55 research outputs found

    Economy Law and Economic Analysis of Law and the Impact on Intellectual Property in the Common Law System

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    This article analyses the concept of economics applied to law in order to understand the school's analysis of legal phenomena by economic principles that emerged in 1960 in the United States of America, tracing the impacts on intellectual property law in the Common Law system. This study relies on the hypothetical-deductive method, with a focus on economic and legal literature, to conclude that intellectual property legislation is frequently modernized, especially at the time of major socio economic transformations such as an industrial revolution with the effect of boosting development and innovation, ensuring economic growth with the proper security and protection of industrial secrets and expertise

    New Technologies and the Impact on Personality Rights in Brazil

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    As technology continues to evolve at an exponentially increasing pace, it transforms our lives and societies, thus shaping our perceptions of reality with high speed and impacting the relationship between the individual and the society, including businesses and, as a result, the legal system. The young area of law is trying to explore the effects of new technologies in our relationships with it, as well as identify the best use of new technologies to reduce the gap among new technology, new societal behaviors and various legal systems. The purpose of this paper is to examine the current uses of wearable technologies in Brazil and the legal issues emerging from the various uses of these technologies and their impact on personality rights. So, to what extent do the Brazilian users of emerging technologies appreciate the terms and conditions agreed by themselves and their impact on personality rights? The authors used empirical quantitative data from a cross-section of Brazilian users to explore the level of awareness in regards to the terms and conditions associated with the use of emerging technologies and the impact on their personality rights. The authors found that the large majority of these users of technology are unaware of the adverse impact of the agreed terms and conditions on their personality rights. Furthermore, they are also unaware of the basics of how the technology operates and therefore are unable to enforce their rights. The research is based on data collected by using only one survey with a sample of 500 students from three universities in three Brazilian States with an age range between 18 and 40 years old. This paper extends the previous research on the impact of emerging technologies on personality rights and demonstrates with empirical data that there is a serious risk of erosion of such rights. Furthermore, this research provides a unique insight into the users of emerging technologies in the emerging Brazilian market and the impact on the Brazilian legal system


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    ABSTRACTIntellectual Property (IP) is increasingly recognised as a paramount intangible asset influencing the value of companies, as well as their corporate strategies and management. This article focuses on the risks and opportunities associated with the implementation of new technologies on the protection of trade secrets. The study concludes that Intellectual Property Law and Contract Law solutions must be underpinned by the business strategy and the business model. In addition, changes to organisational structures are necessary to bring together functions that typically operate in silos in many manufacturing businesses, namely: Engineering, Information Technology, Commercial and Legal departments. The present study was guided by the inductive and hypothetical-deductive methods, using bibliographical research. KEYWORDS: Business Law; Intellectual Property; Industry 4.0; Risks and Opportunities. RESUMOA Propriedade Intelectual (PI) é cada vez mais reconhecida como um ativo intangível primordial que influencia o valor, as estratégias corporativas e a gestão da empresa. Este artigo enfoca os riscos e oportunidades associados à implementação de novas tecnologias na proteção de segredos comerciais. O estudo conclui que o Direto de Propriedade Intelectual e o Direito Contratual devem ser sustentados pela estratégia de negócios e pelo modelo de negócios. Além disso, mudanças nas estruturas organizacionais são necessárias para reunir funções que normalmente operam em silos em muitas empresas, por exemplo: engenharia, tecnologias da informação, departamentos comerciais e jurídicos. O presente estudo foi orientado pelos métodos indutivo e hipotético-dedutivo, utilizando pesquisa bibliográfica. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Direito Empresarial; Propriedade Intelectual; Indústria 4.0; Riscos e Oportunidades


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    Based on the effectiveness of the guarantees of legal certainty, predictability and fairness, this article analyzes the main contributions of the Code of Civil Procedure (Law 13.105 / 2015). With this scope, we introduce initial considerations of some statistics on the increase of the litigation in Brazil and the phenomenon of judicial subjectivism; to explore some of the most relevant mechanisms brought by the CPC that contribute significantly to the construction of a legal environment based on the principles of legal certainty, stability and equality; with clear inspiration in the common law, especially in the English system. This study used the hypothetic-deductive method, based on the literature, the legal system and jurisprudence


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    Este artigo, fruto de colaboração internacional de programas de doutorado em Direito, Negócios e Computação, propõe situar o panorama atual do estudo de inteligência artificial (IA) aplicado ao Direito, em especial, na advocacia, fornecendo uma visão geral da profissão de advogado no Brasil e notas evolutivas da informação na prática jurídica, com ênfase nos recentes avanços tecnológicos em inteligência artificial, processamento de linguagem especificamente naturais (similar ao humano e com vantagens) e aprendizagem de máquina, com o fim de demonstrar como esses avanços podem ser usados para automatizar parte do trabalho de um advogado, inclusive na avaliação de riscos em demandas decisórias administrativas ou judiciais, consultivas ou contenciosas. Trata-se análise doutrinária com revisão bibliográfica referenciada que, após exemplificação prática e situando o atual estágio revolucionário dessas ferramentas, com esteio no método hipotético-dedutivo, conclui que o desenvolvimento de tais ferramentas melhorar a transparência, bem como a própria capacidade dos advogados em trabalhar com mais eficiência e proporcionar maior acesso à justiça e mais valor para os seus clientes