57 research outputs found

    New and Simple Approach for Preventing Postoperative Peritoneal Adhesions: Do not Touch the Peritoneum without Viscous Liquid—A Multivariate Analysis

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    Background. Postoperative peritoneal adhesions (PPAs) are an unsolved and serious problem in abdominal surgery. Method. Viscous liquids of soybean oil, octyl methoxycinnamate, flax oil, aloe vera gel, and glycerol were used in five experiments, using the same methodology for each. Liquids were applied in the peritoneal cavity before and after mechanical peritoneal trauma. Results were evaluated by multivariate analysis. Results. Compared with the control group, macroscopic and microscopic adhesion values before (P < .001) and after (P < .05) application of viscous liquids significantly reduced PPAs. Values were significantly lower when liquids were applied before rather than after peritoneal trauma (P < .0001). Discussion. Viscous liquids injected into the peritoneal cavity before or after mechanical peritoneal trauma decrease PPA. Injection before trauma was more effective than after trauma. In surgical practice, PPA formation may be prevented or decreased by covering the peritoneal cavity with an appropriate viscous liquid before abdominal surgery

    Türkiye’de bulunan yoğun bakımlarda sabun, kağıt havlu ve alkol bazlı el dezenfektanı yeterli mi?: Phokai çalışması sonuçları

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    Introduction: Hand hygiene is one of the most effective infection control measures to prevent the spread of healthcare-associated infections (HCAI). Water, soap, paper towel and hand disinfectant must be available and adequate in terms of effective hand hygiene. The adequacy of hand hygiene products or keeping water-soap and paper towel is still a problem for many developing countries like Turkey. In this multicenter study, we analyzed the adequacy in number and availability of hand hygiene products.Materials and Methods: This study was performed in all intensive care units (ICUs) of 41 hospitals (27 tertiary-care educational, 10 state and four private hospitals) from 22 cities located in seven geographical regions of Turkey. We analyzed water, soap, paper towel and alcohol-based hand disinfectant adequacy on four different days, two of which were in summer during the vacation time (August, 27th and 31st 2016) and two in autumn (October, 12th and 15th 2016).Results: The total number of ICUs and intensive care beds in 41 participating centers were 214 and 2357, respectively. Overall, there was no soap in 3-11% of sinks and no paper towel in 10-18% of sinks while there was no alcohol-based hand disinfectant in 1-4.7% of hand disinfectant units on the observation days. When we compared the number of sinks with soap and/or paper towel on weekdays vs. weekends, there was no significant difference in summer. However, on autumn weekdays, the number of sinks with soap and paper towel was significantly lower on weekend days (p<0.0001, p<0.0001) while the number of hand disinfectant units with alcohol-based disinfectant was significantly higher (p<0.0001).Conclusion: There should be adequate and accessible hand hygiene materials for effective hand hygiene. In this study, we found that soap and paper towels were inadequate on the observation days in 3-11% and 10-18% of units, respectively. Attention should be paid on soap and paper towel supply at weekends as well

    Gölköy yöresi (Ordu, KD Türkiye) Eosen yaşlı I-tipi şoşonitik plütonların mineral kimyası, tüm-kayaç jeokimyası ve petrolojisi

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    Doğu Pontidler Orojenik Kuşağı’nda (KD Türkiye), farklı boyut ve bileşimlere sahip Eosen yaşlı ortaç-felsik plütonlar yaygın olarak yüzeyleme vermektedir. Bunlardan, Eriko Tepe ve Göl Tepe Plütonları yaklaşık KB-GD ve D-B uzanımlı olup, Üst Kretase ve /veya Eosen volkanik ve sedimanter kayaçlar içerisine yerleşmiştir. Petrografik olarak; incelenen plütonlar, ince-orta taneli monzonit, monzodiyorit ve yer yer kuvars monzonit bileşimlidir. İncelenen Plütonlara ait kayaçlar, plajiyoklas (An35-67), K-feldispat (Or61-96), kuvars, klinopiroksen (Wo28-49En35-51Fs10-25), biyotit (Mg#: 0.53-0.73) ± hornblend (Mg#: 0.65-0.82), Fe-Ti oksit içermekte olup, monzonitik, poikilitik, pertitik, nadiren antirapakivi ve grafik doku gösterirler. Mineral termobarometre hesaplamaları, plütonların orta-sığ kabuk derinliklerindeki P-T koşullarında kristallendiğini ifade etmektedir. Petrokimyasal olarak; incelenen monzonitik plütonlar çarpışma sonrası, I-tipi, metalümin (A/CNK=0.76-0.93) ve şoşonitik karakterlidirler. Tüm-kayaç ana oksit ve iz element değişimleri, monzonitik plütonların gelişiminde fraksiyonel kristallenmenin önemli rol oynadığına işaret etmektedir. İncelenen plütonların ilksel mantoya normalize iz element diyagramları, birbirine benzer büyük iyon yarıçaplı litofil element, Th, Ce zenginleşmesi ve negatif Nb ve Ti anomalileri göstermektedir. Ayrıca, kondrite normalize nadir toprak element dağılımları, orta derecede zenginleşmiş konkav şekilli (LaN/LuN=9.3-12.6) ve negatif Eu anomalisi (EuN/Eu*=0.69-0.84) göstermekte olup, plütonların gelişimlerinde plajiyoklas ve klinopiroksen ± hornblend ayrımlaşmasını yansıtmaktadır. Elde edilen tüm jeokimyasal verilere göre, incelenen monzonitik plütonların çarpışma sonrası ortamda oluştukları ve zenginleşmiş litosferik manto ergiyiklerinden türeyen ana magmalardan itibaren geliştikleri ileri sürülebilir

    Petrogenesis of the late Cretaceous Turnagöl intrusion in the eastern Pontides: Implications for magma genesis in the arc setting

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    A series of Cretaceous plutons is present in the eastern Pontides of northeastern Turkey. The Turnagöl intrusion is the least studied and, thus, the least understood plutons in the orogen. This intrusion consists of hornblende-biotite granodiorites emplaced at 78 Ma based on LA-ICP-MS U-Pb zircon dating. It is of sub-alkaline affinity, belongs to the medium- to high-K calc-alkaline series, and displays features typical of I-type granites. The rocks of the intrusion are enriched in large-ion lithophile elements and light rare earth-elements with negative Eu anomalies (Eu/Eu* = 0.69–0.82), but are deficient in high-field-strength elements. They have a small range of (87Sr/86Sr)i (0.7060–0.7063), ɛNdi(−2.6 to −3.1), and δ18O (+8.1 to +9.1) values. Their Pb isotopic ratios are 206Pb/204Pb = 18.63–18.65, 207Pb/204Pb = 15.62–15.63, and 208Pb/204Pb = 38.53–38.55. The fractionation of plagioclase, hornblende, and Fe-Ti oxides had key functions in the evolution of the Turnagöl intrusion. The crystallization temperatures of the melts ranged from 758 to 885 °C as determined by zircon and apatite saturation thermometry. All these characteristics, combined with the low values of K2O/Na2O and (Na2O + K2O)/(FeOt + MgO + TiO2), as well as the high values of (CaO + FeOt + MgO + TiO2), suggest an origin by dehydration melting from a metabasaltic lower crustal source