170 research outputs found

    The non-communicating rudimentary horn: diagnostic and therapeutic challenges

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    We describe the case of a 23-year-old nulligravid woman who complained of increasing post-menstrual lower abdominal pain. She used contraceptives permanently for three months and was referred with a sub-mucosal lesion suspicious for a type 2 fibroid to be resected. During hysteroscopy, no fibroid mass could be confirmed. A post-operatively performed ultrasound including hydrosonography demonstrated a lesion highly suspicious for a uterus unicollis with a non-communicating uterine horn and a haematometra. Laparoscopy confirmed a normal outer lining of the uterus with hypoplastic tube on the right side. Referring to pre-operative findings, a broadly based uterine horn including a large haematometra was diagnosed. We performed a laparoscopic resection of the rudimentary horn and a right salpingectomy. The patient could be discharged without any complications three days late

    Das Unsichtbare sichtbar machen – technologiegestützte Visualisierung von Spin- und Magnetismusphänomenen

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    Der DFG-Sonderforschungsbereich Spin+X untersucht interdisziplinär Spin-Phänomene von der Grundlagenforschung bis hin zur technologischen Anwendung. Die Physikdidaktik der TU Kaiserslautern übernimmt dabei mit Spin+Education die Vermittlung der Forschungsinhalte durch Wissenschaftskommunikation und im Rahmen eines Schülerlabors. Die bislang entwickelten Experimentiermodule für die Unter- und Oberstufe behandeln als Schwerpunkt Magnetismus bzw. moderne, Spin-basierte Analysemethoden. Die Konzeption der Module verfolgt das Ziel, die Schulausbildung im Bereich Magnetismus und Spin-Phänomene zu verbessern, um motivierte und kompetente Schüler*innen für ein MINT-Studium zu gewinnen. Mit einem Experimentiermodul zur Erarbeitung des Spin-Begriffes wird das Schülerlabor für die Mittelstufe erweitert. Inhaltliche Bezüge zum schulischen Lehrplan werden dabei ebenso genutzt wie die Verknüpfung zum Forschungsalltag in Spin+X. Ein wichtiger Aspekt der zweiten Förderphase ist die Visualisierung Spin-basierter Phänomene innerhalb der Lernmodule mittels immersiver Technologien (VR/AR). Die bestehenden Experimentiermodule, sowie die Erweiterung des Schülerlabors von Spin+Education werden vorgestellt

    Das Unsichtbare sichtbar machen – technologiegestützte Visualisierung von Spin- und Magnetismusphänomenen

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    Der DFG-Sonderforschungsbereich Spin+X untersucht interdisziplinär Spin-Phänomene von der Grundlagenforschung bis hin zur technologischen Anwendung. Die Physikdidaktik der TU Kaiserslautern übernimmt dabei mit Spin+Education die Vermittlung der Forschungsinhalte durch Wissenschaftskommunikation und im Rahmen eines Schülerlabors. Die bislang entwickelten Experimentiermodule für die Unter- und Oberstufe behandeln als Schwerpunkt Magnetismus bzw. moderne, Spin-basierte Analysemethoden. Die Konzeption der Module verfolgt das Ziel, die Schulausbildung im Bereich Magnetismus und Spin-Phänomene zu verbessern, um motivierte und kompetente Schüler*innen für ein MINT-Studium zu gewinnen. Mit einem Experimentiermodul zur Erarbeitung des Spin-Begriffes wird das Schülerlabor für die Mittelstufe erweitert. Inhaltliche Bezüge zum schulischen Lehrplan werden dabei ebenso genutzt wie die Verknüpfung zum Forschungsalltag in Spin+X. Ein wichtiger Aspekt der zweiten Förderphase ist die Visualisierung Spin-basierter Phänomene innerhalb der Lernmodule mittels immersiver Technologien (VR/AR). Die bestehenden Experimentiermodule, sowie die Erweiterung des Schülerlabors von Spin+Education werden vorgestellt

    The major urinary protein gene cluster knockout mouse as a novel model for translational metabolism research

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    Scientific evidence suggests that not only murine scent communication is regulated by major urinary proteins, but that their expression may also vary in response to metabolism via a yet unknown mechanism. Major urinary proteins are expressed mainly in the liver, showing a sexually dimorphic pattern with substantially higher expression in males. Here, we investigate the metabolic implications of a major urinary protein knockout in twelve-week-old male and female C57BL/6N mice during ad libitum feeding. Despite both sexes of major urinary protein knockout mice displayed numerically increased body weight and visceral adipose tissue proportions compared to sex-matched wildtype mice, the main genotype-specific metabolic differences were observed exclusively in males. Male major urinary protein knockout mice exhibited plasma and hepatic lipid accumulation accompanied by a hepatic transcriptome indicating an activation of lipogenesis. These findings match the higher major urinary protein expression in male compared to female wildtype mice, suggesting a more distinct reduction in energy requirements in male compared to female major urinary protein knockout mice. The observed sex-specific anabolic phenotype confirms a role of major urinary protein in metabolism and, since major urinary proteins are not expressed in humans, suggests the major urinary protein knockout mouse as a potential alternative model for translational metabolism research which needs to be further elucidated

    A Report of Two Cases of Solid Facial Edema in Acne

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    Solid facial edema (SFE) is a rare complication of acne vulgaris. To examine the clinical features of acne patients with solid facial edema, and to give an overview on the outcome of previous topical and systemic treatments in the cases so far published.; We report two cases from Switzerland, both young men with initially papulopustular acne resistant to topical retinoids.; Both cases responded to oral isotretinoin, in one case combined with oral steroids. Our cases show a strikingly similar clinical appearance to the cases described by Connelly and Winkelmann in 1985 (Connelly MG, Winkelmann RK. Solid facial edema as a complication of acne vulgaris. Arch Dermatol. 1985;121(1):87), as well as to cases of Morbihan's disease that occurs as a rare complication of rosacea.; Even 30 years after, the cause of the edema remains unknown. In two of the original four cases, a potential triggering factor was identified such as facial trauma or insect bites; however, our two patients did not report such occurrencies. The rare cases of solid facial edema in both acne and rosacea might hold the key to understanding the specific inflammatory pattern that creates both persisting inflammation and disturbed fluid homeostasis which can occur as a slightly different presentation in dermatomyositis, angioedema, Heerfordt's syndrome and other conditions

    Prion Replication in the Mammalian Cytosol: Functional Regions within a Prion Domain Driving Induction, Propagation, and Inheritance

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    Prions of lower eukaryotes are transmissible protein particles that propagate by converting homotypic soluble proteins into growing protein assemblies. Prion activity is conferred by so-called prion domains, regions of low complexity that are often enriched in glutamines and asparagines (Q/N). The compositional similarity of fungal prion domains with intrinsically disordered domains found in many mammalian proteins raises the question of whether similar sequence elements can drive prion-like phenomena in mammals. Here, we define sequence features of the prototype Saccharomyces cerevisiae Sup35 prion domain that govern prion activities in mammalian cells by testing the ability of deletion mutants to assemble into self-perpetuating particles. Interestingly, the amino-terminal Q/N-rich tract crucially important for prion induction in yeast was dispensable for the prion life cycle in mammalian cells. Spontaneous and template-assisted prion induction, growth, and maintenance were preferentially driven by the carboxy-terminal region of the prion domain that contains a putative soft amyloid stretch recently proposed to act as a nucleation site for prion assembly. Our data demonstrate that preferred prion nucleation domains can differ between lower and higher eukaryotes, resulting in the formation of prions with strikingly different amyloid cores
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