23 research outputs found

    Cosmetic outcome 1–5 years after breast conservative surgery, irradiation and systemic therapy

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    More than 35 years ago, calls were made for research on the constitutive role of accounting. Since then, many statements have been made to specify what accounting is or is not. This study describes what accounting does, in order to amalgamate a fragmented picture of accounting in practice, instead of seeking the answer to the existential question of what accounting really is. The purpose of this study was to investigate and describe what accounting does, and how this is done on the basis of business meetings in order to contribute to a better understanding of the role of accounting in practice.This study is based on the actor-network theory approach. Particular attention hasbeen paid to accounting as named numbers, when becoming a performative participantin framed situations. The framed situations of business meetings contained three elements; 1) pure calculation, 2) qualculation which include both calculation and judgments, and 3) calqulation as a collective social process. An ethnographically inspired field studywas carried out at Eton Fashion AB, a Swedish shirt making company. Data was collected by participant observations of business meetings supported by interviews. Photography, sound recording, and field notes were used as techniques for documentation.Diagnoses of five business meetings revealed that; 1) accounting restricted time,place and content, 2) accounting brought past and future into the present, 3) accounting summarized and obscured discontinuities, 4) accounting defined people and things, and 5) accounting called for the filling of content. Accounting became an actor in these five ways as they were allied with people and things that appeared in the meetings. Accounting was in a context where people made sense of situations by making both estimates and judgments. During the meetings, an ongoing reduction of complexity was taking place. Step by step, diversity and complexity were reduced until an order filled with numbers was the only thing remaining. At the same time, something was gained, as we step by step achieved greater legibility, transportability and universality. In this way the situation could subsist. It might move to new situations and it might allow for new summaries and new situations to take place. The situation of a meeting contained elements of pure calculation representing the cold, anonymous and empty part. Oftenthough, calculation, because of its emptiness, initiated for qualculation and calqulation to begin. Accounting as an idea is a taken for granted phenomenon, with influence, often far beyond what we can see when we find ourselves in a given situation. I conclude that it could have been some other way. It is not accounting in itself, its own excellence or ability to represent the truth, which makes it successful. The success story of accounting is simply about “the others” with whom accounting is an ally.För avläggande av ekonomie doktorsexamen i företagsekonomi som med tillstånd av Handelshögskolans fakultetsnämnd vid Göteborgs universitet framlägges för offentlig granskning fredagen den 30 mars kl. 13.15 i CGsalen vid Företagsekonomiska institutionen, Vasagatan 1, Göteborg

    Subcutan és intramuscularis heterotop kalcifikáció a nyakon 42 évvel később a sugárkezelést követően

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    A sugárkezelés indukálta heterotop szövetkalcifikáció az irradiáció rendkívül ritka szövődménye a fej-nyaki régióban. Esetismertetésünkben egy nagy kiterjedésű, kombinált – subcutan és intramuscularis elhelyezkedésű –, sugárkezelés indukálta heterotop kalcifikációt mutatunk be a nyaki régióban. A 80 éves férfi beteg 2 hónapja tartó nyelési nehezítettség és a nyakon kialakult fájdalmas, fekélyszerű elváltozás miatt jelentkezett klinikánkon. 42 évvel ezelőtt T3N0M0-stádiumú glotticus laphámcarcinoma miatt teljes gégeeltávolításban, valamint 80 Gy összdózisú radioterá- piában részesült. A szövettani és a CT-vizsgálat kizárta a residualis vagy a másodlagos malignitás lehetőségét. A CT- angiográfia kiterjedt subcutan és intramuscularis kalcifikációt mutatott a nyaki bőrfekély, illetve a hypopharynx falának közvetlen közelében, valamint az arteria carotis communis és az arteria vertebralis kétoldali teljes elzáródását írta le. A sebészi kezelés során a meszesedett terület eltávolítását követően a defektust fasciocutan transzpozíciós lebennyel zártuk. A páciens az elmúlt 48 hónapban tünetmentesnek bizonyult. A sugárkezelés elengedhetetlen szerepet játszik a fej-nyaki régió laphámrákjainak kezelésében. A nagyban deformált posztoperatív anatómia, a kiterjedt hegképződés, a sugárkezelés okozta fibrosis, valamint a bőr és a bőr alatti szövetek kalcifikációja összességében szokatlan, atípusos elváltozások kialakulásához vezethet

    Comprehensive deep learning-based framework for automatic organs-at-risk segmentation in head-and-neck and pelvis for MR-guided radiation therapy planning

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    Introduction: The excellent soft-tissue contrast of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is appealing for delineation of organs-at-risk (OARs) as it is required for radiation therapy planning (RTP). In the last decade there has been an increasing interest in using deep-learning (DL) techniques to shorten the labor-intensive manual work and increase reproducibility. This paper focuses on the automatic segmentation of 27 head-and-neck and 10 male pelvis OARs with deep-learning methods based on T2-weighted MR images.Method: The proposed method uses 2D U-Nets for localization and 3D U-Net for segmentation of the various structures. The models were trained using public and private datasets and evaluated on private datasets only.Results and discussion: Evaluation with ground-truth contours demonstrated that the proposed method can accurately segment the majority of OARs and indicated similar or superior performance to state-of-the-art models. Furthermore, the auto-contours were visually rated by clinicians using Likert score and on average, 81% of them was found clinically acceptable