77 research outputs found

    A Review of Distance Learning and Learning Management Systems

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    In recent years, rapid developments in technology and the web have led to many changes in education. One of the most important changes in education is in the form of distance learning. Distance learning, which is used to define education where educators and learners are physically separated, is not a new concept; however, emerging technologies and the web allow web‐based distance learning and therefore increase its popularity. As a result of these developments, many universities have started to use web‐based distance learning systems to provide flexible education that is independent of time and place. In this chapter, we review all popular, widely used, and well‐known learning management systems and include detailed comparison of some of these systems to allow institutions to choose the right system for their distance education activities

    Exposição ao campo eletromagnético, comportamentos de uso de telefones celulares, valores SAR mudanças na saúde após exposição em estudantes universitários adolescentes

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    Background: The use of technological devices is growing rapidly, and the use of cell phones increases in parallel. Dependence on technological devices is a particular factor in this increased exposure. Many studies have been performed on this electromagnetic field, but no definite conclusions have been drawn. Objective: The purpose of this research was to investigate exposure to electromagnetic field, cell phone use behaviors, the specific absorption rate (SAR) values, and changes in health occurring after exposure in university students. Methods: A questionnaire was administered to 1,019 volunteer students aged 18-24 years at the Nigde Omer Halisdemir and Recep Tayip Erdogan Universities in 2018-2019. The questions were based on a survey of the literature. Results: The students spent an average 4-8 hours per day on their cell phones, and findings such as headache (p=0.002), concentration deficit (p=0.001), tiredness on waking in the morning ( p=0.001), hyperactivity (p=0.001), general feeling of fatigue (p=0.001), and lethargy (p=0.001) increased in a statistically significant manner with length of use. Conclusions: Participants exhibited high levels of cell phone use and experienced biological, behavioral, and sleep problems. They also had very little knowledge about specific SAR values, an important criterion concerning cell phones.RESUMO Introdução: O uso de dispositivos tecnológicos está crescendo rapidamente e o uso de telefone celulares aumenta em paralelo. A dependência de dispositivos tecnológicos é um fator nesse aumento de exposição. Diversos estudos sobre o campo eletromagnético foram realizados, mas nenhuma conclusão definitiva foi alcançada. Objetivo: O objetivo desta pesquisa foi investigar a exposição ao campo eletromagnético, os comportamentos de uso do telefone celular, os valores de absorção específica (specific absorption rate — SAR) dos telefones celulares utilizados e as alterações na saúde ocorridas após a exposição em adolescentes universitários. Métodos: Um questionário foi aplicado a 1.019 alunos voluntários com idades entre 18–24 anos nas universidades Niğde Ömer Halisdemir e Recep Tayip Erdoğan em 2018–2019. As perguntas foram baseadas em um levantamento bibliográfico. Resultados: Os estudantes gastaram em média 4–8 horas por dia em seus celulares, e achados como cefaleia (p=0,002), dificuldade de concentração (p=0,001), cansaço ao acordar pela manhã (p=0,001), hiperatividade (p=0,001), sensação geral de fadiga (p=0,001) e letargia (p=0,001) aumentaram de forma estatisticamente significativa com o tempo de uso. Conclusões: Os participantes exibiram altos níveis de uso de telefone celular e problemas biológicos, comportamentais e de sono. Eles também tinham pouco conhecimento sobre valores específicos de SAR, um critério importante para telefones celulares

    Experimental intervertebral disc degeneration models

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    Intervertebral disc degeneration is a major health problem of close concern to both young and old. The problem is also growing as the global population ages. Intervertebral disc degeneration is defined as progressive changes affecting the spine as a component of natural aging under the effect of multiple factors (such as smoking, obesity, and incorrect exercise). For a solution to be found, experimental disc degeneration must first be induced, the causes of the disease must be identified, and early diagnostic and therapeutic methods must then be developed. Methods of inducing intervertebral disc degeneration with high applicability in rats were identified from the previous literature. This review discusses four methods of disc degeneration induction. It also discusses how to detect degeneration formation and development times. As a result of the literature review, information about four different and reliable intervertebral disc degeneration methods is presented

    Goblet cell carcinoid: Case report

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    The mixt endocrine-exocrine carcinoma of the appendix,being a rare tumor, makes up a very little part of all gastrointestinalsystem tumors. These tumors are thought tobe the intermediary tumors taking place between adenocarcinomasand endocrine tumors. Generally they areseen in the 5th -6th decades equally in males and females.Being very characteristic, the histomorphological pictureof goblet cell carcinoid consists of atypical epithelial cellswith conspicuous nucleoli that make small abortive glandsdemonstrating scattered nests under surface epitheliumand containing Goblet cells. The tumor exhibits transmuralspread producing mucin pools designating positiveimmunoreaction histochemically with musicarmenstain. In addition to CEA and keratin expressions, thereis neuroendocrine differentiation that may be illustratedboth immunohistochemically and ultrastructurally. In ourcase, under the appendix epithelium we determined atumor that was formed by gland structures lined by mucinousepithelial cells with conspicuous nucleoli, growingforward to the muscle layer and seeming invasive. Weestablished that the tumor expressed PanCK, synaptophysin,chromogranin and CEA in immunohistochemicalstudy and stained positively with PAS, PAS-AB andmusicarmen in histochemical study. We considered thecase as goblet cell carcinoid when clinical, histopathological,histochemical and immunohistochemical data wereassessed together. In the time interval 2 years after theoperation, any recurrence and/or metastase was not determined.Key words: Goblet cell carcinoid, CEA, chromogranin A,PAS-AB, musicarme

    Isometric quadriceps exercises for patients with knee osteoarthritis: A randomized controlled trial comparing knee joint position flexion versus extension

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    Objective. To compare the effect of quadriceps isometric exercises performed in two different positions in addition to the combined physical therapy program on pain, stiffness, and physical function in patients with knee osteoarthritis (OA). Methods. A total of 30 patients with OA (age range 45 to 70 years) who were admitted to Istanbul Private Ekotom Medical Center, Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Outpatient Clinic, were included. The patients were randomly divided into two groups according to the type of performing the quadriceps isometric exercises as group 1 (performing in knee extension, n=14) and group 2 (performing in knee flexion, n=15). All patients also received a combined physical therapy program. Exercise protocols were applied six days a week for four weeks. The pain was evaluated using a 10 cm visual analog scale for pain (VAS) in rest and activity; pain, joint stiffness, and physical function were assessed using the Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Osteoarthritis Index (WOMAC). Results. A significant difference was found in the VAS and WOMAC scores of both groups in group comparisons (p < 0.05). When the groups were compared in terms of change values, a significant difference was found in the WOMAC stiffness score in favor of group I (p < 0.05). Discussion. It is possible to obtain positive results with quadriceps isometric exercises to reduce pain and joint stiffness and increase physical function in patients with knee OA. However, exercises performed in knee extension were found to be more effective in reducing joint stiffness


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    Mesane karsinomu erkeklerde kadınlardan ortalama 2-3 kat daha fazla görülmektedir. Bunun temelinde primer etyolojik faktörler olan sigara kullanımı ve mesleki maruziyetin genellikle erkek cinsiyet ile ilişkili olması yatmaktadır. Sigara kullananlarda ve bağlantılı olarak erkeklerde kas invazyonu gösteren tümörler de daha yüksek oranda görülmektedir. Ayrıca tümör derecesi ile patolojik evre korelasyon göstermektedir ve yüksek dereceli tümörlerde kas invazyonu görülme olasılığı daha fazladır. Bu çalışmada Ocak 1997 ile Ocak 2009 tarihleri arasında Gazi Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Patoloji Anabilim Dalı&#8217;na gelen 420 hastaya ait mesane transüretral rezeksiyon (TUR), sistektomi ve sistoprostatektomi materyalleri taranmış olup; mesane karsinomları için, ortalama tanı yaşı, erkek/kadın oranı, yüksek dereceli, düşük dereceli, muskularis propria invazyonu gösteren, lamina propria invazyonu gösteren ve noninvaziv tümörlerin oranları hesaplanarak bu tümörlerin epidemiyolojik verileri elde edilmiştir. Ayrıca cinsiyet, tümör derecesi ve evre arasındaki oransal ilişki değerlendirilmiştir. Sonuç olarak bu çalışmada literatür ile uyumlu olarak, mesane karsinomunun erkeklerde belirgin olarak daha yüksek oranda görüldüğü, yüksek dereceli, lamina propria invazyonu gösteren ve muskularis propria invazyonu gösteren tümörlerin oranının da erkek cinsiyette daha yüksek olduğu ve kas invazyonu gösterme oranının yüksek dereceli tümörlerde daha fazla olduğu saptanmıştır. 73 7.SUMMARY Bladder cancer is seen 2-3 times more in women than in men. Behind this are cigarette usage and occupational exposure being associated to males, which are primary factors the essentials. The tumors demonstrating muscle invasion is seen in those using cigarette and accordingly in men demonstrating muscle invasion at higher level. Accordingly, tumor level and pathologic tumor stage reveal a correlation between each other and the probability of invasion in high-level tumors is more. In this study, bladder transuretral resection (TUR), cystectomy and cystoprostatectomy materials of 420 patients who have come Gazi University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Pathology between January 1997 and January 2009 are searched; and epidemiologic data of bladder tumors are achieved by determining the average diagnosis age, male/female ratio, the ratio of tumors being high grade, low grade, whether being characterized with muscularis/lamina propria invasion or non-invasion. Besides, correlative relationship between gender, tumor degree and pathologic tumor stage is assessed. As a result, in this study, it is determined in line with the literature that bladder carcinoma is apparently seen more in men than in women, level of high grade tumors with lamina propria invasion and muscularis propria invasion is more in men, and level of muscle invasion is more in high grade tumors

    Asset management companies

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    Varlık yönetim şirketleri, bankalar Tasarruf Mevduatı Sigorta Fonu ve diğer finansal kuruluşların sorunlu varlıklarını satın alıp çözümleyen, ya da bu varlıkların çözümlenmesi amacıyla söz konusu kuruluşlara danışmanık ve aracılık hizmeti veren; sermaye piyasası mevzuatının öngördüğü izinleri aldığı takdirde sermaye piyasasında da faaliyet gösterebilecek finansal kuruluşlardır. Şirketin anonim şirketi statüsünde kurulması sonucu, Bankacılık Kanunu ve Varlık Yönetim Şirketlerinin Kuruluş ve Faaliyet Esasları Hakkında Yönetmeliğin özel hükümleri yanında Türk Ticaret Kanunun anonim şirketi düzenleyen hükümleri de uygulama alanı bulacaktır. Şirketin kuruluş ve faaliyete geçme aşamaları ayrılmış; kuruluşları ile ana sözleşme değişiklikleri Gümrük ve Ticaret Bakanlığı, faaliyete geçmesi ise Bankacılık Düzenleme ve Denetleme Kurumu iznine bağlanmıştır. Ayrıca şirket ile Tasarruf Mevduatı Sigorta Fonu arasındaki ortaklık ilişkisi de düzenlenmiştir. Bu kapsamda Tasarruf Mevduatı Sigorta Fonu'nun paylarının en az yüzde yirmisine sahip bulunduğu varlık yönetim şirketinin Tasarruf Mevduatı Sigorta Fonu'dan devraldığı alacaklarla ilgili Bankacılık Kanunu m.132/8 ve 138/5 hükümlerinde Tasarruf Mevduatı Sigorta Fonu'na tanınan hak ve yetkilerden yararlanacağını da öngörülmüştür. Hüküm ile hukuk devleti ilkesine aykırı sonuçlar doğmaması için bu alacakların fon alacağı olarak değerlendirilmemesi gerekmektedir. İlgili düzenlemelerde varlık yönetim şirketlerin faaliyet konusu sorunlu varlıklar ile sınırlanmamıştır. Uygulamada hangi alacakların ne ölçüde sorunlu hale geldiği Bankalarca Kredilerin ve Diğer Alacakların Niteliklerinin Belirlenmesi ve Bunlar İçin Ayrılacak Karşılıklara İlişkin Usul ve Esaslar Hakkında Yönetmelik ve banka ve diğer finansal kuruluşlar tarafından benimsenen karşılık ayırma ilkeleri çerçevesinde anlaşılabilecektir. Varlık yönetim şirketlerinin Yönetmelik ile sınırlı olarak sayılan faaliyetleri genel olarak Tasarruf Mevduatı Sigorta Fonu ve diğer finansal kuruluşların varlıklarının satın alınması, tahsil edilmesi, yeniden yapılandırılması ve satılması ile bu hususlarda aracılık ve danışmanlık yapılmasıdır. Anılan faaliyetler kapsamında gerçekleştilebilecek işlemlerin hukuki nitelikleri ise oldukça çeşitli olup, tipik sözleşmeler yanında atipik sözleşme türlerine de dahil olabilmektedir. Hukuki niteliği ne olursa olsun söz konusu ilişkiler bakımından ortaya çıkabilecek hukuki sorunlar ise, sözleşme öncesi ve sonrası aydınlatma yükümlülüğü ile bankacılık sırrının korunması konuları etrafında toplanabilecektir.Asset management companies are financial institutions that buy and resolve nonperforming assets of banks, Savings Deposit Insurance Fund and other financial institutions; give consulting and brokerage services to these institutions on resolution of their non-performing assets and can operate according to capital markets law. As a joint stock company, asset management companies are subject to Turkish Commercial Code's related provisions as well as Banking Code Article 143 and Regulation on Organization and Operation Principles of Asset Management Companies. Company's organization procedure and amendments to company's articles of incorporation are subject to permission of Ministry of Customs and Commerce. Permission of Banking Regulation and Supervision Agency is also required for company's operations. Moreover, the partnership relations between Savings Deposit Insurance Fund and private asset managemet companies are regulated. According to this, the companies that Savings Deposit Insurance Fund has at least twenty percent of its stocks, can enjoy the rights given to Savings Deposit Insurance Fund under Articles 132/8 and 138/5 of Banking Code on the receivables taken from Savings Deposit Insurance Fund. In order to prevent the results violating rule of law, these receivables shall not be interpreted as having the same legal status with Savings Deposit Insurance Fund's receivables. Non-performing assets are not regulated as the sole operating field of asset management companies. On the other hand, reglations and financial institutions' own criteria for credit reserves can be a reference for identification of non-performing assets. Asset management company's operations that are listed in a limited way by the Regulation, are aqusition, collection, restructuring and disposition of assets of banks, Savings Deposit Insurance Fund and other financial institutions, consulting and brokerage on sales and restructuring. The types of legal transactions done by asset management companies are varying in a broad sense and can be classified under both the agreements regulated and unregulated by codes. However, regardless of the legal charecter of the transaction, the possible legal problems can be derived from the obligation of giving information and protection of banking secrets

    High rates of malnutrition and epilepsy: Two common comorbidities in children with cerebral palsy

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    WOS: 000458367000005PubMed ID: 30761843Background/aim: The aim of this study was to evaluate the nutritional status of children with cerebral palsy and determine the particular characteristics of the disorder. Materials and methods: The nutritional status of the children was assessed by the Gomez classification using weight-for-age. The Gross Motor Function Classification System was used to determine the gross and fine motor functions. Results: The study was conducted with 197 children (58.4% males) between the ages of 1 and 18 years old. Asphyxia (44.1%) was the primary etiological factor, and spastic quadriplegia (41.6%) was the most common type of cerebral palsy. Malnutrition was the most frequent comorbidity and the overall malnutrition rate was 76.6%. The most common type of malnutrition was severe malnutrition, which was seen in 70 patients (35.5%). Epilepsy was the second most common comorbidity, seen in 51.7% of the cases. Conclusion: Our results revealed a high rate of malnutrition and epilepsy in children with cerebral palsy. These two more common significant comorbidities that influence the outcomes of children with cerebral palsy should be carefully evaluated and successfully managed. Families of children with cerebral palsy and their physicians should be educated about the nutritional status in these children