45 research outputs found
La spatha en los siglos IV y V: breve guía cronotipológica
We present an analysis of the two edged long sword (spatha) in the two final centuries of the West Roman Empire (roughly the 4th and 5th centuries AD). This study is achieved through the dissection of this sword into its constituent parts, this is: the blade, the pommel, the grip and the cross-guard or quillons. Additionally, the same method is applied to the study of the sheath associated to this kind of sword, studying separately the two parts of it that have normally survived to this date: the throat or locket and the chape. Special attention is devoted to the physical definition of each of these pieces, as well as to the different variations that appeared in time and to the precise dating of the period of use of each of them. The final result is a kind of synthesis or, in other words, a short guide that allows the distinction of the different variants both of the spathae and of the different pieces that make them. As such, we believe it might be useful as a tool for the identification and dating of the surviving examples of this sword. Finally, we offer some general conclusions derived from the analysis of the evolution and diversity of types, subtypes and constituent parts and, more precisely, on the tendencies observed in their general evolution and the possible historical lectures that we may obtain from it. This is accompanied also by some considerations on the creation of the Roman military identity during the Dominate, and the role that the spatha might have had in it.Se presenta un análisis de la espada larga de doble filo (spatha) en los últimos dos siglos de existencia de la pars occidentalis del Imperio romano (grosso modo, entre los siglos IV y V d.C.). El estudio se acomete merced a la disección de la espada en sus partes constituyentes, esto es: la hoja, el pomo, la longitud interna de empuñadura o puño y los arriaces, y el análisis detallado de cada una de ellas y la evolución que experimenta en el tiempo. En paralelo, se hace lo propio con la vaina asociada a este modelo de espada, de la que se analizan las dos piezas constituyentes que más comúnmente se han conservado hasta nuestros días: la embocadura (o pieza que ocupa la abertura superior) y la contera (en el extremo inferior) Se presta especial atención tanto a la descripción formal de cada una de estas piezas como a las variaciones existentes y a la datación precisa de las horquillas temporales en las que pervive la popularidad de cada una de ellas. El resultado final es una suerte de síntesis o, si se prefiere, breve guía que permite el reconocimiento del conjunto de variantes tanto de las spathae como de cada una de sus partes constituyentes, lo que creemos que puede ser útil para la identificación y datación de los ejemplares conservados. Por último, se ofrecen algunas conclusiones generales deducidas del análisis de la evolución y diversificación de los tipos, subtipos y partes constituyentes, en particular aquellas referidas a las tendencias observadas y a la posible lectura histórica que ello pueda tener. En paralelo, se abordan a algunos aspectos relativos a la construcción de la identidad militar romana y el sentimiento de pertenencia a este estamento en el Bajo Imperio y el papel que la spatha pudiera haber ocupado en ello
Grinding mills from the site at Cerro de la Cruz' (Almedinilla, Córdoba). Classification and analysis of Iron Age and Islamic examples
En este trabajo damos a conocer los molinos hallados
en el yacimiento del Cerro de la Cruz (Almedinilla,
Córdoba) correspondientes a los dos periodos de ocupación documentados en el yacimiento: ibérico tardío (s. II a.C.) y emiral final o califal inicial (siglos IX-X d.C.). Se presenta una clasificación y se discuten las posibles implicaciones de tipo socio-cultural que se pueden deducir del análisis y distribución urbana de este tipo de objetos.In this paper we discuss grinding mills from the archaeological site at El Cerro de la Cruz (Almedinilla, Corduba, Spain). They belong to the two periods identified and documented at the site: Late Iberian (mid 2nd cent. BC) and the final years of the Emirate of Corduba or the first years of the Caliphate (late 9th-early10th cent. AD). We present a classification and discuss the potential social and economic implications that we may obtain from the analysis and urban distribution of these objects
Vegetable Imprints in Architecture and Basketwork Imprints in the Iberian Site of Cerro de la Cruz (Almedinilla, Córdoba)
Este trabajo presenta un amplio conjunto inédito de elementos asociados a la arquitectura doméstica y a partir de ello arroja nueva luz sobre las técnicas constructivas ibéricas en Andalucía, sobre las que apenas hay detallados publicados. Se analizan en detalle las improntas de elementos arquitectónicos vegetales sobre bloques de barro, que a su vez formaron parte de esa misma arquitectura, así como las improntas de elementos de cestería. Todo procede de las recientes excavaciones en el poblado ibérico del Cerro de la Cruz (Almedinilla, Córdoba), destruido a mediados del s. II a.C. Se relacionan estos elementos con otros similares ya conocidos.This paper presents important new unpublished evidence on domestic architectural elements of the Iberian Iron Age, and thus sheds new light on Iberian building techniques in Andalusia. There are almost no previous studies about this. We include a detailed analysis of the imprints of organic material, such as fragments of thatching, reeds, wooden beams, even basketwork, found on the remains of clay floors, walls and roofs. It was discovered in the recent excavations carried out in the Iberian Iron Age settlement Cerro de la Cruz (Almedinilla, Corduba, Andalusia), which was destroyed by an intentional fi re during the mid-second century BC. Appropriate comparisons are drawn between these elements and ethnographical and archaeological data.Trabajo realizado en el marco del Proyecto de Investigación «Resistencia y asimilación: la implantación romana en la Alta Andalucía. Estudio y musealización del Cerro de la Merced y Cerro de la Cruz Córdoba) y su territorio», (HAR2013-43683-P), dentro del Programa Estatal de Fomento de la Investigación Científica y Técnica de Excelencia del MINECO
El puñal bidiscoidal peninsular: tipología y relación con el puñal militar romano (pugio)
The hypothesis that considered the Celtiberian Iron Age «bidiscoidal» type dagger (also traditionally known as «doubleglobular» or «biglobular») as the prototype of the pugio, or dagger used by the Roman legionaires since the Late Republic, was put forward by specialists as early as the begining of the 20th century. The main purpose of this paper is to provide an analysis of the «bidiscoidal» dagger and of its evolution. Our second objective, derived from the first, is to prove the filiation of the Roman legionary dagger (pugio) as an evolution of the Celtiberian prototype.La historiografía de principios del s. XX recogía ya la teoría que relacionaba el puñal «bidiscoidal» (tradicionalmente denominado «dobleglobular» o «biglobular») característico de la cultura celtibérica del Hierro II, con el pugio, puñal usado por los legionarios romanos al menos desde el fin de la República. La razón estriba en la evidente similitud tipológica, en concepción general y detalles, entre ambos tipos. El objetivo principal de este trabajo es presentar un análisis del puñal bidiscoidal y su evolución a caballo entre ambos universos, celtibérico y romano. Secundariamente, demostrar la filiación entre ambas armas: el origen celtibérico del puñal romano legionario (pugio)
A counterstamped coin of the Habsburgs in the Iberian Iron Age architectural complex at Cerro de la Merced (Cabra, Córdoba)
Se analiza una moneda resellada por última vez bajo Felipe IV circa 1659 d.C., hallada en una gran zanja fechable así en el siglo XVII en el complejo aristocrático ibérico del Cerro de la Merced (Cabra, Córdoba). Esta es una excepcional corroboración arqueológica de la búsqueda de tesoros en el s. XVII, bien documentada en fuentes como procesos de Inquisición, relacionada con el exilio y posterior expulsión de los moriscosWe analyze a counterstamped coin, last time under Philip IV of Spain c. 1659 AD, found in a big excavation trench thus dated to the mid 17th c. AD, in the Iberian Iron Age aristocratic complex at Cerro de la Merced (Cabra, Córdoba). This is a most unusual archaeological corroboration of 17th c. treasury-hunting digs, well documented in Inquisition procedures, and connected with the inner exile and later banishment from Spain of the moriscosTrabajo realizado en el marco del Proyecto I+D+i HAR 2017-82806-P del MINECO “Ciudades y complejos aristocráticos ibéricos”
Effects of ventilation strategy on distribution of lung inflammatory cell activity
Introduction: Leukocyte infiltration is central to the development of acute lung injury, but it is not known how mechanical ventilation strategy alters the distribution or activation of inflammatory cells. We explored how protective (vs. injurious) ventilation alters the magnitude and distribution of lung leukocyte activation following systemic endotoxin administration. Methods: Anesthetized sheep received intravenous endotoxin (10 ng/kg/min) followed by 2 h of either injurious or protective mechanical ventilation (n = 6 per group). We used positron emission tomography to obtain images of regional perfusion and shunting with infused 13N[nitrogen]-saline and images of neutrophilic inflammation with 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose (18F-FDG). The Sokoloff model was used to quantify 18F-FDG uptake (Ki), as well as its components: the phosphorylation rate (k3, a surrogate of hexokinase activity) and the distribution volume of 18F-FDG (Fe) as a fraction of lung volume (Ki = Fe × k3). Regional gas fractions (fgas) were assessed by examining transmission scans. Results: Before endotoxin administration, protective (vs. injurious) ventilation was associated with a higher ratio of partial pressure of oxygen in arterial blood to fraction of inspired oxygen (PaO2/FiO2) (351 ± 117 vs. 255 ± 74 mmHg; P < 0.01) and higher whole-lung fgas (0.71 ± 0.12 vs. 0.48 ± 0.08; P = 0.004), as well as, in dependent regions, lower shunt fractions. Following 2 h of endotoxemia, PaO2/FiO2 ratios decreased in both groups, but more so with injurious ventilation, which also increased the shunt fraction in dependent lung. Protective ventilation resulted in less nonaerated lung (20-fold; P < 0.01) and more normally aerated lung (14-fold; P < 0.01). Ki was lower during protective (vs. injurious) ventilation, especially in dependent lung regions (0.0075 ± 0.0043/min vs. 0.0157 ± 0.0072/min; P < 0.01). 18F-FDG phosphorylation rate (k3) was twofold higher with injurious ventilation and accounted for most of the between-group difference in Ki. Dependent regions of the protective ventilation group exhibited lower k3 values per neutrophil than those in the injurious ventilation group (P = 0.01). In contrast, Fe was not affected by ventilation strategy (P = 0.52). Lung neutrophil counts were not different between groups, even when regional inflation was accounted for. Conclusions: During systemic endotoxemia, protective ventilation may reduce the magnitude and heterogeneity of pulmonary inflammatory cell metabolic activity in early lung injury and may improve gas exchange through its effects predominantly in dependent lung regions. Such effects are likely related to a reduction in the metabolic activity, but not in the number, of lung-infiltrating neutrophils
La ocupación de época emiral islámica del Cerro de la Cruz (Almedinilla, Córdoba): Análisis de un contexto representativo: la fosa UN 1088/US 1077
Las excavaciones recientes en el Cerro de la Cruz, junto a Almedinilla (Córdoba) han confirmado y documentado
adecuadamente la existencia, atisbada desde las primeras excavaciones en el siglo XIX, de un pequeño asentamiento en alto
de época medieval islámica. En este trabajo se presenta el aspecto general del asentamiento y se precisa su cronología entre
mediados del s. IX y principios del s. X d.C., durante el emirato omeya y la revuelta de Ibn Hafsun. Analizamos en detalle una
fosa rellena de material fragmentado pero casi completo, incluyendo cerámica y objetos metálicos y algunos restos de faunaRecent archaeological excavations at El Cerro de la Cruz (Almedinilla, Córdoba) have confirmed and documented in detail
the existence, hinted at by early excavators in the 19th century, of a small settlement of Medieval Islamic date. In this article
we present the general characteristics of the site and we can fix its date between the mid-9th and early 10th c. AD, during
the Umayyad Emirate and the revolt of Umar Ibn Hafsun. We analize in detail the contents of a shallow pit,a typical structure
at the site, which contained a fair amount of fragmented but almost complete remains, including pottery vessels and metal
objects, as well as some faunal remain
Whole brain radiotherapy with radiosensitizer for brain metastases
<p>Abstract</p> <p>Purpose</p> <p>To study the efficacy of whole brain radiotherapy (WBRT) with radiosensitizer in comparison with WBRT alone for patients with brain metastases in terms of overall survival, disease progression, response to treatment and adverse effects of treatment.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials (RCT) was performed in order to compare WBRT with radiosensitizer for brain metastases and WBRT alone. The MEDLINE, EMBASE, LILACS, and Cochrane Library databases, in addition to Trial registers, bibliographic databases, and recent issues of relevant journals were researched. Significant reports were reviewed by two reviewers independently.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A total of 8 RCTs, yielding 2317 patients were analyzed. Pooled results from this 8 RCTs of WBRT with radiosensitizer have not shown a meaningful improvement on overall survival compared to WBRT alone OR = 1.03 (95% CI0.84–1.25, p = 0.77). Also, there was no difference in local brain tumor response OR = 0.8(95% CI 0.5 – 1.03) and brain tumor progression (OR = 1.11, 95% CI 0.9 – 1.3) when the two arms were compared.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our data show that WBRT with the following radiosentizers (ionidamine, metronidazole, misonodazole, motexafin gadolinium, BUdr, efaproxiral, thalidomide), have not improved significatively the overall survival, local control and tumor response compared to WBRT alone for brain metastases. However, 2 of them, motexafin- gadolinium and efaproxiral have been shown in recent publications (lung and breast) to have positive action in lung and breast carcinoma brain metastases in association with WBRT.</p