203 research outputs found

    Comparative and functional genomic analysis of dairy lactococci

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    Lactococcus lactis has been exploited for thousands of years for the production of fermented dairy products, and from an economic perspective has become one of the most valuable bacteria. L. lactis is used predominantly as a starter culture for the production of various cheeses. The constant threat of (bacterio)phage infection combined with consumerdriven diversification of product ranges have created an increased need to improve technologies for the rational selection of novel starter culture blends. Whole genome sequencing, spurred on by recent advances in next-generation sequencing platforms, is a promising approach to facilitate the rapid identification and selection of such strains based on gene-trait matching. In this thesis the most up-to-date sequencing methodologies were applied to sequence sixteen L. lactis isolates to facilitate an in-depth comparative and functional genome analysis of the taxon with particular emphasis placed on dairy traits. The research presented in this thesis has significantly advanced our understanding of L. lactis in several ways. Firstly, the genomes of sixteen lactococcal dairy strains were sequenced to completion, doubling the number of fully sequenced L. lactis genomes available from the National Centre for Biotechnology Information. This has significantly expanded the number of complete lactococcal genomes available for comparative and functional genome analyses, while it has thoroughly scrutinized chromosomal versus plasmid diversity, including the elucidation of both the pan/core genome and the pan-plasmidome. Secondly, the identification of the first lactococcal megaplasmids and undertaking of the first methylome analysis of the L. lactis taxon has greatly increased our understanding of hostencoded phage defence systems, with particular emphasis on the role of restriction modification systems. Finally, the frequency of lactococcal prophages within the chromosomes of L. lactis has been thoroughly investigated concomitantly with the risk of prophage excision. Altogether these yield a complete overview of the genetic diversity of this taxon

    The Lactococcus lactis pan-plasmidome

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    Plasmids are autonomous, self-replicating, extrachromosomal genetic elements that are typically not essential for growth of their host. They may encode metabolic capabilities, which promote the maintenance of these genetic elements, and may allow adaption to specific ecological niches and consequently enhance survival. Genome sequencing of 16 Lactococcus lactis strains revealed the presence of 83 plasmids, including two megaplasmids. The limitations of Pacific Biosciences SMRT sequencing in detecting the total plasmid complement of lactococcal strains is examined, while a combined Illumina/SMRT sequencing approach is proposed to combat these issues. Comparative genome analysis of these plasmid sequences combined with other publicly available plasmid sequence data allowed the definition of the lactococcal plasmidome, and facilitated an investigation into (bio)technologically important plasmid-encoded traits such as conjugation, bacteriocin production, exopolysaccharide (EPS) production and (bacterio)phage resistance

    Evaluating Safety and Productivity Relationship in Human-Robot Collaboration

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    Collaborative robots can improve ergonomics on factory floors while allowing a higher level of flexibility in production. The evolution of robotics and cyber-physical systems in size and functionality has enabled new applications which were never foreseen in traditional industrial robots. However, the current human-robot collaboration (HRC) technologies are limited in reliability and safety, which are vital in risk-critical scenarios. Certainly, confusion about European safety regulations has led to situations where collaborative robots operate behind security barriers, thus negating their advantages while reducing overall application productivity.Despite recent advances, developing a safe collaborative robotic system for performing complex industrial or daily tasks remains a challenge. Multiple influential factors in HRC make it difficult to define a clear classification to understand the depth of collaboration between humans and robots. In this article, we review the state of the art in reliable collaborative robotic work cells and propose a reference model to combine influential factors such as robot autonomy, collaboration, and safety modes to redefine HRC categorization

    Characterization of psychotic experiences in adolescence using the Specific Psychotic Experiences Questionnaire (SPEQ): findings from a study of 5000 16-year-old twins

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    We aimed to characterize multiple psychotic experiences, each assessed on a spectrum of severity (ie, quantitatively), in a general population sample of adolescents. Over five thousand 16-year-old twins and their parents completed the newly devised Specific Psychotic Experiences Questionnaire (SPEQ); a subsample repeated it approximately 9 months later. SPEQ was investigated in terms of factor structure, intersubscale correlations, frequency of endorsement and reported distress, reliability and validity, associations with traits of anxiety, depression and personality, and sex differences. Principal component analysis revealed a 6-component solution: paranoia, hallucinations, cognitive disorganization, grandiosity, anhedonia, and parent-rated negative symptoms. These components formed the basis of 6 subscales. Correlations between different experiences were low to moderate. All SPEQ subscales, except Grandiosity, correlated significantly with traits of anxiety, depression, and neuroticism. Scales showed good internal consistency, test-retest reliability, and convergent validity. Girls endorsed more paranoia, hallucinations, and cognitive disorganization; boys reported more grandiosity and anhedonia and had more parent-rated negative symptoms. As in adults at high risk for psychosis and with psychotic disorders, psychotic experiences in adolescents are characterized by multiple components. The study of psychotic experiences as distinct dimensional quantitative traits is likely to prove an important strategy for future research, and the SPEQ is a self- and parent-report questionnaire battery that embodies this approach

    Genome Sequence of Geobacillus stearothermophilus DSM 458, an Antimicrobial-Producing Thermophilic Bacterium, Isolated from a Sugar Beet Factory

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    peer-reviewedThis paper reports the full genome sequence of the antimicrobial-producing bacterium Geobacillus stearothermophilus DSM 458, isolated in a sugar beet factory in Austria. In silico analysis reveals the presence of a number of novel bacteriocin biosynthetic genes

    The Lactococcus lactis Pan-Plasmidome

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    Plasmids are autonomous, self-replicating, extrachromosomal genetic elements that are typically not essential for growth of their host. They may encode metabolic capabilities, which promote the maintenance of these genetic elements, and may allow adaption to specific ecological niches and consequently enhance survival. Genome sequencing of 16 Lactococcus lactis strains revealed the presence of 83 plasmids, including two megaplasmids. The limitations of Pacific Biosciences SMRT sequencing in detecting the total plasmid complement of lactococcal strains is examined, while a combined Illumina/SMRT sequencing approach is proposed to combat these issues. Comparative genome analysis of these plasmid sequences combined with other publicly available plasmid sequence data allowed the definition of the lactococcal plasmidome, and facilitated an investigation into (bio) technologically important plasmid-encoded traits such as conjugation, bacteriocin production, exopolysaccharide (EPS) production, and (bacterio) phage resistance

    Stratifying Ischaemic Stroke Patients Across 3 Treatment Windows Using T2 Relaxation Times, Ordinal Regression and Cumulative Probabilities

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    Unknown onset time is a common contraindication for anti-thrombolytic treatment of ischaemic stroke. T2 relaxation-based signal changes within the lesion can identify patients within or beyond the 4.5-hour intravenous thrombolysis treatment-window. However, now that intra-arterial thrombolysis is recommended between 4.5 and 6 hours from symptom onset and mechanical thrombectomy is considered safe between 6 and 24 hours, there are three treatment-windows to consider. Here we show a cumulative ordinal regression model, incorporating the T2 relaxation time, predicts the probabilities of a patient being within one of the three treatment-windows and is more accurate than signal intensity changes from T2 weighted images

    Characterisation of the crack tip plastic zone in fatigue via synchrotron X-ray diffraction

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    This paper describes a new methodology for characterising the plastic zoneahead of a fatigue crack. This methodology is applied to a set of experimentaldata obtained by synchrotron X-ray diffraction on a bainitic steel compact ten-sion specimen. The methodology is based on generating the equivalent VonMises strain field from the X-ray experimental elastic strain maps. Based onthe material response, a threshold is then applied on the equivalent strainmaps to identify the size and shape of the plastic zone. The experimental plas-tic zone lies between the plane strain and plane stress Westergaard's boundsbut closer to the plane strain theoretical prediction confirming that the volumeanalyzed is predominantly subjected to plane strain conditions. However, theobserved plastic zone has a somewhat flatter shape, extending further from thecrack plane but less extended in the crack growing direction.Engineering and Physical SciencesResearch Council, Grant/Award Numbers:EP/R00661X/1, EP/S019367/1, EP/P025021/1, EP/P025498/1; EuropeanSocial Found, Grant/Award Number:UMAJI84; Programa Operativo FEDER(Junta de Andalucia, Spain), Grant/AwardNumber: UMA18-FEDERJA-250; Fundingfor open access charge: Universidad deM alaga / CBU

    Comparative genetic and physiological characterisation of Pectinatus species reveals shared tolerance to beer-associated stressors but halotolerance specific to pickle-associated strains

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    This work was supported by Heineken Supply Chain B.V. PL, SD & HJF receive support from the Scottish Government Rural and Environment Sciences and Analytical Services (RESAS). We would like to express thanks to Nicola Smith for her help formatting Fig. 1, Dr Paul Sheridan for bioinformatics-based advice and help with troubleshooting scripts, Dr Kenneth Forbes for his advice on core and pan genome analysis, Sandro Cocuzza for providing the hop extract and Marine Freyereisen for supplying Lactobacillus brevis MB521.Peer reviewedPostprin