807 research outputs found

    Natoonikew Aansaamb: Searching Together for Learning and Resurgence

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    The Professional Project Administrator Program (PPA) is an employment-focused online program offered in partnership with Indigenous communities in Western Canada. Based on the findings from the research conducted after the program completion, we discuss two key components that contributed to a meaningful learning experience and to the success of the program: wrap-around support and cultural learning. Through métissage, an arts-based approach to knowledge sharing, we present Natoonikew Aansaamb (searching together), where we have woven together different voices and stories that offer a glimpse of the learning experience. Greater inquiry and engagement with diverse Indigenous perspectives is the way for educators to design, implement, and assess learning for all students with intention and in a good way

    Las políticas de integración de TIC en América Latina

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    América Latina se ha convertido, en los últimos cinco años, en una de las regiones más proactivas del mundo en cuanto a la integración de las tecnologías de la comunicación (TIC) en sus sistemas educativos. Junto con otras importantes decisiones a nivel de política educativa, como el aumento de la cantidad de años de escolaridad obligatoria y la promulgación de leyes o normativas para garantizar el financiamiento de la educación, la integración de TIC forma parte de la agenda política de casi todos los países de la región. En este estudio se analizan las principalespolíticas de integración de las TIC en la región

    Deletion of Tsc2 in nociceptors reduces target innervation, ion channel expression, and sensitivity to heat

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    AbstractThe mechanistic target of rapamycin complex 1 (mTORC1) is known to regulate cellular growth pathways, and its genetic activation is sufficient to enhance regenerative axon growth following injury to the central or peripheral nervous systems. However, excess mTORC1 activation may promote innervation defects, and mTORC1 activity mediates injury-induced hypersensitivity, reducing enthusiasm for the pathway as a therapeutic target. While mTORC1 activity is required for full expression of some pain modalities, the effects of pathway activation on nociceptor phenotypes and sensory behaviors are currently unknown. To address this, we genetically activated mTORC1 in mouse peripheral sensory neurons by conditional deletion of its negative regulator Tuberous Sclerosis Complex 2 (Tsc2). Consistent with the well-known role of mTORC1 in regulating cell size, soma size and axon diameter of C-nociceptors were increased in Tsc2-deleted mice. Glabrous skin and spinal cord innervation by C-fiber neurons were also disrupted. Transcriptional profiling of nociceptors enriched by fluorescence-associated cell sorting (FACS) revealed downregulation of multiple classes of ion channels as well as reduced expression of markers for peptidergic nociceptors in Tsc2-deleted mice. In addition to these changes in innervation and gene expression, Tsc2-deleted mice exhibited reduced noxious heat sensitivity and decreased injury-induced cold hypersensitivity, but normal baseline sensitivity to cold and mechanical stimuli. Together, these data show that excess mTORC1 activity in sensory neurons produces changes in gene expression, neuron morphology and sensory behavior.</jats:p

    Gpr126/Adgrg6 has Schwann cell autonomous and nonautonomous functions in peripheral nerve injury and repair

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    Schwann cells (SCs) are essential for proper peripheral nerve development and repair, although the mechanisms regulating these processes are incompletely understood. We previously showed that the adhesion G protein-coupled receptor Gpr126/Adgrg6 is essential for SC development and myelination. Interestingly, the expression of Gpr126 is maintained in adult SCs, suggestive of a function in the mature nerve. We therefore investigated the role of Gpr126 in nerve repair by studying an inducible SC-specific Gpr126 knock-out mouse model. Here, we show that remyelination is severely delayed after nerve-crush injury. Moreover, we also observe noncell-autonomous defects in macrophage recruitment and axon regeneration in injured nerves following loss of Gpr126 in SCs. This work demonstrates that Gpr126 has critical SC-autonomous and SC-nonautonomous functions in remyelination and peripheral nerve repair. SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT Lack of robust remyelination represents one of the major barriers to recovery of neurological functions in disease or following injury in many disorders of the nervous system. Here we show that the adhesion class G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) Gpr126/Adgrg6 is required for remyelination, macrophage recruitment, and axon regeneration following nerve injury. At least 30% of all approved drugs target GPCRs; thus, Gpr126 represents an attractive potential target to stimulate repair in myelin disease or following nerve injury

    Síntesis y funcionalización de óxido de grafeno para su uso como adsorbente de arsénico en agua

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    Presenta un estudio de dos nanomateriales de óxido de grafeno con el objetivo de evaluar el efecto del ph en la remoción de especies acuosas de arsénico. La concentración remanente de arsénico de las soluciones fue analizada a través de espectroscopia de emisión atómica de plasma acoplado inductivamente

    WGNAM: whole-genome nested association mapping

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    A powerful QTL analysis method for nested association mapping populations is presented. Based on a one-stage multi-locus model, it provides accurate predictions of founder specific QTL effects

    Tecnología en educación ¿Políticas para la innovación?

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    Esta ponencia presenta un panorama general de las políticas de integración de las TIC en los sistemas educativos de América Latina. En varios apartados se retoman estudios e investigaciones que se han llevado a cabo desde 2003 en IIPE UNESCO, sede Regional Buenos Aires. Frente a un escenario desigual y heterogéneo, los principales desafíos para América Latina son universalizar la educación básica y media, incorporar los sectores sociales excluidos, mejorar la calidad y ampliar las competencias en los sectores más pobres, modernizar la educación técnica y masificar la enseñanza superior. Los países de la región han tomado debida cuenta de la importancia de integrar las TIC en sus proyectos educativos como una forma de lograr proyectos democráticos de inclusión y justicia. La integración TIC en los sistemas educativos debe pensarse como una ventana de oportunidad para innovaciones educativas. Así, se presentan iniciativas de integración TIC con diferentes etapas de desarrollo y modalidades. La ponencia expone una serie de iniciativas que llevan a cabo actualmente en países latinoamericanos. Las mismas se agrupan en diferentes etapas de avance. También se enuncian los principales modelos tecnológicos que se están sosteniendo desde las administraciones educativas. Ninguna de las iniciativas detectadas se encuentra en la etapa más avanzada. El escenario es alentador si se considera que en todos los países se llevan a cabo experiencias TIC.Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Tecnología en educación ¿Políticas para la innovación?

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    Esta ponencia presenta un panorama general de las políticas de integración de las TIC en los sistemas educativos de América Latina. En varios apartados se retoman estudios e investigaciones que se han llevado a cabo desde 2003 en IIPE UNESCO, sede Regional Buenos Aires. Frente a un escenario desigual y heterogéneo, los principales desafíos para América Latina son universalizar la educación básica y media, incorporar los sectores sociales excluidos, mejorar la calidad y ampliar las competencias en los sectores más pobres, modernizar la educación técnica y masificar la enseñanza superior. Los países de la región han tomado debida cuenta de la importancia de integrar las TIC en sus proyectos educativos como una forma de lograr proyectos democráticos de inclusión y justicia. La integración TIC en los sistemas educativos debe pensarse como una ventana de oportunidad para innovaciones educativas. Así, se presentan iniciativas de integración TIC con diferentes etapas de desarrollo y modalidades. La ponencia expone una serie de iniciativas que llevan a cabo actualmente en países latinoamericanos. Las mismas se agrupan en diferentes etapas de avance. También se enuncian los principales modelos tecnológicos que se están sosteniendo desde las administraciones educativas. Ninguna de las iniciativas detectadas se encuentra en la etapa más avanzada. El escenario es alentador si se considera que en todos los países se llevan a cabo experiencias TIC.Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Radical Diplomacy

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    On the notion of radical diplomacy as a mode of cultural labour

    The Educational Turn in Art : Rewriting the hidden curriculum

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    In about 2006, the art world developed a prolonged fascination with questions of education, pedagogy and the art school. ‘The Educational Turn’ (Rogoff 2008 Rogoff, Irit (2008) ’Turning’, E-Flux Journal 1, http://www.e-flux.com, accessed 4 February 2016.), as it became known, produced a plethora of artistic and curatorial practices that engage with educational paradigms and problematics. Prompted in part by the European Union Bologna Process, The Educational Turn provided a critique of education as one-directional knowledge transfer, and the framing of education as a commercialized industry, reduced to the utilitarianism of training for working life. At the same time, it established ‘education’ as a thematic for the art world, in most cases divorced from its capacity for producing change in the fields of art or education. This article asks, what is the hidden curriculum (Illich) of this Educational Turn? Drawing from the writings of Colin Crouch, Wolfgang Streeck and Paulo Virno among others, it suggests that such ‘turns’ without a vital link to the realm of action, contribute to the broader problematic of public programming without a public sphere, through which formerly democratic institutions (like art galleries) operate as shells in a capitalist environment that is increasingly incompatible with democracy. We read The Education Turn here as a missed opportunity to re-shape art curricula and institutions, to develop a movement to oppose the Bologna Accord and the brutal changes imposed on art education through austerity politics. Finally, we argue—citing the writings of Paulo Friere, the mutualist movements in Europe of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, the educational experiments of Celestin Freinet and Fernand Oury in France in the 1950s and the pedagogies of feminist and post-colonial struggle—for a deeper connection to radical education genealogies and their contemporary counterparts in contemporary public programming today
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