1,049 research outputs found

    Lymphome de Burkitt pédiatrique à révélation orl : quelle prise en charge en milieu sub sahélien ? réflexion sur trois cas

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    Le lymphome de Burkitt dans sa forme Africaine peut se manifester sous des signes d’emprunt ORL à type de tuméfaction orbito-maxillo-faciale. Le diagnostic peut être fait par les ORL à travers un faisceau de signes cliniques et une cytoponction. La prise en charge se fait dans des unités d’oncologie médicale ou le bilan d’extension et le lancement de la chimiothérapie sont des impératifs incontournables. Actuellement cette tumeur à potentiel très agressif répond à une poly chimiothérapie bien conduite.Mots-clés : Lymphome de Burkitt, cancer, voies aérodigestives supérieures, oncologie pédiatriqu

    Detection Prospects for Majorana Fermion WIMPless Dark Matter

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    We consider both velocity-dependent and velocity-independent contributions to spin-dependent (SD) and spin-independent (SI) nuclear scattering (including one-loop corrections) of WIMPless dark matter, in the case where the dark matter candidate is a Majorana fermion. We find that spin-independent scattering arises only from the mixing of exotic squarks, or from velocity-dependent terms. Nevertheless (and contrary to the case of MSSM neutralino WIMPs), we find a class of models which cannot be detected through SI scattering, but can be detected at IceCube/DeepCore through SD scattering. We study the detection prospects for both SI and SD detection strategies for a large range of Majorana fermion WIMPless model parameters.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figures. v2: updated to match published versio

    Natural polymorphism in the thrombospondin-related adhesive protein of Plasmodium falciparum

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    We have developed a typing system using natural sequence variation in the thrombospondin-related adhesive protein (TRAP) gene of Plasmodium falciparum. This method permits a haplotype to be assigned to any particular TRAP gene. We have applied this method to a hospital-based, case control-study in Mali. Previous sequence variation and conservation in TRAP has been confirmed. Particular TRAP haplotypes can be used as geographic hallmarks. Because of the high level of conflict between characters, we have examined the phylogenetic relationships between parasites using a network approach. Having received patient samples from urban and periurban areas of Bamako, the majority of haplotypes were closely related and distinct from TRAP sequences present in other continents. This suggests that the structure of TRAP can only tolerate a limited number of sequence variations to preserve its function but that this is sufficient to allow the parasite to evade the host's immune system until a long-lived immune response can be maintained. It may also reflect host genetics in that certain variants may escape the host immune response more efficiently than others. For vaccine design, sequences from the major regional variants may need to be considered in the production of effective subunit vaccines

    Les Goitres Bénins En ORL Aspects Epidemiologiques Et Anatomocliniques : Étude De 97 Cas

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    But : Analyse épidémiologique, clinique et anatomopathologique des goitres bénins. Méthodologie : Etude rétrospective de janvier 2002 à décembre 2006 sur dossier de patients ayant consulté en ORL pour goitre. Les paramètres suivant ont été étudiés : - interrogatoire : âge, sexe, profession, résidence, ancienneté du goitre, motif de consultation ; - examen clinique précisant résultats palpation, classification OMS de 1962 du goitre ; - résultats de l\'échographie ; - résultats du dosage de la TSH ultrasensible. Ont été exclus tous les dossiers comportant une histologie suspecte et/ou maligne et les inflammations de la thyroïde. Ainsi a-t-on retenu 97 dossiers sur 122. Résultats : Notre recrutement a été marqué par une forte proportion d\'adulte jeune (classe d\'âge de 31 à 50 ans : 78 patients) et par une prédominance féminine (sex-ratio, 17/80). Ces patients étaient plus souvent des femmes au foyer et résidaient le plus souvent à Bamako. Ils étaient porteurs à 52% de goitre évoluant depuis plus de vingt ans et à 44% de plus de dix ans d\'évolution. Deux signes principaux ont amenés les patients à consulter : les signes d\'hyperthyroïdie et la tuméfaction cervicale disgracieuse. Le goitre était de type 3 de l\'OMS dans 68% des cas. Un aspect multi nodulaire clinique a été vu chez 81 patients. A l\'imagerie, nous avons noté 10% de goitre isoéchogène. L\'examen anatomopathologie a plus souvent trouvé des goitres de type macro folliculaire sur les pièces d\'exérèse. Ils étaient dans 20% des cas des goitres en activité. Conclusion : Le praticien ORL en pays d\'endémie goitreuse se doit de connaître tous les contours de la pathologie thyroïdienne. Il ne doit jamais oublier non plus que la prise en charge efficiente doit être multidisciplinaire (Endocrinologue, Radiologue, Anatomopathologiste, Anesthésiste Réanimateur). Patients and methods : retrospective study of 97 cases traeted from January 2002 to December 2006. Were excluded malignant and inflammatory thyroid deseases. Results: Our patients were essentially young adults (from 31 to 50 years: 78 patients) . We noted a female prevalence (sex-ratio: 17/80) 52% had more than twenty years evolution goiter and 44% more than ten years evolution. Two principal symptoms led the patients to consult: those of hyperthyroidy and cervical swelling. The goiter was classified as type 3 of WHO in 68% of the cases. A multi nodular aspect was found among 81 patients. We noted 10% of isoechogene goiter. The treatment was surgery The histological examination found macrofollicular goiter in the majority of cases. Keywords: Thyroïd gland, goiter bénign, cervical swelling. Journal Tunisien d\'ORL et de chirurgie cervico-faciale Vol. 18 2007: pp. 16-1

    Predictive factors of malunion and nonunion at the Aristide le Dantec hospital

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    Background: Malunion and nonunion are late complications that can occur during the fracture healing process. The aim of this study was to determine the predictive factors for malunion and nonunion Methods: This was a retrospective study over a period of 43 months. Predictive factors were sought from patient, fracture and initial management data Results: We recorded 72 consolidation disorders in 69 patients. malunion accounted for 54.1% and nonunion for 45.9%. The study population was divided as follows: 53 men and 16 women. The average age was 37.8 years. The patients lived in urban areas in 81.2% of cases. Comorbidities were present in 14.5%. The circumstances of fracture occurrence were dominated by traffic accidents, especially for 39 patients. The initial fracture was closed in 91.3%. Long bones were involved in 97.2% of cases, with a diaphyseal location in 52.8%. The fracture was simple in 79.1%, with 84.7% of the fractures being transverse. The tibia was the bone most affected by malunion (53.8%). Nonunion occurred in the humerus, femur and tibia in 27.3% each. Initial treatment was undertaken in 91.3% of patients. Conclusions: Malunion and nonunion are a reality in our daily practice. These consolidation problems occur in young patients who are victims of road traffic accidents. Diaphyseal fractures of long bones with a transverse line have been the most frequently incriminated. conservative treatment and traditional practice have favoured the development of these complications

    Facteurs Explicatifs de la Pratique Contraceptive Moderne des Femmes Fréquentant les Formations Sanitaires du District de Youwarou au Mali

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    Objectif : Mettre en exergue les dĂ©terminants de la pratique contraceptive moderne des femmes frĂ©quentant les centres de santĂ© du district de Youwarou au Mali. L’étude part du constat que la situation sanitaire est non satisfaisante avec un faible taux de frĂ©quentation des centres de santĂ© qui est de 15 %, exacerbĂ©e par la crise sĂ©curitaire dĂ©clenchĂ©e en 2012. Ainsi, le taux d’utilisation des mĂ©thodes contraceptives modernes est Ă©galement très faible soit 1,07%. En effet, l’utilisation de la contraception moderne selon la cinquième EnquĂŞte DĂ©mographique et de SantĂ© du Mali (EDSM-5) est de 9,6% au niveau national et de 2,7% dans la rĂ©gion de Mopti. MĂ©thode : Etude transversale quantitative dont l’enquĂŞte fut rĂ©alisĂ©e du 1er mai au 30 juin 2015, et a portĂ© sur 200 femmes âgĂ©es de 15-49 ans frĂ©quentant les 07 centres de santĂ© dans le district de Youwarou. Les donnĂ©es collectĂ©es par un questionnaire ont Ă©tĂ© vĂ©rifiĂ©es, compilĂ©es Ă  l’aide du logiciel le Sphinx Plus² version 4.5, puis transfĂ©rĂ©es sur le logiciel stata 10 pour l’analyse statistique. Pour l’analyse des donnĂ©es, nous avons eu recours Ă  deux mĂ©thodes dans ce travail : la mĂ©thode d’analyse descriptive (analyse bivariĂ©e) et la mĂ©thode d’analyse explicative (analyse multivariĂ©e). RĂ©sultats : L’étude montrent que la prĂ©valence contraceptive moderne est de 8,8%. Les femmes de centre de Guidio-sare utilisent les contraceptives modernes plus que leurs consoeurs du district. Enfin les dĂ©terminants de la pratique contraceptive sont notamment l’ethnie, l’âge et le statut matrimonial de la femme. Conclusion : A la lumière de cette Ă©tude, nous suggĂ©rons qu’un accent particulier doit ĂŞtre mis sur les dĂ©terminants rĂ©vĂ©lĂ©s afin de promouvoir les mĂ©thodes contraceptives modernes. Objective: Highlight the determinants of modern contraceptive practice among women attending health centers in the Youwarou health district of Mali. The study was carried out based on the observation that the health situation is unsatisfactory with a low utilization rate of health centers is 15%, exacerbated by the security crisis triggered in 2012. Thus, the rate of use of modern contraceptive methods is also very low is 1.07%. Indeed, the use of modern contraception according to the fifth Demographic and Health Survey of Mali (EDSM-5) is 9.6% at the national level and 2.7% in the Mopti region. Methods: A quantitative cross-sectional study was carried out from May 1th to June 30th 2015, and covered 200 women aged 15-49 attending the 07 health centers in the district of Youwarou. The data collected by a questionnaire was verified, compiled using the software Sphinx Plus² version 4.5, and then transferred to the Stata 10 software for statistical analysis. For data analysis, two methods were used in this work: the descriptive analysis method (bivariate analysis) and the explanatory analysis method (multivariate analysis). Results: The study shows that modern contraceptive prevalence is 8.8%. women of Guidio-sare Center use modern contraceptives more than their sisters of district. Finally, the determinants of contraceptive practice include the ethnicity, age and marital status of women. Conclusion: In the light of this study, we suggest that emphasis should be placed on the identified determinants in order to promote modern contraceptive methods
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