1,530 research outputs found

    Surfactant status and respiratory outcome in premature infants receiving late surfactant treatment.

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    BACKGROUND:Many premature infants with respiratory failure are deficient in surfactant, but the relationship to occurrence of bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD) is uncertain. METHODS:Tracheal aspirates were collected from 209 treated and control infants enrolled at 7-14 days in the Trial of Late Surfactant. The content of phospholipid, surfactant protein B, and total protein were determined in large aggregate (active) surfactant. RESULTS:At 24 h, surfactant treatment transiently increased surfactant protein B content (70%, p < 0.01), but did not affect recovered airway surfactant or total protein/phospholipid. The level of recovered surfactant during dosing was directly associated with content of surfactant protein B (r = 0.50, p < 0.00001) and inversely related to total protein (r = 0.39, p < 0.0001). For all infants, occurrence of BPD was associated with lower levels of recovered large aggregate surfactant, higher protein content, and lower SP-B levels. Tracheal aspirates with lower amounts of recovered surfactant had an increased proportion of small vesicle (inactive) surfactant. CONCLUSIONS:We conclude that many intubated premature infants are deficient in active surfactant, in part due to increased intra-alveolar metabolism, low SP-B content, and protein inhibition, and that the severity of this deficit is predictive of BPD. Late surfactant treatment at the frequency used did not provide a sustained increase in airway surfactant

    A GPU-based real time trigger for rare kaon decays at NA62

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    Abstract This thesis reports a study for a new real-time trigger for the NA62 experiment based on Graphical Processing Units (GPUs). The NA62 experiment was devised to study with unprecedented precision the ultra-rare decay K+ → π+ ν anti-ν, a process mediated by Flavour-Changing Neutral Currents (FCNC) whose exceptional theoretical cleanliness provides a unique probe to test the Standard Model. The use of a high-rate kaon beam will result in an event rate of about 15 MHz, so high that it will be impossible to store data on disk without an efficient selection. The experiment therefore devised three trigger levels, allowing to reduce the data rate fed to the readout PC farm down to ∼10 kHz. For this thesis I developed an online trigger algorithm that uses data fed by the RICH (Ring Imaging CHerenkov counter) detector in real-time to allow a rejection of the dominant background K+ → π+ π 0 based on kinematical constraints. As a starting point for the development of this algorithm, I verified the feasibility of such a trigger through Montecarlo simulations. I measured the reconstruction resolution, achieved by the RICH detector alone, of the kinematical variables used for the event selection. After that, I analysed the background rejection power and the signal efficiency of several kinematical constraints, and I designed an actual trigger algorithm. The necessity of running the algorithm in real-time, with a maximum latency of 1 ms per event, drove the choice of exploiting the parallel computing power of GPUs. A parallelized algorithm was therefore developed, that can fit up to 4 Cherenkov rings per event. Moreover, a large number of events are processed concurrently. No parallelized and seedless multi-ring fitting algorithm existed before. The developed algorithm consists of a pattern recognition stage, to assign the hits to up to 4 ring candidates, and of a robust single-ring fit routine. The program was tested on GPUs, and its performance and execution latency proved to be compatible with the requirements. This work proves that alternative trigger designs are possible for the NA62 experiment, and represents a starting point for the introduction of flexible GPU-based real-time triggers in High Energy Physics. Sommario La mia tesi costituisce uno studio per un algoritmo di trigger in tempo reale basato su GPU (Graphical Processing Units) per l’esperimento NA62. NA62 è un esperimento progettato per misurare con precisione il decadimento ultra raro K+ → π+ ν anti-ν, un canale mediato da correnti neutre flavour-changing estremamente sensibile all’eventuale presenza di nuova fisica. L’elevato rate di eventi rivelati, dell’ordine di 15 MHz, non permetterà una archiviazione su disco dei dati non moderata da severi criteri di selezione. Sono perciò necessari dei livelli di trigger che consentano di ridurre il rate di eventi salvati fino a circa una decina di kHz. L’algoritmo sviluppato si basa sull’uso del rivelatore RICH (Ring Imaging CHerenkov counter). Le informazioni primitive inviate dal RICH vengono valutate in tempo reale, per produrre una decisione di trigger basata prevalentemente su considerazioni di cinematica. In una prima fase ho verificato, tramite simulazione Montecarlo, la fattibilità e significatività di tale progetto. Ho dapprima misurato la risoluzione sulla ricostruzione di alcune quantità cinematiche ricavate utilizzando unicamente il rivelatore RICH, poiché per un trigger di primo livello in tempo reale non sarà possibile mettere in relazione dati forniti da rivelatori diversi. Ho studiato poi fino a che livello fosse possibile separare il segnale dal fondo, misurando l’efficienza di reiezione e l’accettanza per il segnale al variare di alcuni parametri di selezione. Data la necessità di eseguire il programma in tempo reale, con una latenza massima di 1 ms per evento, si è deciso di sfruttare il potere computazionale parallelo proprio delle GPU (processori grafici ad elevato parallelismo). E’ stato quindi sviluppato un algoritmo in grado di eseguire simultaneamente non solo le istruzioni relative ad eventi diversi, ma anche i fit di fino a 4 anelli Cherenkov diversi appartenenti allo stesso evento. Nessun algoritmo parallelo e seedless di questo tipo esisteva in letteratura. L’algoritmo implementato è composto di due parti: una iniziale di riconoscimento di pattern, che estrae il numero di anelli presenti nella matrice ed identifica gli hit appartenenti a ciascuno di essi, ed una di fit dei singoli cerchi. Il programma è stato testato su GPU, ed efficienza e tempi di esecuzione risultano compatibili con le richieste. Questo lavoro apre la possibilità di implementare trigger alternativi e flessibili per NA62 e rappresenta un primo esempio prototipale dell’uso di GPU in tempo reale

    The EMBLA survey - metal-poor stars in the Galactic bulge

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    Cosmological models predict the oldest stars in the Galaxy should be found closest to the centre of the potential well, in the bulge. The Extremely Metal-poor BuLge stars with AAOmega survey (EMBLA) successfully searched for these old, metal-poor stars by making use of the distinctive SkyMapper photometric filters to discover candidate metal-poor stars in the bulge. Their metal-poor nature was then confirmed using the AAOmega spectrograph on the Anglo-Australian Telescope. Here we present an abundance analysis of 10 bulge stars with −2.8 < [Fe/H] < −1.7 from MIKE/Magellan observations, in total determining the abundances of 22 elements. Combining these results with our previous high-resolution data taken as part of the Gaia-ESO Survey, we have started to put together a picture of the chemical and kinematic nature of the most metal-poor stars in the bulge. The currently available kinematic data are consistent with the stars belonging to the bulge, although more accurate measurements are needed to constrain the stars’ orbits. The chemistry of these bulge stars deviates from that found in halo stars of the same metallicity. Two notable differences are the absence of carbon-enhanced metal-poor bulge stars, and the α element abundances exhibit a large intrinsic scatter and include stars which are underabundant in these typically enhanced elements.LMH and MA have been supported by the Australian Research Council (grant FL110100012). ARC acknowledges support from the European Union FP7 programme through ERC grant number 320360. DY is supported through an Australian Research Council Future Fellowship (FT140100554). Research on metal-poor stars with SkyMapper is supported through Australian Research Council Discovery Projects grants DP120101237 and DP150103294 (PI: Da Costa). This publication makes use of data products from the Two Micron All Sky Survey, which is a joint project of the University of Massachusetts and the Infrared Processing and Analysis Center/California Institute of Technology, funded by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration and the National Science Foundation. This paper includes data gathered with the 6.5 metre Magellan Telescopes located at Las Campanas Observatory, Chile.This is the final version of the article. It first appeared from Oxford University Press via http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/mnras/stw100

    Energy- and flux-budget (EFB) turbulence closure model for the stably stratified flows. Part I: Steady-state, homogeneous regimes

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    We propose a new turbulence closure model based on the budget equations for the key second moments: turbulent kinetic and potential energies: TKE and TPE (comprising the turbulent total energy: TTE = TKE + TPE) and vertical turbulent fluxes of momentum and buoyancy (proportional to potential temperature). Besides the concept of TTE, we take into account the non-gradient correction to the traditional buoyancy flux formulation. The proposed model grants the existence of turbulence at any gradient Richardson number, Ri. Instead of its critical value separating - as usually assumed - the turbulent and the laminar regimes, it reveals a transition interval, 0.1< Ri <1, which separates two regimes of essentially different nature but both turbulent: strong turbulence at Ri<<1; and weak turbulence, capable of transporting momentum but much less efficient in transporting heat, at Ri>1. Predictions from this model are consistent with available data from atmospheric and lab experiments, direct numerical simulation (DNS) and large-eddy simulation (LES).Comment: 40 pages, 6 figures, Boundary-layer Meteorology, resubmitted, revised versio

    COVID-19: protocol for observational studies utilizing near real-time electronic Australian general practice data to promote effective care and best-practice policy—a design thinking approach

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    Background: Health systems around the world have been forced to make choices about how to prioritize care, manage infection control and maintain reserve capacity for future disease outbreaks. Primary healthcare has moved into the front line as COVID-19 testing transitions from hospitals to multiple providers, where tracking testing behaviours can be fragmented and delayed. Pooled general practice data are a valuable resource which can be used to inform population and individual care decision-making. This project aims to examine the feasibility of using near real-time electronic general practice data to promote effective care and best-practice policy. Methods: The project will utilize a design thinking approach involving all collaborators (primary health networks [PHNs], general practices, consumer groups, researchers, and digital health developers, pathology professionals) to enhance the development of meaningful and translational project outcomes. The project will be based on a series of observational studies utilizing near real-time electronic general practice data from a secure and comprehensive digital health platform [POpulation Level Analysis and Reporting (POLAR) general practice data warehouse]. The study will be carried out over 1.5 years (July 2020–December 2021) using data from over 450 general practices within three Victorian PHNs and Gippsland PHN, Eastern Melbourne PHN and South Eastern Melbourne PHN, supplemented by data from consenting general practices from two PHNs in New South Wales, Central and Eastern Sydney PHN and South Western Sydney PHN. Discussion: The project will be developed using a design thinking approach, leading to the building of a meaningful near real-time COVID-19 geospatial reporting framework and dashboard for decision-makers at community, state and nationwide levels, to identify and monitor emerging trends and the impact of interventions/policy decisions. This will integrate timely evidence about the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic related to its diagnosis and treatment, and its impact across clinical, population and general practice levels

    Treatment and outcomes of an Australian cohort of outpatients with bipolar 1 or schizoaffective disorder over twenty-four months : implications for clinical practice

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    Background The Bipolar Comprehensive Outcomes Study (BCOS) is a 2-year, prospective, non-interventional, observational study designed to explore the clinical and functional outcomes associated with &lsquo;real-world&rsquo; treatment of participants with bipolar I or schizoaffective disorder. All participants received treatment as usual. There was no study medication.Methods Participants prescribed either conventional mood stabilizers (CMS; n&thinsp;=&thinsp;155) alone, or olanzapine with, or without, CMS (olanzapine&thinsp;&plusmn;&thinsp;CMS; n&thinsp;=&thinsp;84) were assessed every 3&thinsp;months using several measures, including the Young Mania Rating Scale, 21-item Hamilton Depression Rating Scale, Clinical Global Impressions Scale &ndash; Bipolar Version, and the EuroQol Instrument. This paper reports 24-month longitudinal clinical, pharmacological, functional, and socioeconomic data.Results On average, participants were 42 (range 18 to 79) years of age, 58%; were female, and 73%; had a diagnosis of bipolar I. Polypharmacy was the usual approach to pharmacological treatment; participants took a median of 5 different psychotropic medications over the course of the study, and spent a median proportion of time of 100%; of the study on mood stabilizers, 90%; on antipsychotics, 9%; on antidepressants, and 5%; on benzodiazepines/hypnotics. By 24&thinsp;months, the majority of participants had achieved both symptomatic and syndromal remission of both mania and depression. Symptomatic relapse rates were similar for both the CMS alone (65%;) and the olanzapine&thinsp;&plusmn;&thinsp;CMS (61%;) cohorts.Conclusions Participants with bipolar I or schizoaffective disorder in this study were receiving complex medication treatments that were often discordant with recommendations made in contemporary major treatment guidelines. The majority of study participants demonstrated some clinical and functional improvements, but not all achieved remission of symptoms or syndrome.<br /

    The management of bipolar mania: a national survey of baseline data from the EMBLEM study in Italy

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Although a number of studies have assessed the management of mania in routine clinical practice, no studies have so far evaluated the short- and long-term management and outcome of patients affected by bipolar mania in different European countries.</p> <p>The objective of the study is to present, in the context of a large multicenter survey (EMBLEM study), an overview of the baseline data on the acute management of a representative sample of manic bipolar patients treated in the Italian psychiatric hospital and community settings. EMBLEM is a 2-year observational longitudinal study that evaluates across 14 European countries the patterns of the drug prescribed in patients with bipolar mania, their socio-demographic and clinical features and the outcomes of the treatment.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The study consists of a 12-week acute phase and a ≤ 24-month maintenance phase. Bipolar patients were included into the study as in- or out-patients, if they initiated or changed, according to the decision of their psychiatrist, oral antipsychotics, anticonvulsants and/or lithium for the treatment of an episode of mania.</p> <p>Data concerning socio-demographic characteristics, psychiatric and medical history, severity of mania, prescribed medications, functional status and quality of life were collected at baseline and during the follow-up period.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In Italy, 563 patients were recruited in 56 sites: 376 were outpatients and 187 inpatients. The mean age was 45.8 years. The mean CGI-BP was 4.4 (± 0.9) for overall score and mania, 1.9 (± 1.2) for depression and 2.6 (± 1.6) for hallucinations/delusions. The YMRS showed that 14.4% had a total score < 12, 25.1% ≥ 12 and < 20, and 60.5% ≥ 20. At entry, 75 patients (13.7%) were treatment-naïve, 186 (34.1%) were receiving a monotherapy (of which haloperidol [24.2%], valproate [16.7%] and lithium [14.5%] were the most frequently prescribed) while 285 (52.2%) a combined therapy (of which 8.0% were represented by haloperidol/lithium combinations). After a switch to an oral medication, 137 patients (24.8%) were prescribed a monotherapy while the rest (415, 75.2%) received a combination of drugs.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Data collected at baseline in the Italian cohort of the EMBLEM study represent a relevant source of information to start addressing the short and long-term therapeutic strategies for improving the clinical as well as the socio-economic outcomes of patients affected by bipolar mania. Although it's not an epidemiological investigation and has some limitations, the results show several interesting findings as a relatively late age of onset of bipolar disorder, a low rate of past suicide attempts, a low lifetime rate of alcohol abuse and drug addiction.</p

    Cavity Induced Interfacing of Atoms and Light

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    This chapter introduces cavity-based light-matter quantum interfaces, with a single atom or ion in strong coupling to a high-finesse optical cavity. We discuss the deterministic generation of indistinguishable single photons from these systems; the atom-photon entanglement intractably linked to this process; and the information encoding using spatio-temporal modes within these photons. Furthermore, we show how to establish a time-reversal of the aforementioned emission process to use a coupled atom-cavity system as a quantum memory. Along the line, we also discuss the performance and characterisation of cavity photons in elementary linear-optics arrangements with single beam splitters for quantum-homodyne measurements.Comment: to appear as a book chapter in a compilation "Engineering the Atom-Photon Interaction" published by Springer in 2015, edited by A. Predojevic and M. W. Mitchel

    Cross-species protein sequence and gene structure prediction with fine-tuned Webscipio 2.0 and Scipio

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Obtaining transcripts of homologs of closely related organisms and retrieving the reconstructed exon-intron patterns of the genes is a very important process during the analysis of the evolution of a protein family and the comparative analysis of the exon-intron structure of a certain gene from different species. Due to the ever-increasing speed of genome sequencing, the gap to genome annotation is growing. Thus, tools for the correct prediction and reconstruction of genes in related organisms become more and more important. The tool Scipio, which can also be used via the graphical interface WebScipio, performs significant hit processing of the output of the Blat program to account for sequencing errors, missing sequence, and fragmented genome assemblies. However, Scipio has so far been limited to high sequence similarity and unable to reconstruct short exons.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Scipio and WebScipio have fundamentally been extended to better reconstruct very short exons and intron splice sites and to be better suited for cross-species gene structure predictions. The Needleman-Wunsch algorithm has been implemented for the search for short parts of the query sequence that were not recognized by Blat. Those regions might either be short exons, divergent sequence at intron splice sites, or very divergent exons. We have shown the benefit and use of new parameters with several protein examples from completely different protein families in searches against species from several kingdoms of the eukaryotes. The performance of the new Scipio version has been tested in comparison with several similar tools.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>With the new version of Scipio very short exons, terminal and internal, of even just one amino acid can correctly be reconstructed. Scipio is also able to correctly predict almost all genes in cross-species searches even if the ancestors of the species separated more than 100 Myr ago and if the protein sequence identity is below 80%. For our test cases Scipio outperforms all other software tested. WebScipio has been restructured and provides easy access to the genome assemblies of about 640 eukaryotic species. Scipio and WebScipio are freely accessible at <url>http://www.webscipio.org</url>.</p

    Cognitive Aging in Zebrafish

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    BACKGROUND: Age-related impairments in cognitive functions represent a growing clinical and social issue. Genetic and behavioral characterization of animal models can provide critical information on the intrinsic and environmental factors that determine the deterioration or preservation of cognitive abilities throughout life. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Behavior of wild-type, mutant and gamma-irradiated zebrafish (Danio rerio) was documented using image-analysis technique. Conditioned responses to spatial, visual and temporal cues were investigated in young, middle-aged and old animals. The results demonstrate that zebrafish aging is associated with changes in cognitive responses to emotionally positive and negative experiences, reduced generalization of adaptive associations, increased stereotypic and reduced exploratory behavior and altered temporal entrainment. Genetic upregulation of cholinergic transmission attenuates cognitive decline in middle-aged achesb55/+ mutants, compared to wild-type siblings. In contrast, the genotoxic stress of gamma-irradiation accelerates the onset of cognitive impairment in young zebrafish. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: These findings would allow the use of powerful molecular biological resources accumulated in the zebrafish field to address the mechanisms of cognitive senescence, and promote the search for therapeutic strategies which may attenuate age-related cognitive decline