20 research outputs found

    Phenological growth stages of Gaúcho tomato based on the BBCH scale

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    The phenological growth stages of Gaúcho tomato were firstly described here using the BBCH scale. Based on this general scale, tomato gaúcho phenology showed 8 of 10 principal stages: germination, leaf development, formation of side shoots, inflorescence emergency, flowering, fruit development, maturity of fruit and senescence. A practical use of the scale is proposed, with particular reference to harvest time and management treatments. This scale aims to support farmers and researchers to efficiently plan management practices and experimental treatments. &nbsp


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    Hymenaea courbaril L. (Fabaceae) is a tree species popularly known as 'jatobá'. Its wood is largely sold and its fruits are used as a food and medicinal resources. This species has been subjected to logging and habitat destruction. The knowledge about genetic polymorphism is important for the conservation of species affected by anthropic action. In this study, we analyzed the genetic diversity of natural populations of Hymenaea courbaril in the Mato Grosso Amazon. Seven microsatellite primers were used to genotyping of 43 individuals distributed in five populations in the north region of Mato Grosso State. All the seven primers were polymorphic, with 72 alleles detected, averaging 10.29 per locus. Expected and observed heterozygosities averaged 0.85 and 0.29 per locus, respectively. The fixation index was positive for all populations, suggesting excess homozygotes, probably due to inbreeding. Molecular analysis of variance revealed that 85.33% of genetic diversity is within the populations. Based on the UPGMA dendrogram, the individuals were divided into six groups. In the clustering provided by Structure software, four groups were formed which did not correspond to the geographic distribution of the individuals, indicating that the populations are not geographically structured. All sampled populations present elevated levels of genetic diversity, and so they can be used for conservation projects. Genetic variation is higher within the analyzed populations; therefore, several individuals must be conserved per population

    Genetic Diversity and Population Structure of Zingiber officinale Roscoe in Northern Mato Grosso State, Brazil

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    The ginger (Zingiber officinale Roscoe) was introduced in Brazil in the 16th century and is currently cultivated for commercial purposes and for own consumption, in urban and rural backyards. Although the species reproduces vegetatively, the exchange of rhizomes among gardeners contributes to the maintenance of the genetic variability of the species, since they carry out the selection of genotypes adapted to the soil and climate conditions of the cultivation areas. Studies on the variability of ginger cultivated in Brazil are scarce, therefore  this study aimed to evaluate the genetic diversity and population structure, using ISSR molecular markers, of 245 ginger specimens cultivated in rural and urban backyards of twenty municipalities (populations) in the state of Mato Grosso, Brazil. The ISSR primer set used was classified as moderately informative and it amplified a  total of 105 fragments, of which 97.60% showed polymorphism, indicating the existence of genetic variability. The genetic diversity assessment separated the 245 specimens into 30 hierarchical groups. Group 1 was the most representative (72%), containing specimens from all populations sampled. The population-level assessment allocated 18 populations in a single group, while the populations of Apiacás and Peixoto de Azevedo formed exclusive groups. The Molecular Variance Analysis revealed that the genetic variation found within populations (76.58%) is greater than that found among populations (23.42%), which indicates a process of fixing of alleles and genetic structuring. The Bayesian analysis identified only two distinct genetic groups and some populations sampled showed a predominance of one of the groups, which evidences the process of genetic structuring. According to the genetic distance of Nei (h) and the Shannon Index (I), Apiacás was the population that presented the greatest genetic diversity, while Matupá was characterized as the population with less diversity. The genetic diversity found indicates that the cultivation, handling and selection performed by gardeners, as well as the exchange of rhizomes for propagation, are important factors for the conservation of the genetic diversity of the species. We also concluded that backyards are a source of genetic resources for programs that aim to identify traits of interest and promote the cultivation of the species in Brazil

    Prática informacional no contexto do HIV: Análise espacial do conhecimento acerca de estratégicas de prevenção

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    It highlights the interdisciplinary perspective between Information Science and Health Sciences. It discusses the relevance of knowledge about the ways of HIV / AIDS transmission and prevention strategies in the Brazilian response to this epidemic. It aims to measure the level of knowledge about the virus transmission routes and Combined Prevention strategies, by spatial distribution in the Federal District - DF. It is a cross-sectional, descriptive, applied research, with a quantitative-qualitative approach, whose method uses the survey. The results indicate a higher proportion of moderate and high knowledge about the forms of transmission. There is little knowledge about biomedical interventions based on the use of antiretrovirals on pre- and post-exposure prophylaxis. After assessing the sociodemographic characteristics and the categories of knowledge, it is found that the age group, education level and internet access have a statistically significant association. The spatial distribution among participants with a moderate level of knowledge is homogeneous, while for those with high and low knowledge, the distribution in the territory is heterogeneous. It is concluded that there are gaps in knowledge about the forms of transmission and strategies for Combined Prevention. Adequate level of knowledge is a structuring component for coping with HIV / AIDS.Evidencia la perspectiva interdisciplinaria entre las Ciencias de la Información y las Ciencias de la Salud. Discute la relevancia del conocimiento sobre las formas de transmisión del VIH / SIDA y las estrategias de prevención en la respuesta brasileña a esta epidemia. Su objetivo es medir el nivel de conocimiento sobre las rutas de transmisión del virus y las estrategias de prevención combinada, por distribución espacial en el Distrito Federal - DF. Es una investigación transversal, descriptiva, aplicada, con un enfoque cuantitativo-cualitativo, cuyo método utiliza la encuesta. Los resultados indican una mayor proporción de conocimiento moderado y alto sobre las formas de transmisión. Hay poco conocimiento sobre las intervenciones biomédicas basadas en el uso de antirretrovirales en la profilaxis previa y posterior a la exposición. Después de evaluar las características sociodemográficas y las categorías de conocimiento, se descubre que el grupo de edad, el nivel educativo y el acceso a Internet tienen una asociación estadísticamente significativa. La distribución espacial entre los participantes con un nivel moderado de conocimiento es homogénea, mientras que para aquellos con alto y bajo conocimiento, la distribución en el territorio es heterogénea. Se concluye que existen lagunas en el conocimiento sobre las formas de transmisión y las estrategias para la Prevención combinada. El nivel adecuado de conocimiento es un componente estructurante para hacer frente al VIH / SIDA.Evidencia a perspectiva interdisciplinar entre a Ciência da Informação e as Ciências da Saúde. Discute a relevância do conhecimento sobre as formas de transmissão do HIV/aids e as estratégias de prevenção na resposta brasileira a essa epidemia. Objetiva mensurar o nível de conhecimento a respeito das vias de transmissão do vírus e das estratégias da Prevenção Combinada, por distribuição espacial no Distrito Federal ”“ DF. Trata-se de pesquisa de corte transversal, descritiva, aplicada, de abordagem quantitativa-qualitativa, cujo método utiliza o survey. Os resultados indicam maior proporção de conhecimento moderado e alto acerca das formas de transmissão. Observa-se haver conhecimento baixo a respeito das intervenções biomédicas baseadas no uso de antirretrovirais sobre as Profilaxias Pré e Pós-Exposição. Avaliadas as características sociodemográficas e as categorias de conhecimento, tem-se que a faixa etária, o grau de escolaridade e o acesso à internet possuem associação estatisticamente significativa. A distribuição espacial entre os participantes com nível de conhecimento moderado é homogênea, enquanto para aqueles com conhecimento alto e baixo a distribuição no território se dá de maneira heterogênea. Conclui-se que há lacunas no conhecimento sobre as formas de transmissão e estratégias de Prevenção Combinada. Adequado nível de conhecimento é componente estruturante para o enfrentamento do HIV/aids


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    The species Garcinia brasiliensis has various scientifically proven applications in folk medicine, however, the lack of dissemination of these characteristics of the species is a current problem. Among the studies that can enhance this knowledge is the genetic diversity study, for which the use of ISSR molecular markers is recommended for being reliable, rapid, and economical. Therefore, this study aimed to select and classify dominant molecular markers for studies with the G. brasiliensis species. For this, total DNA was extracted from 40 bacupari individuals. Two individuals were selected to perform ISSR primer amplification tests via PCR. 31 primers were tested, which were classified regarding their amplification quality as good, poor, or absent. Out of the 31 tested primers, 13 showed good results regarding the presence and quality of the bands, therefore, they were indicated for use in research aiming the molecular characterization and evaluation of genetic diversity of the species Garcinia brasiliensis.A espécie Garcinia brasiliensis apresenta diversas aplicações na medicina popular comprovadas cientificamente, entretanto, a falta de divulgação sobre essas características da espécie é um problema atual. Dentre os estudos que podem alavancar esse conhecimento está o da diversidade genética, para isso, o uso de marcadores moleculares ISSR é indicado por serem confiáveis, rápidos e econômicos. Sendo assim, este trabalho teve como objetivo selecionar e classificar marcadores moleculares dominantes para estudos com a espécie G. brasiliensis. Para isso, foi extraído o DNA total de 40 indivíduos de bacupari, dos quais foram selecionados dois, que apresentassem bandas bem definidas e sem arraste, para realizar testes de amplificação de primers ISSR via PCR. Ao todo, foram testados 31 primers, os quais foram classificados quanto sua qualidade de amplificação, utilizando os padrões bom, ruim e ausente. Dos 31 primers testados, 13 apresentaram bons resultados quanto à presença e qualidade das bandas, portanto, indicados para o uso em pesquisas que visem à caracterização molecular e avaliação da diversidade genética da espécie Garcinia brasiliensis. Palavras-chave: Garcinia brasiliensis; marcador molecular; Pantanal.   Evaluation of ISSR markers for molecular studies of bacupari   ABSTRACT: The species Garcinia brasiliensis has various scientifically proven applications in folk medicine, however, the lack of dissemination of these species characteristics is a current problem. Among the studies that can enhance this knowledge is genetic diversity, for which ISSR molecular markers application is recommended as it is reliable, rapid, and economical. Therefore, this study aimed to select and classify dominant molecular markers for G. brasiliensis research. For this, total DNA was extracted from 40 bacupari individuals. Two individuals were selected to perform ISSR primer amplification tests by PCR. 31 primers were tested, which classified their amplification quality as good, poor, or absent. Out of the 31 tested primers, 13 showed good results regarding the presence and band quality, therefore, they were indicated for research use, aiming molecular characterization and Garcinia brasiliensis genetic diversity evaluation. Keywords: Garcinia brasiliensis; molecular marker; Pantanal

    Potencial citogenotóxico de Byrsonima crassifolia (murici), Malpighiaceae / Cytogenotoxic potential of Byrsonima crassifolia (murici), Malpighiaceae

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    Substâncias potencialmente tóxicas podem estar presentes tanto em alimentos como em fitoterápicos tradicionais e seus efeitos estão relacionados a fatores como: frequência, quantidade e tempo. Dentre as diversas espécies botânicas com potencial terapêutico, destaca-se Byrsonima crassifolia, Malpighiaceae, popularmente conhecida como muricizeiro, sendo que suas folhas e cascas são utilizadas na medicina popular para tratar tosses, dermatoses fúngicas, diarreia e mordida de cobra. O estudo teve como objetivo avaliar o potencial citogenotóxico de extratos aquosos de folhas e cascas de B. crassifolia sobre o ciclo celular de Allium cepa. O teste Allium cepa foi realizado pelo método descontínuo e, após o enraizamento, os bulbos foram submetidos à extratos aquosos (infuso e decocto) da casca e da folha de B. crassifolia, em cinco concentrações. A água destilada foi utilizada como controle negativo e o glifosato 1%, como controle positivo. O experimento foi conduzido em DIC (delineamento inteiramente casualizado) e em câmara de germinação, na ausência de luz e em temperatura controlada. A avaliação foi realizada a partir de parâmetros macroscópico (comprimento da raiz) e microscópicos (índice mitótico e alterações cromossômicas). Os extratos aquosos da casca e folha de B. crassifolia promoveram redução significativa no comprimento das raízes e no índice mitótico das células meristemáticas de A. cepa, enquanto a frequência de aberrações cromossômicas ou anormalidades nas fases da divisão celular foi baixa. B. crassifolia possui atividade antiproliferativa e citotóxica. Os extratos aquosos da casca e folha apresentaram efeito citotóxico no comprimento do sistema radicular, reduzindo o índice mitótico nas células meristemáticas de A. cepa em função do aumento nas concentrações

    Morfologia, viabilidade polínica e índice meiótico de Byrsonima crassifolia (L.) Kunth / Morphology, pollen viability and meiotic index of Byrsonima crassifolia (L.) Kunth

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    Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar o comportamento meiótico, estimar a viabilidade e descrever a morfologia polínica de B.crassifolia, visando obter informações que possibilitam a seleção genética de novos cultivos e práticas otimizadas de produção. Foram coletados botões florais com diferentes tamanhos e estágios de desenvolvimento de 20 indivíduos de B.crassifolia nas bordas das árvores, dentro do perímetro urbano do município de Alta Floresta, Mato Grosso, Brasil. A descrição da morfologia do pólen foi realizada a partir da acetólise com comparação na literatura especializada. A análise da meiose e pós-meióticos foi realizada com uso do corante carmim acético 2% e orceína. B.crassifolia é uma espécie com poucas irregularidades meióticas, com pólens considerados grandes, 3-colporados e com exina reticulada. A viabilidade polínica foi estimada com os corantes Sudan IV, Reativo de Alexander, Lugol 1% e Carmim Acético 1%. O corante que revelou o maior percentual médio de viabilidade polínica para a espécie foi o sudan IV (98,8%). Os testes com corantes apresentam diferença significativa e revelam que a espécie apresenta alta viabilidade polínica e alta regularidade meiótica. As informações colhidas de Byrsonima crassifólia auxiliam no entendimento dos aspectos reprodutivos e podem ser utilizadas na implantação de cultivos comerciais, bem como programas de melhoramento e conservação da espécie.

    Tumour But Not Stromal Expression Of Beta 3 Integrin Is Essential, And Is Required Early, For Spontaneous Dissemination Of Bone-metastatic Breast Cancer

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    Although many preclinical studies have implicated 3 integrin receptors (v3 and IIb3) in cancer progression, 3 inhibitors have shown only modest efficacy in patients with advanced solid tumours. The limited efficacy of 3 inhibitors in patients could arise from our incomplete understanding of the precise function of 3 integrin and, consequently, inappropriate clinical application. Data from animal studies are conflicting and indicate heterogeneity with respect to the relative contributions of 3-expressing tumour and stromal cell populations in different cancers. Here we aimed to clarify the function and relative contributions to metastasis of tumour versus stromal 3 integrin in clinically relevant models of spontaneous breast cancer metastasis, with particular emphasis on bone metastasis. We show that stable down-regulation of tumour 3 integrin dramatically impairs spontaneous (but not experimental) metastasis to bone and lung without affecting primary tumour growth in the mammary gland. Unexpectedly, and in contrast to subcutaneous tumours, orthotopic tumour vascularity, growth and spontaneous metastasis were not altered in mice null for 3 integrin. Tumour 3 integrin promoted migration, protease expression and trans-endothelial migration in vitro and increased vascular dissemination in vivo, but was not necessary for bone colonization in experimental metastasis assays. We conclude that tumour, rather than stromal, 3 expression is essential and is required early for efficient spontaneous breast cancer metastasis to bone and soft tissues. Accordingly, differential gene expression analysis in cohorts of breast cancer patients showed a strong association between high 3 expression, early metastasis and shorter disease-free survival in patients with oestrogen receptor-negative tumours. We propose that 3 inhibitors may be more efficacious if used in a neoadjuvant setting, rather than after metastases are established. Copyright (c) 2014 Pathological Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.2355760772National Health and Medical Research Council [509131

    Field environmental philosophy: A biocultural ethic approach to education and ecotourism for sustainability

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    To contribute to achieving local and global sustainability, we propose a novel educational methodology, called field environmental philosophy (FEP), which orients ecotourism practices to reconnect citizens and nature. FEP is based on the systemic approach of the biocultural ethic that values the vital links among the life habits of co-inhabitants (humans and other-than-humans) who share a common habitat. Based on this “3Hs” model (habitats, co-inhabitants, habits), FEP combines tourism with experiential education to reorient biocultural homogenization toward biocultural conservation. FEP’s methodological approach seeks to integrate social, economic, and environmental dimensions of sustainability by generating new links between biological and cultural diversity at different spatial and social scales. Ecotourism has an underutilized potential to link sciences with education and conservation practices at different scales. By incorporating a philosophical foundation, FEP broadens both understanding and practices of environmental education and sustainable tourism. FEP has been developed at the Omora Ethnobotanical Park in the Cape Horn Biosphere Reserve, Chile, at the southern end of the Americas since 2000, where it has oriented transdisciplinary work for the creation of new protected areas and ecotourism practices. FEP enables an integration of biophysical, cultural, and institutional dimensions into the design of ecotourism activities that transform and broaden the perceptions of tourists, local guides, students, and other participants to better appreciate local biological and cultural diversity. FEP’s methodology is starting to be adapted in other world regions, such as Germany, Japan, and Mexico, to integrate education and ecotourism for sustainability

    Aging with AIDS: epidemiological profile of AIDS in older adults in Brazil

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    Objective: To assess the historical trend of AIDS detection in Brazil and compare the epidemiological characteristics of this condition in older persons versus the adult population. Methods: Cross-sectional descriptive study of AIDS cases reported in Brazil from 2010 to 2019, utilizing the publicly available database provided by the Unified Health System through the Ministry of Health Department of Informatics (DATASUS). The proportion of AIDS cases for older persons and adults was calculated based on epidemiological characteristics, and Pearson’s chi-squared test was applied at a 5% significance level to identify differences. Thematic maps displaying AIDS detection rates were created. Results: Overall, 61.43% of those diagnosed with AIDS were male. The AIDS rate among older adults increased by almost 10%, rising from 8.1 cases per 100,000 in 2010 to 8.7 cases in 2019. Among women, the rate remained relatively stable, while there was an increase among men, rising from 11.0 to 12.6 cases per 100,000 men over the period. The Northeast and North regions showed the most significant increases in detection rates from 2010 to 2019: 81.39 and 44.18%, respectively. Female sex, white race, and lower educational attainment were identified as higher risk factors for infection in older adults compared to the adult population. Conclusion: These data demonstrate an increase in cases of AIDS among older adults in Brazil from 2010 to 2019, particularly among men and in the North and Northeast regions. There is a need to enhance sexual health programs for the older population, as well as to train healthcare professionals to address these demands. This includes promoting educational prevention campaigns that take into account the contexts and challenges faced by older adults