271 research outputs found

    Estudio descriptivo de la discalculia, el abordaje pedagógico y el desarrollo socioemocional en el aprendizaje de las matemáticas

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    El término discalculia se refiere a una dificultad persistente en el aprendizaje o comprensión de conceptos numéricos, denominándose como la dificultad para el aprendizaje de las matemáticas. En la discalculia se observan dificultades relacionadas con el procesamiento del pensamiento operatorio, la clasificación, correspondencia, reversibilidad, ordenamiento, seriación e inclusión. Todas ellas habilidades necesarias en el área de matemática y el razonamiento lógico. Esta puede asociarse a un trastorno en el desarrollo, principalmente en el aspecto del lenguaje (lenguaje verbal y oral, comprensión de grafismos). También puede ser adquirida, debido a alguna lesión en el cerebro, que provoca una afasia (imposibilidad de leer o escribir los números) o un daño en la ubicación espacial, por lo que sustituye o invierte los números, no retiene datos, y confunde los signos. Es así, como la discalculia, puede convertirse en un enemigo silencioso, que algunos docentes, poseemos en el aula de clases, el cual se va apoderando del estudiante y por falta de conocimiento, se llegan a cometer muchos errores, como juzgar y precipitar al estudiante a tener que avanzar y alcanzar unos objetivos que no se darán como debiera ser, puesto que no cuenta con el abordaje pedagógico necesario, el cual es bastante escaso, entre las escuelas, publicas, y a través de este estudio, se nombraran algunas de las más eficaces. Con respecto a todo lo antes mencionado sobre las dificultades de aprendizaje en las matemáticas, no se puede dejar de lado su relación frente al desarrollo Socioemocional del estudiante, en algunas ocasiones suele ser deducible la influencia negativa que la discalculia aporta al estudiante, aunque es muy poco lo que se ha investigado sobre este punto. Actualmente se entiende que la ansiedad hacia las matemáticas puede conducir a errores, ya que los pensamientos respecto de cuán bien uno lo está haciendo, pueden introducirse en la conciencia y perturbar el desarrollo de la resolución de problemas matemáticos. Pese a que la ansiedad hacia las matemáticas no aparece normalmente sino hasta mediados de la escuela primaria, la discalculia tiende, finalmente, a producir frustración, evasión y potencialmente una ansiedad excesiva al resolver problemas matemáticos. Cualquier ansiedad se agregará a la deficiencia cognitiva subyacente y dificultará aún más el aprendizaje de las matemáticas. A continuación, encontraremos las preguntas orientadoras de todo este trabajo investigativo: ¿Cómo reconocer a un niño o niña, que presente discalculia? ¿Qué estrategias pedagógicas, se pueden implementar en el aula? ¿Se puede curar la discalculia? ¿Puede la discalculia, afectar el desarrollo emocional en un estudiante

    Australian NSP Survey National Data Report 2004-2008

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    Colour development on drying

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    In memoriam of Dr. H. Peter STEINHAGEN The drying of wet materials induces a number of physico-chemical changes in the product, often reflected in colour. For dried products sold on appearance, like certain grades of wood, the extent of colour development is highly significant in terms of the material’s end-use. Until recently, colour was normally assessed by eye, but the availability of convenient spectrophotometers has provided industrial users with a means of quantitative description of colour. Examples from wood technology include assessing the impact of biological surface treatment, the impact of ultraviolet radiation, and screening of drying schedules by evaluating kiln brown-stain development. In other applications, the depth of colour might be used for the screening of drying schedules as an adjunct to other tests for stress development, or to pinpoint reaction and knotty wood in boards by an online scanner

    Using an Overall Mass-Transfer Coefficient for Prediction of Drying of Chilean Coigüe

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    A phenomenological model was used to quantify the drying process of Chilean coigüe (Nothofagus dombeyi). This model is based on an overall mass-transfer coefficient, K, which was determined in four laboratory drying runs. The model suitably described the drying of Chilean coigüe lumber of 19- and 30-mm thickness with K ranging from 0.012 to 0.021 ms-1 at a dry-bulb of 60°C and a wet-bulb of 40°C. A preliminary industrial run under somewhat similar conditions in a 100-m3 industrial kiln with 38-mm-thick lumber showing that the drying process could be represented by a K of 0.008 ms-1. The laboratory-scale values of K can be regarded as ideal from which to compare the performance of the industrial unit

    Measurement of colour development in Pinus radiata sapwood boards during drying at various schedules

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    Colour changes, such as kiln brown stain, that develop in Pinus radiata boards during kiln drying can reduce the value of the final wood products and result in significant losses due to downgrade or waste of dried wood by removing the darkened surfaces. This study measured how colour developed in Pinus radiata sapwood boards under different drying schedules.The boards used in these experiments were 40x100x800mm, cut from the same log and were endand edge-matched. Boards were dried at eight different schedules using temperatures from 50°C to 120°C and relative humidities from 14% to 67%. Separate boards were dried for 5 equal intervals through each schedule and colour profiles measured through the boards using a surface reflectance spectrophotometer. Lightness, L*, on a greyscale was used as an indication of colour change (darkening).The results show that there is generally a greater decrease in lightness with higher temperature schedules and also with slower, higher relative humidity, schedules. This suggests that both temperature and drying time are significant factors in the formation of colour during drying. The most significant changes in colour occurred near the board surfaces, indicating kiln brown stain

    Surface colour change in wood during drying above and below fibre saturation point

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    A technique, useful for studying the formation of kiln brown stain in wood drying, has been developed to measure the surface colour change in a single board wood sample during drying.  The wood sample is planed carefully in the green state to remove any surface wood that was damaged during cutting.  The intact tracheids at the surface cause the evaporative front to remain at the surface during drying and therefore colour formation also occurs right at the surface. In this way, the colour can be measured using a spectrophotometer at various stages during drying without having to slice the sample.Experiments were carried out to measure the change in colour of wood from green to EMC corresponding to the drying schedule used.  At the end of each schedule the boards were held at the EMC to determine how the colour changed below fibre saturation point.  The results show that the colour of the wood continues to change below the fibre saturation point and the nature of the colour change indicates an increase in the complexity of the coloured compounds present.Further experiments were done to measure the rate of colour development at different temperatures using the technique developed.  The results have shown a correlation between temperature and colour development over the range 50ºC to 70ºC with the rate increasing significantly above 60ºC

    Estrategias de Marketing para el Posicionamiento de la Empresa Aero Shoes en la Ciudad de Huancayo

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    El trabajo de investigación se inicia con la identificación de los problemas en el cumplimientos de metas, problemática que nos condujo a tratar de cambiar esta realidad, la presente investigación titula: “Estrategias De Marketing Para El Posicionamiento De La Empresa Aero Shoes En La Ciudad De Huancayo”, para el cual se planteó el siguiente problema general ¿Qué estrategias de marketing son trascendentes para el posicionamiento de la empresa “AERO SHOES” en la ciudad de Huancayo?”, cuyo objetivo general es "Determinar las Estrategias de marketing que son trascendentes para el posicionamiento de la empresa “AERO SHOES” en la ciudad de Huancayo.” 14 La investigación, reúne las condiciones metodológicas de una investigación cuantitativa, y como tipo una investigación descriptiva. Para la recolección de datos se utilizó como técnica de investigación a la encuesta, dirigido a los clientes de la empresa, que son varones y mujeres entre las edades de 18 a 70 años, habitantes de la ciudad de Huancayo; esto con el fin de obtener información más certera y exacta referente a la empresa y de los calzados. La empresa con 8 años de comercialización de calzado no tiene un nivel de posicionamiento local, por ende se debe ejecutar estrategias de marketing y aplicarlas en la empresa. Tomando en cuenta lo expuesto anteriormente, y analizando la capacidad de la empresa “AERO SHOES”, se observan algunas debilidades por lo que se propone crear estrategias de marketing orientadas al producto, promoción, precio y evidencia física, siendo el objetivo general proponer estrategias de marketing para el posicionamiento de la de la empresa en la ciudad de Huancayo-Junín, ya que la empresa requiere fortalecerse en esta área. Como una alternativa a las necesidades detectadas, se llevó a cabo el presente trabajo a través de una línea de investigación de campo.Tesi

    Repair and reinforcement of timber columns and shear walls – A review

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    This paper provides an overview of state-of-the-art repairing and reinforcing techniques on timber columns and shear walls in both research and practice. Both research projects in the laboratory scale and real repair/reinforcement projects are examined. It covers two levels of intervention; repair and reinforcement of timber elements. The former focuses on damaged elements and the latter focuses on enhancing the mechanical properties of the elements. Firstly the need to reinforce and repair timber columns and shear walls is discussed, followed by an extensive review of current techniques for repair and reinforcement. Advantages and disadvantages of different existing techniques are analysed so as to inform future practice and research. Finally, several important issues, such as reversibility and long term behaviour, are also discussed

    Oil palm waste: An abundant and promising feedstock for microwave pyrolysis conversion into good quality biochar with potential multi-applications

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    Oil palm waste (OPW), comprising mainly of empty fruit bunch, mesocarp fiber, frond, trunk, and palm kernel shell generated from palm oil industry, was collected, characterized, and then pyrolyzed to evaluate their potential to be converted into biochar with desirable properties for use in multi-applications. The OPW was detected to have considerable amounts of carbon (43–51 wt%) and fixed carbon (30–39 wt%), showing potential to be converted into carbon-rich biochar. Microwave pyrolysis of palm kernel shell as the selected OPW produced a biochar with zero sulphur content and high heating value (23–26 MJ/kg) that is nearly comparable to conventional coal, thus indicating its potential as an eco-friendly solid fuel. The biochar obtained was also showed low moisture (<3 wt%) and ash (3 wt%), and a highly porous structure with high BET surface area (210 m2/g), indicating the presence of many adsorption sites and thus showing desirable characteristics for potential use as pollutant adsorbent in wastewater treatment, or bio-fertilizer to absorb nutrient and promote plant growth. Our results demonstrate that OPW is a biowaste that shows exceptional promise to be transformed into high-grade biochar rather than simply disposed by landfilling or burned as low-grade fuel in boiler