6 research outputs found

    The Teaching of Singing in Meiji Period : Mainly on the contents of teaching

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    Additional file 3: Fig. S4. Spontaneous gp120 shedding from cell surface. The susceptibility of gp41 mutants to spontaneously shed gp120 was determined by flow cytometry and ELISA as described previously [79]. Briefly, culture medium of transiently transfected envelope expressing cells was exchanged for fresh medium containing Brefeldin A (BioLegend) and 0.2 % Sodium azide. Cells were then incubated for 15 h at 37˚C, 5 % CO2. (a) Level of envelope expression before and after incubation was compared by staining with 2G12. (b) Amount of gp120 released during incubation was determined by gp120 capture ELISA. As a positive control, cells expressing WT envelope was incubated with 20 µg/ml sCD4, which trigger gp120 shedding. Cells expressing SIV Env (SIV) and no Env (No Env) were used as negative control. The results are shown as the means ± standard errors of four replicas


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    Este artigo é resultante de uma análise estratégica do ambiente externo e setorial da bovinocultura de corte e posterior prospecção de cenários para uma propriedade especializada em recria e engorda de bovinos de corte. Contudo, este estudo foi composto de levantamento de dados e informações coletados a partir de entrevistas e roteiros estruturados aplicados a profissionais e especialistas em bovinocultura de corte, e também, de dados levantados junto ao Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento (MAPA), Secretária de Comércio Exterior (SECEX) e Companhia Nacional de Abastecimento (CONAB) para determinação dos cenários. Este estudo caracteriza-se pela utilização da análise PEST (Político-Legal, Econômico, Sócio-Cultural e Tecnológico) para avaliação do ambiente externo e do modelo das cinco forças (modelo de Porter) para análise do ambiente setorial (fornecedores, clientes, concorrentes, produtos substitutos e a rivalidade entre as propriedades especializadas) como ferramentas estratégicas de gestão no contexto do planejamento de cenários, alinhando-se ao gerenciamento sistêmico da atividade econômica. ---- This article is resulting from a strategic analysis of the external and sectorial atmosphere of the bovine livestock for slaughter and subsequent search of sceneries for a specialized property in it recreates and fattening of cattle for slaughter. However, this study was composed of rising of data and information collected starting from interviews and itineraries structured applied to professionals and specialists in bovine livestock of cut, and also, of data lifted close to the Ministry of the Agriculture, Livestock and Provisioning (MAPA), General Office of External Trade (SECEX) and National Company of Provisioning (CONAB) for determination of the sceneries. This study is characterized by the use of the analysis PEST (Political-legal, Economical, Partner-cultural and Technological) for evaluation of the external atmosphere and of the model of the five forces (model of Porter) for analysis of the sectorial atmosphere (suppliers, customers, competitive, products substitutes and the rivalry among the specialized properties) as strategic tools of administration in the context of the planning of sceneries joining to the systemic administration of the economical activity. --

    MOESM6 of Unique binding modes for the broad neutralizing activity of single-chain variable fragments (scFv) targeting CD4-induced epitopes

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    Additional file 6: Figure S4. Phylogenetic analysis of the variable region sequence of 4E9C and 12G10. Variable region sequences of heavy- and kappa-chains were aligned and phylogenetically analyzed. The sequences of anti-CD4i mAbs utilizing IGHV1–69 (412d, 23e, 47e, E51, X5), IGHV1–24 (411g, 48d, 16c), IGKV3–15 (411g) and IGKV3–20 (X5) were obtained from GenBank. The homologies of immunoglobulin genes of heavy- and kappa-chains between anti-CD4i mAbs were determined using Pairwise Sequence Alignment. The same gene usage and high sequence homology between 4E9C and 12G10 are shown (green): 86% for heavy chain and 93% for kappa chain

    Data_Sheet_1_Case report: An N-of-1 study using amplitude modulated transcranial alternating current stimulation between Broca's area and the right homotopic area to improve post-stroke aphasia with increased inter-regional synchrony.pdf

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    Over one-third of stroke survivors develop aphasia, and language dysfunction persists for the remainder of their lives. Brain language network changes in patients with aphasia. Recently, it has been reported that phase synchrony within a low beta-band (14–19 Hz) frequency between Broca's area and the homotopic region of the right hemisphere is positively correlated with language function in patients with subacute post-stroke aphasia, suggesting that synchrony is important for language recovery. Here, we employed amplitude-modulated transcranial alternating current stimulation (AM-tACS) to enhance synchrony within the low beta band frequency between Broca's area and the right homotopic area, and to improve language function in a case of chronic post-stroke aphasia. According to an N-of-1 study design, the patient underwent short-term intervention with a one-time intervention of 15 Hz-AM-tACS with Broca's and the right homotopic areas (real condition), sham stimulation (sham condition), and 15 Hz-AM-tACS with Broca's and the left parietal areas (control condition) and long-term intervention with sham and real conditions (10 sessions in total, each). In the short-term intervention, the reaction time and accuracy rate of the naming task improved after real condition, not after sham and control conditions. The synchrony between the stimulated areas evaluated by coherence largely increased after the real condition. In the long-term intervention, naming ability, verbal fluency and overall language function improved, with the increase in the synchrony, and those improvements were sustained for more than a month after real condition. This suggests that AM-tACS on Broca's area and the right homotopic areas may be a promising therapeutic approach for patients with poststroke aphasia.</p

    MOESM3 of Enhanced antibody-mediated neutralization of HIV-1 variants that are resistant to fusion inhibitors

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    Additional file 3: Fig. S3. Reactivity of antibodies, VRC01, 42F9, 49G2, b12, KD247, 16G6, 0.5Îł and 2G12 to WT and mutant envelopes. Reactivity of antibodies to envelopes was analyzed using flow cytometer, and shown as MFI. Cells expressing Env from SIVsmE543-3 was used as a negative control (SIV)