33,458 research outputs found

    Determination of physical and chemical states of lubricants in concentrated contacts, part 3

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    Solid and liquid thin films were analyzed by infrared emission Fourier microspectrophotometry. The apparatus used is a commercial absorption instrument modified to an emission instrument, comprising a rotating polarizing device, a miniature blackbody temperature reference adjustable in temperature and radiant flux and a microscope lens with a high numerical aperture in the entrance system for increased sensitivity and resolution. Studies of lubricant behavior in a simulated ball bearing showed the alignment of the fluid molecules in the Hertzian area. Polyphenyl ether plus 1% 1,1,2-trichloroethane (TCE) required lower shear rates for the same degree of alignment than without TCE. The experiment was run with 440 C stainless steel balls coated with TiN, a chemically inert material. In both cases, the alignment was strongly influenced by the presence of TCE. The results showed (1) the dependence of alignment of fluid molecules on flow and not on adsorption at metallic surfaces, (2) phase separation between lubricant and additive under high pressure which results in two phase flow and (3) reduction in traction of torque transmitting (traction) fluids

    Loadcell supports for a dynamic force plate

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    An apparatus was developed to accurately measure components of force along three mutually perpendicular axes, torque, and the center of pressure imposed by the foot of a subject walking over its surface. The data obtained were used to supplement high-speed motion picture and electromyographic (EMG) data for in-depth studies of normal or abnormal human gait. Significant features of the design (in particular, the mechanisms used to support the loadcell transducers) are described. Results of the development program and typical data obtained with the device are presented and discussed

    Case studies of clear air turbulence using the diagnostic Richardson Number Tendency formulation

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    The results of four case studies of clear air turbulence (CAT) using the diagnostic Richardson number tendency (DRT) formulation are highlighted. The performance of this technique in resolving regions of documented CAT encounters is encouraging. Its operational adaptability appears particularly attractive in that input data can be supplied by the currently operational rawinsonde system. Two CAT indices are calculated deterministically, sensing synoptic scale changes in static stability and vertical wind shear conductive for supporting mesoscale CAT layers. These two indices reveal volumes of the troposphere which act as source regions for patches of CAT. The first, the time to reach the critical Richardson number necessary for the initiation of turbulent conditions, was first used by Oard (1974). A second index is devised which is an adaptation of Roach's (1970) work relating synoptic scale and mesoscale energetical coupling and gives more information on the relative intensity of these source regions. The output from the DRT computer module highlights specific regions of the atmosphere which can be interpreted operationally in terms of a CAT encounter probability

    Experimental evidence for kin-biased helping in a cooperatively breeding vertebrate

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    The widespread belief that kin selection is necessary for the evolution of cooperative breeding in vertebrates has recently been questioned. These doubts have primarily arisen because of the paucity of unequivocal evidence for kin preferences in cooperative behaviour. Using the cooperative breeding system of long-tailed tits (Aegithalos caudatus) in which kin and non-kin breed within each social unit and helpers are failed breeders, we investigated whether helpers preferentially direct their care towards kin following breeding failure. First, using observational data, we show that not all failed breeders actually become helpers, but that those that do help usually do so at the nest of a close relative. Second, we confirm the importance of kinship for helping in this species by conducting a choice experiment. We show that potential helpers do not become helpers in the absence of close kin and, when given a choice between helping equidistant broods belonging to kin and non-kin within the same social unit, virtually all helped at the nest of kin. This study provides strong evidence that kinship plays an essential role in the maintenance of cooperative breeding in this species

    Aqueous Alteration in the Kuiper Belt: Evidence from Hydrated Interplanetary Dust Particles

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    Edgeworth-Kuiper belt objects (EKBOs) formed in the outer reaches of the protoplanetary disk and thus avoided much of the high tempera-ture processing experienced by bodies in the inner solar system. For this reason, they contain a wealth of information on the nature of nebular solids and the chemical conditions in the earliest solar system. Astronomical observations of EKBOs have been limited largely to the surface chemistry of the ices covering these small and difficult to observe bodies. The mineralogy of EKBO objects are poorly known, but clues regarding their mineralogical makeup come from studies of samples from short period comets (e.g. Wild2), and interplanetary dust particles (IDPs) produced by collisions in the Kuiper belt. Interplanetary dust particles from objects in the solar system (mainly comets and asteroids) spiral in to-wards the Sun under the influence of Poynting-Robertson (PR) drag forces and accumulate solar flare energetic particle tracks. Recent work has shown that the observed solar flare track densities (~1010-1011/sq.cm) in these IDPs are ~two orders of magnitude higher than expected if they were derived from main belt asteroids or Jupiter family comets and thus require an origin from outer solar system source bodies such as EKBOs. The track-rich IDPs include representatives from the two major groups of IDPs: the chondritic-porous, anhydrous IDPs and the chondritic-smooth, hydrated IDPs, although rare IDPs with mineralogies intermediate between these two groups are known. Here, we report on the mineralogy, composition, organic matter content, and isotopic characteristics of track-rich hydrated IDPs, and implications for aqueous alteration in outer solar system bodies

    On Urabe's criteria of isochronicity

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    We give a short proof of Urabe's criteria for the isochronicity of periodical solutions of the equation x¨+g(x)=0\ddot{x}+g(x)=0. We show that apart from the harmonic oscillator there exists a large family of isochronous potentials which must all be non-polynomial and not symmetric (an even function of the coordinate x).Comment: 8 page

    Recurrence spectrum in smooth dynamical systems

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    We prove that for conformal expanding maps the return time does have constant multifractal spectrum. This is the counterpart of the result by Feng and Wu in the symbolic setting

    The effects of reinforcement interval on the acquisition of paired-associate responses

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    Effects of reinforcement interval on acquisition of paired-associate response

    Infrared emission spectrophotometric study of the changes produced by TiN coating of metal surfaces in an operating EHD contact

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    Infrared emission spectra and related measurements were obtained from an operating ball/plate elastohydrodynamic (EHD) sliding contact under a variety of operating conditions. In order to be able to compare the effect of the ball surface, some of the balls were coated with a thin layer of titanium nitride (TiN) by vapor deposition. Polyphenyl ether (5P4E) was used as lubricant and 1 percent of 1,1,2-trichloroethane (TCE) as a surface-probing additive. TiN is chemically inert and its thermal conductivity is lower than that of steel. Therefore, the overall temperatures with TiN coated balls were higher. Nevertheless, no scuffing was observed with the coated balls under conditions giving rise to scuffing with the uncoated balls. Tractions were lower with the TiN coated balls and always when TCE was added to the 5P4E. These findings were found to be inversely related to the degree of polarization of the spectral emission bands. The intensity and the dichrosim of these bands were related to shear rates and inlet conditions of the EHD contact