2,238 research outputs found

    Interest Arbitration, Outcomes, and the Incentive to Bargain

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    This study develops a model of bargaining that demonstrates that an interest arbitration procedure will encourage negotiated settlements to the extent that risk aversion dominates the preferences of the parties and there is uncertainty regarding the arbitrator\u27s behavior. The authors conclude that it is likely that risk aversion does dominate preferences, but the evidence is not conclusive. They also argue that uncertainty may be reduced over time for various reasons, leading to increased use of arbitration and a convergence between the terms of negotiated and arbitrated agreements

    \u3ci\u3ePhysics\u3c/i\u3e, Chapter 32: Electromagnetic Induction

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    When a wire moves through a uniform magnetic field of induction B, in a direction at right angles to the field and to the wire itself, the electric charges within the conductor experience forces due to their motion through this magnetic field. The positive charges are held in place in the conductor by the action of interatomic forces, but the free electrons, usually one or two per atom, are caused to drift to one side of the conductor, thus setting up an electric field E within the conductor which opposes the further drift of electrons. The magnitude of this electric field E may be calculated by equating the force it exerts on a charge q, to the force on this charge due to its motion through the magnetic field of induction B

    \u3ci\u3ePhysics\u3c/i\u3e, Chapter 25: Capacitance and Dielectrics

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    When an isolated charged conducting sphere bears a charge Q, the potential of the sphere may be computed from the results of Section 23-6 by considering that the electric intensity outside the sphere is as though the entire charge of the sphere were concentrated at its center

    \u3ci\u3ePhysics\u3c/i\u3e, Chapter 46: Nuclear Reactions

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    One of the most important developments of twentieth-century physics was the formulation of the special theory of relativity. This theory was an outgrowth of the failure of all attempts to show that the motion of the source of light relative to the observer had any effect on the speed of light. It is impossible to account for these experimental findings of Michelson and Morley, and others, on the basis of classical mechanics and electromagnetic theory. In 1905, Albert Einstein put forth the suggestion that all experimental findings would be clarified if it were assumed that the speed of light is a constant and is independent of the relative motion of the source and the observer. This statement forms the first postulate of the special, or restricted, theory of relativity. The second postulate of the theory is that all systems which are in uniform motion relative to one another are equally valid frames of reference, and all fundamental physical laws must have the same mathematical forms in each of these reference frames. Einstein expressed the viewpoint that all motion was relative motion, that there was no absolute coordinate frame, and that it was impossible to distinguish between a state of rest and a state of uniform translational motion by any physical experiment whatever. Thus, if the statement that the velocity of light was 3 X 1010 cm/sec was a fundamental physical law, every observer in uniform translational motion who measures the velocity of light must obtain this value, regardless of the motion of the source of light

    \u3ci\u3ePhysics\u3c/i\u3e, Chapter 38: Mirrors and Lenses

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    A spherical mirror consists of a small section of the surface of a sphere with one side of the surface covered with a polished reflecting material, usually silver or aluminum. If the outside, or convex surface, is silvered, we have a convex mirror; if the inside, or concave surface, is silvered, we have a concave mirror, as shown in Figure 38-1. Most mirrors used commercially are made of glass, with the rear surface silvered and then coated with a layer of paint or lacquer for protection. Mirrors for astronomical telescopes (\u27)f other accurate scientific work are provided with a reflective coating on the front surface, for back-silvered mirrors give rise to two images, one from the glass-air interface and one from the glass-silver interface. This results in a loss of light from the primary reflection from the silvered surface. In the following discussion only front-surface mirrors will be considered. As a convention we will draw our diagrams in such a way that light incident upon the optical system is traveling from left to right

    \u3ci\u3ePhysics\u3c/i\u3e, Chapter 10: Momentum and Impulse

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    An extremely important concept in the development of mechanics is that of momentum. The momentum of a body is defined as the product of its mass by its velocity. We shall use the symbol p to denote the momentum of a body. The momentum of a body is a vector quantity, for it is the product of mass, a scalar, by velocity, a vector. While momentum and kinetic energy are compounded of the same two ingredients, mass and velocity, they are quite different concepts, and one aspect of their difference may be seen in the fact that momentum is a vector while energy is a scalar quantity

    \u3ci\u3ePhysics\u3c/i\u3e, Chapter 6: Circular Motion and Gravitation

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    Our earlier discussion of the kinematics of a particle was developed principally from the point of view of being able to describe that motion easily within a rectangular coordinate system. Thus the most complex case with which we dealt was that of a projectile motion, in which the acceleration was constant and was directed along one of the coordinate axes. A more convenient framework within which to discuss rotational and circular motions is provided by a set of polar coordinates. In the present discussion we will restrict ourselves to motion in which the polar coordinate r is constant, or fixed; that is, the particle is constrained to move in a circular path

    \u3ci\u3ePhysics\u3c/i\u3e, Chapter 43: X-Rays

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    The study of the electric discharge through gases led directly to the discovery of x-rays by W. C. Roentgen in 1895. While operating a gas discharge tube, Roentgen observed that a platinum-barium cyanide screen at some distance from the tube fluoresced. He shielded the tube so that no visible radiation could reach the screen, but the fluorescence could still be observed. On interposing various materials between the tube and the screen, he found that the intensity of the fluorescence could be diminished, but that it was not completely obliterated. He interpreted these observations as being due to radiation coming from the walls of the tube which penetrated the absorbing screens and caused the screen to fluoresce, and he called the new radiation x-rays to indicate their unknown character. The x-rays were produced when the cathode rays struck the glass walls of the electric-discharge tube

    \u3ci\u3ePhysics\u3c/i\u3e, Chapter 17: The Phases of Matter

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    A substance which has a definite chemical composition can exist in one or more phases, such as the vapor phase, the liquid phase, or the solid phase. When two or more such phases are in equilibrium at any given temperature and pressure, there are always surfaces of separation between the two phases. In the solid phase a pure substance generally exhibits a well-defined crystal structure in which the atoms or molecules of the substance are arranged in a repetitive lattice. Many substances are known to exist in several different solid phases at different conditions of temperature and pressure. These solid phases differ in their crystal structure. Thus ice is known to have six different solid phases, while sulphur has four different solid phases

    \u3ci\u3ePhysics\u3c/i\u3e, Chapter 46: Nuclear Reactions

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    One of the most important developments of twentieth-century physics was the formulation of the special theory of relativity. This theory was an outgrowth of the failure of all attempts to show that the motion of the source of light relative to the observer had any effect on the speed of light. It is impossible to account for these experimental findings of Michelson and Morley, and others, on the basis of classical mechanics and electromagnetic theory. In 1905, Albert Einstein put forth the suggestion that all experimental findings would be clarified if it were assumed that the speed of light is a constant and is independent of the relative motion of the source and the observer. This statement forms the first postulate of the special, or restricted, theory of relativity. The second postulate of the theory is that all systems which are in uniform motion relative to one another are equally valid frames of reference, and all fundamental physical laws must have the same mathematical forms in each of these reference frames. Einstein expressed the viewpoint that all motion was relative motion, that there was no absolute coordinate frame, and that it was impossible to distinguish between a state of rest and a state of uniform translational motion by any physical experiment whatever. Thus, if the statement that the velocity of light was 3 X 1010 cm/sec was a fundamental physical law, every observer in uniform translational motion who measures the velocity of light must obtain this value, regardless of the motion of the source of light
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