1,472 research outputs found

    Fertility desires and condom use among HIV-positive women at an antiretroviral roll-out program in Zimbabwe

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    As access to anti-retroviral therapy (ART) increases in sub-Saharan Africa, fertility and contraception patterns are likely to change. Two hundred  HIV-positive women at an ART roll-out site in Zimbabwe responded to a questionnaire on fertility desires and condom use. Ten women (5%) reported planning a pregnancy in the next year, comprising 0% of women not yet eligible for ART, 8.22% of women on the waitlist for ART, and 4.17% of women on ART. Younger age, fewer living children, and higher quality of life were individually associated with intended pregnancy in the next year; however in multivariate analysis only the association with higher quality of life remained significant. Reported ever use of condoms was relatively low (46.5%) and condom use varied by neither ART status nor by fertility desires. In conclusion, our data demonstrates fertility desires among HIV-positive women in Zimbabwe correlate with higher perceived quality of life (Afr. J. Reprod. Health 2010; 14[2]: 27-35)

    Condom use and the risk of HIV infection: who is being protected?

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    A study/survey done on condom use among Zimbabwean men in Zimbabwe.Descriptive baseline data at enrolment into a cohort of male factory workers who were tested for HIV serology and monitored for sero-con version over time, were analysed for condom use. At recruitment, the 1 146 men were asked about their sexual behaviour, history of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), condom use and circumstances under which condoms were used. HIV seroprevalence in the cohort was 18,2 pc. Self reported use of condoms was low, with only 5 pc of the men reporting using them all the time. Forty four pc reported that they had never used a condom, 11,5 pc tried a condom only once, and 30,5 pc used condoms less than half the time. HIV positive men were more likely (Odds Ratio [OR]= 2,2 95 pc Cl: 1,3 — 3,3) to use condoms than those who tested negative. Men using a condom more than once were younger and had more education (p values < 0,0005). Univariate analysis showed that men with self reported risk factors for HIV infection were more likely to use condoms. Significantly more condom users reported paying for sex, multiple sex partners or (for married men) a girlfriend (p < 0,005). Condom users also more often had a history of genital ulcers, urethral discharge or other STDs. Few married men (24 pc) reported using a condom with their wives. Condom use was more commonly reported with commercial sex workers (44 pc) or other extramarital partners (36 pc). Some risk factors for HIV infection were also present amongst men who reported that they did not use condoms. Independent determinants of condom use identified by stepwise logistic regression analysis included young age, having a girlfriend (OR = 2,2; 95 pc Cl: 1,47 — 3,3), number of sex partners in the last year (OR = 1,27; 95 pc Cl: 1,06 —1,51 per partner), and paying for sex in the preceding year (OR = 1,74; 95 pc Cl: 1,06 — 2,83). The results show that men use condoms with partners considered risky, such as prostitutes or girlfriends but use condoms less often with their wives. The results underscore theneedfor health education for behavioural change that promotes universal, consistent use of condoms or monogamous partnership

    Balancing act : competition and cooperation in US Asia-Pacific regionalism

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    While the United States is an important Asia-Pacific actor, its engagement with the region is complex and often difficult. Not only must US regionalism balance the diverse requirements of an ambitious policy agenda, but also US policy norms and priorities often clash with those of other regional actors. This has important implications for the capacity of the United States to provide regional leadership. Recent years have seen growing policy convergence between the United States and other Asia-Pacific actors, particularly in economic terms, but US regionalism continues to feature competition alongside collaboration

    HIV seroconversion among factory workers in Harare: who is getting newly infected?

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    A clinical report on the impact of HIV/AIDS among factory workers in Zimbabwe's industrial areas of Harare.It was estimated that by the of 1996 more than 8.4 million AIDS cases had occurred worldwide.1 Because of the long and variable duration between infection with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and the ultimate development of AIDS, a more useful indication of current trends in the epidemic is the number of new infections with HIV. Twenty eight million people from 190 countries across the world were HIV positive by mid 1996.Composed of distinct epidemics, each with its own features, degree and extent, the pandemic has had a disproportionately severe impact on the developing world. Despite wide information on HIV prevention, 3.1 million new infections occurred during 1996. Up to 93% of the HIV infections recorded in 1996 were from developing countries with 68% from sub-Saharan Africa.2 Developing countries, who have weaker economic structures, continue to bear the greatest burden of HIV infections. HIV infection appears be spreading much faster in Southern Africa than anywhere else

    Vaginal Microbicide Preferences Among Midwestern Urban Adolescent Women

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    Purpose The purpose of this study was to assess adolescent women's preferences for specific microbicide characteristics including pregnancy prevention, timing of application, potential for side effects, and whether it targeted human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) or other sexually transmitted infections (STI). Potential differences in microbicide preferences by adolescent age group and behavioral patterns including engaging in sexual intercourse and use of hormonal contraception were examined, as it was hypothesized that as adolescents progress into adulthood and gain sexual experience their preferences in microbicide characteristics may shift. Method Adolescent and young women (N = 405, 56.0% African American; 24.0% Euro-American) between the ages of 14 and 20 (mean = 17.0, SD = 1.8) were recruited from urban community-based clinics. Video-Audio Computer-Assisted Self-Interviews were conducted with the young women, during which they were asked about their preferences regarding the characteristics of hypothetical vaginal microbicides. Conjoint analysis was utilized to determine adolescent women's relative preferences for each microbicide characteristic and intent-to-purchase microbicides based upon a combination of the selected properties. Results Overall, the results suggest adolescent and young women had an ordered preference for a microbicide with (1) no side effects, (2) pregnancy prevention, (3) postcoital application, and (4) protection against HIV. Age and behavioral group conjoint analyses resulted in the same pattern of preferences as those reported for the entire group. However, women having sex and not using hormonal contraception had a stronger preference for postcoital application. Conclusion The findings suggest that young women's ratings of microbicides were sensitive to characteristics such as side effects, pregnancy prevention, and timing of application and should be considered in microbicide development. The conjoint analysis approach is useful in understanding microbicide preferences, and should be utilized with other populations to assess preferences for specific microbicide characteristics

    Characterization of Pulmonary Metastases in Children With Hepatoblastoma Treated on Children\u27s Oncology Group Protocol AHEP0731 (The Treatment of Children With All Stages of Hepatoblastoma): A Report From the Children\u27s Oncology Group.

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    Purpose To determine whether the pattern of lung nodules in children with metastatic hepatoblastoma (HB) correlates with outcome. Methods Thirty-two patients with metastatic HB were enrolled on Children\u27s Oncology Group Protocol AHEP0731 and treated with vincristine and irinotecan (VI). Responders to VI received two additional cycles of VI intermixed with six cycles of cisplatin/fluorouracil/vincristine/doxorubicin (C5VD), and nonresponders received six cycles of C5VD alone. Patients were imaged after every two cycles and at the conclusion of therapy. All computed tomography scans and pathology reports were centrally reviewed, and information was collected regarding lung nodule number, size, laterality, timing of resolution, and pulmonary surgery. Results Among the 29 evaluable patients, only 31% met Response Evaluation Criteria in Solid Tumors (RECIST) for measurable metastatic disease. The presence of measurable disease by RECIST, the sum of nodule diameters greater than or equal to the cumulative cohort median size, bilateral disease, and ≥ 10 nodules were each associated with an increased risk for an event-free survival event ( P = .48, P = .08, P = .065, P = .03, respectively), with nodule number meeting statistical significance. Ten patients underwent pulmonary resection/metastasectomy at various time points, the benefit of which could not be determined because of small patient numbers. Conclusion Children with metastatic HB have a poor prognosis. Overall tumor burden may be an important prognostic factor for these patients. Lesions that fail to meet RECIST size criteria (ie, those \u3c 10 mm) at diagnosis may contain viable tumor, whereas residual lesions at the end of therapy may constitute eradicated tumor/scar tissue. Patients may benefit from risk stratification on the basis of the burden of lung metastatic disease at diagnosis

    Infectious Diseases

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    This article is made available for unrestricted research re-use and secondary analysis in any form or by any means with acknowledgement of the original source. These permissions are granted for the duration of the World Health Organization (WHO) declaration of COVID-19 as a global pandemic.Pulmonary infections are caused by a wide range of pathogenic microorganisms, including bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites. The most common lung infections in immunocompetent hosts are caused by pyogenic bacteria (e.g., Streptococcus pneumoniae), common respiratory viruses, and mycoplasma. These infections are usually diagnosed by clinical and microbiologic studies, including cultures and serology tests. Lung biopsy is rarely used in these diagnoses. Patients with life-threatening pneumonia, especially those who are immunocompromised, are more likely to undergo lung biopsy to rule out unusual infections not easily diagnosed using conventional microbiologic methods and for which treatment strategies may be different. Pathogens more likely to be diagnosed using lung biopsy for which there are characteristic pathologic changes are highlighted in this chapter and listed in Table 4.1

    Study protocol: becoming and being a mother living with HIV - a multicentre longitudinal mixed methods study among pregnant women living with HIV, non-pregnant women living with HIV and pregnant women not living with HIV in a high-income setting (the 2B MOM study)

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    Introduction The success of combination antiretroviral therapy has decreased the risk of perinatal HIV transmission and normalised pregnancy in women living with HIV (WLWH). Despite these advances, WLWH still face complex medical and psychosocial issues during pregnancy and postpartum, and there is a gap of knowledge on the experiences of becoming and being a mother living with HIV in today’s context. The overall aim of this study is to investigate psychosocial outcomes and experiences of WLWH in Scandinavia during pregnancy and early motherhood.Methods and analysis This is a multicentre longitudinal convergent mixed methods study consisting of a quantitative survey study, a qualitative interview study and a mixed methods analysis. The survey study aims to examine psychosocial outcomes of WLWH across the pregnancy – postpartum trajectory. Participants are pregnant WLWH living in Scandinavia. Two control groups of HIV-negative pregnant women and non-pregnant WLWH are also included. Data is collected in the third trimester, 3 and 6 months postpartum using standardised questionnaires. Statistical analysis will assess changes over time and identify predictors of adverse outcomes. The interview study seeks to understand experiences of pregnancy and becoming a mother while living with HIV. Pregnant WLWH who are enrolled in the survey study will be asked to participate in individual interviews in the third trimester and 6 months postpartum. Data will be analysed using narrative analysis. The survey and interview results will be merged in a mixed methods analysis to assess confirmation, expansion or discordance between the data sets.Ethics and dissemination Approval from the Danish Data Protection Agency (VD-2018–253), and the Finnish and Swedish Ethics Committees have been obtained (HUS/1330/2019 and Dnr: 2019–04451, respectively). Study results will be disseminated to patient organisations, through publications in peer-reviewed journals and at scientific conferences