348 research outputs found

    Multimedia Content Recommendation in Digital Convergence Environments: An Approach Based on Data Mining and Semantic Web

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    The emerging scenario of interactive Digital TV (iDTV) is promoting the increase of interactivity in the communication process and also in audiovisual production, thus raising the number of channels and resources available to the user. This reality makes the task of finding the desired content becoming a costly and possibly ineffective action. The incorporation of recommender systems in the iDTV environment is emerging as a possible solution to this problems. This work aims to propose a hybrid approach to content recommendation in iDTV, based on data mining techniques, integrated to the semantic web concepts, allowing structuring and standardization of data and consequently making possible sharing of information, providing semantics and automated reasoning. For the proposed service it is considered the Brazilian Digital TV System (SBTVD) and the middleware Ginga. A prototype has been developed and experiments carried out with a NetFlix database. As results, it was obtained an average accuracy of 30% using only the data mining technique. On the other hand, the evaluation including semantic rules obtained an average accuracy of 35%

    Consumer Considerations of Carbon Paw Prints in Evaluations of Dog Food Products

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    Due to its reliance on meat, the companion animals’ food industry significantly contributes to environmental problems. Despite these environmental implications, little is known about the relative importance that caregivers attach to environmental concerns in their evaluation of companion animals’ food products. Study 1 (N = 317) showed that perceived nutritional value predicted whether caregivers were interested in plant-based dog food products, while pro-environmental identification did not impact the findings. In Studies 2 (N = 460) and 3 (N = 194), the promoted benefits of a fictitious dog food product were manipulated. Findings revealed that perceived health benefits rather than perceived environmental benefits were the main determinant ofproduct interest. Together, these findings suggest that environmental concerns play a limited role in people’s views of companion animals’ food products. It is therefore important to address concerns about the health impacts of companion animals’ food products with plant-based content

    Consumer Considerations of Carbon Paw Prints in Evaluations of Dog Food Products

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    Due to its reliance on meat, the companion animals’ food industry significantly contributes to environmental problems. Despite these environmental implications, little is known about the relative importance that caregivers attach to environmental concerns in their evaluation of companion animals’ food products. Study 1 (N = 317) showed that perceived nutritional value predicted whether caregivers were interested in plant-based dog food products, while pro-environmental identification did not impact the findings. In Studies 2 (N = 460) and 3 (N = 194), the promoted benefits of a fictitious dog food product were manipulated. Findings revealed that perceived health benefits rather than perceived environmental benefits were the main determinant ofproduct interest. Together, these findings suggest that environmental concerns play a limited role in people’s views of companion animals’ food products. It is therefore important to address concerns about the health impacts of companion animals’ food products with plant-based content

    Model for quantitative tip-enhanced spectroscopy and the extraction of nanoscale-resolved optical constants

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    Near-field infrared spectroscopy by elastic scattering of light from a probe tip resolves optical contrasts in materials at dramatically sub-wavelength scales across a broad energy range, with the demonstrated capacity for chemical identification at the nanoscale. However, current models of probe-sample near-field interactions still cannot provide a sufficiently quantitatively interpretation of measured near-field contrasts, especially in the case of materials supporting strong surface phonons. We present a model of near-field spectroscopy derived from basic principles and verified by finite-element simulations, demonstrating superb predictive agreement both with tunable quantum cascade laser near-field spectroscopy of SiO2_2 thin films and with newly presented nanoscale Fourier transform infrared (nanoFTIR) spectroscopy of crystalline SiC. We discuss the role of probe geometry, field retardation, and surface mode dispersion in shaping the measured near-field response. This treatment enables a route to quantitatively determine nano-resolved optical constants, as we demonstrate by inverting newly presented nanoFTIR spectra of an SiO2_2 thin film into the frequency dependent dielectric function of its mid-infrared optical phonon. Our formalism further enables tip-enhanced spectroscopy as a potent diagnostic tool for quantitative nano-scale spectroscopy.Comment: 19 pages, 9 figure

    Finanzas I

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    Las finanzas públicas son el conjunto de actividades realizadas por el Estado para conseguir los recursos financieros que le permitan garantizar su funcionamiento y el logro de los diversos objetivos que persigue en beneficio de la sociedad. En otras palabras, el presupuesto es la expresión cuantificada, conjunta y sistemática de los ingresos y gastos para atender durante el año fiscal para cada una de las entidades que forman parte del sector público. Los ingresos públicos, son todos los recursos monetarios percibidos, causados o producidos por conceptos de ingresos corrientes; los cuales son percibidos de modo regular o periódico (proveniente de impuestos, venta de bienes, multas, sanciones y otros). Su percepción es responsabilidad de las Entidades competentes son sujeción a las normas de la materia. Los fondos se orientan de manera eficiente y con atención a las prioridades del desarrollo del país

    Myroslav Slaboshpytskiy

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    Este artigo objetiva analisar três obras cinematográficas do ucraniano Myroslav Slaboshpytskiy, Diagnosis (2009), Deafness (2010) e The Tribe (2014), correlacionando-as ao cinema surdo. A pesquisa é de natureza bibliográfica com base na teoria dos cineastas (AUMONT, 2004), do cinema surdo (BUBNIAK, 2016), dos estudos culturais e nos estudos linguísticos das línguas de sinais. Os resultados demonstram que Slaboshpytskiy desenvolve um processo de criação cinematográfica em direção à construção de uma nova forma de retratar a surdez no cinema contemporâneo, indo ao encontro da teoria socioantropológica da linguagem, defendida pela cultura surda. Conclui-se que essas obras podem ser utilizadas para reflexão sobre a cultura surda, seus artefatos culturais e linguísticos e podem ser fonte de teoria e prática criadora


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    A pesquisa teve como por objetivo compreender como os acadêmicos surdos observam os recursos tecnológicos no ensino bilíngue. Para tanto, optou-se por uma investigação de cunho exploratória com oito acadêmicos surdos que estavam regularmente matriculados no ensino superior e que tivesse concluído alguma disciplina ofertada na modalidade híbrida. A coleta de dados se deu através de entrevistas semiestruturada (escrita e sinalizada em Libras) sobre o uso das tecnologias no ensino superior. Os resultados confirmaram a hipótese inicial da pesquisa e a da literatura especializada em que os surdos se identificam com o uso de plataformas, a definem como interessante e motivadora, porém o docente deve ter domínio para estimular as aprendizagens e as linguagens para não se tornar um depósito de atividades. O conjunto de respostas revelou que: a) os fóruns colocados em primeiro lugar quanto à manifestação formal da escrita do português; b) opinaram criticamente a falta de materiais digitalizados e bilíngues no ensino superior e c) os poucosmateriais disponíveis, não utilizados satisfatoriamente pelos docentes. Dessa forma, concluímos que a educação híbrida é um meio eficaz e atraente propício para incorporaçãodos recursos de acessibilidade visual – vídeos, entre outros, mas ainda é um recurso não explorado em razão da escassez de formação docente

    Adjusting the focus of attention: Helping Witnesses to Evolve a More Identifiable Composite

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    When perceiving faces under normal circumstances, the focus of attention is likely to be on the upper (e.g., hair, eyes) than lower (e.g., mouth, chin) facial half [1]. If such a bias were to extend to face construction, then it may hinder the effectiveness of forensic evidence collected from witnesses and victims of crime. In Experiment 1, participants constructed a single face using the EvoFIT holistic (police) composite system 24 hours after having seen an unfamiliar target identity. When constructing the face, participants were asked to select items from face arrays based on the whole face, or for upper and lower facial halves separately; these faces were presented in arrays either intact or horizontally-misaligned [2], and with external features (hair, ears, neck) present or absent. More-identifiable composites were predicted from (i) selection of separate facial halves (cf. currently-used whole-face selection), (ii) presence of horizontal misalignment and (iii) absence of external features. Experiment 2 used the same basic design but participants were requested to select for (i) upper-face half during evolution, (ii) the same as (i) but also for subsequent adjustments of the face, and (iii) overall face (Control). The composites constructed in both experiments were named and rated for likeness. Experiment 1 unexpectedly revealed that the Control group produced the highest-named composites. In Experiment 2, upper face selection during the evolution stage produced more-effective composites. In terms of practical implications, for the EvoFIT composite system, and potentially for other holistic systems, witnesses should be instructed to select faces for the upper facial half during evolution, to maximise subsequent identification of their composites