155 research outputs found

    Correlation between contrast sensitivity and higher-order aberration based on pupil diameter after cataract surgery

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    Takefumi Yamaguchi1,2, Kazuno Negishi1, Kazuhiko Ohnuma3, Kazuo Tsubota11Department of Ophthalmology, Keio University School of Medicine, Tokyo; 2Department of Ophthalmology, Ichikawa General Hospital, Tokyo Dental College, Chiba; 3Department of Medical System Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Chiba University, Chiba, JapanBackground: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the correlation between contrast sensitivity and calculated higher-order aberrations based on individual natural pupil diameter after cataract surgery.Methods: This prospective study included 120 eyes from 92 patients who were randomized to receive one of four lenses, including three aspheric lenses (Acrysof SN60WF, Tecnis ZA9000, and Hoya Py60AD) and one spherical lens (Acrysof SN60AT). Contrast sensitivity, higher-order aberrations of the whole eye, and pupil diameter under photopic and mesopic conditions were measured 1 month postoperatively. Higher-order aberrations were decomposed into Zernike coefficients, calculated according to individual pupil diameter. The correlation between higher-order aberrations and contrast sensitivity was evaluated.Results: There were no significant differences in contrast sensitivity function between the four types of lenses under photopic conditions. However, the contrast sensitivity function and area under log contrast sensitivity function in the aspheric lenses were significantly better than in the spherical lens under mesopic conditions. Under mesopic conditions, spherical aberration in eyes with aspheric lenses was significantly lower than in eyes with spherical lenses (P < 0.05). Under photopic conditions, coma aberration had a significant negative correlation with contrast sensitivity at 12 cycles/degree. Under mesopic conditions, spherical aberration had a significant negative correlation with contrast sensitivity at 3, 6, and 12 cycles/degree with glare, and with contrast sensitivity at 6 and 18 cycles/degree without glare.Conclusion: In terms of influence on visual function, coma aberration may be more significant under photopic conditions and spherical aberration under mesopic conditions.Keywords: mesopic conditions, spherical aberration, wavefront, photopic and mesopic condition

    Local Gene Delivery System by Bubble Liposomes and Ultrasound Exposure into Joint Synovium

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    Recently, we have developed novel polyethylene glycol modified liposomes (bubble liposomes; BL) entrapping an ultrasound (US) imaging gas, which can work as a gene delivery tool with US exposure. In this study, we investigated the usefulness of US-mediated gene transfer systems with BL into synoviocytes in vitro and joint synovium in vivo. Highly efficient gene transfer could be achieved in the cultured primary synoviocytes transfected with the combination of BL and US exposure, compared to treatment with plasmid DNA (pDNA) alone, pDNA plus BL, or pDNA plus US. When BL was injected into the knee joints of mice, and US exposure was applied transcutaneously to the injection site, highly efficient gene expression could be observed in the knee joint transfected with the combination of BL and US exposure, compared to treatment with pDNA alone, pDNA plus BL, or pDNA plus US. The localized and prolonged gene expression was also shown by an in vivo luciferase imaging system. Thus, this local gene delivery system into joint synovium using the combination of BL and US exposure may be an effective means for gene therapy in joint disorders

    Bisphenol A exposure triggers endoplasmic reticulum stress pathway leading to ocular axial elongation in mice

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    BackgroundOcular axial elongation is one of the features of myopia progression. Endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress-associated scleral remodeling plays an important role in ocular axial elongation. Bisphenol A (BPA) is one of the most common environmental pollutants and is known to affect various human organs through ER stress. However, whether BPA exerts an effect on scleral remodeling remains unknown. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of BPA on the development of myopia and scleral ER stress.MethodsBPA was administered by intraperitoneal injection. 4-PBA was administered as an endoplasmic reticulum stress inhibitor by eye drops. Refraction and axial length were measured by refractometer and SD-OCT system. Western blot was performed to detect the expression level of ER stress-related proteins.ResultsBPA-administered mice exhibit axial elongation and myopic refractive shift with endoplasmic reticulum stress in the sclera. BPA administration activated scleral PERK and ATF6 pathways, and 4-PBA eye drops attenuated ER stress response and suppressed myopia progression.ConclusionBPA controlled axial elongation during myopia development in a mouse model by inducing scleral ER stress and activation of the PERK/ATF6 pathway. 4-PBA eye drops as ER stress inhibitor suppressed BPA-induced myopia development


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    2003年分子構造総合討論会, 2003年9月24日-27日, 京都テルサ(京都), 1Pp092本研究は、文部科学省のナノテクノロジー総合支援プロジェクトの支援を受けて実施されたものである


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    2003年分子構造総合討論会, 2003年9月24日-27日, 京都テルサ(京都), 1Pp092本研究は、文部科学省のナノテクノロジー総合支援プロジェクトの支援を受けて実施されたものである


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    2003年分子構造総合討論会, 2003年9月24日-27日, 京都テルサ(京都), 1Pp092本研究は、文部科学省のナノテクノロジー総合支援プロジェクトの支援を受けて実施されたものである


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    2003年分子構造総合討論会, 2003年9月24日-27日, 京都テルサ(京都), 1Pp092本研究は、文部科学省のナノテクノロジー総合支援プロジェクトの支援を受けて実施されたものである

    Template properties of mutagenic cytosine analogues in reverse transcription

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    We have studied the mutagenic properties of ribonucleotide analogues by reverse transcription to understand their potential as antiretroviral agents by mutagenesis of the viral genome. The templating properties of nucleotide analogues including 6-(β-D-ribofuranosyl)-3,4-dihydro-8H-pyrimido[4,5-c](1,2)oxazin-7-one, N(4)-hydroxycytidine, N(4)-methoxycytidine, N(4)-methylcytidine and 4-semicarbazidocytidine, which have been reported to exhibit ambiguous base pairing properties, were examined. We have synthesized RNA templates using T3 RNA polymerase, and investigated the specificity of the incorporation of deoxyribonucleoside triphosphates opposite these cytidine analogues in RNA by HIV and AMV reverse transcriptases. Except for N(4)-methylcytidine, both enzymes incorporated both dAMP and dGMP opposite these analogues in RNA. This indicates that they would be highly mutagenic if present in viral RNA. To study the basis of the differences among the analogues in the incorporation ratios of dAMP to dGMP, we have carried out kinetic analysis of incorporation opposite the analogues at a defined position in RNA templates. In addition, we examined whether the triphosphates of these analogues were incorporated competitively into RNA by human RNA polymerase II. Our present data supports the view that these cytidine analogues are mutagenic when incorporated into RNA, and that they may therefore be considered as candidates for antiviral agents by causing mutations to the retroviral genome

    COLLETOTRICHUM ACUTATUM ニ ヨル カプリチェリータンソビョウ ノ カンセンゲン ニ カンスル ケンキュウ

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    東京都世田谷区の東京農業大学世田谷キャンパス内の高層建築物とコンクリート塀に囲まれた中庭に,1978年種子によりエクアドルから導入されたカプリチェリー(Prunus capuli)が植栽されている。1997年このカプリチェリーにColletotrichum acutatumによる炭疽病の発生が確認された。同病の感染源に関して知見を得るため,その中庭に生育する種々の植物葉から分離される炭疽病菌について調査・検討を行った。これまで未記録の宿主植物を含む各種植物の展開葉からは,褐色斑点や褐変部の有無に関わらずC. acutatumが高頻度に分離され,分離菌株はその分離源植物の違いに関わらずほぼ共通の宿主範囲を有した。調査地内の各種植物間では共通の宿主を経由してC. acutatumが互いに感染・蔓延していることが強く示唆されるとともに,かなり以前からC. acutatumが国内に蔓延している可能性が考えられた。カプリチェリー炭疽病は病原菌の侵入経路が不明とされていたが,以上の結果からカプリチェリー導入前後に同菌に感染した植物がこの中庭に持ち込まれて周囲の植物に同菌が発生または潜在感染し,さらにそれらの感染植物体上のC. acutatumが同病の最初の感染源となった可能性が示された。A capulicherry (Prunus capuli) tree was introduced by seed in 1978 from Equador in the quadrangle surrounded by tall buildings and the fence in Setagatya campus of Tokyo University of Agriculture, Setagatya-ku, Tokyo and found to be infected with Colletotrichum acutatum whose origin was unknown. Pathogenicity of the anthracnose fungi isolated from various plants grown at the quadrangle were investigated to clarify the origin of the capulicherry anthracnose pathogen. C. acutatum was frequently isolated from the fully expanded leaves of many species of plant including new hosts with or without brown lesion and/or area. The isolates of C. acutatum had almost common host range in spite of their source plant species. These results and previous reports suggested that the plants grown in the quadrangle were infected with C. acutatum through common host plants and C. acutatum had been distributed in Japan at least before 1980. It seemed from consideration mentioned above that the origin of capulicherry anthracnose pathogen had been introduced with some other infected plants externally and /or latently that surrounded the tree before or after introduction of the tree

    ERWINIA CAROTOVORA SUBSP. CAROTOVORAニ ヨル ホワイトレースフラワー ナンフビョウ シンショウ ノ ハッセイ ニ ツイテ

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    2001年10月,千葉県安房郡丸山町でホワイトレースフラワーの茎および葉柄が軟化腐敗し,悪臭を放つ病害の発生を認めた。本病罹病株から分離した細菌は,ホワイトレースフラワー苗を軟化腐敗させた。分離細菌は,グラム反応陰性,通性嫌気性,37℃で発育し,グルコースを発酵的に分解,硝酸塩を還元,ラクトースを利用し酸を産生したが,インドールを産生せず,酒石酸の利用は認めなかった。以上の結果から,本分離細菌をErwinia carotovora subsp. carotovoraと同定し,病名をホワイトレースフラワー軟腐病(英名 ; soft rot)とすることを提案する。On October in 2001, a new rotting disease was found on white lace flower (Ammi majus L.) in Chiba prefecture, Japan. The diseased plant primarily showed water-soaked brown spots on the stem, petioles and leaves near the soil. The diseased tissues were rotten with peculiar odor and the whole of the plant finally wilted. Bacteria isolated from rotten tissues and isolated bacteria produced rotten symptoms on the white lace flower, chinese cabbage and cucumber plants by artificial inoculation. The causal bacterium was identified as Erwinia carotovora subsp. carotovora (Jones) BERGEY et.al. 1923 according to its pathogenicity and bacteriological characteristics. Bacterial disease of white lace flower has not been recorded in Japan, therefore we proposed the name "soft rot" for this disease