610 research outputs found

    Cryptococcal transmigration across a model brain blood-barrier: Evidence of the Trojan horse mechanism and differences between Cryptococcus neoformans var. grubii strain H99 and Cryptococcus gattii strain R265

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    © 2015 Institut Pasteur. Cryptococcus neoformans (. Cn) and Cryptococcus gattii (Cg) cause neurological disease and cross the BBB as free cells or in mononuclear phagocytes via the Trojan horse mechanism, although evidence for the latter is indirect. There is emerging evidence that Cn and the North American outbreak Cg strain (R265) more commonly cause neurological and lung disease, respectively. We have employed a widely validated in vitro model of the BBB, which utilizes the hCMEC/D3 cell line derived from human brain endothelial cells (HBEC) and the human macrophage-like cell line, THP-1, to investigate whether transport of dual fluorescence-labelled Cn and Cg across the BBB occurs within macrophages. We showed that phagocytosis of Cn by non-interferon (IFN)-γ stimulated THP-1 cells was higher than that of Cg. Although Cn and Cg-loaded THP-1 bound similarly to TNF-activated HBECs under shear stress, more Cn-loaded macrophages were transported across an intact HBEC monolayer, consistent with the predilection of Cn for CNS infection. Furthermore, Cn exhibited a higher rate of expulsion from transmigrated THP-1 compared with Cg. Our results therefore provide further evidence for transmigration of both Cn and Cg via the Trojan horse mechanism and a potential explanation for the predilection of Cn to cause CNS infection

    IP7-SPX Domain Interaction Controls Fungal Virulence by Stabilizing Phosphate Signaling Machinery

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    In the human-pathogenic fungus Cryptococcus neoformans, the inositol polyphosphate signaling pathway is critical for virulence. We recently demonstrated the key role of the inositol pyrophosphate IP7 (isomer 5-PP-IP5) in driving fungal virulence; however, the mechanism of action remains elusive. Using genetic and biochemical approaches, and mouse infection models, we show that IP7 synthesized by Kcs1 regulates fungal virulence by binding to a conserved lysine surface cluster in the SPX domain of Pho81. Pho81 is the cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK) inhibitor of the phosphate signaling (PHO) pathway. We also provide novel mechanistic insight into the role of IP7 in PHO pathway regulation by demonstrating that IP7 functions as an intermolecular "glue" to stabilize Pho81 association with Pho85/Pho80 and, hence, promote PHO pathway activation and phosphate acquisition. Blocking IP7-Pho81 interaction using site-directed mutagenesis led to a dramatic loss of fungal virulence in a mouse infection model, and the effect was similar to that observed following PHO81 gene deletion, highlighting the key importance of Pho81 in fungal virulence. Furthermore, our findings provide additional evidence of evolutionary divergence in PHO pathway regulation in fungi by demonstrating that IP7 isomers have evolved different roles in PHO pathway control in C. neoformans and nonpathogenic yeast.IMPORTANCE Invasive fungal diseases pose a serious threat to human health globally with >1.5 million deaths occurring annually, 180,000 of which are attributable to the AIDS-related pathogen, Cryptococcus neoformans Here, we demonstrate that interaction of the inositol pyrophosphate, IP7, with the CDK inhibitor protein, Pho81, is instrumental in promoting fungal virulence. IP7-Pho81 interaction stabilizes Pho81 association with other CDK complex components to promote PHO pathway activation and phosphate acquisition. Our data demonstrating that blocking IP7-Pho81 interaction or preventing Pho81 production leads to a dramatic loss in fungal virulence, coupled with Pho81 having no homologue in humans, highlights Pho81 function as a potential target for the development of urgently needed antifungal drugs

    Dentist’s drill allergy?

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    Subcutaneous emphysema of the face and neck can develop following restorative dentistry, particularly when air turbine drills are used. We present a case in which the dentist mistook the subcutaneous emphysema following such a procedure for an allergic/anaphylactic reaction and sent him to the emergency department in an ambulance. The differential diagnosis and the subsequent management, including the role of oxygen and techniques to prevent such complications, are discussed

    IP3-4 kinase Arg1 regulates cell wall homeostasis and surface architecture to promote clearance of Cryptococcus neoformans infection in a mouse model

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    We previously identified a series of inositol polyphosphate kinases (IPKs), Arg1, Ipk1, Kcs1 and Asp1, in the opportunistic fungal pathogen Cryptococcus neoformans. Using gene deletion analysis, we characterized Arg1, Ipk1 and Kcs1 and showed that they act sequentially to convert IP3 to PP-IP5 (IP7), a key metabolite promoting stress tolerance, metabolic adaptation and fungal dissemination to the brain. We have now directly characterized the enzymatic activity of Arg1, demonstrating that it is a dual specificity (IP3/IP4) kinase producing IP5. We showed previously that IP5 is further phosphorylated by Ipk1 to produce IP6, which is a substrate for the synthesis of PP-IP5 by Kcs1. Phenotypic comparison of the arg1Δ and kcs1Δ deletion mutants (both PP-IP5-deficient) reveals that arg1Δ has the most deleterious phenotype: while PP-IP5 is essential for metabolic and stress adaptation in both mutant strains, PP-IP5 is dispensable for virulence-associated functions such as capsule production, cell wall organization, and normal N-linked mannosylation of the virulence factor, phospholipase B1, as these phenotypes were defective only in arg1Δ. The more deleterious arg1Δ phenotype correlated with a higher rate of arg1Δ phagocytosis by human peripheral blood monocytes and rapid arg1Δ clearance from lung in a mouse model. This observation is in contrast to kcs1Δ, which we previously reported establishes a chronic, confined lung infection. In summary, we show that Arg1 is the most crucial IPK for cryptococcal virulence, conveying PP-IP5-dependent and novel PP-IP5-independent functions

    Improving accuracy of medication identification in an older population using a medication bottle color symbol label system

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The purpose of this pilot study was to evaluate and refine an adjuvant system of color-specific symbols that are added to medication bottles and to assess whether this system would increase the ability of patients 65 years of age or older in matching their medication to the indication for which it was prescribed.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>This study was conducted in two phases, consisting of three focus groups of patients from a family medicine clinic (n = 25) and a pre-post medication identification test in a second group of patient participants (n = 100). Results of focus group discussions were used to refine the medication label symbols according to themes and messages identified through qualitative triangulation mechanisms and data analysis techniques. A pre-post medication identification test was conducted in the second phase of the study to assess differences between standard labeling alone and the addition of the refined color-specific symbols. The pre-post test examined the impact of the added labels on participants' ability to accurately match their medication to the indication for which it was prescribed when placed in front of participants and then at a distance of two feet.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Participants appreciated the addition of a visual aid on existing medication labels because it would not be necessary to learn a completely new system of labeling, and generally found the colors and symbols used in the proposed labeling system easy to understand and relevant. Concerns were raised about space constraints on medication bottles, having too much information on the bottle, and having to remember what the colors meant. Symbols and colors were modified if they were found unclear or inappropriate by focus group participants. Pre-post medication identification test results in a second set of participants demonstrated that the addition of the symbol label significantly improved the ability of participants to match their medication to the appropriate medical indication at a distance of two feet (p < 0.001) and approached significant improvement when placed directly in front of participants (p = 0.07).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The proposed medication symbol label system provides a promising adjunct to national efforts in addressing the issue of medication misuse in the home through the improvement of medication labeling. Further research is necessary to determine the effectiveness of the labeling system in real-world settings.</p

    Cloud computing in industrial SMEs: Identification of the barriers to its adoption and effects of its application

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    ABSTRACT: Cloud computing is a new technological paradigm that may revolutionize how organizations use IT by facilitating delivery of all technology as a service. In the literature, the Cloud is treated mainly through a technological approach focused on the concept definition, service models, infrastructures for its evelopment and security problems. However, there is an important lack of works which analyze this paradigm adoption in SMEs and its results, with a gap between the technological development and its adoption by organizations. This paper uses a qualitative technique methodology -group meetings with managers- and a quantitative one-survey- and identifies which factors act as barriers to Cloud adoption and which positive effects its application generates in 94 industrial SMEs. The conclusion is that the main barriers are of a cultural type and that the positive effects go well beyond reducing costs

    Boolean Dynamics with Random Couplings

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    This paper reviews a class of generic dissipative dynamical systems called N-K models. In these models, the dynamics of N elements, defined as Boolean variables, develop step by step, clocked by a discrete time variable. Each of the N Boolean elements at a given time is given a value which depends upon K elements in the previous time step. We review the work of many authors on the behavior of the models, looking particularly at the structure and lengths of their cycles, the sizes of their basins of attraction, and the flow of information through the systems. In the limit of infinite N, there is a phase transition between a chaotic and an ordered phase, with a critical phase in between. We argue that the behavior of this system depends significantly on the topology of the network connections. If the elements are placed upon a lattice with dimension d, the system shows correlations related to the standard percolation or directed percolation phase transition on such a lattice. On the other hand, a very different behavior is seen in the Kauffman net in which all spins are equally likely to be coupled to a given spin. In this situation, coupling loops are mostly suppressed, and the behavior of the system is much more like that of a mean field theory. We also describe possible applications of the models to, for example, genetic networks, cell differentiation, evolution, democracy in social systems and neural networks.Comment: 69 pages, 16 figures, Submitted to Springer Applied Mathematical Sciences Serie

    How victim age affects the context and timing of child sexual abuse: applying the routine activities approach to the first sexual abuse incident

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    The aim of this study was to examine from the routine activities approach how victim age might help to explain the timing, context and nature of offenders’ first known contact sexual abuse incident. One-hundred adult male child sexual abusers (M = 45.8 years, SD = 12.2; range = 20–84) were surveyed about the first time they had sexual contact with a child. Afternoon and early evening (between 3 pm and 9 pm) was the most common time in which sexual contact first occurred. Most incidents occurred in a home. Two-thirds of incidents occurred when another person was in close proximity, usually elsewhere in the home. Older victims were more likely to be sexually abused by someone outside their families and in the later hours of the day compared to younger victims. Proximity of another person (adult and/or child) appeared to have little effect on offenders’ decisions to abuse, although it had some impact on the level of intrusion and duration of these incidents. Overall, the findings lend support to the application of the routine activities approach for considering how contextual risk factors (i.e., the timing and relationship context) change as children age, and raise questions about how to best conceptualize guardianship in the context of child sexual abuse. These factors should be key considerations when devising and implementing sexual abuse prevention strategies and for informing theory development

    Quantifying Age-Related Differences in Information Processing Behaviors When Viewing Prescription Drug Labels

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    Adverse drug events (ADEs) are a significant problem in health care. While effective warnings have the potential to reduce the prevalence of ADEs, little is known about how patients access and use prescription labeling. We investigated the effectiveness of prescription warning labels (PWLs, small, colorful stickers applied at the pharmacy) in conveying warning information to two groups of patients (young adults and those 50+). We evaluated the early stages of information processing by tracking eye movements while participants interacted with prescription vials that had PWLs affixed to them. We later tested participants’ recognition memory for the PWLs. During viewing, participants often failed to attend to the PWLs; this effect was more pronounced for older than younger participants. Older participants also performed worse on the subsequent memory test. However, when memory performance was conditionalized on whether or not the participant had fixated the PWL, these age-related differences in memory were no longer significant, suggesting that the difference in memory performance between groups was attributable to differences in attention rather than differences in memory encoding or recall. This is important because older adults are recognized to be at greater risk for ADEs. These data provide a compelling case that understanding consumers’ attentive behavior is crucial to developing an effective labeling standard for prescription drugs

    Gastrin stabilises β-catenin protein in mouse colorectal cancer cells

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    As gastrin may play a role in the pathophysiology of gastrointestinal (GI) malignancies, the elucidation of the mechanisms governing gastrin-induced proliferation has recently gained considerable interest. Several studies have reported that a large percentage of colorectal tumours overexpress or stabilise the β-catenin oncoprotein. We thus sought to determine whether gastrin might regulate β-catenin expression in colorectal tumour cells. Amidated gastrin-17 (G-17), one of the major circulating forms of gastrin, not only enhanced β-catenin protein expression, but also one of its target genes, cyclin D1. Furthermore, activation of β-catenin-dependent transcription by gastrin was confirmed by an increase in LEF-1 reporter activity, as well as enhanced cyclin D1 promoter activity. Finally, G-17 prolonged the τ1/2 of β-catenin protein, demonstrating that gastrin appears to exert its mitogenic effects on colorectal tumour cells, at least in part, by stabilising β-catenin