14 research outputs found

    Tingkat Pengetahuan Pelaku Usaha Mikro dan Kecil terhadap Halal Self Declare di Pasar Sunday Morning Simpang GOR Satria Purwokerto, Jawa Tengah

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    Halal is one of the standards that must be met to provide protection for the halalness of a product that is consumed or used by the public. As a Muslim, it is important to understand the halal status of a product that will be consumed or used. However, not all consumers understand the halal status of the products they are going to consume, so regulations are needed to regulate and ensure that products circulating in the community have a clear halal status. One of the ways to carry out halal certification for Micro and Small Enterprises is by halal self-declaring. The purpose of this study was to find out the knowledge of small micro business actors about halal self-declare at the Satria Purwokerto GOR Intersection. The method used in this research is quantitative method. The data were obtained from the results of direct distribution of questionnaires, observations, and interviews with SMEs actors in the Simpang GOR Satria Purwokerto area with a questionnaire tool. The data obtained using quantitative analysis. data analysis using descriptive analysis and logistic regression. Interview data were analyzed using Microsoft excel software. The results of the study show that the knowledge of micro and small entrepreneurs at the GOR Satria Purwokerto Intersection is high. The results of the descriptive analysis show that the variables age, religion, education, influence, halal knowledge, networking and outreach are significant to the level of knowledge of micro and small business actors regarding halal self-declare at the Sunday Morning Market, Simpang GOR Satria Purwokerto.Halal menjadi salah satu standar yang wajib dipenuhi untuk memberikan perlindungan terhadap kehalalan suatu produk yang dikonsumsi atau digunakan oleh masyarakat. Sebagai seorang muslim, penting untuk memahami status kehalalan suatu produk yang akan dikonsumsi maupun digunakan. Akan tetapi, tidak semua konsumen memahami status kehalalan produk yang akan dikonsumsi  sehingga perlu adanya regulasi untuk mengatur dan memastikan produk yang beredar di masyarakat memiliki status kehalalan yang jelas. Salah satu cara melakukan sertifikasi halal Usaha Mikro dan Kecil adalah dengan halal self declare. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengetahuan pelaku usaha mikro kecil tentang halal self declare di Simpang GOR Satria Purwokerto. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu metode kuantitatif.  Data diperoleh dari hasil menyebarkan kuesioner secara langsung, observasi, dan wawancara terhadap pelaku UMK yang terdapat di wilayah Simpang GOR Satria Purwokerto dengan alat bantu kuesioner. Data yang di peroleh menggunakan analisis kuantitatif. analisis data menggunakan analisis deskriptif dan regresi logistik. Data hasil wawancara dianalisis menggunakan software Microsoft excel. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pengetahuan pelaku usaha mikro kecil di Simpang GOR Satria Purwokerto tinggi. Hasil analisis deskriptif menunjukkan bahwa variabel usia, agama, pedidikan,  berpengaruh, pengetahuan halal, networking dan sosialisasi  signifikan terhadap tingkat pengetahuan pelaku usaha mikro dan kecil terhadap halal self declare di Pasar Sunday Morning Simpang GOR Satria Purwokerto

    Analisis Mutu Keripik Tempe Berdasarkan Cara Perekatan dan Ketebalan Pengemas Selama Penyimpanan

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    Keripik tempe adalah salah satu makanan khas di Indonesia. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu: mengetahui pengaruh cara perekatan dan ketebalan pengemas terhadap mutu keripik tempe, dan mengetahui umur simpan keripik tempe berdasarkan cara perekatan pengemas dan ketebalan pengemas. Faktor yang diteliti yaitu, cara perekatan: stapler, lilin, dan sealer, jenis pengemas: plastik polipropilen 0,07 mm dan plastik polipropilen 0,04 mm, dan lama penyimpanan: 10 hari, 20 hari, dan 30 hari. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa keripik tempe dengan kemasan plastik polipropilen 0,07 mm dan perekat sealer memiliki mutu paling baik. Selama penyimpanan terjadi peningkatan kadar air, kadar asam lemak bebas, dan kadar peroksida serta terjadi penurunan semua variabel sensorik, tetapi keripik tempe kemasan plastik polipropilen 0,07 mm dengan perekat sealer mampu mempertahankan mutu keripik tempe sampai hari ke-30, sedangkan perlakuan lainnya hanya mampu sampai hari ke-20

    Quality Characteristics of Honey Pineapple (Ananas comosus (L.) Merr.) with Minimally Processed Based on the Effect of Packaging Type

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    Fresh fruit that is minimally processed is susceptible to damage due to loss of natural protection, including honey pineapple. One storage technique that can minimize damage to minimally processed fruit is low temperature storage using plastic film packaging. The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of the type of packaging on changes in the quality of minimally processed fruit. Storage was carried out at 5ËšC, 10ËšC, and 27ËšC. The types of packaging used are stretch film (SF) and low density polyethylene (LDPE) packaging. Quality changes observed included weight loss, moisture content, hardness, and total dissolved solids. The results showed that changes in the quality of honey pineapple during storage were influenced by temperature and type of packaging. LDPE packaging is not highly recommended for minimally processed honey pineapple packaging. Based on observations of weight loss, moisture content, hardness, and total dissolved solids, the best packaging for minimally processed honey pineapple storage is stretch film packaging stored at 10ËšC.Buah segar yang diproses minimal mudah mengalami kerusakan karena hilangnya pelindung alami, termasuk buah nanas madu. Salah satu teknik penyimpanan yang dapat meminimalisir kerusakan buah terolah minimal adalah penyimpanan suhu rendah dengan penggunaan kemasan plastik film. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengkaji pengaruh jenis kemasan pada perubahan mutu buah terolah minimal. Penyimpanan dilakukan pada suhu 5ËšC, 10ËšC, dan 27ËšC. Adapun jenis kemasan yang digunakan adalah kemasan strech film (SF) dan low density polyethilene (LDPE). Perubahan mutu yang diamati meliputi susut bobot, kadar air, kekerasan, dan total padatan terlarut. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan perubahan mutu nanas madu selama penyimpanan dipengaruhi oleh suhu dan jenis kemasan. Kemasan LDPE tidak sangat di anjurkan untuk pegemasan nanas madu terolah minimal. Berdasarkan pengamatan susut bobot, kadar air, kekerasan, dan total padatan terlarut, kemasan terbaik untuk penyimpanan buah nanas madu terolah minimal adalah kemasan stretch film yang disimpan pada suhu 10ËšC


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    The focus of this community service activity is to provide solutions to the problem of processing crystal coconut sugar in the Coconut Sugar Manggar Group, Sunyalangu Village, Karanglewas District, Banyumas Regency, Central Java. The purpose of this activity is (1) to increase a group of people (Crystal Coconut Sugar MSMEs) who are economically independent, (2) to increase knowledge, skills, product quality, and total turnover at Crystal Coconut Sugar MSMEs. The activity stages include: (1) preparation stage, (2) assessment stage, (3) technology planning stage, (4) technology transfer action plan stage, (5) implementation stage, and (6) evaluation stage. The result of community service is the application of ISO-50001 in the form of drying technology with biomass energy and waste heat with a heat recovery system and skills in farming management. The increase in knowledge and skills in the application of technology in this activity was carried out on Sari Manggar MSMEs, Banyumas Regency, Central Java. This activity contributes to increasing the productivity and competitiveness of crystal coconut sugar SMEs. Increased productivity and competitiveness in the form of economic independence, increased knowledge, skills, product quality, and total turnover in crystal coconut sugar SMEs.The focus of community services activities in the form of PKM (Program Kemitraan Masyarakat) is to provide alternative solutions to the problem of crystal coconut sugar processing in the Sari Manggar Coconut Sugar Group, Sunyalangu Village, Karanglewas District, Banyumas Regency, Central Java. The purpose of this activity is to increase knowledge, skills, and product quality in Crystal Coconut Sugar SMEs. The activity phase includes: (1) the preparation stage, (2) the review stage, (3) the technology planning stage, (4) the technology transfer action plan stage, (5) the implementation stage, and (6) the evaluation stage. The results of community service show that an increase in the competitiveness of UMKM Sari Manggar Crystal Coconut Sugar, Banyumas Regency, Central Java Province has been carried out in the aspects of increasing knowledge, skills, and product quality (moisture content) in SMEs Crystal Coconut Sugar Sari Manggar, Banyumas Regency, Province Central Java. The application of Biomass Energy Dryer and Waste Heat with Heat Recovery System (BPB-SHR Dryer) at the location strengthens the increase in knowledge, skills and product quality (moisture content) in these SMEs. The results of the CIPP evaluation show that the PKM activities have been carried out very well


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    The focus of this community service activity is to provide solutions to the problem of handling corn harvest/postharvest and corn farming in the Ngudi Rahayu I Farmer Group, Mentasan Village, Kawunganten District, Cilacap Regency, Central Java. The objectives of this activity are (1) to increase a group of people (corn farmer groups) who are economically independent, (2) to increase knowledge, skills, product quality, and the amount of turnover in corn farmer groups. The activity stages include: (1) the preparation stage, (2) the review stage, (3) the technology planning stage, (4) the technology transfer action plan stage, (5) the implementation stage, and (6) the evaluation stage. The results of community service are the application of solar-energy corn peeler and sheller hybrid technology and skills in farming management. Increasing knowledge and skills in applying technology in this activity was carried out to the Ngudi Rahayu I Farmer Group, Cilacap Regency, Central Java. This activity contributes to increasing the productivity and competitiveness of corn farmers. Increased productivity and competitiveness in the form of economic independence, increased knowledge, skills, product quality, and total turnover in corn farmer groups.The focus of community service activities in the form of PKM (Program Kemitraan Masyarakat) is to provide alternative solutions to the problem of post-harvest handling of corn in the Ngudi Rahayu I Farmer Group, Mentasan Village, Kawunganten District, Cilacap Regency, Central Java. The purpose of this activity is to increase knowledge, skills and product quality in corn farmer groups. The activity stages include: (1) the preparation stage, (2) the review stage, (3) the technology planning stage, (4) the technology transfer action plan stage, (5) the implementation stage, and (6) the evaluation stage. The results of community service show that the increase in the competitiveness of the Ngudi Rahayu I Farmer Group, Cilacap Regency, Central Java Province has been carried out in the aspects of increasing knowledge, skills and quality of corn products. The application of Solar Energy Corn Peeler and Sheller Hybrid Technology (SE-CPSHT) at the location strengthens the increase in knowledge, skills and product quality (moisture content) in this farmer group. The results of the CIPP evaluation show that the PKM activities have been carried out properly


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    Salah satu langkah yang dapat dilakukan untuk mengatasi sumber bahan bakar fosil adalah pemanfaatan sumber energi terbarukan, terutama sumber-sumber energi terbarukan. Pengalihan sumber energi yang berasal dari bahan bakar minyak ke sumber energi terbarukan diharapkan dapat mengurangi tingkat ketergantungan kepada minyak bumi. Pemanfaatan limbah pertanian, limbah perkebunan ataupun limbah industri merupakan salah satu alternatif pengganti bahan bakar dengan mengubahnya menjadi biobriket. Tempurung kelapa dan kulit singkong merupakan limbah pertanian yang dapat digunakan sebagai bahan pembuatan biobriket dan ketersediaannya cukup melimpah di Indonesia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui menganalisis kualitas biobriket karbonisasi tempurung kelapa dan kulit singkong berdasarkan pengaruh komposisi bahan dan persentase perekat. Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan kombinasi perlakuan sebanyak 9 variasi percobaan. Ulangan dilakukan sebanyak 4 kali sehingga diperoleh 36 unit percobaan. Faktor perlakuan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah persentase perekat (P0 = Perekat 3%, P1 = Perekat 5%, P2= Perekat 7%) dan komposisi bahan (K0 = 80% serbuk karbonisasi tempurung kelapa dan 20% serbuk karbonisasi kulit singkong, (K1= 75% serbuk karbonisasi tempurung kelapa dan 25% serbuk karbonisasi kulit singkong, (K2 = 70% serbuk karbonisasi tempurung kelapa dan 30% serbuk karbonisasi kulit singkong). Variabel yang diamati dalam penelitian ini yaitu kadar air, kadar abu, kadar zat mudah menguap, kadar karbon terikat, nilai kalor, kerapatan, dan kuat tekan.  Data yang diperoleh dianalisis dengan menggunakan uji F dan uji DMRT taraf 5%.  Hasil  penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kualitas biobriket karbonisasi kulit singkong dan tempurung kelapa dengan menggunakan perekat tepung singkong  yaitu kadar air (6,71-7,75%), kadar abu (4,16-4,63%), kadar zat mudah menguap (2,01-2,18%), kadar karbon terikat (85,53-87,02%), nilai kalor (6709,29-8142,82kal/g), kerapatan (0,57-0,74 g/cm3), dan kuat tekan (3,36-7,66 kg/cm2).One of the steps that can be taken to overcome fossil fuel sources is the use of renewable energy sources, especially renewable energy sources. The transfer of energy sources from fuel oil to renewable energy sources is expected to reduce the level of dependence on petroleum. Utilization of agricultural waste, plantation waste or industrial waste is an alternative fuel substitute by converting it into biobriquettes. Coconut shells and cassava peels are agricultural wastes that can be used as materials for making biobriquettes and their availability is quite abundant in Indonesia. This study aims to determine the characteristics of coconut shell and cassava peel carbonized biobriquettes, determine the effect of material composition and adhesive percentage on the quality of coconut shell and cassava peel carbonized biobriquettes. This study used a completely randomized design (CRD) with a combination of 9 experimental variations. The experiment was repeated 4 times so that 36 experimental units were obtained. The treatment factors used in this study were the percentage of adhesive (P0 = 3% adhesive, P1 = 5% adhesive, P2 = 7% adhesive) and material composition (K0 = 80% coconut shell carbonized powder and 20% cassava peel carbonized powder, (K1 = 75% coconut shell carbonized powder and 25% cassava peel carbonized powder, (K2 = 70% coconut shell carbonized powder and 30% cassava peel carbonized powder). The variables observed in this study were water content, ash content, volatile matter content, evaporated, bound carbon content, calorific value, density, and compressive strength. The data obtained were analyzed using the F test and DMRT test at 5% level. The results showed the characteristics of carbonized biobriquettes of cassava peel and coconut shell using cassava flour adhesive, namely water content ( 6.71-7.75%), ash content (4.16-4.63%), volatile matter content (2.01-2.18%), bound carbon content (85.53-87.02% ), calorific value (6709.29-8142.82cal/g), density (0.57-0.74 g/cm3), and compressive strength (3.36-7.66 kg/cm2). The composition of the material and the percentage of adhesive have a significant effect on the moisture content, ash content, volatile matter content, bound carbon content, calorific value, density, and compressive strength

    Development of Specialty Robusta Coffee with Saccharomyces Cerevisiae Fermentation to Improve Coffee Quality

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    Robusta coffee is one of the plantation commodities that has an important role in economic activities in Indonesia. Coffee is one of Indonesia's export commodities which is quite important as a foreign exchange earner for the country. Indonesia is listed as the fourth largest coffee producer after Brazil, Vietnam and Colombia. However, in the export market, Indonesia's coffee is still in ninth place. Post-harvest handling of coffee at the farm level generally produces low-quality, random coffee. Therefore, it really needs to be improved in quality to increase competitiveness in the international market. One alternative that is seen as effective is the improvement of the processing process to produce robusta coffee into fine robusta coffee. This study aims to determine the best yeast starter concentration and determine the best fermentation time to produce specialty coffee in the form of fine robusta coffee. This study used two factors, namely yeast concentration using Saccharomyces cerevisiae which included three levels (2%; 3%; 4%) and fermentation time with 3 levels namely 8, 10 and 12 hours. Repetition is carried out three times. The response variables observed were pH and temperature during fermentation, percentage of unpeeled beans, physical quality of rice coffee, density of kamba coffee rice, increase in roast volume, and taste quality. Data were analyzed using Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) with a confidence level of 5% if the ANOVA results showed a significant difference, followed by the Duncan Multiple Range Test (DMRT). The best results were in the R3F3 treatment (4% concentration and 12 hours time) which could produce coffee with the specialty/fine robusta flavor category. Yeast concentration has a significant effect on pH and temperature after fermentation. Meanwhile, the duration of fermentation has a significant effect on pH and temperature and the percentage of seeds that are not peeled. The results of the organoleptic test of the concentration of yeast and the duration of fermentation had a significant effect on the brewing of coffee and the panelists liked it.Kopi robusta merupakan salah satu komoditi hasil perkebunan yang mempunyai peran cukup penting dalam kegiatan perekonomian di Indonesia. Kopi menjadi salah satu komoditas ekspor Indonesia yang cukup penting sebagai penghasil devisa negara. Indonesia tercatat sebagai produsen kopi keempat terbesar setelah Brazil, Vietnam, dan Kolombia. Namun pada pasar ekspor kopi Indonesia masih di urutan kesembilan. Penanganan pascapanen kopi ditingkat petani, pada umumnya menghasilkan kopi asalan dengan mutu rendah. Oleh karena itu, sangat perlu ditingkatkan mutunya untuk menaikkan daya saing di pasar internasional. Salah satu alternatif yang di pandang efektif yaitu perbaikan proses pengolahan untuk menghasilkan kopi robusta menjadi fine robusta coffee. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan konsentrasi starter ragi terbaik dan menentukan waktu fermentasi terbaik untuk menghasilkan specialty coffee berupa fine robusta coffee. Penelitian ini menggunakan dua faktor, yaitu konsentrasi ragi dengan menggunakan Saccharomyces cerevisiae yang meliputi tiga taraf (2%; 3%; 4%) dan waktu fermentasi dengan 3 taraf yaitu 8, 10, dan 12 jam. Pengulangan dilakukan tiga kali. Variabel respon yang diamati adalah pH dan suhu selama fermentasi, presentase biji tidak terkupas, mutu fisik kopi beras, densitas kamba kopi beras, peningkatan volume sangrai, dan mutu cita rasa. Data dianalisis menggunakan Analysis of Varians (ANOVA) dengan tingkat kepercayaan 5% jika hasil ANOVA menunjukkan perbedaan yang signifikan, dilanjutkan dengan Duncan Multiple Range Test (DMRT). Hasil terbaik pada perlakuan R3F3 (konsentrasi 4% dan waktu 12 jam) yang dapat menghasilkan kopi dengan kategori cita rasa specialty/fine robusta. Konsentrasi ragi berpengaruh nyata terhadap pH dan suhu setelah fermentasi. Sedangkan lamanya fermentasi berpengaruh nyata terhadap pH dan suhu dan presentase biji tidak terkelupas. Hasil uji organoleptik perlakuan konsentrasi ragi dan lamanya fermentasi berpengaruh nyata terhadap seduhan kopi dan dapat disukai oleh panelis

    Perpindahan Panas pada Pengering Tipe Drum Berputar pada Kondisi Tanpa Beban

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    Pengering tipe drum berputar yang dikembangkan merupakan sistem yang terdiri atas empat subsistem yaitu: tungku pembakaran, tangki air, penukar panas, dan silinder pengering. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui mekanisme pindah panas pengering tipe drum berputar, besarnya kehilangan panas, dan efisiensi termal sistem selama proses pengeringan tanpa beban. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode analitik pada pengering tipe drum berputar. Variabel penelitian meliputi: (a) variabel pengukuran yaitu perubahan suhu pada masing-masing subsistem, spesifikasi geometri pengering, suhu lingkungan, dan (b) variabel perhitungan meliputi koefisien konveksi bahan, kehilangan panas, dan efisiensi termal. Pengukuran dilakukan setiap 10 menit dan diakhiri pada saat suhu masuk silinder pengering konstan. Data hasil pengukuran dianalisis menggunakan persamaan pindah panas sehingga diperoleh nilai pindah panas untuk mengetahui besarnya nilai kehilangan panas dan efisiensi sistem. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan mekanisme pindah panas pada pengering tipe drum berputar terjadi secara konduksi dan konveksi. Total panas yang hilang pada subsistem tungku pembakaran 261,270 MJ, subsistem tangki air 20,416 MJ, subsistem penukar panas 0,017 MJ, dan subsistem silinder pengering 0,577 MJ. Efisiensi termal pada subsistem tungku pembakaran 30,17%, subsistem tangki air 74,30%, subsistem penukar panas 99,97%, dan subsistem silinder pengering 99,02%. Efisiensi total sistem terhadap besarnya bahan bakar yang diberikan adalah 75,87%.Pengering tipe drum berputar yang dikembangkan merupakan sistem yang terdiri atas empat subsistem yaitu: tungku pembakaran, tangki air, penukar panas, dan silinder pengering. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui mekanisme pindah panas pengering tipe drum berputar, besarnya kehilangan panas, dan efisiensi termal sistem selama proses pengeringan tanpa beban. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode analitik pada pengering tipe drum berputar. Variabel penelitian meliputi: (a) variabel pengukuran yaitu perubahan suhu pada masing-masing subsistem, spesifikasi geometri pengering, suhu lingkungan, dan (b) variabel perhitungan meliputi koefisien konveksi bahan, kehilangan panas, dan efisiensi termal. Pengukuran dilakukan setiap 10 menit dan diakhiri pada saat suhu masuk silinder pengering konstan. Data hasil pengukuran dianalisis menggunakan persamaan pindah panas sehingga diperoleh nilai pindah panas untuk mengetahui besarnya nilai kehilangan panas dan efisiensi sistem. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan mekanisme pindah panas pada pengering tipe drum berputar terjadi secara konduksi dan konveksi. Total panas yang hilang pada subsistem tungku pembakaran 261,270 MJ, subsistem tangki air 20,416 MJ, subsistem penukar panas 0,017 MJ, dan subsistem silinder pengering 0,577 MJ. Efisiensi termal pada subsistem tungku pembakaran 30,17%, subsistem tangki air 74,30%, subsistem penukar panas 99,97%, dan subsistem silinder pengering 99,02%. Efisiensi total sistem terhadap besarnya bahan bakar yang diberikan adalah 75,87%

    Performance Analysis of Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine as a Pump Energy Source for Agricultural Irrigation using Homer Software

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    The high cost of fuel has become a significant challenge for farmers in operating water pumps for irrigation in agricultural fields. The pumps are rendered economically inefficient due to the associated high operational costs. Therefore, the proposed solution to address this issue is the utilization of wind energy. Wind energy is converted into electrical energy to power water pumps. This research aims to: determine the average power in the wind use statistical method based on the average of windspeed, evaluate the efficiency of wind power generators, and select the appropriate wind turbine type for installation in the Kedungweru region, Kebumen, Central Java. The study was conducted at the Wind Power Plant (PLTB) in Kedungweru Village, Kebumen Regency, Central Java, and the Laboratory of Thermal Systems Engineering and Renewable Energy at Jenderal Soedirman University. Sampling methods included measuring wind speed, voltage, and current, as well as data from the Hybrid Optimization of Multiple Energy Resources (HOMER) software. The variables of this research were maximum/minimum/average wind speed, electric pump load, power generated by the wind power plant, and the efficiency of wind turbine performance. The results of the study indicate that Kedungweru has a relatively good wind energy potential, with an average wind speed of 4.79 m/s. From the HOMER simulation using 2 AWS HC 650 W wind turbines, the generated electrical energy reached 2,543 kWh/year. Additionally, the simulation showed an electrical surplus of 33.2%, indicating a well-performing system as almost all generated energy can be efficiently utilized without wastage. Thus, the use of wind energy as a renewable resource for irrigating agricultural fields can be an efficient and economical solution to address the high operational costs resulting from expensive fuel prices

    Estimation of Shelf Life of Pegagan Tea (Centella asiatica (L) Urban) using Accelerated Shelf Life Testing (ASLT) Method with Arrhenius Model

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    This research aimed to evaluate the shelf life of pegagan (Centella asiatica (L) Urban) tea using the Accelerated Shelf Life Testing (ASLT) method by applying the Arrhenius Model since its widely known for its various health benefits, including its ability to enhance cognitive function and exhibit antioxidant effects. The ASLT method was employed to accelerate the chemical and physical changes in the product, thereby enabling a shorter estimation of shelf life compared to conventional methods. In this research, samples of pegagan tea were packaged in paper sacks, aluminum foil, and vacuum-sealed plastic and stored at temperatures of 15, 30, and 45 °C for 28 days, with observations conducted every 7 days. The Arrhenius Model was utilized to predict the rate of chemical reactions in the product, taking into account the temperature's influence on these changes. The data were analyzed using Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) at a 5% confidence level. If the ANOVA results showed significant differences, Duncan Multiple Range Test (DMRT) was further conducted. The results of the observations indicated that storage temperature and packaging type significantly influenced the yield value and pH value, but had no significant effect on the moisture content of pegagan tea. The estimated shelf life of pegagan tea for 28 days using paper sack packaging at temperatures of 15, 30, and 45 °C was 173, 616, and 195 days, respectively. For aluminum foil packaging, the estimated shelf life was 189, 661, and 205 days at the same temperatures. As for vacuum-sealed plastic packaging, the estimated shelf life was 551, 192, and 597 days at the respective temperatures. The findings of this research are expected to provide valuable information for manufacturers and consumers regarding the shelf life of pegagan Tea. Additionally, the research aims to offer a scientific basis for appropriate packaging and storage practices to better maintain the product's quality