138 research outputs found

    Search for variation of fundamental constants and violations of fundamental symmetries using isotope comparisons

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    Atomic microwave clocks based on hyperfine transitions, such as the caesium standard, tick with a frequency that is proportional to the magnetic moment of the nucleus. This magnetic moment varies strongly between isotopes of the same atom, while all atomic electron parameters remain the same. Therefore the comparison of two microwave clocks based on different isotopes of the same atom can be used to constrain variation of fundamental constants. In this paper we calculate the neutron and proton contributions to the nuclear magnetic moments, as well as their sensitivity to any potential quark mass variation, in a number of isotopes of experimental interest including 201,199Hg and 87,85Rb, where experiments are underway. We also include a brief treatment of the dependence of the hyperfine transitions to variation in nuclear radius, which in turn is proportional to any change in quark mass. Our calculations of expectation-values of proton and neutron spin in nuclei are also needed to interpret measurements of violations of fundamental symmetries.Comment: 7 page

    Diversidade genética de bactérias que colonizam nódulos radiculares de Phaseolus vulgaris L. cultivado em campo e em casa de vegetação.

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    Foi realizado o sequenciamento parcial dos genes 16S rRNA e glnII de seis isolados de nódulos radiculares de feijoeiro comum (Phaseolus vulgaris L.), sendo três de plantas cultivadas a campo (LGMB10, LGMB57 e LGMB58) e três de plantas cultivadas em casa de vegetação (LGMB73, LGMB88 e LGMB99). Foi observada uma preferência de colonização de acordo com o experimento avaliado

    Urgensi Tata Ruang Berbasis Mitigasi Bencana Likuifaksi: Hak Asasi Masyarakat Kabupaten Jember

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    The potential for high liquefaction in Jember Regency has the potential to take its toll and losses that will interfere with aspects of life as experienced by the Central Sulawesi in 2018. Disaster mitigation efforts are needed that look at the extent to which spatial planning and development in Jember Regency pay attention to liquefaction vulnerabilities. Because the vulnerability of the region itself is a consideration of spatial planning and development. This aricle aims to discuss the extent of the importance of liquefaction mitigation-based spatial planning in Jember in terms of regulations, impacts, and their relation to the fulfillment of the human rights of the people of Jember. The method used is socio-legal. This paper confirms that the regulation of decent and safe housing from liquefaction disasters in Jember is still minimal. In addition, the RTRW and RPJMD Regional Regulations have also not made liquefaction part of the disaster in Jember. However, the urgency of this liquefaction regulation is actually not only about disaster mitigation-based spatial planning but also the fulfillment of the human rights of liquefaction victims, so the government is obliged to regulate it even if there are no specific regulations at the national or local level.Potensi likuifaksi tinggi di Kabupaten Jember berpotensi memakan korban dan kerugian yang akan mengganggu aspek kehidupan sebagaimana yang dialami Provinsi Sulawesi Tengah 2018. Perlu upaya mitigasi bencana yang melihat ulang sejauhmana penataan ruang dan pembangunan di Kabupaten Jember memperhatikan kerentanan likuifaksi. Sebab kerentanan wilayah sendiri merupakan pertimbangan penataan ruang dan pembangunan. Arikel ini bertujuan membahas sejauh mana pentingnya penataan ruang berbasis mitigasi likuifaksi di Jember ditinjau dari segi regulasi, dampak, dan kaitannya dengan pemenuhan hak asasi masyarakat Jember. Metode yang digunakan adalah sosio-legal. Tulisan ini menegaskan bahwa regulasi atas tempat tinggal yang layak dan aman dari bencana likuifaksi di Jember masih minim. Disamping itu, Perda RTRW dan RPJMD juga belum menjadikan likuifaksi bagian dari bencana di Jember. Namun, urgensi pengaturan likuifaksi ini sebetulnya tidak hanya mengenai penataan ruang berbasis mitigasi bencana tetapi juga pemenuhan HAM korban likuifaksi, sehingga pemerintah wajib mengaturnya sekalipun tidak ada peraturan khusus di tingkat nasional ataupun lokal

    Urgensi Tata Ruang Berbasis Mitigasi Bencana Likuifaksi: Hak Asasi Masyarakat Kabupaten Jember

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    The potential for high liquefaction in Jember Regency has the potential to take its toll and losses that will interfere with aspects of life as experienced by the Central Sulawesi in 2018. Disaster mitigation efforts are needed that look at the extent to which spatial planning and development in Jember Regency pay attention to liquefaction vulnerabilities. Because the vulnerability of the region itself is a consideration of spatial planning and development. This aricle aims to discuss the extent of the importance of liquefaction mitigation-based spatial planning in Jember in terms of regulations, impacts, and their relation to the fulfillment of the human rights of the people of Jember. The method used is socio-legal. This paper confirms that the regulation of decent and safe housing from liquefaction disasters in Jember is still minimal. In addition, the RTRW and RPJMD Regional Regulations have also not made liquefaction part of the disaster in Jember. However, the urgency of this liquefaction regulation is actually not only about disaster mitigation-based spatial planning but also the fulfillment of the human rights of liquefaction victims, so the government is obliged to regulate it even if there are no specific regulations at the national or local level.Potensi likuifaksi tinggi di Kabupaten Jember berpotensi memakan korban dan kerugian yang akan mengganggu aspek kehidupan sebagaimana yang dialami Provinsi Sulawesi Tengah 2018. Perlu upaya mitigasi bencana yang melihat ulang sejauhmana penataan ruang dan pembangunan di Kabupaten Jember memperhatikan kerentanan likuifaksi. Sebab kerentanan wilayah sendiri merupakan pertimbangan penataan ruang dan pembangunan. Arikel ini bertujuan membahas sejauh mana pentingnya penataan ruang berbasis mitigasi likuifaksi di Jember ditinjau dari segi regulasi, dampak, dan kaitannya dengan pemenuhan hak asasi masyarakat Jember. Metode yang digunakan adalah sosio-legal. Tulisan ini menegaskan bahwa regulasi atas tempat tinggal yang layak dan aman dari bencana likuifaksi di Jember masih minim. Disamping itu, Perda RTRW dan RPJMD juga belum menjadikan likuifaksi bagian dari bencana di Jember. Namun, urgensi pengaturan likuifaksi ini sebetulnya tidak hanya mengenai penataan ruang berbasis mitigasi bencana tetapi juga pemenuhan HAM korban likuifaksi, sehingga pemerintah wajib mengaturnya sekalipun tidak ada peraturan khusus di tingkat nasional ataupun lokal

    Bioprospecção de bactérias isoladas de milho para promoção de crescimento de plantas.

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    Isolados bacterianos associados a raízes de milho identificados por sequenciamento parcial do gene 16S RNAr foram avaliados em testes de promoção de crescimento vegetal. Também foram conduzidos testes in vitro para a capacidade de produção de sideróforos, solubilização de fosfato, produção de AIA, FBN e produção de enzimas líticas. Cinco isolados apresentaram resultados promissores na caracterização enzimática e nos testes de atividade promotora de crescimento e, portanto, poderão ser avaliados in vivo quanto a parâmetros de crescimento vegetal em ensaios em casa de vegetação

    Association between chronic airflow obstruction and socio-economic position in Morocco: BOLD results.

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    Objective. Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease (COPD) is the third most common cause of death in the world. Other factors than smoking could be involved in the development of COPD such as socio-economic status. The aim of this study was to investigate the association between chronic airflow obstruction and socio-economic status in Morocco. Design. In the BOLD (Burden of Obstructive Lung Disease) study carried out in Fez Morocco, questionnaires and spirometry tests were performed. Socio-economic status was evaluated using a wealth score (0-10) based on household assets. The forced expiratory volume in 1s (FEV1)/ forced vital capacity (FVC) ratio was used to measure airflow obstruction. Results. In total, 760 subjects were included in the analysis. The mean age was 55.3 years (SD=10.2); the wealth score was on average 7.54 (SD=1.63). After controlling for other factors and potential confounders, the FEV1/ FVC increased by 0.4% (95% CI: 0.01, 0.78; p<0.04) per unit increase in wealth score. Aging, tobacco-smoking, underweight, history of tuberculosis and asthma were also independently associated with a higher risk of airflow obstruction. Conclusion. Our findings suggest that airflow obstruction is associated with poverty in Morocco. Further investigations are needed to better understand the mechanisms of this association


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    Different flocculants were evaluated for the flocculation of microalgae biomass of Acutodesmus obliquus. Flocculation was tested with FeCl3 and NaOH at different concentrations and compared to a sample centrifuged at 7000 rpm. The evaluated parameters were absorbance (540 nm) in the clarified medium, and lipids concentration. For FeCl3 (0.2 mmol L-1) as flocculant, efficiency was 96.8%, and with NaOH (8 mmol L-1) 93.5%. Centrifugation efficiency was lower than with either flocculants: 91.7%. However, NaOH flocculation reduced lipid content, which did not occur with FeCl3. Flocculation efficiency was affected by salt concentration, reducing efficiency by 79% due to increased nutrient concentration (9 mL L-1)

    Caracterização morfofisiológica e genética de bactérias endofíticas isoladas de raízes de diferentes genótipos de milho (Zea mays L.).

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    A cultura do milho (Zea mays L.) tem relevante expressão no cenário mundial e o Estado do Paraná desempenha importante papel como maior produtor de milho no Brasil. Assim, todas as estratégias que permitam otimizar a produção deste importante cultivo são importantes para a pesquisa aplicada. Bactérias endofíticas apresentam alto potencial na elevação dos índices de produtividade, por mecanismos como a fixação biológica do nitrogênio, a promoção do crescimento de plantas pela produção de fitohormônios, o controle de patógenos, entre outros. Objetivos: Isolar bactérias que se associam endofiticamente com diferentes genótipos de milho (linhagens e híbridos) e caracterizá-las quanto a diversas propriedades morfofisiológicas e genéticas. Métodos: Inicialmente foi estabelecida uma coleção de 217 isolados de bactérias endofíticas de raízes de milho e destes, 98 foram mantidos em condições de laboratório. Foram realizadas caracterizações morfofisiológicas, incluindo morfologia de colônias, diversos testes bioquímicos (crescimento em diferentes meios de cultura, redução do nitrato, urease, catalase, tolerância intrínseca a antibióticos) e avaliação da capacidade de fixação do nitrogênio in vitro. Como etapa subsequente, avaliou-se o perfil genético das bactérias através da amplificação do DNA com o primer BOX-PCR, relacionado a regiões repetitivas e não codificantes do DNA. Foi realizado, ainda, o sequenciamento parcial do gene 16S RNAr de bactérias representantes dos principais agrupamentos obtidos com os dados morfofisiológicos, sendo identificados os gêneros Pantoea, Bacillus, Burkholderia e Klebsiella. Resultados: Foi observada alta variabilidade entre os isolados obtidos em todos os parâmetros analisados, confirmando que populações com elevado grau de diversidade morfofisiológica e genética se estabelece endofiticamente com o milho. É interessante constatar que essa diversidade ocorre mesmo em linhagens e híbridos de milho obtidos em condições normais de melhoramento para a gramínea, que não consideram a capacidade de associação com bactérias endofíticas. Conclusão: O estabelecimento dessa importante coleção, com microrganismos pertencentes a gêneros pouco estudados com a cultura do milho no Brasil permitirá a condução de estudos para a avaliação da capacidade promotora de crescimento ou mesmo fixação biológica de nitrogênio nesses isolados bacterianos

    Зв’язок активності ензимів-маркерів запліднювальної здатності статевих клітин з вмістом ліпопротеїнів сперми бугаїв

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    The relationship between the activity of enzymes-markers of fertility of succinate dehydrogenase and cytochrome oxidase with the content of lipoproteins in bull ejaculates was studied. The research was conducted at the Stepan Gzhytskyi National University of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnologies Lviv and the Lviv National Production Center “Zakhidplemresursy”. Physiological indicators of the quality of bull ejaculates (volume, ml; sperm motility, scores; concentration, 109 cells/ml) and the activity of enzymes-markers of reproductive capacity of germ cells were studied. Freshly obtained bull ejaculates are characterized by a volume of 4.3 ± 0.18 ml, a concentration of 1.09 × 109 cells/ml and sperm activity of 7.4&nbsp;±&nbsp;0.16 points. The activity of enzymes-markers of fertilization ability of germ cells shows a positive relationship with the content of very high density lipoproteins. In particular, for less than 30.0 units / h × 0.1 ml of semen enzyme activity revealed a minimum content of the fraction (22.1–23.4 %), which increases by 5.0–9.9 % with an increase to 50.0 units/h × 0.1 ml of semen and increases by another 14.6–25.4 % by more than 50.0 units/h × 0.1 ml of semen. Bull semen contains the main fractions of lipoproteins: chylomicrons (26.5 ± 2.20 %), very low density – 10.4 ± 0.44 %, low – 18.3 ± 1.84 %, high – 17.1 ± 1.09 % and very high density – 26.8 ± 1.94 %, and sperm show 24.7 ± 2.79 units/h × 0.1 ml of sperm succinate dehydrogenase and 36.7 ± 2.66 units/h × 0.1 ml of sperm cytochrome oxidase. With a proportional increase in the activity of succinate dehydrogenase, the content of low and high density lipoproteins in semen shows a negative correlation (η = 0.202–0.295) and with a very high density – positive (η = 0.490), and cytochrome oxidase with a high content of chylomitecron and negative chylomicron and lipoproin = 0.352 and 0.438) and from a very high density – positive (η = 0.674). With a proportional increase in the activity of enzymes-markers of the fertilizing ability of germ cells, the content of chylomicrons, low and high density lipoproteins decreases, and the content of very high density lipoproteins increases.Вивчали зв’язки активності ензимів-маркерів запліднювальної здатності сукцинатдегідрогенази та цитохромоксидази з вмістом ліпопротеїнів в еякулятах бугаїв. Дослідження проведені в Львівському національному університеті ветеринарної медицини та біотехнологій імені С. З. Ґжицького та Львівському національно-виробничому центрі “Західплемресурси”. Досліджували фізіологічні показники якості еякулятів бугаїв (об’єм, мл; рухливість сперміїв, бали; концентрацію, 109 клітин/мл) та активність ензимів-маркерів запліднювальної здатності статевих клітин. Свіжоотримані еякуляти бугаїв характеризуються об’ємом – 4,3&nbsp;±&nbsp;0,18 мл, концентрацією 1,09×109 клітин/мл і активністю сперміїв – 7,4 ± 0,16 бали. Активність ензимів-маркерів запліднювальної здатності статевих клітин проявляє позитивний зв’язок з вмістом ліпопротеїнів дуже високої щільності. Зокрема, за менше 30,0 од/год×0,1 мл сперми активності ензимів виявлено мінімальний вміст фракції (22,1–23,4&nbsp;%), який зростає на 5,0–9,9 % за збільшення до 50,0 од/год×0,1 мл сперми і ще на 14,6–25,4 % підвищується за більше 50,0 од/год×0,1 мл сперми. Сперма бугаїв містить основні фракції ліпопротеїнів: хіломікрони (26,5 ± 2,20 %), дуже низької щільності – 10,4 ± 0,44 %, низької – 18,3 ± 1,84&nbsp;%, високої – 17,1 ± 1,09 % та дуже високої щільності – 26,8 ± 1,94 %, а спермії проявляють 24,7 ± 2,79 од/год×0,1 мл сперми сукцинатдегідрогенази і 36,7 ± 2,66 од/год×0,1 мл сперми цитохромоксидази. При пропорційному підвищенні активності сукцинатдегідрогенази вміст ліпопротеїнів низької та високої щільності у спермі проявляє кореляцію негативну (η = 0,202 – 0,295) і з дуже високої щільності – позитивну (η = 0,490), а цитохромоксидаза з вмістом хіломікрон та ліпопротеїнів дуже низької щільності – негативну (η&nbsp;= 0,352 та 0,438) і з дуже високої щільності – позитивну (η = 0,674). За пропорційного підвищення активності ензимів-маркерів запліднювальної здатності статевих клітин знижується вміст хіломікрон, низької та високої щільності ліпопротеїнів і підвищується – ліпопротеїнів дуже високої щільності