202 research outputs found

    ENSEMBLES: a new multi-model ensemble for seasonal-to-annual predictions: Skill and progress beyond DEMETER in forecasting tropical Pacific SSTs

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    A new 46-year hindcast dataset for seasonal-to-annual ensemble predictions has been created using a multi-model ensemble of 5 state-of-the-art coupled atmosphere-ocean circulation models. The multi-model outperforms any of the single-models in forecasting tropical Pacific SSTs because of reduced RMS errors and enhanced ensemble dispersion at all lead-times. Systematic errors are considerably reduced over the previous generation (DEMETER). Probabilistic skill scores show higher skill for the new multi-model ensemble than for DEMETER in the 4–6 month forecast range. However, substantially improved models would be required to achieve strongly statistical significant skill increases. The combination of ENSEMBLES and DEMETER into a grand multi-model ensemble does not improve the forecast skill further. Annual-range hindcasts show anomaly correlation skill of ∌0.5 up to 14 months ahead. A wide range of output from the multi-model simulations is becoming publicly available and the international community is invited to explore the full scientific potential of these data

    Improving weather and climate predictions by training of supermodels

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    Recent studies demonstrate that weather and climate predictions potentially improve by dynamically combining different models into a so-called "supermodel". Here, we focus on the weighted supermodel - the supermodel's time derivative is a weighted superposition of the time derivatives of the imperfect models, referred to as weighted supermodeling. A crucial step is to train the weights of the supermodel on the basis of historical observations. Here, we apply two different training methods to a supermodel of up to four different versions of the global atmosphere-ocean-land model SPEEDO. The standard version is regarded as truth. The first training method is based on an idea called cross pollination in time (CPT), where models exchange states during the training. The second method is a synchronization-based learning rule, originally developed for parameter estimation. We demonstrate that both training methods yield climate simulations and weather predictions of superior quality as compared to the individual model versions. Supermodel predictions also outperform predictions based on the commonly used multi-model ensemble (MME) mean. Furthermore, we find evidence that negative weights can improve predictions in cases where model errors do not cancel (for instance, all models are warm with respect to the truth). In principle, the proposed training schemes are applicable to state-of-the-art models and historical observations. A prime advantage of the proposed training schemes is that in the present context relatively short training periods suffice to find good solutions. Additional work needs to be done to assess the limitations due to incomplete and noisy data, to combine models that are structurally different (different resolution and state representation, for instance) and to evaluate cases for which the truth falls outside of the model class

    Decadal predictability: How might the startosphere be involved?

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    How warm, wet, and stormy will the next decade be? This question and how to answer it – decadal climate prediction – is currently generating a large amount of interest in the research community. The interest stems from the growing awareness that climate varies naturally on decadal time scales, both regionally and globally, with large socio-economic consequences, and has the potential to temporarily offset or exacerbate anthropogenic global warming. The aim here is to discuss the current status of decadal prediction and highlight areas where the stratosphere may play an important role

    Supermodeling Improving Predictions with an Ensemble of Interacting Models

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    The modeling of weather and climate has been a success story. The skill of forecasts continues to improve and model biases continue to decrease. Combining the output of multiple models has further improved forecast skill and reduced biases. But are we exploiting the full capacity of state-of-the-art models in making forecasts and projections? Supermodeling is a recent step forward in the multimodel ensemble approach. Instead of combining model output after the simulations are completed, in a supermodel individual models exchange state information as they run, influencing each other's behavior. By learning the optimal parameters that determine how models influence each other based on past observations, model errors are reduced at an early stage before they propagate into larger scales and affect other regions and variables. The models synchronize on a common solution that through learning remains closer to the observed evolution. Effectively a new dynamical system has been created, a supermodel, that optimally combines the strengths of the constituent models. The supermodel approach has the potential to rapidly improve current state-of-the-art weather forecasts and climate predictions. In this paper we introduce supermodeling, demonstrate its potential in examples of various complexity, and discuss learning strategies. We conclude with a discussion of remaining challenges for a successful application of supermodeling in the context of state-of-the-art models. The supermodeling approach is not limited to the modeling of weather and climate, but can be applied to improve the prediction capabilities of any complex system, for which a set of different models exists

    ENSO impact on northwest African upwelling

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    One of the most robust ENSO teleconnections is that linking SST anomalies in the equatorial Pacific and Tropical North Atlantic (TNA) in boreal spring. While the role played by the wind-evaporation-SST (WES) feedback in maintaining the ENSO-related SST anomalies over the TNA is well understood, many questions remain open about the signature of this ENSO teleconnection on the northwest African upwelling system and its role for the further response during the spring season along the whole TNA. This issue is analyzed here in both observations and CGCM models with different nominal resolution (CMIP6 HighResMIP simulations). In particular, the relevance of the mean state variability in the tropical Atlantic for modulating the northwest African upwelling response to ENSO has been assessed in depth. Furthermore, and considering the exceptional ecological importance of this upwelling area, the ENSO-related influence on the spatio-temporal variability of round sardinella (the dominant fish species in terms of abundance) has been also analyzed. To this aim, an end-to-end strategy which combines models of physics (hydrodynamic), lower trophic levels (nutrient-plankton) and upper trophic levels (sardinella), is used. All these analyses highlight from both climate and ecological perspectives, the relevance of better understanding the ENSO-northwest African upwelling teleconnection.Universidad de MĂĄlaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional AndalucĂ­a Tech

    Mitigating Climate Biases in the Midlatitude North Atlantic by Increasing Model Resolution: SST Gradients and Their Relation to Blocking and the Jet

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    Starting to resolve the oceanic mesoscale in climate models is a step change in model fidelity. This study examines how certain obstinate biases in the midlatitude North Atlantic respond to increasing resolution (from 18 to 0.258 in the ocean) and how such biases in sea surface temperature (SST) affect the atmosphere. Using a multimodel ensemble of historical climate simulations run at different horizontal resolutions, it is shown that a severe cold SST bias in the central North Atlantic, common to many ocean models, is significantly reduced with increasing resolution. The associated bias in the time-mean meridional SST gradient is shown to relate to a positive bias in low-level baroclinicity, while the cold SST bias causes biases also in static stability and diabatic heating in the interior of the atmosphere. The changes in baroclinicity and diabatic heating brought by increasing resolution lead to improvements in European blocking and eddy-driven jet variability. Across the multimodel ensemble a clear relationship is found between the climatological meridional SST gradients in the broader Gulf Stream Extension area and two aspects of the atmospheric circulation: the frequency of high-latitude blocking and the southern-jet regime. This relationship is thought to reflect the two-way interaction (with a positive feedback) between the respective oceanic and atmospheric anomalies. These North Atlantic SST anomalies are shown to be important in forcing significant responses in the midlatitude atmospheric circulation, including jet variability and the storm track. Further increases in oceanic and atmospheric resolution are expected to lead to additional improvements in the representation of Euro-Atlantic climate

    The Impact of North Atlantic-Arctic Multidecadal Variability on Northern Hemisphere Surface Air Temperature

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    The 20th century Northern Hemisphere surface climate exhibits a long-term warming trend, largely caused by anthropogenic forcing, and natural decadal climate variability superimposed on it. This study addresses the possible origin and strength of internal decadal climate variability in the Northern Hemisphere during the recent decades. We present results from a set of climate model simulations that suggest natural internal multidecadal climate variability in the North Atlantic-Arctic Sector could have considerably contributed to the Northern Hemisphere surface warming since 1980. Although covering only a few percent of the earth’s surface, the Arctic may have provided the largest share in this. It is hypothesized that a stronger Meridional Overturning Circulation in the Atlantic and the associated increase in northward heat transport enhanced the heat loss from the ocean to the atmosphere in the North Atlantic region, and especially in the North Atlantic portion of the Arctic due to anomalously strong sea ice melt. The model results stress the potential importance of natural internal multidecadal variability originating in the North Atlantic-Arctic Sector in generating inter-decadal climate changes not only on a regional, but possibly also on a hemispheric and even global scale
