384 research outputs found

    Influence of mobility restriction on habituation of the vestibular apparatus

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    Test results presented indicate that 30-day hypokinesia did not affect the intensity of nystagmus: velocity of slow phase, total number of jerks, and duration of the reaction in animals were the same as before mobility restriction and did not differ from those of the control group. However, hypokinesia resulted in the disappearance of habituation of the vestibulary system to repeated angular accelerations. The known hypokinetic changes in the endocrine system were studied. It was concluded that reduction in adrenergic function may be the cause of disappearance of vestibular apparatus habituation during hypokinesia

    Використання та інтродукційний потенціал хвойних для гірських садово-паркових ландшафтів в умовах Полісся та Лісостепу України

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    The article presents data on introduction potential of shape variety of coniferal species and their forms for creating mountain park landscapes. The greatest attention was paid for cultivars of such species as Lawson Cypress, Medium Juniper, Chinese Juniper, American Arborvitae, Norway Spruce, Mountain Pine.Наведено дані стосовно інтродукційного потенціалу формового різноманіття хвойних для гірських садово-паркових ландшафтів. Найбільшу увагу звернено на культивари таких видів, як кипарисовик Лавсона, ялівець середній, ялівець китайський, туя західна, ялина звичайна, сосна гірська

    Квітниково-декоративні рослини в гірських садово-паркових ландшафтах

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    The data on introduction potential of species diversity of herbaceous plants for mountain garden and park landscapes are given.Наведено дані щодо інтродукційного потенціалу формового різноманіття трав’янистих рослин для гірських садово-паркових ландшафтів

    Synthesis of low-size flower-like AlOOH structures

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    Al/Cu, Al/Zn, and Al/Fe bimetallic nanoparticles have been obtained using the method of simultaneous electrical explosion of metal pairs in an argon atmosphere. The nanoparticles are chemically active and interact with water at 60°C forming flower-like hierarchical porous structures with a high specific surface area. As the Al/Cu nanopowder is oxidized with water, flower-like pseudoboehmite composite structures are formed with the size of under 1.0 [mu]m; structurally heterogeneous electron-dense spherical inclusions of unreacted metal copper and intermetallides are identified inside them. Al/Fe product transformations are presented by the flower-like pseudoboehmite surrounded by lamellar structures enriched with ferric oxides. Al/Zn nanoparticles react with water, forming the flower-like pseudoboehmite and mainly hexagonal zinc oxide laminae. The composite particles obtained can be used as antibacterial agents in manufacturing medical supplies