2,684 research outputs found

    One-Dimensional Directed Sandpile Models and the Area under a Brownian Curve

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    We derive the steady state properties of a general directed ``sandpile'' model in one dimension. Using a central limit theorem for dependent random variables we find the precise conditions for the model to belong to the universality class of the Totally Asymmetric Oslo model, thereby identifying a large universality class of directed sandpiles. We map the avalanche size to the area under a Brownian curve with an absorbing boundary at the origin, motivating us to solve this Brownian curve problem. Thus, we are able to determine the moment generating function for the avalanche-size probability in this universality class, explicitly calculating amplitudes of the leading order terms.Comment: 24 pages, 5 figure

    Area distribution and the average shape of a L\'evy bridge

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    We consider a one dimensional L\'evy bridge x_B of length n and index 0 < \alpha < 2, i.e. a L\'evy random walk constrained to start and end at the origin after n time steps, x_B(0) = x_B(n)=0. We compute the distribution P_B(A,n) of the area A = \sum_{m=1}^n x_B(m) under such a L\'evy bridge and show that, for large n, it has the scaling form P_B(A,n) \sim n^{-1-1/\alpha} F_\alpha(A/n^{1+1/\alpha}), with the asymptotic behavior F_\alpha(Y) \sim Y^{-2(1+\alpha)} for large Y. For \alpha=1, we obtain an explicit expression of F_1(Y) in terms of elementary functions. We also compute the average profile < \tilde x_B (m) > at time m of a L\'evy bridge with fixed area A. For large n and large m and A, one finds the scaling form = n^{1/\alpha} H_\alpha({m}/{n},{A}/{n^{1+1/\alpha}}), where at variance with Brownian bridge, H_\alpha(X,Y) is a non trivial function of the rescaled time m/n and rescaled area Y = A/n^{1+1/\alpha}. Our analytical results are verified by numerical simulations.Comment: 21 pages, 4 Figure

    Precise Asymptotics for a Random Walker's Maximum

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    We consider a discrete time random walk in one dimension. At each time step the walker jumps by a random distance, independent from step to step, drawn from an arbitrary symmetric density function. We show that the expected positive maximum E[M_n] of the walk up to n steps behaves asymptotically for large n as, E[M_n]/\sigma=\sqrt{2n/\pi}+ \gamma +O(n^{-1/2}), where \sigma^2 is the variance of the step lengths. While the leading \sqrt{n} behavior is universal and easy to derive, the leading correction term turns out to be a nontrivial constant \gamma. For the special case of uniform distribution over [-1,1], Coffmann et. al. recently computed \gamma=-0.516068...by exactly enumerating a lengthy double series. Here we present a closed exact formula for \gamma valid for arbitrary symmetric distributions. We also demonstrate how \gamma appears in the thermodynamic limit as the leading behavior of the difference variable E[M_n]-E[|x_n|] where x_n is the position of the walker after n steps. An application of these results to the equilibrium thermodynamics of a Rouse polymer chain is pointed out. We also generalize our results to L\'evy walks.Comment: new references added, typos corrected, published versio

    Monoclonal antibodies against human astrocytomas and their reactivity pattern

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    The establishment of hybridomas after fusion of X63-Ag8.653 mouse myeloma cells and splenocytes from mice hyperimmunized against human astrocytomas is presented. The animals were primed with 5 × 106 chemically modified uncultured or cultured glioma cells. Six weeks after the last immunization step an intrasplenal booster injection was administrated and 3 days later the spleen cells were prepared for fusion experiments. According to the specificity analysis of the generated antibodies 7 hybridoma products (MUC 7-22, MUC 8-22, MUC 10-22, MUC 11-22, MUC 14-22, MUC 15-22 and MUC 2-63) react with gliomas, neuroblastomas and melanomas as well as with embryonic and fetal cells but do not recognize non-neurogenic tumors. The selected monoclonal antibodies (McAbs) of IgG1 and IgG2a isotypes are not extensively characterized but these antibodies have been demonstrated to be reactive with a panel of glioma cell lines with varying patterns of antigen distribution. Using the McAbs described above and a series of cryosections of glioma biopsies and paraffin sections of the same material as well as glioma cultures established from these, variable antigenic profiles among glioma cell populations could be demonstrated. From these results it is evident that there is not only a distinct degree of antigenic heterogeneity among and within brain tumors, but also that the pattern of antigenic expression can change continuously. Some of the glioma associated antigens recognized by the selected antibodies persist after fixation with methanol/acetone and Karnovsky's fixative and probably are oncoembryonic/oncofetal antigen(s). The data suggest that the use of McAbs recognizing tumor associated oncofetal antigens in immunohistochemistry facilitates objective typing of intracranial malignancies and precise analysis of fine needle brain/tumor biopsies in a sensitive and reproducible manner

    Quality management in heavy duty manufacturing industry: TQM vs. Six Sigma

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    ‘Is TQM a management fad?’ This question has been extensively documented in the quality management literature; and will be tackled in this research though a critical literature review on the area. ‘TQM versus Six-Sigma’ debate, which has also been a fundamental challenge in this research filed, is addressed by a thematic and chronological review on the peer papers. To evaluate this challenge in practice, a primary research in heavy duty machinery production industry have been conducted using a case-study on, J C Bamford Excavators Ltd (JCB), the largest European construction machinery producer. The result highlights that TQM is a natural foundation to build up Six-Sigma upon; and not surprisingly the quality yield in a TQM approach complemented by Six-sigma is far higher and more stable than when TQM with no Six-Sigma focus is being put in place; thus presenting the overall finding that TQM and Six Sigma are compliments, not substitutes. The study will be concluded with an overview on quality management approaches in the heavy duty manufacturing industry to highlight the way forward for the industry

    Phonon drag thermopower and weak localization

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    Previous experimental work on a two-dimensional (2D) electron gas in a Si-on-sapphire device led to the conclusion that both conductivity and phonon drag thermopower SgS^g are affected to the same relative extent by weak localization. The present paper presents further experimental and theoretical results on these transport coefficients for two very low mobility 2D electron gases in δ\delta-doped GaAs/Gax_xAl1x_{1-x}As quantum wells. The experiments were carried out in the temperature range 3-7K where phonon drag dominates the thermopower and, contrary to the previous work, the changes observed in the thermopower due to weak localization were found to be an order of magnitude less than those in the conductivity. A theoretical framework for phonon drag thermopower in 2D and 3D semiconductors is presented which accounts for this insensitivity of SgS^g to weak localization. It also provides transparent physical explanations of many previous experimental and theoretical results.Comment: 19 page Revtex file, 3 Postscript figur

    Recurrent Clostridium difficile infection associates with distinct bile acid and microbiome profiles

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    Background: The healthy microbiome protects against the development of Clostridium difficile infection (CDI), which typically develops following antibiotics. The microbiome metabolises primary to secondary bile acids, a process if disrupted by antibiotics, may be critical for the initiation of CDI. Aim: To assess the levels of primary and secondary bile acids associated with CDI and associated microbial changes. Methods: Stool and serum were collected from patients with (i) first CDI (fCDI), (ii) recurrent CDI (rCDI) and (iii) healthy controls. 16S rRNA sequencing and bile salt metabolomics were performed. Random forest regression models were constructed to predict disease status. PICRUSt analyses were used to test for associations between predicted bacterial bile salt hydrolase (BSH) gene abundances and bile acid levels. Results: Sixty patients (20 fCDI, 19 rCDI and 21 controls) were enrolled. Secondary bile acids in stool were significantly elevated in controls compared to rCDI and fCDI (P < 0.0001 and P = 0.0007 respectively). Primary bile acids in stool were significantly elevated in rCDI compared to controls (P < 0.0001) and in rCDI compared to fCDI (P = 0.02). Using random forest regression, we distinguished rCDI and fCDI patients 84.2% of the time using bile acid ratios. Stool deoxycholate to glycoursodeoxycholate ratio was the single best predictor. PICRUSt analyses found significant differences in predicted abundances of bacterial BSH genes in stool samples across the groups. Conclusions: Primary and secondary bile acid composition in stool was different in those with rCDI, fCDI and controls. The ratio of stool deoxycholate to glycoursodeoxycholate was the single best predictor of disease state and may be a potential biomarker for recurrence.American College of Gastroenterology (Clinical Research Award ACGJR-017-2015

    A comparative assessment of the information technology services sector in India and China

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    The purpose of this paper is to assess the nature of competition in the information technology (IT) services sector between India and China. Using primary and secondary data sources, we compare and contrast the strengths and weaknesses of the IT services sector in the two countries along the main dimensions of Porter&rsquo;s competitive advantage model. The principal findings indicate that the IT services sectors in the two countries are distinctively different, have developed along different paths and are highly complementary to each other. China has a well established hardware sector and its IT services sector focuses mostly on servicing its domestic market. India&rsquo;s IT services sector is predominantly export orientated with focus on the US and Western European markets. Contrary to popular beliefs, given the complementary characteristics of the IT services sectors in India and China, it is unlikely for the two countries to compete against each other in the near future and greater strategic co-operation between IT service providers in the two countries is a more likely outcome.<br /

    Science lives: School choices and ‘natural tendencies’

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    An analysis of 12 semi-structured interviews with university-based scientists and non-scientists illustrates their life journeys towards, or away from, science and the strengths and impact of life occurrences leading them to choose science or non-science professions. We have adopted narrative approaches and used Mezirow's transformative learning theory framework. The areas of discussion from the result have stressed on three main categories that include ‘smooth transition’, ‘incremental wavering transition' and ‘transformative transition’. The article concludes by discussing the key influences that shaped initial attitudes and direction in these people through natural inclination, environmental inspirations and perceptions of science

    Developing effective practice learning for tomorrow's social workers

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    This paper considers some of the changes in social work education in the UK, particularly focusing on practice learning in England. The changes and developments are briefly identified and examined in the context of what we know about practice learning. The paper presents some findings from a small scale qualitative study of key stakeholders involved in practice learning and education in social work and their perceptions of these anticipated changes, which are revisited at implementation. The implications for practice learning are discussed