90 research outputs found

    Fast Hole Tunneling Times in Germanium Hut Wires Probed by Single-Shot Reflectometry

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    Heavy holes confined in quantum dots are predicted to be promising candidates for the realization of spin qubits with long coherence times. Here we focus on such heavy-hole states confined in Germanium hut wires. By tuning the growth density of the latter we can realize a T-like structure between two neighboring wires. Such a structure allows the realization of a charge sensor, which is electrostatically and tunnel coupled to a quantum dot, with charge-transfer signals as high as 0.3e. By integrating the T-like structure into a radio-frequency reflectometry setup, single-shot measurements allowing the extraction of hole tunneling times are performed. The extracted tunneling times of less than 10μ\mus are attributed to the small effective mass of Ge heavy-hole states and pave the way towards projective spin readout measurements

    Single-shot readout of hole spins in Ge

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    The strong atomistic spin orbit coupling of holes makes single-shot spin readout measurements difficult because it reduces the spin lifetimes. By integrating the charge sensor into a high bandwidth radio-frequency reflectometry setup we were able to demonstrate single-shot readout of a germanium quantum dot hole spin and measure the spin lifetime. Hole spin relaxation times of about 90 μ\mus at 500\,mT are reported. By analysing separately the spin-to-charge conversion and charge readout fidelities insight into the processes limiting the visibilities of hole spins has been obtained. The analyses suggest that very high hole visibilities are feasible at realistic experimental conditions underlying the potential of hole spins for the realization of viable qubit devices

    PtSi Clustering In Silicon Probed by Transport Spectroscopy

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    Metal silicides formed by means of thermal annealing processes are employed as contact materials in microelectronics. Control of the structure of silicide/silicon interfaces becomes a critical issue when the device characteristic size is reduced below a few tens of nanometers. Here we report on silicide clustering occurring within the channel of PtSi/Si/PtSi Schottky barrier transistors. This phenomenon is investigated through atomistic simulations and low-temperature resonant tunneling spectroscopy. Our results provide evidence for the segregation of a PtSi cluster with a diameter of a few nanometers from the silicide contact. The cluster acts as metallic quantum dot giving rise to distinct signatures of quantum transport through its discrete energy states

    Ge hole spin qubit

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    Holes confined in quantum dots have gained considerable interest in the past few years due to their potential as spin qubits. Here we demonstrate double quantum dot devices in Ge hut wires. Low temperature transport measurements reveal Pauli spin blockade. We demonstrate electric-dipole spin resonance by applying a radio frequency electric field to one of the electrodes defining the double quantum dot. Next, we induce coherent hole spin oscillations by varying the duration of the microwave burst. Rabi oscillations with frequencies reaching 140MHz are observed. Finally, Ramsey experiments reveal dephasing times of 130ns. The reported results emphasize the potential of Ge as a platform for fast and scalable hole spin qubit devices

    Facial asymmetry and midsagittal plane definition in 3D: A bias-free, automated method.

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    Symmetry is a fundamental biological concept in all living organisms. It is related to a variety of physical and social traits ranging from genetic background integrity and developmental stability to the perception of physical appearance. Within this context, the study of human facial asymmetry carries a unique significance. Here, we validated an efficient method to assess 3D facial surface symmetry by best-fit approximating the original surface to its mirrored one. Following this step, the midsagittal plane of the face was automatically defined at the midpoints of the contralateral corresponding vertices of the superimposed models and colour coded distance maps were constructed. The method was tested by two operators using facial models of different surface size. The results show that the midsagittal plane definition was highly reproducible (maximum error < 0.1 mm or°) and remained robust for different extents of the facial surface model. The symmetry assessments were valid (differences between corresponding bilateral measurement areas < 0.1 mm), highly reproducible (error < 0.01 mm), and were modified by the extent of the initial surface model. The present landmark-free, automated method to assess facial asymmetry and define the midsagittal plane of the face is accurate, objective, easily applicable, comprehensible and cost effective

    Damage Control Surgery for Liver Trauma

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    The liver is one of the most commonly injured organs of the abdomen after major trauma and may lead to the extravasation of major amounts of blood. Damage control surgery (DCS) as a concept exists for over one hundred years but has been more widely optimized and implemented over the past few decades. Minimizing the time from the trauma scene to the hospital and recognizing the patterns of injury and the “lethal triad” (acidosis, hypothermia, coagulopathy) is vital to understand which patients will benefit the most from DCS. Immediate patient resuscitation, massive blood transfusion, and taking the patient to the operating room as soon as possible are the critical initial steps that have been associated with improved outcomes. Bleeding and contamination control should be the priority in this first exploratory laparotomy, while the patient should be transferred to the intensive care unit postoperatively with only temporary abdominal wall closure. Once the patient is stabilized, a second operation should be performed where an anatomic liver resection or other more major procedures may take place, along with permanent closure of the abdominal wall

    Heavy hole states in Germanium hut wires

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    Hole spins have gained considerable interest in the past few years due to their potential for fast electrically controlled qubits. Here, we study holes confined in Ge hut wires, a so far unexplored type of nanostructure. Low temperature magnetotransport measurements reveal a large anisotropy between the in-plane and out-of-plane g-factors of up to 18. Numerical simulations verify that this large anisotropy originates from a confined wave function which is of heavy hole character. A light hole admixture of less than 1% is estimated for the states of lowest energy, leading to a surprisingly large reduction of the out-of-plane g-factors. However, this tiny light hole contribution does not influence the spin lifetimes, which are expected to be very long, even in non isotopically purified samples

    Zero field splitting of heavy-hole states in quantum dots

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    Using inelastic cotunneling spectroscopy we observe a zero field splitting within the spin triplet manifold of Ge hut wire quantum dots. The states with spin ±1 in the confinement direction are energetically favored by up to 55 μeV compared to the spin 0 triplet state because of the strong spin–orbit coupling. The reported effect should be observable in a broad class of strongly confined hole quantum-dot systems and might need to be considered when operating hole spin qubits