303 research outputs found

    Community-based rural tourism: A proposed sustainability framework

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    Many tourism projects run by community in the rural areas are labelled as Community-based Rural Tourism (CBRT), a type of a more ‘responsible’ tourism that contributes to sustainable development.However, a framework is needed to enable planners and managers to understand its criteria thus ensuring that the CBRTs fulfil the sustainability requirement.This paper presents findings from a literature review on previous writings in this topic.Findings from an analysis on the criteria of a sustainable CBRT product are discussed.It is found that in order for it to play a role in sustainable development, a CBRT product must focus on competitive management, resource conservation, and benefit creation to the community.The three elements need to be supported, in turn, by community involvement and commitment. As the proposed conceptual framework of sustainable CBRT product can be a basis for further research in CBRT, it offers producing theoretical and practical implications

    The nature of cultural contribution of a community-based homestay programme

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    An exploratory study utilizing qualitative approach was undertaken in 2005 to better understand the cultural contribution of a community-based homestay to both the rural communities and the visitors.The particular homestay, namely the Kampung Pelegong Homestay Programme (KPHP), is located in Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia.The study finds that while living culture is the core product component, education, entertainment and enrichment are important contributions of the cultural rural tourism product of KPHP to the visitors.In addition, an important finding indicates that this particular tourism product is unique as it stresses on establishing relationship (‘Sillatul-rahim’ in Malay) between hosts and guests whereby these relationships continue for years through letters, phone conversations, and emails.The programme also increases social cohesion among the hosts and contributes to their commitment to preserve and to provide knowledge on local customs and daily routine to enhance tourist experience


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    Based on earlier writings and research in the fields of total quality management, service quality and marketing which suggest understanding customer needs is a pre-requisite to satisfactory service delivery, a study was undertaken to understand and analyze customer orientation among the home stay operators in Malaysia. Data was collected from 142 respondents who operate home stay programs in 10 rural areas in Peninsular Malaysia using structured survey questionnaires. Findings from the study indicate that rural home stay operators place utmost importance on customer satisfaction as long as it is within their means and their boundaries of traditional customs. What needs to be improved on is their capability so that they are able to identify the expected quality of service of the visitors and so that they are able to fulfil this expected quality of service


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    Sumba cockatoo (Cacatua sulphurea citrinocristata) is an endangered endemic bird, which requires a serious attention. Sumba cockatoo is protected by Government Regulation No.7/1999 and the Ministry of Forestry Regula- tion No. 350//Kpts-11/1997. The aim of this study was to determine the characteristics and habitat preferences of Sumba cockatoo at Laiwangi Wanggameti National Park (LWNP) of East Nusa Tenggara Province. Vegetation analysis by making plots of 2 km in length with a total of 20 plots per location was used to discover the habitat characteristics. Chi-square test was used to determine the preference of cockatoo habitat variable. The habitat preference was analyzed by Neu’s method. The result showed that the habitat of Sumba cockatoo at LWNP has a relatively good richness of species with relatively even numbers each (good evenness). The habitat variables at LWNP were at altitude with the range of 251–400 meters above the sea level and the grade of slopeness was rather steep i.e. 26–40 % whereas the rampnesss is at 3–8 %. The most preferred location of Sumba cockatoo was at Billa forest block

    Exchanges between residents and tourism development

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    This qualitative study focused on utilizing a combination of social exchange and power theories to wxplain exchange that occurt between residents of Langkawi and tourism development on the island. The guiding question for this inquiry was "what role does power play in social exchanges that occur between residents and tourism development?" Findings revealed that social exchanges is useful in examining residents' attitudes towards tourism as residents indeed based their attitudes on the evaluation of the returns that they receive from the exchanges. More importantly, the findings indicated that residents' general values, their dependence on tourism, and their ability and willingness to adapt moderated the influence of power on residents' evaluation of tourism impacts

    Peran Orang Tua dan Sumber Informasi dalam Pendidikan Seks dengan Perilaku Seksual Remaja pada Masa Pubertas di SMAN 1 Turi

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    Adolescent is transition period or transition from childhood to adulthood. Based on the baseline study, showed that from 268 students about 66 (60%) male students said that they ever doing masturbation and 5 (1.75%) students who take counseling had ever sexual intercourse and in the academic year 2012/2013 there was 1 (0.35%) student was pregnant before marriage. The purpose of this research was to observe role of parents and information resources relationship in sex education with sexual behavior adolescents in puberty at SMAN 1 Turi. Study design was inductive with cross sectional. The samples were adolescents aged 16-19 years. The sampling technique was done by purposive sampling resulted on 73 respondents. The analysis used Multiple Regression and Partial Correlation Test. The results showed that 50 (68.5%) students with role of parents was good, information resources 38 (52.1%) students and sexual behavior of adolescent 53 (72.6%) students was good. Multivariate analysis showed that there was the relationship between role of parent and information resources with sexual behavior period in puberty at SMAN 1 Turi with p=0.000 (p<0.05). In conclusion, there was relationship between role of parents and information resources in sex education with sexual behavior of adolescent in puberty at SMAN 1 Turi

    Peran Orang Tua Berhubungan dengan Perilaku Seksual Pra Nikah Remaja di SMKN 1 Sedayu

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    Adolescent begins with puberty, that time of the occurrence of physical changes include and physiological functions such as the maturity of the sexual organs. The role of parents is very important to educate, supervise, give an idea how to solve the problem with being a role model and set a good example for adolescent, but it is rarely done by parents because of the background of the parents and the busyness of parents. The purpose of this study was to knowing relationship between role of parents with pre-marital behavior of adolescent in SMKN 1 Sedayu. This study was inductive quantitative using cross sectional design. Samples were students of class XII SMKN 1 Sedayu with 78 respondents. Sampling used simple random technique. Analyze used Kendal Tau. Kendal Tau analysis showed significant relationship between role of parents with pre-marital behavior in SMKN 1 Sedayu with p=0.000 (p<0.05) with the relationship weak r=0.399. In conclusion, there was a significant relationship between the roles of parents with pre-marital sexual behavior of adolescent in SMKN 1 Sedayu

    Pendidikan Kesehatan dengan Media Slide Efektif dalam Meningkatkan Pengetahuan tentang Perawatan Vulva Hygiene pada Siswi Kelas VIII SMP 2 Sedayu Bantul

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    Cervical cancer is one of the main cause of the woman death. Most patients come for treatment is when cancer at an advanced stage, while cervical cancer can be prevented, with early knowledge of the vulva hygine treatment. Appropriate strategies to improve knowledge about cervical cancer prevention is to provide health education. The purpose of this research was to know effectiveness of health education with the media slide in increasing knowledge about vulva hygine treatment at Junior High School 2 Sedayu, Bantul Yogyakarta. The research was pre experiment research. The population in this study were 8th grade students of Junior High School 2 Sedayu Bantul amounted to 69 respondents. Samples was selected by total sampling technique. Data were analyzed using the Wilcoxon statistical test. The results showed that health education with media slide effective increase of knowledge students. In conclusion, health education with media slide was effectively improve the level of knowledge of 8th grade students of Sedayu 2 Junior High School, Bantul Yogyakarta

    Survei Tingkat Keterampilan Passing Bawah Dan Passing Atas Pada Peserta Ekstrakurikuler Bola Voli Di SMA Negeri 8 Kaur

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk survei tingkat keterampilan passing bawah dan passing atas pada peserta ekstrakurikuler bola voli di SMA Negeri 8 Kaur. Metode yang digunakan dalam peneltian ini adalah metode survei dengan teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan lembar observasi, dengan jenis penelitian deskriptif.  Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah peserta ekstrakurikuler bola voli di SMA Negeri 8 Kaur. Teknik sampling menggunakan total sampling, yaitu teknik penentuan sampel dengan mengambil seluruh jumlah populasi. Berdasarkan hal tersebut sampel dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 15 peserta. Analisis data menggunakan deskriptif kuantitatif yang dituangkan dalam bentuk persentase. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa survei tingkat keterampilan passing bawah dan passing atas pada peserta ekstrakurikuler bola voli di SMA Negeri 8 Kaur dalam passing bawah berada pada kategori “kurang sekali” sebesar 6,67% (1 peserta), “kurang” sebesar 46,67% (7 peserta), “cukup” sebesar 6,67% (1 peseta), “baik” sebesar 13,33% (2 peserta), dan “baik sekali” sebesar 26,66% (4 peserta), dan passing atas berada pada kategori “kurang sekali” sebesar 26,66% (4 peserta), “kurang” sebesar 0% (0 peserta), “cukup” sebesar 46,67% (7 peserta), “baik” sebesar 6,67% (1 peserta), “baik sekali” sebesar 20% (3 peserta). Jenis passing yang medominasi dikuasai oleh peserta ekstrakurikuler bola voli di SMA Negeri 8 Kaur adalah passing bawah sebesar 46,67% pada katagori kurang dan passing atas sebesar 46,67% pada katagori cuku

    Potensi Konflik Penggembalaan Kuda pada Habitat Rusa Timor (Rusa timorensis Blainville 1822) di Kawasan Tanjung Torong Padang, Nusa Tenggara Timur

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    Penggembalaan ternak telah diyakini memengaruhi keberadaan satwa liar, termasuk rusa timor (Rusa timorensis Blainville 1822) melalui kompetisi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah penggembalaan lepas ternak kuda yang dimiliki oleh masyarakat lokal di kawasan Tanjung Torong Padang, Nusa Tenggara Timur menjadi pesaing bagi rusa timor. Observasi lapangan dan wawancara dengan pemilik kuda dilakukan untuk menentukan distribusi kuda di habitat rusa timor. Preferensi pakan dari ternak kuda dan rusa timor dikumpulkan menggunakan identifikasi spesies dari kotoran dan dibandingkan dengan plot berukuran 1 x 1 m2 di daerah makan dari kedua hewan tersebut selama musim kering dan hujan pada 2014 dan 2015. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan tidak ada indikasi yang jelas dari persaingan antara rusa timor dan penggembalaan liar kuda di kawasan Tanjung Torong Padang. Rusa timor dan kuda tidak terjadi tumpang tindih spasial dalam distribusi mereka di lokasi tersebut. Ternak kuda menempati savana perbukitan, sedangkan rusa lebih suka menempati savana dengan pohon rengit (Albizia lebbeck (L.) Benth) dan lembah dengan vegetasi hutan tropis kering. Selain itu, rusa timor lebih menyukai makan semak dan dedaunan (browser), sementara kuda lebih menyukai rumput (grazer). Kehadiran ternak lepas kuda di kawasan Tanjung Torong Padang tidak berpengaruh negatif untuk rusa timor dan habitatnyaConflict Potential of Free-Roaming Horse Grazing on Timor Deer (Rusa timorensis Blainville 1822) Habitat in Torong Padang Cape Area, East Nusa TenggaraAbstractLivestock grazing had been believed to affect on the existence of wildlife, including the timor deer (Rusa timorensis Blainville 1822) through competition. This study aimed to determine whether the free-roaming horse grazing owned by local communities in Torong Padang Cape, East Nusa Tenggara become a competitor for timor deer. Field observations and interviews with horse owners were carried out to determine the distribution of horse in timor deer habitat. Food preference of both horse and timor deer were collected using species identification from feces and compared with 1 x 1 m2 plots at feeding areas of both animals during the dry and rainy seasons in 2014 and 2015. There is no clear indication of competition between timor deer and free-roaming horses in the Torong Padang Cape area.The deer and horse avoided overlapping spatially in their distribution in the Cape. The free-roaming horse mainly occupied hilly savanna, whereas timor deer preferred to occupy savanna with lebbek tree (Albizia lebbeck (L.) Benth) and valleys with tropical dry forest vegetation. In addition, the timor deer prefer to feed shrubs and foliage (browser), while horses prefer grass (grazer). The presence of free-roaming horse in the Torong Padang Capearea does not affect negatively for the timor deer and its habitat