512 research outputs found

    Playing politics with the plight of refugees. How the EU went into Erdogan’s political receivership

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    At the peak of the ‘refugee crisis’ in late 2015-early 2016, the EU reached an agreement with the Turkish government, known as the EU Facility for Refugees in Turkey. It has served as a bone of contention between the EU and Turkey ever since its implementation. As anticipated by many experts, critical voices and NGOs in Turkey and Europe, the Facility has provided the Erdogan regime with a strategic tool to blackmail the EU without caring for the humanitarian needs

    Pengaruh Kualitas Pelayanan Terhadap Kepuasan Nasabah Britama Studi Kasus Pada PT. Bri (Persero) Tbk, Cabang Manado Pinaesaan

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    This study is based on the thought of several factors that affect customer satisfaction with the Bank. Competition in the banking business world is very tight, with a large number of banks and their varying competing products or services offered. Currently the bank takes effort to get potential customers and retain existing customers. By understanding the needs, wants and demands of customers, by providing quality service banking firms, banks must meet at least five criteria of quality of service is often called RATER so can create loyal customers, namely reability, assurance, tangible (physical evidence), empathy (communication), and responsiveness (quick response) to meet the criteria of the quality of service it will be creating customer satisfaction. The event is held at. BRI (Persero) Tbk, Branch Pinaesaan Manado, with the aim to determine influence of service quality on customer satisfaction BritAma. In addition this study are expected to be input to the leadership and employees of PT. BRI (Persero) Tbk, Branch Manado Pinaesaan and a contribution in solving the problem. Research was conducted by the method of observation, interviews, and questionnaires were addressed to the 50 respondents, of which each respondent had to fill out a list of questions. The results of this study to answer the hypothesis; There is a significant relationship that affects service quality on customer satisfaction, with significant power shows that the determinants of satisfaction or customer satisfaction BritAma depends on these factors are very strong worth the balance of other factors. The results of the t test or correlation thus factors that affect customer satisfaction BritAma is significant at confidence level

    Analisis Rasio Solvabilitas Pada PT Bank Sulut

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    : To cover the shortage of funds, the company will need to obtain funds from its own capital and of leadership. When combining these two sources of funds is called the ratio of borrowed funds or solvency ratio or leverage ratio, which recognizes the extent of the company's assets is financed by debt. The solvency ratio is a tool to measure the wealth assessment company. For this study entitled: Solvency Ratio Analysis in PT Bank of North Sulawesi. Analysis solvency ratio is the ratio used to measure the extent to which the company's assets financed with debt, so that the company can measure the ability to pay all of its liabilities, both short and long term. This study used a descriptive method and analyze the company's financial statements, in particular the analysis the solvency of the PT Bank of North Sulawesi. To determine the extent of the bank's ability to seek funding, to finance their activities and the ability of some element of equity to assets in terms of efficiency. The results show that financial performance under conditions of solvability is the source of funds and property companies, total assets and total liabilities of the company is likely to increase from year to year. Primary level ratio showed a trend increase from year to year; Risk Assets Ratio levels tended to increase from year to year; Capital Ratio experienced a rising trend from year to year, except in 2012 due to declining reserves or losses on earning assets. So the Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR) also showed rising trend. In conclusion, the level of Primary Ratio, Risk Assets Ratio, Capital Ratio and Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR) shows the trend of the increase; PT Bank of North Sulawesi can be said as a solvent company, the level of capital adequacy or CAR can be met from 2010 to 2013. As a suggestion, the company's ability to raise or provide funds rely more improved, can satisfy funding for operational activities, in order to increase the level of CAR PT Bank of North Sulawesi remains solvable

    Prevalence and distribution of the fabella: a radiographic study in Turkish subjects

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    Background: The purpose of this study is to examine the plain knee radiographs in Turkish subjects in order to determine the prevalence of the fabella and analyse the differences between age, gender, laterality and its symmetry pattern. Materials and methods: Bilateral antero-posterior and lateral knee radiographs of 500 patients (250 male and 250 female subjects, 1000 knee radiographs) were randomly selected from the clinical database and retrospectively evaluated. Data on patient age, gender, and knee laterality (right–left) were evaluated from hospital records. The differences between the sesamoid bones at a particular location and the side, sex and age groups were analysed. Results: The overall prevalence of the fabella (unilateral or bilateral) was 22.8% (114 subjects). The fabella was present unilaterally in 38 (7.6%) subjects, while it was present bilaterally in 76 (15.2%) subjects. The prevalence of the fabella was similar between the body sides. The prevalence of the fabella was also similar between genders (unilateral or bilateral cases) and age groups. Conclusions: We examined the prevalence, symmetry pattern, age and gender differences in Turkish population. It is the first study performed on Turkish population with the largest sample in current literature. Prevalence of fabella is found to be 22.8% which is quite similar with other Caucasian ethnic populations

    Return mobilities of highly skilled young people to a post-conflict region: the case of Kurdish-British to Kurdistan – Iraq

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    Building upon insights from recent studies on the ‘return mobilities’ of children of migrants to their parents’ country of origin, this paper focuses on the motives of highly skilled young people from the UK who migrate to their parental post-conflict region (Kurdistan-Iraq), an area that has experienced long-term conflict and profound economic and political instability. The existing studies on children of migrants’ return mobilities place more emphasis on cultural and economic considerations while paying little attention to the associated ideological and political elements. Based on interviews concerning 32 highly skilled young British-Kurdish people’s migration to Kurdistan-Iraq, this paper argues that the transnational mobilities of the 1.5 generation and second generation of refugee-diasporas are more driven by the collective trauma of their parents’ displacement, their feeling of expulsion and intergenerational articulation with an imagined homeland, than they are by economic considerations and/or nostalgia. The Kurdish political aspiration to develop Kurdish institutions and a national economy for a potential statehood in Northern Iraq has also created hope among young Kurdish people and influenced their motivations to ‘return’. In this context, this paper focuses on the political, ideological and emotional dimensions of return mobilities and draws attention to return mobilities among a new generation of refugees to their parental post-conflict homeland

    Computational analyses of eukaryotic promoters

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    Computational analysis of eukaryotic promoters is one of the most difficult problems in computational genomics and is essential for understanding gene expression profiles and reverse-engineering gene regulation network circuits. Here I give a basic introduction of the problem and recent update on both experimental and computational approaches. More details may be found in the extended references. This review is based on a summer lecture given at Max Planck Institute at Berlin in 2005

    Management of Low-Grade Glioma

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    The optimal management of patients with low-grade glioma (LGG) is controversial. The controversy largely stems from the lack of well-designed clinical trials with adequate follow-up to account for the relatively long progression-free survival and overall survival of patients with LGG. Nonetheless, the literature increasingly suggests that expectant management is no longer optimal. Rather, there is mounting evidence supporting active management including consideration of surgical resection, radiotherapy, chemotherapy, molecular and histopathologic characterization, and use of modern imaging techniques for monitoring and prognostication. In particular, there is growing evidence favoring extensive surgical resection and increasing interest in the role of chemotherapy (especially temozolomide) in the management of these tumors. In this review, we critically analyze emerging trends in the literature with respect to management of LGG, with particular emphasis on reports published during the past year

    G = MAT: Linking Transcription Factor Expression and DNA Binding Data

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    Transcription factors are proteins that bind to motifs on the DNA and thus affect gene expression regulation. The qualitative description of the corresponding processes is therefore important for a better understanding of essential biological mechanisms. However, wet lab experiments targeted at the discovery of the regulatory interplay between transcription factors and binding sites are expensive. We propose a new, purely computational method for finding putative associations between transcription factors and motifs. This method is based on a linear model that combines sequence information with expression data. We present various methods for model parameter estimation and show, via experiments on simulated data, that these methods are reliable. Finally, we examine the performance of this model on biological data and conclude that it can indeed be used to discover meaningful associations. The developed software is available as a web tool and Scilab source code at http://biit.cs.ut.ee/gmat/
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