900 research outputs found

    An analytical analysis of vesicle tumbling under a shear flow

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    Vesicles under a shear flow exhibit a tank-treading motion of their membrane, while their long axis points with an angle < 45 degrees with respect to the shear stress if the viscosity contrast between the interior and the exterior is not large enough. Above a certain viscosity contrast, the vesicle undergoes a tumbling bifurcation, a bifurcation which is known for red blood cells. We have recently presented the full numerical analysis of this transition. In this paper, we introduce an analytical model that has the advantage of being both simple enough and capturing the essential features found numerically. The model is based on general considerations and does not resort to the explicit computation of the full hydrodynamic field inside and outside the vesicle.Comment: 19 pages, 9 figures, to be published in Phys. Rev.

    Effect of diffusive boundaries on surface superconductivity in unconventional superconductors

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    Boundary conditions for a superconducting order parameter at a diffusive scattering boundary are derived from microscopic theory. The results indicate that for all but isotropic gap functions the diffusive boundary almost completely suppresses surface superconductivity in the Ginzburg-Landau regime. This indicates that in anisotropic superconductors surface superconductivity can only be observed for surface normals along high symmetry directions where atomically clean surfaces can be cleaved.Comment: Latex File, 12 pages, 2 Postscript figures, to appear in Phys. Rev. B (June 1 1996

    The eusociality continuum

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    Eusocial societies are traditionally characterized by a reproductive division of labor, an overlap of generations, and cooperative care of the breeders' young. Eusociality was once thought to occur only in termites, ants, and some bee and wasp species, but striking evolutionary convergences have recently become apparent between the societies of these insects and those of cooperatively breeding birds and mammals. These parallels have blurred distinctions between cooperative breeding and eusociality, leading to calls for either drastically restricting or expanding wage of these terms. We favor the latter approach. Cooperative breeding and eusociality are not discrete phenomena, but rather form a continuum of fundamentally similar social systems whose main differences lie in the distribution of lifetime reproductive success among group members. Therefore we propose to array vertebrate and invertebrate cooperative breeders along a common axis, representing a standardized measure of reproductive variance, and to drop such (loaded) terms as ''primitive'' and ''advanced'' eusociality. The terminology we propose unites all occurrences of alloparental helping of kin under a single theoretical umbrella (e.g., Hamilton's rule). Thus, cooperatively breeding vertebrates can be regarded as eusocial, just as eusocial inverbrates are cooperative breeders. We believe this integrated approach will foster potentially revealing cross-taxon comparisons, which are essential to understanding social evolution in birds, mammals, and in sects

    The McKean-Vlasov Equation in Finite Volume

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    We study the McKean--Vlasov equation on the finite tori of length scale LL in dd--dimensions. We derive the necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of a phase transition, which are based on the criteria first uncovered in \cite{GP} and \cite{KM}. Therein and in subsequent works, one finds indications pointing to critical transitions at a particular model dependent value, θ\theta^{\sharp} of the interaction parameter. We show that the uniform density (which may be interpreted as the liquid phase) is dynamically stable for θ<θ\theta < \theta^{\sharp} and prove, abstractly, that a {\it critical} transition must occur at θ=θ\theta = \theta^{\sharp}. However for this system we show that under generic conditions -- LL large, d2d \geq 2 and isotropic interactions -- the phase transition is in fact discontinuous and occurs at some \theta\t < \theta^{\sharp}. Finally, for H--stable, bounded interactions with discontinuous transitions we show that, with suitable scaling, the \theta\t(L) tend to a definitive non--trivial limit as LL\to\infty

    A Mathematical Model of Liver Cell Aggregation In Vitro

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    The behavior of mammalian cells within three-dimensional structures is an area of intense biological research and underpins the efforts of tissue engineers to regenerate human tissues for clinical applications. In the particular case of hepatocytes (liver cells), the formation of spheroidal multicellular aggregates has been shown to improve cell viability and functionality compared to traditional monolayer culture techniques. We propose a simple mathematical model for the early stages of this aggregation process, when cell clusters form on the surface of the extracellular matrix (ECM) layer on which they are seeded. We focus on interactions between the cells and the viscoelastic ECM substrate. Governing equations for the cells, culture medium, and ECM are derived using the principles of mass and momentum balance. The model is then reduced to a system of four partial differential equations, which are investigated analytically and numerically. The model predicts that provided cells are seeded at a suitable density, aggregates with clearly defined boundaries and a spatially uniform cell density on the interior will form. While the mechanical properties of the ECM do not appear to have a significant effect, strong cell-ECM interactions can inhibit, or possibly prevent, the formation of aggregates. The paper concludes with a discussion of our key findings and suggestions for future work

    Periodic and Quasiperiodic Motion of an Elongated Microswimmer in Poiseuille Flow

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    We study the dynamics of a prolate spheroidal microswimmer in Poiseuille flow for different flow geometries. When moving between two parallel plates or in a cylindrical microchannel, the swimmer performs either periodic swinging or periodic tumbling motion. Although the trajectories of spherical and elongated swimmers are qualitatively similar, the swinging and tumbling frequency strongly depends on the aspect ratio of the swimmer. In channels with reduced symmetry the swimmers perform quasiperiodic motion which we demonstrate explicitely for swimming in a channel with elliptical cross section

    Magnetic Field Effects on Neutron Diffraction in the Antiferromagnetic Phase of UPt3UPt_3

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    We discuss possible magnetic structures in UPt3_3 based on our analysis of elastic neutron-scattering experiments in high magnetic fields at temperatures T<TNT<T_N. The existing experimental data can be explained by a single-{\bf q} antiferromagnetic structure with three independent domains. For modest in-plane spin-orbit interactions, the Zeeman coupling between the antiferromagnetic order parameter and the magnetic field induces a rotation of the magnetic moments, but not an adjustment of the propagation vector of the magnetic order. A triple-{\bf q} magnetic structure is also consistent with neutron experiments, but in general leads to a non-uniform magnetization in the crystal. New experiments could decide between these structures.Comment: 5 figures included in the tex

    Hydromorphological, hydraulic and ecological effects of restored wood: findings and reflections from an academic partnership approach

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    This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Pinto, C. , Ing, R. , Browning, B. , Delboni, V. , Wilson, H. , Martyn, D. and Harvey, G. L. (2019), Hydromorphological, hydraulic and ecological effects of restored wood: findings and reflections from an academic partnership approach. Water and Environment Journal. doi:10.1111/wej.12457, which has been published in final form at https://doi.org/10.1111/wej.12457. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Use of Self-Archived Versions© 2019 CIWEM Large wood (re)introduction can deliver multiple benefits in river restoration, but there is a dearth of the detailed and longer-term post-project monitoring and evaluation required for improving best practice. We present findings from an academic partnership approach to post-project evaluation, based on successive MSc research projects on restored large wood in the Loddon catchment, UK. Field and modelling data reveal: (i) key differences in large wood features between restored and natural reaches; (ii) increased hydraulic retention and changes to mesohabitats associated with large wood; (iii) differences in macroinvertebrate community composition around large wood but a lack of site-level effects; (iv) interactions between macrophytes and large wood that may be specific to restored reaches; (v) a need for further field and modelling studies to inform the accurate representation of large wood in hydraulic models. Some key challenges in partnership working are identified to aid planning and effectiveness of future collaborations

    Tissue- and sex-specific small RNAomes reveal sex differences in response to the environment.

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    RNA interference (RNAi) related pathways are essential for germline development and fertility in metazoa and can contribute to inter- and trans-generational inheritance. In the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans, environmental double-stranded RNA provided by feeding can lead to heritable changes in phenotype and gene expression. Notably, transmission efficiency differs between the male and female germline, yet the underlying mechanisms remain elusive. Here we use high-throughput sequencing of dissected gonads to quantify sex-specific endogenous piRNAs, miRNAs and siRNAs in the C. elegans germline and the somatic gonad. We identify genes with exceptionally high levels of secondary 22G RNAs that are associated with low mRNA expression, a signature compatible with silencing. We further demonstrate that contrary to the hermaphrodite germline, the male germline, but not male soma, is resistant to environmental RNAi triggers provided by feeding, in line with previous work. This sex-difference in silencing efficacy is associated with lower levels of gonadal RNAi amplification products. Moreover, this tissue- and sex-specific RNAi resistance is regulated by the germline, since mutant males with a feminized germline are RNAi sensitive. This study provides important sex- and tissue-specific expression data of miRNA, piRNA and siRNA as well as mechanistic insights into sex-differences of gene regulation in response to environmental cues