259 research outputs found

    The rationales of resilience in English and Dutch flood risk policies

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    We compared the governance of flood risk in England and the Netherlands, focusing on the general policies, instruments used and underlying principles. Both physical and political environments are important in explaining how countries evolved towards very different rationales of resilience. Answering questions as ‘who decides’, ‘who should act’ and ‘who is responsible and liable for flood damage’ systematically, results in a quite fundamental difference in what resilience means, and how this affects the governance regime. In the Netherlands, there is nationwide collective regime with a technocracy based on the merit of water expertise, legitimated by a social contract of government being responsible and the general public accepting and supporting this. In England there also is a technocracy, but this is part of a general-political and economic-rational decision-making process, with responsibilities spread over state, insurance companies, individuals and communities. The rationales are connected to specific conceptions of the public interest, leading to specific governance principles. In both countries, flood risk strategies are discussed in the light of climate change effects, but resilience strategies show more persistence, although combined with gradual adaptation of practices on lower scales, than great transformations

    Clostridium difficile in a farrowing pen

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    Clostridium difficile is an important cause of enteric disease in humans. In pigs Clostridium difficile can cause neonatal enteritis and can be isolated from faeces from diseased and healthy animals. According to recent research, isolates from humans and animals show genetic and phenotypic overlap. In The Netherlands, strains isolated from diseased piglets were indistinguishable from strains isolated from Dutch patients. These strains belonged to ribotype 078. Because pigs can either be clinical hosts and/or may be a possible reservoir more understanding of the epidemiology of Clostridium difficile among pigs is needed. The objectives of this study were to specify whether, how and when newborn piglets get infected by Clostridium difficile for the first time. With this intention, six sows, their farrowing crates and litters (71 piglets) at one farm were sampled around the day of birth of the piglets. Within 48 hours after birth, all sampled 71 piglets at the farm became positive for Clostridium difficile ribotype 078. Moreover, all sows became positive within 113 hours after birth of the piglets and the farrowing crates were intermittently positive during the sampling period. This research shows that the sow, the farrowing crate, the air and the teats of the sow are possible transmission routes of Clostridium difficile ribotype 078.This information might help to advise farmers on taking measures against Clostridium difficile infections in neonatal piglets

    Natura 2000 and the regulation of agricultural ammonia emissions

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    This article provides a comparative analysis of the regulation of ammonia emissions, primarily from livestock installations, in Denmark, Germany and the Netherlands. It discusses the challenges of regulating agricultural ammonia emissions in view of the rulings of the Court of Justice of the European Union (cjeu) on Art. 6(3) of the Habitats Directive. It is argued that the need to ensure certainty concerning the absence of significant effects on Natura 2000 sites is challenged by the uncertainties regarding both the state of individual habitat types and the potential impact of individual projects. A more integrated or programmatic approach may provide an alternative approach to individual assessments, but it is necessary to ensure that additional loads from new or enlarged livestock installations are permitted in areas with high ammonia loads only where it is certain that a programmatic approach will ensure that there are no harmful effects. This might be an almost impossible task

    Aerial dissemination of Clostridium difficile spores inside and outside a pig farm

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    In both human and veterinary medicine Clostridium difficile infections are increasingly reported. The observation that aerial dissemination occurs in a hospital environment and can pla a role in the transmission of human C. difficile infection, resulted in the present study to the occurence of airborne C. difficile in, and nearby a pig farm with a high prevalence of C. difficile

    Mogelijkheden en beperkingen van een gebiedsgerichte uitwerking van de Nitraatrichtlijn

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    Wordt de landbouw onevenredig hard getroffen in die gebieden in Nederland waar aan de nitraatconcentratie in het grondwater wordt voldaan? Die vraag probeerden Alterra en de Universiteit Utrecht te beantwoorden in een studie naar de mogelijkheden die de Nitraatrichtlijn biedt om de aanwijzing van nitraatuitspoelingsgevoelige gebieden (kwetsbare zones) en bijbehorende nitraatactieprogramma's te differentiëren naar de landbouw- en milieukundige omstandigheden in de verschillende regio's. Het doel hierachter is een betere aansluiting te krijgen bij de gebiedsgerichte uitwerking van de Kaderrichtlijn Water. De resultaten zijn gebaseerd op literatuurstudie, brainstormsessies, interviews en een bijeenkomst met actoren uit het veld. Een verdere differentiatie is technisch mogelijk via aanwijzing van specifieke kwetsbare zones en het uitzonderen van andere gebieden. Verwacht wordt echter dat het uit te zonderen areaal beperkt zal zijn. Meer perspectief bied een verdergaande (gebiedsgerichte) differentiatie van gebruiksnormen die van toepassing zijn op de aangewezen kwetsbare zones. Nitraatactieprogramma's zijn verder te 'harmoniseren' met stroomgebiedsplannen van de Kaderrichtlijn Water, maar dienen wel als zodanig herkenbaar in stand te blijven

    Bayesian evaluation of diverging theories of episodic and affective memory distortions in dysphoria

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    People suffering from dysphoria retrieve autobiographical memories distorted in content and affect, which may contribute to the aetiology and maintenance of depression. However, key memory difficulties in dysphoria remain elusive because theories disagree how memories of different valence are altered. Here, we assessed the psychophysiological expression of affect and retrieved episodic detail while participants with dysphoria (but without a diagnosed mental illness) and participants without dysphoria relived positive, negative, and neutral memories. We show that participants with dysphoria retrieve positive memories with diminished episodic detail and negative memories with enhanced detail, compared to participants without dysphoria. This is in line with negativity bias but not overgeneral memory bias theories. According to confirmatory analyses, participants with dysphoria also express diminished positive affect and enhanced negative affect when retrieving happy memories, but exploratory analyses suggest that this increase in negative affect may not be robust. Further confirmatory analyses showed that affective responses to memories are not related to episodic detail and already present during the experience of new emotional events. Our results indicate that affective memory distortions may not emerge from mnemonic processes but from general distortions in positive affect, which challenges assumptions of memory theories and therapeutics. Protocol registration: The Stage 1 protocol for this Registered Report was accepted in principle on the 18rd of March 2021. The protocol, as accepted by the journal, can be found at https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.14605374.v1

    Introducing Adaptive Flood Risk Management in England, New Zealand, and the Netherlands: The Impact of Administrative Traditions

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    Climate change adaptation creates significant challenges for decision makers in the flood risk-management policy domain. Given the complex characteristics of climate change, adaptive approaches(which can be adjusted as circumstances evolve) are deemed necessary to deal with a range of uncertainties around flood hazard and its impacts and associated risks. The question whether implementing adaptive approaches is successful highly depends upon how the administrative tradition of a country enable or hinder applying a more adaptive approach. In this article, we discern how the administrative tradition in the Netherlands, England, and New Zealand impact upon the introduction of adaptive flood risk management approaches. Using the concept of administrative traditions, we aim to explain the similarities and/or differences in how adaptive strategies are shaped and implemented in the three different state flood management regimes and furthermore, which aspects related to administrative traditions are enablers or barriers to innovation in these processe