790 research outputs found

    Populism as new wine in old bottles in the context of Germany: 'symbolic violence' as collective habitus that devalues the human capital of Turks

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    Populism in Germany is not a new phenomenon. For a long time, the alleged integration problems of Turkish workers in Germany have been at the center of the dominant discourse and academic studies. This paper demonstrates how ‘symbolic violence’ as collective habitus frames the human capital of Turks as deficient, a phenomenon which has prevailed even prior to the recent populist movements. Drawing on a company case study, interviews, and observations, our empirical investigation operationalises and expands the Bourdieusian conceptual trinity of habitus, capital, and symbolic violence through the lens of ethnicity and how it relates to populism

    Estimation of the Bivariate Survival Function with Generalized Bivariate Right Censored Data Structures

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    We propose a bivariate survival function estimator for a general right censored data structure that includes a time dependent covariate process. Firstly, an initial estimator that generalizes Dabrowska\u27s (1988) estimator is introduced. We obtain this estimator by a general methodology of constructing estimating functions in censored data models. The initial estimator is guaranteed to improve on Dabrowska\u27s estimator and remains consistent and asymptotically linear under informative censoring schemes if the censoring mechanism is estimated consistently. We then construct an orthogonalized estimating function which results in a more robust and efficient estimator than our initial estimator. A simulation study demonstrates the performance of the proposed estimators

    Analisis Kinerja Keuangan Berbasis Economic Value Added (Eva) Pada PT. Bank Sulutgo

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    The purpose of this study is to find out how much Economic Value Addedgenerated by PT. Bank SULUTGO in 2014-2016. It is known that PT. Bank SULUTGOis a regional bank of North Sulawesi and Gorontalo which owns shares from variousregions and several companies. It is known that the capital annually PT. BankSULUTGO in 2014-2016 always increases. But with the increase in capital whether ithas made the company able to improve the performance of the company or increase therevenue of the company so as to be able to distribute the fair share of the results to theshareholders of the company. The purpose of this study is "Financial PerformanceAnalysis Based on Economic Value Added at PT. Bank SULUTGO". Financialperformance is needed by the company to evaluate the performance or as a foundationof the company to improve the company\u27s performance. Financial performanceaccording to Ikatan Akuntansi Indonesia (2007) is the determination of the company\u27sability to manage and control its own resources. While EVA is an effectivecommunication tool for value creation that can be reached by line managers thatultimately drive company performance and to connect with capital markets (Young andO\u27Bryne, 2001). The research method used is quantitative descriptive method by usinganalysis tools in the form of Economic Value added to calculate NOPAT, InvestedCapital, WACC, Capital Charges and EVA. Based on the results of research EVAanalysis at PT. Bank SULUTGO 2014-2016 year turned out to fluctuate because EVAcompanies every year down and up. Nevertheless PT. Bank SULUTGO turned out tohave created a positive value in the company in 2014-2016. In 2014 the company is ableto create EVA of Rp. 97,596 (in millions of rupiah), but in 2015 the company\u27s EVAdecreased by 26.08% to Rp. 72,140 (in millions of rupiah) and in 2016 again increasedby 34.01% to Rp. 96,680 (in millions of rupiah). Thus the management has been able tocreate a positive value on the company well and shareholders can entrust theirinvestment to the company

    Pancytopenýa and Sepsýs due to Meropenem: A Case Report

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    Meropenem is one of the most commonly used antibacterial agents with relatively few side effects. Serious adverse reactions reported with meropenem are rare with an incidence of 1 %. Recently we came across two rare adverse effects of meropenem in one patient with acute renal failure. There was pancytopenia and sepsis, respectively. To the best of ourknowledge, a only few cases have been reported in the literature that document an association between meropenem administration and pancytopenia, and about half of these cases were sepsis. With the use of meropenem becoming more widespread, these two rare but fatal complications of meropenem should be borne in mind.Keywords: Meropenem, Pancytopenia, Sepsis, Fatal complication

    Pengaruh Semangat Dan Disiplin Kerja Terhadap Produktivitas Karyawan Pada PT Hasjrat Abadi Manado

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    . The purpose of this study was to determine the influence of the spirit and discipline on employee productivity at PT. Hasjrat Abadi Manado, either partially or simultaneously. This study uses multiple regression analysis, the independent variables morale (X1) and discipline (X2), and the dependent variable labor productivity (Y). The total sample of 65 respondents, and to test the hypothesis, F test and t test From the analysis of the data obtained the following regression equation: Y = 5.887 + 0.58 X1 + 0.508 X2 + 2. The coefficient of determination (R2) is approximately 0.354 provides that the actual research work productivity can be explained by two independent variables, that is spirit and working discipline at 35.4%. While the remaining 64.6% influenced by other variables not studied. The amount of F count = 18.568> F table = 3.145 with significant level p value = 0.00 t table = 2.042 and significance p value = 0.000> 0.05 it can be concluded that Ho is rejected and Ha accepted, or spirit and discipline effect on employee productivity

    Willingness to pay for residential PV: reconciling gaps between acceptance and adoption

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    Photovoltaic (PV) has recorded an impressive development in the last years. The increasing economic potential and further technological improvement will continue to reduce the cost of PV. However, it is not yet well adopted by household customers. Adversely, there is lacking empirical evidence for understanding residential PV adoption behaviour, which this study addresses with empirical research. Although a variety of models can be used to explain social acceptance (SA) and willingness to pay (WTP) for renewable energy, they overlook the connection between SA and WTP in the final purchase decision of a decision-maker. Based on a survey of both SA and WTP in the same observation sample of 2039 Vietnamese residents, this study introduces well-established models with a new linking psychological and economic aspects to measure multiple outcomes involving residential PV behaviours to testing hypotheses with no precedent in the literature. The theoretical and integrative moderated mediation models help to understand residential PV behaviour and suggest solutions for development by revealing how different factors affect SA and WTP in different manners. Environmental interest reveals the predictive power within the SA and WTP behaviour models. Meanwhile, PV knowledge drives SA, but not WTP in Vietnam. Attitude and Perceived behavioural control not only impact SA and WTP directly but also mediate the effect of Environmental interest and SA and WTP. Age & Marital status & Children and Place of residence are important covariates that drive in the SA and WTP models, respectively. Lastly, Income is the covariate in the SA model, but the moderator in the WTP model. In practical implications, this study provides evidence that residential PV is a lifestyle product rather than an economical product, but it is not considered as an essential good for household customers. Thereby, suggestions are given to policymakers and stakeholders to promote market development

    Allelopathic potential of macrofungi on germinating maize (Zea mays L.) grain

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    The effect of methanol extracts of 10 macrofungi was evaluated on grain germination of maize (Zea mays L.). Germination percentage, radicle and plumule length and the level of carbohydrates and fatty acids were measured. Fungal metabolites inhibited germination up to 90.96%, plumule (97.77%) and radicle (92.83%) development. Plumule and radicle lengths were stimulated 35.26 and 10.60% in some assays, respectively. The fungal metabolites decreased the glucose (97.60%), sucrose (90.34%), fructose (96.85%), maltose (95.64%), oleic acid (97.50%) and linoleic acid (98.25%) levels, whereas increasing levels of the glucose (165.14%), sucrose (166.53%), fructose (83.18%), maltose (124.73%), oleic acid (6975.00%) and linoleic acid (5233.33%) were detected in some assays. It is concluded that macrofungi metabolites have commonly inhibitory effects on physiological and morphological processes of germinating maize grain except for considerable increases in the some parameters investigated

    Role of the impact parameter in exoplanet transmission spectroscopy

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    Transmission spectroscopy is a promising tool for the atmospheric characterization of transiting exoplanets. Because the planetary signal is faint, discrepancies have been reported regarding individual targets. We investigate the dependence of the estimated transmission spectrum on deviations of the orbital parameters of the star-planet system that are due to the limb-darkening effects of the host star. We describe how the uncertainty on the orbital parameters translates into an uncertainty on the planetary spectral slope. We created synthetic transit light curves in seven different wavelength bands, from the near-ultraviolet to the near-infrared, and fit them with transit models parameterized by fixed deviating values of the impact parameter bb. Our simulations show a wavelength-dependent offset that is more pronounced at the blue wavelengths where the limb-darkening effect is stronger. This offset introduces a slope in the planetary transmission spectrum that becomes steeper with increasing bb values. Variations of bb by positive or negative values within its uncertainty interval introduce positive or negative slopes, thus the formation of an error envelope. The amplitude from blue optical to near-infrared wavelength for a typical uncertainty on bb corresponds to one atmospheric pressure scale height and more. This impact parameter degeneracy is confirmed for different host types; K stars present prominently steeper slopes, while M stars indicate features at the blue wavelengths. We demonstrate that transmission spectra can be hard to interpret, basically because of the limitations in defining a precise impact parameter value for a transiting exoplanet. This consequently limits a characterization of its atmosphere

    Loss-Based Estimation with Cross-Validation: Applications to Microarray Data Analysis and Motif Finding

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    Current statistical inference problems in genomic data analysis involve parameter estimation for high-dimensional multivariate distributions, with typically unknown and intricate correlation patterns among variables. Addressing these inference questions satisfactorily requires: (i) an intensive and thorough search of the parameter space to generate good candidate estimators, (ii) an approach for selecting an optimal estimator among these candidates, and (iii) a method for reliably assessing the performance of the resulting estimator. We propose a unified loss-based methodology for estimator construction, selection, and performance assessment with cross-validation. In this approach, the parameter of interest is defined as the risk minimizer for a suitable loss function and candidate estimators are generated using this (or possibly another) loss function. Cross-validation is applied to select an optimal estimator among the candidates and to assess the overall performance of the resulting estimator. This general estimation framework encompasses a number of problems which have traditionally been treated separately in the statistical literature, including multivariate outcome prediction and density estimation based on either uncensored or censored data. This article provides an overview of the methodology and describes its application to two problems in genomic data analysis: the prediction of biological and clinical outcomes (possibly censored) using microarray gene expression measures and the identification of regulatory motifs (i.e., transcription factor binding sites) in DNA sequences
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