17 research outputs found

    Role and Specificity of LG14-ADAM212 Interactions in Peripheral Nerve Myelination

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    Role and Specificity of LGI4-ADAM22 Interactions in Peripheral Nerve Myelination

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    In the peripheral nervous system, large caliber axons are ensheathed and myelinated by Schwann cells. Myelin is crucial for a faster signal transduction along the nerve. Hence it is not surprising that defects in this myelination process cause serious neurological disease. Despite the medical importance of these cells, our understanding of the cellular and molecular mechanisms that control Schwann cell development and myelination is still incomplete. Continuous communication between Schwann cells and neurons is essential for the development, differentiation and myelination of peripheral nerves. Previous studies showed that LGI4 is a secreted protein that is crucial for myelination and might be a key player in this communication process. The main aim of this thesis is to elucidate the mechanism of LGI4 function in peripheral nerve myelination and to identify its interaction partners. Chapter 1 of this thesis presents an overview of the different types of cells in the peripheral nervous system with an emphasis on Schwann cell development and myelination

    Role and Specificity of LG14-ADAM212 Interactions in Peripheral Nerve Myelination

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    LGI proteins in the nervous system

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    The development and function of the vertebrate nervous system depend on specific interactions between different cell types. Two examples of such interactions are synaptic transmission and myelination. LGI1-4 (leucine-rich glioma inactivated proteins) play important roles in these processes. They are secreted proteins consisting of an LRR (leucinerich repeat) domain and a so-called epilepsy-associated or EPTP (epitempin) domain. Both domains are thought to function in protein-protein interactions. The first LGI gene to be identified, LGI1, was found at a chromosomal translocation breakpoint in a glioma cell line. It was subsequently found mutated in ADLTE (autosomal dominant lateral temporal (lobe) epilepsy) also referred to as ADPEAF (autosomal dominant partial epilepsy with auditory features). LGI1 protein appears to act at synapses and antibodies against LGI1 may cause the autoimmune disorder limbic encephalitis. A similar function in synaptic remodelling has been suggested for LGI2, which is mutated in canine Benign Familial Juvenile Epilepsy. LGI4 is required for proliferation of glia in the peripheral nervous system and binds to a neuronal receptor, ADAM22, to foster ensheathment and myelination of axons by Schwann cells. Thus, LGI proteins play crucial roles in nervous system development and function and their study is highly important, both to understand their biological functions and for their therapeutic potential. Here, we review our current knowledge about this important family of proteins, and the progress made towards understanding their functions

    On the change of growth and wood constructive substances in Salix Koriyanagi which was grown in different soil moisture conditions

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    textabstractThe cellular interactions that drive the formation and maintenance of the insulating myelin sheath around axons are only partially understood. Leucine-rich glioma-inactivated (LGI) proteins play important roles in nervous system development and mutations in their genes have been associated with epilepsy and amyelination. Their function involves interactions with ADAM22 and ADAM23 cell surface receptors, possibly in apposing membranes, thus attenuating cellular interactions. LGI4-ADAM22 interactions are required for axonal sorting and myelination in the developing peripheral nervous system (PNS). Functional analysis revealed that, despite their high homology and affinity for ADAM22, LGI proteins are functionally distinct. To dissect the key residues in LGI proteins required for coordinating axonal sorting and myelination in the developing PNS, we adopted a phylogenetic and computational approach and demonstrate that the mechanism of action of LGI4 depends on a cluster of three amino acids on the outer surface of the LGI4 protein, thus providing a structural basis for the mechanistic differences in LGI protein function in nervous system development and evolution

    Functional phylogenetic analysis of LGI proteins identifies an interaction motif crucial for myelination

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    The cellular interactions that drive the formation and maintenance of the insulating myelin sheath around axons are only partially understood. Leucine-rich glioma-inactivated (LGI) proteins play important roles in nervous system development and mutations in their genes have been associated with epilepsy and amyelination. Their function involves interactions with ADAM22 and ADAM23 cell surface receptors, possibly in apposing membranes, thus attenuating cellular interactions. LGI4-ADAM22 interactions are required for axonal sorting and myelination in the developing peripheral nervous system (PNS). Functional analysis revealed that, despite their high homology and affinity for ADAM22, LGI proteins are functionally distinct. To dissect the key residues in LGI proteins required for coordinating axonal sorting and myelination in the developing PNS, we adopted a phylogenetic and computational approach and demonstrate that the mechanism of action of LGI4 depends on a cluster of three amino acids on the outer surface of the LGI4 protein, thus providing a structural basis for the mechanistic differences in LGI protein function in nervous system development and evolution

    Functional phylogenetic analysis of LGI proteins identifies an interaction motif crucial for myelination

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    The cellular interactions that drive the formation and maintenance of the insulating myelin sheath around axons are only partially understood. Leucine-rich glioma-inactivated (LGI) proteins play important roles in nervous system development and mutations in their genes have been associated with epilepsy and amyelination. Their function involves interactions with ADAM22 and ADAM23 cell surface receptors, possibly in apposing membranes, thus attenuating cellular interactions. LGI4-ADAM22 interactions are required for axonal sorting and myelination in the developing peripheral nervous system (PNS). Functional analysis revealed that, despite their high homology and affinity for ADAM22, LGI proteins are functionally distinct. To dissect the key residues in LGI proteins required for coordinating axonal sorting and myelination in the developing PNS, we adopted a phylogenetic and computational approach and demonstrate that the mechanism of action of LGI4 depends on a cluster of three amino acids on the outer surface of the LGI4 protein, thus providing a structural basis for the mechanistic differences in LGI protein function in nervous system development and evolution

    Importin 13-dependent axon diameter growth regulates conduction speeds along myelinated CNS axons

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    Axon diameter influences the conduction properties of myelinated axons, both directly, and indirectly through effects on myelin. However, we have limited understanding of mechanisms controlling axon diameter growth in the central nervous system, preventing systematic dissection of how manipulating diameter affects myelination and conduction along individual axons. Here we establish zebrafish to study axon diameter. We find that importin 13b is required for axon diameter growth, but does not affect cell body size or axon length. Using neuron-specific ipo13b mutants, we assess how reduced axon diameter affects myelination and conduction, and find no changes to myelin thickness, precision of action potential propagation, or ability to sustain high frequency firing. However, increases in conduction speed that occur along single myelinated axons with development are tightly linked to their growth in diameter. This suggests that axon diameter growth is a major driver of increases in conduction speeds along myelinated axons over time.<br/

    Oligodendrocyte Neurofascin independently regulates both myelin targeting and sheath growth in the CNS

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    Selection of the correct targets for myelination and regulation of myelin sheath growth are essential for central nervous system (CNS) formation and function. Through a genetic screen in zebrafish and complementary analyses in mice, we find that loss of oligodendrocyte Neurofascin leads to mistargeting of myelin to cell bodies, without affecting targeting to axons. In addition, loss of Neurofascin reduces CNS myelination by impairing myelin sheath growth. Time-lapse imaging reveals that the distinct myelinating processes of individual oligodendrocytes can engage in target selection and sheath growth at the same time and that Neurofascin concomitantly regulates targeting and growth. Disruption to Caspr, the neuronal binding partner of oligodendrocyte Neurofascin, also impairs myelin sheath growth, likely reflecting its association in an adhesion complex at the axon-glial interface with Neurofascin. Caspr does not, however, affect myelin targeting, further indicating that Neurofascin independently regulates distinct aspects of CNS myelination by individual oligodendrocytes in vivo

    Neuronal activity disrupts myelinated axon integrity in the absence of NKCC1b

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    Through a genetic screen in zebrafish, we identified a mutant with disruption to myelin in both the CNS and PNS caused by a mutation in a previously uncharacterized gene, slc12a2b, predicted to encode a Na+, K+, and Cl− (NKCC) cotransporter, NKCC1b. slc12a2b/NKCC1b mutants exhibited a severe and progressive pathology in the PNS, characterized by dysmyelination and swelling of the periaxonal space at the axon–myelin interface. Cell-type–specific loss of slc12a2b/NKCC1b in either neurons or myelinating Schwann cells recapitulated these pathologies. Given that NKCC1 is critical for ion homeostasis, we asked whether the disruption to myelinated axons in slc12a2b/NKCC1b mutants is affected by neuronal activity. Strikingly, we found that blocking neuronal activity completely prevented and could even rescue the pathology in slc12a2b/NKCC1b mutants. Together, our data indicate that NKCC1b is required to maintain neuronal activity–related solute homeostasis at the axon–myelin interface, and the integrity of myelinated axons