy controls were examined. The severity of MS (mild, moderate, and severe) was determined on the basis of mitral valve area (MVA) and the mean diastolic mitral gradient findings. The peak myocardial velocities during isovolumic contraction, systole, early diastole and late diastole were measured by using tissue Doppler imaging (TDI). Results: All TDI-derived global LV basal wall systolic (peak myocardial isovolumic contra­ction velocity, peak myocardial systolic velocity and IVA), and diastolic velocities (peak early and late diastolic velocities) were significantly decreased in the patients with MS, compared to the healthy patients (p &lt; 0.001, for all). However, IVA was not different when the degree of MS was evaluated (p = 0.114). In addition, IVA was not correlated with the MVA (r = 0.185, p = 0.150). Conclusions: Left ventricular function is impaired in patients with MS regardless of the severity of the disease.

    The impact of vitamin E supplementation on semen parameters and pregnancy rates after varicocelectomy: a randomised controlled study

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    In this study, we aimed to investigate the impact of vitamin E supplementation on semen parameters and pregnancy after varicocelectomy. Forty-five infertile male patients who were diagnosed with varicocele and underwent subinguinal varicocelectomy were included in the study. After performing subinguinal varicocelectomy, the patients were randomised into two groups: 22 receiving vitamin E for 12 months, and 23 as the control group without receiving any supplementation. The pre-operative parameters of semen analyses and pregnancy rates of both groups were compared with those of post-operative parameters. There were no statistically significant differences between the groups in terms of sperm count and motile sperm percentage, in pre-operative, post-operative 3rd month, post-operative 6th month and post-operative 12th month periods. Repeated-measures anova was performed, and sperm count, percentage of change in sperm count, motile sperm count and percentage of change in motile sperm count of the groups were compared. The administration of vitamin E increased all of these parameters; however, they were not found to be statistically significant. In conclusion, vitamin E supplementation might improve the sperm parameters after varicocelectomy; however, further studies including larger number of samples are needed to make a proper decision on vitamin E supplementation after varicocelectomy