363 research outputs found

    Accuracy, User Acceptability, and Safety Evaluation for the FreeStyle Libre Flash Glucose Monitoring System When Used by Pregnant Women with Diabetes.

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    Accuracy of the FreeStyle Libre™ Flash Glucose Monitoring System has not been evaluated in pregnant women with diabetes. The aim of this study was to determine accuracy (compared to self-monitoring of blood glucose [SMBG]), clinical safety, and acceptability of the FreeStyle Libre System when used at home by this population.Seventy-four participants, with type 1 (T1D, n = 24), type 2 (T2D, n = 11), or gestational (n = 39) diabetes, were enrolled across 13 sites (9 in United Kingdom, 4 in Austria). Average gestation was 26.6 ± 6.8 weeks (mean ± standard deviation), age was 30.5 ± 5.1 years, diabetes duration was 13.1 ± 7.3 years for T1D and 3.2 ± 2.5 years for T2D, and 49/74 (66.2%) used insulin to manage their diabetes. Sensors were worn for up to 14 days. Sensor glucose values (masked) were compared with capillary SMBG values (made at least 4 times/day).Clinical accuracy of sensor results versus SMBG results was demonstrated, with 88.1% and 99.8% of results within Zone A and Zones A and B of the Consensus Error Grid, respectively. Overall mean absolute relative difference was 11.8%. Sensor accuracy was unaffected by the type of diabetes, the stage of pregnancy, whether insulin was used, age or body mass index. User questionnaires indicated high levels of satisfaction with sensor wear, system use, and comparison to SMBG. There were no unanticipated device-related adverse events.Good agreement was demonstrated between the FreeStyle Libre System and SMBG. Accuracy of the system was unaffected by patient characteristics, indicating that the system is safe and accurate to use by pregnant women with diabetes

    Incretin Effect in Women with Former Gestational Diabetes within a Short Period after Delivery

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    Background and Aims. Women with former gestational diabetes (fGDM) are characterized by impaired beta-cell function (BC). Incretin hormones contribute to insulin secretion after oral administration of glucose. We aimed to assess the possible role of incretins on altered insulin release in fGDM. Materials and Methods. We studied 104 fGDM women within 6 months after delivery and 35 healthy women after normal pregnancy (CNT) with a 75 g oral (OGTT) and a 0.33 g/kg intravenous (IVGTT) glucose test, both lasting 3 h. The ratio of suprabasal areas under the concentration curves for glucose (dAUCGL) and C-peptide (dAUCCP) evaluated BC during OGTT (BCOG) and IVGTT (BCIV). Incretin effect was computed in all fGDM and in fGDM with normal tolerance (fGDMNGT) and with impaired glucose regulation (fGDMIGR). Results. dAUCGL of fGDM was higher (P < 0.0001) than CNT for both tests; while dAUCCP were not different. BCOG and BCIV were lower in fGDM versus CNT (1.42 ± 0.17nmolCP/mmolGLUC versus 2.53 ± 0.61, P = 0.015 and 0.41 ± 0.03 versus 0.68 ± 0.10, P = 0.0006, respectively). IE in CNT (66 ± 4 %) was not different from that of all fGDM (59 ± 3) and fGDMNGT (60 ± 3), but higher than that of fGDMIGR (52 ± 6; P = 0.03). IE normalized to BMI was 2.77 ± 0.19 % m2/kg in CNT, higher than that of fGDMIGR (1.75 ± 0.21; P = 0.02) and also of fGDMNGT  (2.33 ± 0.11; P = 0.038). Conclusion. Compromised IE characterizes fGDMIGR. In both fGDM categories, regardless their glucose tolerance, IE normalized to BMI was reduced, signifying an intrinsic characteristic of fGDM. Therefore, the diminished IE of fGDM seems to reflect an early abnormality of the general beta-cell dysfunction in the progression toward type 2 diabetes

    Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) and Antidepressant Medication Are Overrepresented in High-Dose Statin Treatment

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    Objective: To examine the dose-dependent relationship of different types of statins with the occurrence of major depressive disorder (MDD) and prescription of antidepressant medication. Methods: This cross-sectional study used medical claims data for the general Austrian population (n = 7,481,168) to identify all statin-treated patients. We analyzed all patients with MDD undergoing statin treatment and calculated the average defined daily dose for six different types of statins. In a sub-analysis conducted independently of inpatient care, we investigated all patients on antidepressant medication (statin-treated patients: n = 98,913; non-statin-treated patients: n = 789,683). Multivariate logistic regression analyses were conducted to calculate the risk of diagnosed MDD and prescription of antidepressant medication in patients treated with different types of statins and dosages compared to non-statin-treated patients. Results: In this study, there was an overrepresentation of MDD in statin-treated patients when compared to non-statin-treated patients (OR: 1.22, 95% CI: 1.20–1.25). However, there was a dose dependent relationship between statins and diagnosis of MDD. Compared to controls, the ORs of MDD were lower for low-dose statin-treated patients (simvastatin>0– 0– 0– 40– 60–80 mg:OR: 5.27, 95% CI: 4.21–6.60; atorvastatin>40– 60– 20– < =40 mg:OR: 2.09, 95% CI: 1.31–3.34). The results were confirmed in a sex-specific analysis and in a cohort of patients taking antidepressants, prescribed independently of inpatient care. Conclusions: This study shows that it is important to carefully re-investigate the relationship between statins and MDD. High-dose statin treatment was related to an overrepresentation, low-dose statin treatment to an underrepresentation of MDD

    Quantification of diabetes comorbidity risks across life using nation-wide big claims data

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    Despite substantial progress in the study of diabetes, important questions remain about its comorbidities and clinical heterogeneity. To explore these issues, we develop a framework allowing for the first time to quantify nation-wide risks and their age- and sex-dependence for each diabetic comorbidity, and whether the association may be consequential or causal, in a sample of almost two million patients. This study is equivalent to nearly 40,000 single clinical measurements. We confirm the highly controversial relation of increased risk for Parkinson's disease in diabetics, using a 10 times larger cohort than previous studies on this relation. Detection of type 1 diabetes leads detection of depressions, whereas there is a strong comorbidity relation between type 2 diabetes and schizophrenia, suggesting similar pathogenic or medication-related mechanisms. We find significan sex differences in the progression of, for instance, sleep disorders and congestive heart failure in diabetic patients. Hypertension is a highly sex-sensitive comorbidity with females being at lower risk during fertile age, but at higher risk otherwise. These results may be useful to improve screening practices in the general population. Clinical management of diabetes must address age- and sex-dependence of multiple comorbid conditions

    Systematic population-wide ecological analysis of regional variability in disease prevalence

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    The prevalence of diseases often varies substantially from region to region. Besides basic demographic properties, the factors that drive the variability of each prevalence are to a large extent unknown. Here we show how regional prevalence variations in 115 different diseases relate to demographic, socio-economic, environmental factors and migratory background, as well as access to different types of health services such as primary, specialized and hospital healthcare. We have collected regional data for these risk factors at different levels of resolution; from large regions of care (Versorgungsregion) down to a 250 by 250 m square grid. Using multivariate regression analysis, we quantify the explanatory power of each independent variable in relation to the regional variation of the disease prevalence. We find that for certain diseases, such as acute heart conditions, diseases of the inner ear, mental and behavioral disorders due to substance abuse, up to 80% of the variance can be explained with these risk factors. For other diagnostic blocks, such as blood related diseases, injuries and poisoning however, the explanatory power is close to zero. We find that the time needed to travel from the inhabited center to the relevant hospital ward often contributes significantly to the disease risk, in particular for diabetes mellitus. Our results show that variations in disease burden across different regions can for many diseases be related to variations in demographic and socio-economic factors. Furthermore, our results highlight the relative importance of access to health care facilities in the treatment of chronic diseases like diabetes

    High-risk multimorbidity patterns on the road to cardiovascular mortality

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    Background Multimorbidity, the co-occurrence of two or more diseases in one patient, is a frequent phenomenon. Understanding how different diseases condition each other over the lifetime of a patient could significantly contribute to personalised prevention efforts. However, most of our current knowledge on the long-term development of the health of patients (their disease trajectories) is either confined to narrow time spans or specific (sets of) diseases. Here, we aim to identify decisive events that potentially determine the future disease progression of patients. Methods Health states of patients are described by algorithmically identified multimorbidity patterns (groups of included or excluded diseases) in a population-wide analysis of 9,000,000 patient histories of hospital diagnoses observed over 17 years. Over time, patients might acquire new diagnoses that change their health state; they describe a disease trajectory. We measure the age- and sex-specific risks for patients that they will acquire certain sets of diseases in the future depending on their current health state. Results In the present analysis, the population is described by a set of 132 different multimorbidity patterns. For elderly patients, we find 3 groups of multimorbidity patterns associated with low (yearly in-hospital mortality of 0.2–0.3%), medium (0.3–1%) and high in-hospital mortality (2–11%). We identify combinations of diseases that significantly increase the risk to reach the high-mortality health states in later life. For instance, in men (women) aged 50–59 diagnosed with diabetes and hypertension, the risk for moving into the high-mortality region within 1 year is increased by the factor of 1.96 ± 0.11 (2.60 ± 0.18) compared with all patients of the same age and sex, respectively, and by the factor of 2.09 ± 0.12 (3.04 ± 0.18) if additionally diagnosed with metabolic disorders. Conclusions Our approach can be used both to forecast future disease burdens, as well as to identify the critical events in the careers of patients which strongly determine their disease progression, therefore constituting targets for efficient prevention measures. We show that the risk for cardiovascular diseases increases significantly more in females than in males when diagnosed with diabetes, hypertension and metabolic disorders