107 research outputs found

    Preliminary study on heartbeats and swimming behavior of free-ranging fish, red sea bream Pagrus major, measured with newly developed micro data-logger

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    To estimate the physiological condition or metabolic rate simultaneously with swimming behavior, we recorded a continuous electrocardiogram (ECG) in freely swimming fish, red sea bream Pagrus major, in a net pen during a 24h period. Swimming speed, swimming depth, and the bioelectric potential of the heart in the test fish were recorded with a micro data-logger. It is difficult to eliminate electric noise while recording ECGs of actively swimming fish. In the present experiment, we attached electrodes to two points on the ventral surface and successfully obtained data. Two types of micro data-loggers (one for recording ECG and another for swimming speed and depth) were attached to the dorsal side of the fish. The red sea bream swam slowly ( <1 total length/s) and stayed deeper in the net pen during most of the day, except for frequent burst of speed and vertical movements around dawn. An analysis of heartbeat variability, showed that high-frequency components, representing vagal (parasympathetic) nerve activity, rose only around midnight

    A miniaturized threshold-triggered acceleration data-logger for recording burst movements of aquatic animals

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    Although animal-borne accelerometers are effective tools for quantifying the kinematics of animal behaviors, quantifying burst movements of small and agile aquatic animals remains challenging. To capture the details of burst movements, accelerometers need to sample at a very high frequency, which will inevitably shorten the recording duration or increase the device size. To overcome this problem, we developed a high-frequency acceleration data-logger that can be triggered by a manually-defined acceleration threshold, thus allowing the selective measurement of burst movements. We conducted experiments under laboratory and field conditions to examine the performance of the logger. The laboratory experiment using red seabream (Pagrus major) showed that the new logger could measure the kinematics of their escape behaviors. The field experiment using free-swimming yellowtail kingfish (Seriola lalandi) showed that the loggers trigger correctly. We suggest that this new logger can be applied to measure the burst movements of various small and agile animals.</jats:p

    Satoumi Conservation and Sustainability: An Empirical Exploration through a Face-to-face Interview Survey in a Local Fishery Community in Noto Peninsula

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    We explored the perceptions of local residents with respect to human intervention in marine environment, including the degrees of preferences with options for concrete conservation measures. A face-to-face interview survey was conducted with 15 local residents from Suzu City, located at the northern tip of the Noto Peninsula. The survey aimed to identify how local residents perceive the role of human intervention in preserving such an environment. We first examined the extent to which residents are ready to accept human intervention and then whether communities involved in fishery understand and appreciate terrestrial conservation activities, including those related to forests. The outcomes from our interviews suggested that local residents perceive a strong linkage between terrestrial and coastal environments. The residents, including those not directly involved in fishery, were sensitive to the theme of sustainability of their community, particularly in relation to rural fishery

    Numerical study of air-entraining and submerged vortices in a pump sump

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    Numerical detection of harmful vortices in pump sumps, such as an air-entraining vortex (AEV) and a submerged vortex (SMV), is crucially important to develop the drain pump machinery. We performed numerical simulations of the benchmark experiments of the pump sump conducted by Matsui et al. (2006 and 2016) using the OpenFOAM and compared the simulation results with the experimental data considering the effects of turbulence model, grid density and detection method of the vortices. We studied the threshold of the gas-liquid volume fraction of the VOF method and the second invariant of velocity gradient tensor to identify AEV and SMV. The methods proposed in the present paper were found to be very effective for the detection of the vortices, and the simulation results by RANS with the SST k-omega model successfully reproduced the experimental data. LES with the Smagorinsky model, however, was sensitive to the grid system and difficult to reproduce the experimental data even for the finest grid system having 3.7 million cells in the present study

    Spatial and temporal variation in the distribution of juvenile southern bluefin tuna Thunnus maccoyii: implication for precise estimation of recruitment abundance indices

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    Acoustic tags were used to examine the spatial and temporal distribution of southern bluefin tuna (SBT) in southern Western Australia, which is in a region where fishery-independent acoustic surveys of the recruitment abundance index of SBT have been historically undertaken. We investigated patterns of SBT distribution within and inshore of the acoustic survey area during three summer seasons. Annual differences in distribution patterns were characterized by two distinctive migration pathways. An inshore-migrating pathway was observed in two seasons (2004/2005 and 2006/2007), with a relatively high proportion of tagged SBT (84.5, 65.0%) migrating inshore of the acoustic survey area. The other pathway was concentrated along the shelf (2005/2006 season), with an estimated 63.3% of tagged SBT moving within the survey area. These variable migration patterns may bias the interannual fluctuations in abundance indices. Current survey methods can be modified to include both inshore and continental shelf areas. This contribution shows that the accuracy of acoustic surveys can be improved by including ecological patterns

    On the Clustering of Sub-millimeter Galaxies

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    We measure the angular two-point correlation function of sub-millimeter galaxies (SMGs) from 1.1-millimeter imaging of the COSMOS field with the AzTEC camera and ASTE 10-meter telescope. These data yields one of the largest contiguous samples of SMGs to date, covering an area of 0.72 degrees^2 down to a 1.26 mJy/beam (1-sigma) limit, including 189 (328) sources with S/N greater than 3.5 (3). We can only set upper limits to the correlation length r_0, modeling the correlation function as a power-law with pre-assigned slope. Assuming existing redshift distributions, we derive 68.3% confidence level upper limits of r_0 < 6-8 h^-1 Mpc at 3.7 mJy, and r_0 < 11-12 h^-1 Mpc at 4.2 mJy. Although consistent with most previous estimates, these upper limits imply that the real r_0 is likely smaller. This casts doubts on the robustness of claims that SMGs are characterized by significantly stronger spatial clustering, (and thus larger mass), than differently selected galaxies at high-redshift. Using Monte Carlo simulations we show that even strongly clustered distributions of galaxies can appear unclustered when sampled with limited sensitivity and coarse angular resolution common to current sub-millimeter surveys. The simulations, however, also show that unclustered distributions can appear strongly clustered under these circumstances. From the simulations, we predict that at our survey depth, a mapped area of two degrees^2 is needed to reconstruct the correlation function, assuming smaller beam sizes of future surveys (e.g. the Large Millimeter Telescope's 6" beam size). At present, robust measures of the clustering strength of bright SMGs appear to be below the reach of most observations.Comment: 23 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journa


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    Many commercially important fishes associate with drifting seaweeds in their juvenile stage, however, the ecological significance of drifting seaweeds for juvenile fishes is still unclear. We postulated that the following two hypotheses may be applicable for juvenile fishes associate with drifting seaweeds, the “concentration of food supply” hypothesis: juvenile fishes are attracted by phytal animals on the drifting seaweeds and the “indicator-log” hypothesis: fish use accumulations of drifting seaweed as an indicator of productive areas (e.g. frontal areas) for food. We investigated the frontal areas, zooplankton abundance around the drifting seaweed, and the food availability of fish juveniles associated with drifting seaweed accumulations in the East China Sea in 2012 and 2013. A total of 14 drifting seaweed mass and 22 species (n = 408) of fish juveniles were collected. We found that 49.7 - 99.7 % of the individual fed on planktonic food and the feeding incidence on phytal animals was less than 50 %. Although drifting seaweeds were aggregated around the frontal areas of surface currents, the zooplankton abundance was not significantly different between these frontal areas and other areas. Our findings indicate that ecological significance of drifting seaweeds as feeding habit is relatively low for juvenile fishes associated with drifting seaweeds.流れ藻には多くの水産上重要種の稚魚が付随するが,流れ藻の稚魚にとっての生態学的意義は明らかにされていない。筆者らは次の2仮説のいずれかが流れ藻付随稚魚に当てはまると考え,“concentration of food supply hypothesis”(流れ藻葉上生物を摂餌するため)と“indicator log hypothesis”(流れ藻をフロント域のような餌豊度の高い海域の目印とするため)を検証するため,2012年と2013年に東シナ海の流れ藻周辺の海洋環境,フロント域,動物プランクトン豊度,流れ藻付随稚魚の摂餌個体率を調べた。流れ藻は表層流の収束帯に集積されていたが,収束帯のプランクトン豊度は高くなかった。合計14個の流れ藻を採集し,合計22種(408尾)の稚魚の胃内容物を調査した結果,稚魚の49.7 - 99.7 %の個体はプランクトンを選択的に摂餌していたが,葉上生物の摂餌個体率は高くなかった(50 %未満)。以上の結果から流れ藻の稚魚にとっての生態学的意義は摂餌場でないことが示唆された

    Identifying spawning events in the Japanese flounder Paralichthys olivaceus from depth time-series data

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    Vertical swimming events (VSEs) of the Japanese flounder, Paralichthys olivaceus, recorded by high-frequency depth data loggers, were analysed to identify spawning events. In total 25,907 VSEs from 10 adult fish were classified into 4 clusters using a k-means method. VSEs in a specific cluster (cluster-S) characterised by accelerated vertical swimming were identified as possible spawning events. Both the descent (0.43 ± 0.22 body length s− 1) and ascent rates (0.43 ± 0.24 body length s− 1) of VSEs in cluster-S were more than 4 times faster than in any other VSE. Our analyses indicated that 4 individuals exhibited the spawning events during the recording periods. The estimated spawning frequency ranged from 0.74 to 0.90 events day− 1. These values were comparable to those obtained in other field and laboratory studies. The spawning condition of fish at the time of recapture was confirmed by separate histological and anatomical observations, which supported the cluster analysis results. These results suggest that a clustering technique can be successfully applied to identify spawning behaviour from time-depth data of free-swimming flatfishes that exhibit vertical swimming movements

    High-Resolution Submillimeter and Near-Infrared Studies of the Transition Disk around Sz 91

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    To reveal the structures of a transition disk around a young stellar object in Lupus, Sz 91, we have performed aperture synthesis 345 GHz continuum and CO(3--2) observations with the Submillimeter Array (\sim1\arcsec--3\arcsec resolution), and high-resolution imaging of polarized intensity at the KsK_s-band by using the HiCIAO instrument on the Subaru Telescope (0\farcs25 resolution). Our observations successfully resolved the inner and outer radii of the dust disk to be 65 AU and 170 AU, respectively, which indicates that Sz 91 is a transition disk source with one of the largest known inner holes. The model fitting analysis of the spectral energy distribution reveals an H2_2 mass of 2.4×1032.4\times10^{-3} M_\sun in the cold (T<T<30 K) outer part at 65<r<17065<r<170 AU by assuming a canonical gas-to-dust mass ratio of 100, although a small amount (>3×109>3\times10^{-9} M_\sun) of hot (TT\sim180 K) dust possibly remains inside the inner hole of the disk. The structure of the hot component could be interpreted as either an unresolved self-luminous companion body (not directly detected in our observations) or a narrow ring inside the inner hole. Significant CO(3--2) emission with a velocity gradient along the major axis of the dust disk is concentrated on the Sz 91 position, suggesting a rotating gas disk with a radius of 420 AU. The Sz 91 disk is possibly a rare disk in an evolutionary stage immediately after the formation of protoplanets because of the large inner hole and the lower disk mass than other transition disks studied thus far

    Two-way habitat use between reefs and open ocean in adult greater amberjack: evidence from biologging data

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    We investigated the relationships between vertical movements and both oceanographic features and physiological factors in greater amberjack Seriola dumerili, which is a reef-associated predator in the East China Sea. S. dumerili in the coastal waters of eastern Taiwan were equipped with archival tags or pop-up satellite archival tags that recorded depth and temperature, resulting in a dataset covering a total of 1331 d from 12 individuals. To classify the vertical movement patterns of S. dumerili, we performed a hierarchical cluster analysis for the depth profile. We observed multiple vertical movement patterns. Around topographic features, S. dumerili showed short-step dives (averaging < 35 m) during both the daytime and nighttime. In contrast, S. dumerili in offshore areas showed diel vertical movements. S. dumerili occasionally performed frequent dives to approximately 150 m throughout the day. These movements may be related to foraging behaviors associated with changes in water depth. We further analyzed the response of the peri-toneal cavity temperature to variations in the ambient temperature in 7 S. dumerili with archival tags. The peritoneal cavity temperatures fluctuated according to the ambient temperature changes, indicating that the vertical movement of S. dumerili is limited by physiological con-straints for the maintenance of body temperature. Together, our results indicate that the vertical movement of S. dumerili may be affected by the trade-off between foraging and thermoregulation