1,832 research outputs found


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    Din sosyolojisinin temel ilgi alanlarından birisini dinî gruplar oluşturmaktadır. Dinî grupları, sosyal grupların bir alt başlığı olarak ele almak mümkündür. Dinî gruplarla ilgili olarak oluşturulan tipolojiler ise, dinî gruplar arasındaki farkları belirterek yapılan tasniflerdir. Max Weber, dinî grup incelemelerinde bir tipoloji geliştiren ilk sosyologdur. Weber’in tipolojisinde iki yapı ortaya çıkmaktadır. Bunlar farklı şekillerde tanımlanabilen kilise ve mezheptir. Özellikle Weber’in dinî gruplar tasnifi Batı ile sınırlı kalmış, bu yüzden dinî grup tipolojileri genellikle kilise kavramını merkeze almıştır. Bu açıdan sosyolojik olarak kilise, kendisini gerçeğin tek temsilcisi olarak kabul eden dinî örgütler için kullanılagelmiştir. Böyle bir yaklaşım temel kabul edildiği için İslamiyet ve diğer dinleri açıklamada, geliştirilen tipolojiler yetersiz kalmıştır. Bu yüzden yakın dönemde yeni dinî grup tipolojileri geliştirilmeye çalışılmıştır. Bu çerçevede kilise ve mezhebin dışında kült, denomination, yeni dinî hareketler (YDH), tarîkat ve cemaat gibi kavramlar geliştirilmiştir. Bu makalede dinî gruplarla ilgili tipolojiler incelenmiş ve tarîkatlar sosyal fonksiyonları bakımından ele alınmıştır. Eğitim, ekonomi ve siyaset açısından sağladıkları katkılar da bu çerçevede değerlendirilmiştir. Sonuç itibariyle tarîkatların toplumsal yaşam koşullarına karşı bir cevap oluşturduklarını söylemek mümkündür


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    Bu çalışmada, 01/11/2016 - 01/11/2021 tarihleri arasında ABD Ekonomi Politika Belirsizlik Endeksinin (EPU) seçilmiş bazı gelişmiş ülke borsalarının getiri ve volatiliteleri üzerindeki etkilerinin belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Bu amaçla DOW(ABD), FTSE(ENG), DAX(GER), NİKKE(JPN) ve ABD EPU endeksleri arasındaki ilişki GARCH modeli kullanılarak analiz edilmiştir. GARCH (1,1) modelinden elde edilen bulgulara göre, ortalama denkleminde bulunan Belirsizlik Endeksi, NIKKEI endeksi hariç olmak üzere diğer endekslerde düşük değerler almış olmakla birlikte istatistiki olarak anlamlı çıkmıştır. Varyans denkleminde yer alan Belirsizlik Endeksi ise tüm değişkenlerde düşük değerli olsa da istatistiki olarak anlamlı çıkmıştır. Belirsizlik Endeksinin hem ortalama hem de varyans denklemlerinde anlamlı olması Belirsizlik Endeksinin analize dâhil edilen ülkelerin borsa endeks getiri ve volatilitelerini etkilediğini göstermektedir

    Shops and shopkeepers in the İstanbul İhtisab register of 1092/1681

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    Cataloged from PDF version of article.The idea of the administration of economy in the Ottoman Empire was shaped by certain views with historical backgrounds. The Ottoman Sultans viewed their subjects as their dependents that should be protected, and rested on the Islamic principle of hisba in terms of market control and supervision. In this way, market control gained a religious aspect in addition to the fiscal. The official in charge with the market affairs, the İhtisâb ağası, collected taxes in return for his service. The main source and subject of this thesis, the İhtisâb-tax register of Istanbul dated 1092/1681, was prepared for the daily tax, which was collected mostly from victual shops. The register provides information about the kinds of trades, the owners of the shops, and the amount of tax paid daily. With this information, subjects like consumption habits and the ethnic and social identity of the shop-owning class could be understood better.Kaya, Mustafa İsmailM.S

    Repeatability of facial soft tissue thickness measurements for forensic facial reconstruction using X-ray images

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    The repeatability of facial soft tissue thickness measurements at 10 standard anatomical landmarks was evaluated using lateral X-ray images obtained from 50 adult subjects. The intra-and inter-observer error rates were calculated after four practitioners took measurements using Denta Pacs 8.1 software. The results indicated high inter- and intra-observer repeatability, suggesting X-ray images can be used to measure facial soft tissue thicknesses for the purpose of craniofacial reconstruction and superimposition


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    Meningiomas are among the most common central nervous system (CNS) tumors worldwide. These extra-axial lesions, which usually originate from neoplastic arachnoidal (meningothelial) cells, often appear in mid-late adulthood and are more common in women. Due to their heterogeneous morphology, the World Health Organization (WHO) divided meningiomas into three main groups, and these three main groups are divided into nine subgroups with histopathological differences according to their biological behavior. Clinical signs and symptoms, as in other central nervous system tumors, vary considerably depending on the compression or invasion of the neurovascular structures in the compartment where the meningioma is located. Meningiomas that are presented as benign lesions often have the potential to grow slowly, but could be associated with morbidity, such as poor quality of life, depending on the histopathological grade and localization of the lesion. Although fractionated radiotherapy or stereotactic radiosurgery is an alternative treatment option for meningiomas that cannot be completely removed (surgically inaccessible, or recurrent (atypical or anaplastic)) the primary treatment for these lesions is surgery. In this context, we have detailed meningiomas in this section

    Are grafts necessary in rhinoplasty? cartilage flaps with cartilage-saving rhinoplasty concept

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    Cartilage grafts are used routinely in rhinoplasty, but are they necessary? Can we support the normal anatomy by preserving and transposing the adjacent tissues? In this study we hypothesize that during rhinoplasty, cartilage flaps can give adequate support and may decrease the need for cartilage grafts. Included in this study were 147 patients who underwent an open rhinoplasty technique under general anesthesia between January 2010 and May 2012. Mean operative time was 73 min (range = 44-120 min). After dissection and septoplasty (if needed), we performed dorsal bone and septal reductions. Following reduction, upper lateral cartilage superior segments were preserved and turned inward as cartilage flaps to replace the spreader grafts. Lower lateral cartilage cranial parts were not excised and were slid over the caudal part to replace the alar strut grafts. Cartilage from the caudal nasal septum was not excised; instead, lower lateral cartilages were cephaloposteriorly displaced with a tongue-in-groove technique to support the nasal tip. Mean follow-up time was 19.6 months (6-30 months). All patients but 12 were satisfied or completely satisfied with the results. Among the 12 unsatisfied patients, four complained of a one-sided inverted-V deformity (secondary spreader grafts were added), three had supratip deformity (secondary additional dorsal septal excisions), two demanded extra tip definition (secondary tipoplasty), two were unhappy with the bone symmetry (secondary osteotomies), and one complained of hanging columella (secondary excision from the caudal septum). Cartilage flaps have some advantages over cartilage grafts. First, graft harvest is not needed in the former; second, because flaps are a part of the normal anatomy, they provide a good tissue match, making fixation easier. However, the tongue-in-groove technique cannot be used in patients who do not need caudal excision, and cartilage flaps can be inadequate in some patients who may need additional grafts. This journal requires that authors assign a level of evidence to each article. For a full description of these Evidence-Based Medicine ratings, please refer to the Table of Contents or the online Instructions to Authors www.springer.com/00266

    Perspectives of Preservice Teachers on the Statements Related to Preservice Teachers and Competence of Lecturers

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    This study aims to find out the attitude of preservice teachers of Ağrı İ.Ç. University Faculty of Education who study at the Department of Elementary Turkish Education to the statements related to preservice teachers and competence of lecturers. A-) The statements related to preservice teachers includes following statements: “Productivity of the courses taken in the school enable them to understand the qualifications that a teacher must have.”, “Students take advantages of the education process which brings them sufficient teaching experience”, ”During their education, students experience many fascinating features related to teaching professions which they haven’t seen before.”, ”Opportunities and facilities that the students have in the school let them have rich variety of experiences related to communication with people.”, ”The students who have thought that they couldn’t be teacher understand they are in wrong to assume it after they experience teaching.” B-) The statements related to competence of lecturers includes following statements: “Lecturers have enough professional competence since they have received decent undergraduate education.”, “Lecturers can convey their knowledge to students by showing their class related to class management and employing different methods to teach since they don’t teach the lessons with the exception of their professional fields.”, “Lecturers can plan the teaching-learning process successfully thanks to their professional teaching knowledge.”, “Scientific dignity that the lecturers have thanks to their competence makes them reach the exemplary positions.”, “The high level of service delivery qualifications which the lecturers have thanks to their competence makes the students apply their knowledge to real life.” A questionnaire which includes questions related to A-) the statements related to preservice and B-) the statements related to competence of lecturers is conducted to determine the attitudes of preservice teachers towards. A-) The statements related to preservice teachers and B-) The statements related to competence of lecturers. The sample for the research is composed of 121 preservice teachers of Ağrı İ.Ç. University Faculty of Education who study at the Department of Elementary Turkish Education. According to the findings of the research; it is seen that the preservice teachers have answered the questions containing information on A-) the statements related to preservice and B-) the statements related to competence of lecturers with variable rates. The results which are mentioned above make it possible to come to that conclusion that preservice teachers have responded to questionnaire which is reliable according to its Cronbach’s Alpha value (α=0.91) in varying ratios (Field, 2013)

    Effect of personalized price offer timing in ınternet on decision making stages

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    Bu çalışmanın temel amacı, küme teorisi çerçevesinde tanımlanan satın alma sürecine etki eden bir değişken olan kişiye özel fiyat teklifinin zamanlaması ile satın alma süreci arasındaki neden sonuç ilişkisini araştırmaktır.Çalışmada, kişiye özel fiyat teklifinin, İnternette, tüketiciye sunulma zamanlamasının satın alma sürecine etkisini ölçmek amacıyla saha deneyi gerçekleştirilmiştir. Saha deneyine 580 kişi katılmıştır. Kişiye özel fiyat, deneklerin İnternet sitesinden daha önce yaptıkları satın almaya göre belirlenmiştir. Deneklere satın alma sürecinin farklı safhalarında kişiye özel fiyat önerilmiş ve satın alma davranışlarındaki farklılıklar izlenmiştir. Deneylerde elde edilen veriler, Pearson ki-kare ve lojistik regresyon analizi kullanılarak analiz edilmiştir.Çalışma sonucuna göre; tüketicinin dikkate alınanlar kümesi oluşmadan önce önerilen kişiye özel fiyat teklifi, oluştuktan sonra önerilen teklife göre daha etkilidir ve satın almayı olumlu yönde etkilemektedir. Çalışmada, kişiye özel fiyat teklifinin zamanlaması ile tüketicinin önerilen ürünü seçim kümesine alması arasında anlamlı bir ilişki bulunamamıştır.The aim of this study is to investigate the cause-effect relationship between personalized price offer timing and decision making stages. In the study, in order to measure the effect of personalized price offer timing on decision making stages in Internet, a field experiment is conducted with a sample size of 580. Personalized price is determined on the basis of pre-purchases of individuals, constituting the sample, from the website. Personalized price is offered to consumers on different stages of decision making and the differences on buying behavior are observed. Collected data is analyzed with Pearson chi-square and logistic regression analysis. It is found that, the effect of a personalized price offer is higher if the customer has not formed his/her consideration set yet. However, no significant relationship is found between the presence of a personalized price offer and the product to be included in customer‟s choice set.Publisher's Versio

    The effect of massage framing used in the content of personalized price offer on the decision making process on the internet

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    Yapılan araştırmada, kişiye özel fiyat teklifinin içeriğinde kullanılan farklı mesaj çerçevelemelerinin, internette, satın alma sürecine etkisi araştırılmıştır. Satın alma süreci küme teorisi çerçevesinde tanımlanmıştır. Araştırmada veri toplama yöntemi olarak saha deneyi kullanılmıştır. Örneklem büyüklüğü 589 kişidir. Analiz sonuçlarına göre; tüketicinin dikkate alınanlar kümesi oluşmadan önce sunulan kişiye özel fiyat teklifinde olumlu mesaj çerçeveleme kullanılması, teklifte bulunan ürünün dikkate alınanlar kümesine girme ve satın alınma ihtimallerini anlamlı derecede artırmaktadır. Bunun tersine, olumsuz mesaj çerçevelemenin ise dikkate alınanlar kümesi oluştuktan sonra tüketiciye önerilen teklif içeriğinde kullanılması satın alma sürecinde ürünün değerlendirilme ve satın alınma ihtimalini artırmaktadır.As the Internet appears in our lives as a new channel for marketing and sales, the buying behavior of consumers is reshaped according to the channel. Since Internet provides the convenience of data collection about consumers, it enables marketers to discover new applications aimed to influence the decision making process of consumers. This study amasses the subjects of decision making process on the Internet, personalized price and message framing. The aim of the study is to investigate the effect of different message frames used in the content of personalized price offer on decision making process on the Internet. The data was collected with a four-week field experiment conducted on the Internet. A sample size of 589 has been reached. Pearson chi-square and logistic regression analysis were used to analyze data. According to the results, if personalized price is offered to the consumer with positive message frame before the formation of consideration set, possibility of the product to be considered and purchased increases. In contrast, usage of negative message frame in the offer, presented after the formation of consideration set results in the same behavior. The results of the study are especially important for internet retailers. Increasing the effect of personalized price with the correct timing of message framing enables internet retailers both to close a sale and customer satisfaction, at the same time.Publisher's Versio