1,514 research outputs found

    Measurement of HO2 and other trace gases in the stratosphere using a high resolution far-infrared spectrometer at 28 KM

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    The major events and results to date of the ongoing program of measuring stratospheric composition by the technique of far-infrared Fourier-transform spectroscopy from a balloon-borne platform are reviewed. The highlights of this period were the two balloon flight campaigns which were performed at Palestine, Texas, both of which produced large amounts of scientifically useful data

    Price Determinants of Ranch Horses Sold at Auction in Texas

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    A hedonic pricing model was used to determine parameters affecting ranch horse prices at two Texas auctions. Color, sex, age-sex interaction, sale order, and consigning ranch were all found to significantly affect price. Sire analysis found that progeny performance records did not significantly affect price.auction, hedonic model, ranch horses, Demand and Price Analysis, Livestock Production/Industries, C01, Q10,

    Primacy and Recency Effects on Position Error in Short-Term Memory Recall

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    Position error is the most common error in serial recall of short-term memory, especially when environment, language, or similarity factors are presented. Previous studies demonstrate some support for the serial recall resulting in less error-prone for the first and last positions than the middle positions. This study investigates the accuracy of recalling letters and their positions when given a random sequence with minimal to no external factors. The significant predictors influencing position error were the primacy and recency effects. Participants completed a 20-trial experiment on the CogLab Experimental Control Software, which presented a series of letters one at a time in order, but the order of letters varied in each trial. After displaying all the letters in each trial, participants were asked to select letters according to their original positions. The results from this study indicated that participants were most likely to recall the first letter, somewhat likely to recall the last letter, and least likely to recall the middle letters of a random sequence in their correct original positions

    Measurement of HO2 and Other Trace Gases in the Stratosphere using a High Resolution Far-Infrared Spectrometer

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    This report is a continuation of the analysis of data from past flights, exploring issues such as radical partitioning, stratospheric transport, and the ozone budget

    Symptom Search: Predicting Symptom and Product Correlations using FDA Adverse Effects Reports

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    Prescription and over-the-counter drugs are abundant now more than ever, and many people use them on a regular basis. These drugs come with a variety of side e↵ects, ranging from common to very rare. However, the symptoms listed on drug packaging might not be the only symptoms that a consumer might experience when taking a specific drug. When experiencing a symptom, consumers might think they have a disease, turn to the Web for answers, and attempt to diagnose themselves when a disease is not necessarily the cause. Instead, these symptoms might be reactions to medications; however, the first thought that people have when experiencing a symptom is that they most likely have a disease. This often hinders us from thinking of alternative solutions. In addition, people often take multiple drugs simultaneously, which makes pinpointing the source of a bad reaction or unexpected symptom increasingly difficult. These factors make it challenging to locate the true source of a symptom. Our product, Symptom Search, is a tool that assists in this search for answers. Symptom Search uses FDA Adverse Effects Report data and machine learning to provide users with a method to search for potential root causes of their symptoms. Our system conveys how likely given drugs are correlated with given symptoms, and it suggests other products that could be triggering symptoms or reactions based on other users’ interactions with the products

    CUSigns: A Dynamic Solution for Digital Signage

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    Cedarville University has computer monitors located throughout campus in order to show advertisements and important information to students, faculty, and staff. The slides shown on these displays are scheduled using Concerto: web-based software which manages digital signage. Though the Concerto software is currently used to manage digital signage, Cedarville University’s IT department desires features which Concerto does not provide, including the ability to play videos, a better slide randomization algorithm, emergency broadcasting features, and an intuitive user interface. We have created a new solution for digital signage called CUSigns with the goal of providing the existing functionality of Concerto while also providing the additional features. Numerous in-depth interviews with members of Cedarville’s faculty and staff who are currently using Concerto have led to cycles of design and redesign allowing CUSigns to meet the user requirements necessary to replace Concerto. CUSigns is currently in Beta testing on three displays in the Engineering and Science building to ensure system stability as it is prepared to be released for widespread use at the end of April

    Automated Grain Yield Behavior Classification

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    A method for classifying grain stress evolution behaviors using unsupervised learning techniques is presented. The method is applied to analyze grain stress histories measured in-situ using high-energy X-ray diffraction microscopy (HEDM) from the aluminum-lithium alloy Al-Li 2099 at the elastic-plastic transition (yield). The unsupervised learning process automatically classified the grain stress histories into four groups: major softening, no work-hardening or softening, moderate work-hardening, and major work-hardening. The orientation and spatial dependence of these four groups are discussed. In addition, the generality of the classification process to other samples is explored

    A radiological assessment of nuclear power and propulsion operations near Space Station Freedom

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    Scenarios were identified which involve the use of nuclear power systems in the vicinity of Space Station Freedom (SSF) and their radiological impact on the SSF crew was quantified. Several of the developed scenarios relate to the use of SSF as an evolutionary transportation node for lunar and Mars missions. In particular, radiation doses delivered to SSF crew were calculated for both the launch and subsequent return of a Nuclear Electric Propulsion (NEP) cargo vehicle and a Nuclear Thermal Rocket (NTR) personnel vehicle to low earth orbit. The use of nuclear power on co-orbiting platforms and the storage and handling issues associated with radioisotope power systems were also explored as they relate to SSF. A central philosophy in these analyses was the utilization of a radiation dose budget, defined as the difference between recommended dose limits from all radiation sources and estimated doses received by crew members from natural space radiations. Consequently, for each scenario examined, the dose budget concept was used to identify and quantify constraints on operational parameters such as launch separation distances, returned vehicle parking distances, and reactor shutdown times prior to vehicle approach. The results indicate that realistic scenarios do not exist which would preclude the use of nuclear power sources in the vicinity of SSF. The radiation dose to the SSF crew can be maintained at safe levels solely by implementing proper and reasonable operating procedures

    The Role of Food in American Society

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    Collection of papers on food history, based on archival research, written by KU history majors and submitted for History 302 Honors in Spring 2010, The collection focuses on the role of food production and preparation in American history from the mid-nineteenth to late twentieth centuries. Contributions by Hannah Ballard, Kelly Heiman, Wesley James Kimmel, Julia Barnard, and Tyler Holme
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