84 research outputs found
Terrorbekämpfung mithilfe sozialer Medien – ein explorativer Einblick am Beispiel von Twitter
Das Internet und insbesondere soziale Medien werden bekanntermaĂźen nicht nur zu vermeintlich guten Zwecken genutzt. So findet die
Rekrutierung neuer Mitglieder und die Verbreitung von Ideologien des
Terrorismus ebenfalls ĂĽber dieses Medium statt. Aber auch die
Terrorismusbekämpfung bedient sich gleicher Werkzeuge. Die Art und Weise dieser Gegenmaßnahmen sowie die Vorgehensweisen sollen in diesem Artikel thematisiert werden. Im ersten Teil wird der Forschungsstand zusammengefasst. Der zweite Teil stellt eine explorative empirische Studie der Terrorismusbekämpfung in sozialen Medien, insbesondere in Twitter, dar. Verschiedene, möglichst charakteristische Formen werden in diesem Rahmen am Beispiel von Twitter strukturiert. Ziel ist es, sich diesem hochrelevanten Gebiet mit dem Ziel von Frieden und Sicherheit aus Perspektive der Wirtschaftsinformatik zu nähern und weiteren Forschungsarbeiten in diesem Gebiet als Grundlage und Ausgangspunkt dienen zu können
Terrorismus und soziale Medien – Propaganda und Gegenpropaganda
Der Terrorismus nutzt das Internet und insbesondere soziale Medien bereits seit einiger Zeit zur Rekrutierung neuer Mitglieder und zur Verbreitung ihrer Ideologie. Aber auch deren Gegner nutzen das Internet zur Terrorbekämpfung. Auch wenn es zum Einsatz sozialer Medien in Krisen bereits zahlreiche Veröffentlichungen gibt, wurde deren Einsatz im Terrorismus, einer besonderen Art der Krise, insbesondere in der digitalen Terrorbekämpfung, noch weniger betrachtet. Dieser Artikel fasst im ersten Teil den Stand der Forschung in jenem Bereich zusammen. Im zweiten Teil stellt er eine explorative empirische Studie zur Terrorismusbekämpfung in sozialen Medien dar. Hierzu werden verschiedene, möglichst repräsentative Formen am Beispiel von Twitter analysiert und gegliedert. Ziel ist die Schaffung eines überblicks, der weiteren Forschungsarbeiten als Grundlage dienen kann
IT for Peace? Fighting Against Terrorism in Social Media – An Explorative Twitter Study
The Internet and especially social media are not only used for supposedly good purposes. For example, the recruitment of new members and the dissemination of ideologies of terrorism also takes place in the media. However, the fight against terrorism also makes use of the same tools. The type of these countermeasures, as well as the methods, are covered in this work. In the first part, the state of the art is summarized. The second part presents an explorative empirical study of the fight against terrorism in social media, especially on Twitter. Different, preferably characteristic forms are structured within the scope with the example of Twitter. The aim of this work is to approach this highly relevant subject with the goal of peace, safety and safety from the perspective of information systems. Moreover, it should serve following researches in this field as basis and starting point
Public Concern About Monitoring Twitter Users and Their Conversations to Recruit for Clinical Trials: Survey Study
Social networks such as Twitter offer the clinical research community a novel opportunity for engaging potential study participants based on user activity data. However, the availability of public social media data has led to new ethical challenges about respecting user privacy and the appropriateness of monitoring social media for clinical trial recruitment. Researchers have voiced the need for involving users’ perspectives in the development of ethical norms and regulations. Objective:
This study examined the attitudes and level of concern among Twitter users and nonusers about using Twitter for monitoring social media users and their conversations to recruit potential clinical trial participants. Methods:
We used two online methods for recruiting study participants: the open survey was (1) advertised on Twitter between May 23 and June 8, 2017, and (2) deployed on TurkPrime, a crowdsourcing data acquisition platform, between May 23 and June 8, 2017. Eligible participants were adults, 18 years of age or older, who lived in the United States. People with and without Twitter accounts were included in the study. Results:
While nearly half the respondents—on Twitter (94/603, 15.6%) and on TurkPrime (509/603, 84.4%)—indicated agreement that social media monitoring constitutes a form of eavesdropping that invades their privacy, over one-third disagreed and nearly 1 in 5 had no opinion. A chi-square test revealed a positive relationship between respondents’ general privacy concern and their average concern about Internet research (PP=.001) and whether they consider Twitter monitoring for clinical trial recruitment as eavesdropping (PP=.003). As Twitter literacy increased, so did people’s concerns about researchers monitoring Twitter activity. Our data support the previously suggested use of the nonexceptionalist methodology for assessing social media in research, insofar as social media-based recruitment does not need to be considered exceptional and, for most, it is considered preferable to traditional in-person interventions at physical clinics. The expressed attitudes were highly contextual, depending on factors such as the type of disease or health topic (eg, HIV/AIDS vs obesity vs smoking), the entity or person monitoring users on Twitter, and the monitored information. Conclusions:
The data and findings from this study contribute to the critical dialogue with the public about the use of social media in clinical research. The findings suggest that most users do not think that monitoring Twitter for clinical trial recruitment constitutes inappropriate surveillance or a violation of privacy. However, researchers should remain mindful that some participants might find social media monitoring problematic when connected with certain conditions or health topics. Further research should isolate factors that influence the level of concern among social media users across platforms and populations and inform the development of more clear and consistent guidelines
From Conspiracies to Insults: A Case Study of Radicalisation in Social Media Discourse
Online radicalisation is often linked to discourses on social media. In this context, the question arises how populist online discourses radicalise in social media platforms. With a quantitative content analysis of supporters of the German party "Alternative fĂĽr Deutschland (AfD)" and their contributions on Facebook between March 2014 and May 2017, this preliminary analysis illustrates how the discourse shifts from a dominantly neutral debate to insult-driven and discriminatory contributions. It provides insights into the dynamic of political social media discourses and shows a tendency of correlating language style and topics that can be further studied in Social Media Analytics
One-Step Liquid Phase Polymerization of HEMA by Atmospheric-Pressure Plasma Discharges for Ti Dental Implants
Dental implants can fail due to various factors, in which bad tissue integration is believed to have a significant role. Specific properties of the implant surface, such as its chemistry and roughness, are of paramount importance to address specific cell responses, such as the adsorption of proteins, as well as the adhesion and differentiation of cells, which are suitable for biomaterial and tissue engineering. In this study, an acrylate-containing coating was produced on titanium surfaces through the atmospheric pressure plasma treatment of a liquid precursor, 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate. A hydrophilic coating was obtained, showing retention of the monomer chemistry as assessed by FTIR analysis and XPS. Enhanced fibroblast adhesion and decreased Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli adhesion were recorded, showing that this is a suitable method to produce biocompatible coatings with a reduced bacterial adhesion
Jesuit Theologian to Lecture at USD
The 2,2′:6′:2″-terpyridine ligand has literally shaped the coordination chemistry of transition metal complexes in a plethora of fields. Expansion of the ligand bite by amine functionalities between the pyridine units in the tridentate N,N’-dimethyl-N,N’-dipyridine-2-yl-pyridine-2,6-diamine ligand (ddpd) modifies the properties of corresponding transition metal complexes, comprising redox chemistry, molecular dynamics, magnetism and luminescence. The origins of these differences between ddpd and tpy complexes will be elucidated and comprehensively summarized with respect to first row transition metal complexes with d2–d10 electron configurations. Emerging applications of these ddpd complexes complementary to those of the well-known terpyridine ligand will be highlighted
Skärgårdens mat
Skärgårdens mat
– Mat och trender av Kristin Mattsson
– Rimsaltning och rexning, sjöfågelpalt och kalvdans av Amanda Enberg
– Mathantverk – en möjlighet för mångsysslare i skärgården av Heidi Barman-Geust
– Föreningen för Mathantverk i Finland rf. av Katja Bonnevier
– Fisken på bordet av Jessica Sundman
– Snurror, yxor och kultur på energiska Pellinge av Thure Malmberg
– Havtorn – skärgårdens guld av Jessica Sundman
– Närmatsföregångare i Houtskär av Nina Söderlund
– Skärgårdssmak – pionjär inom regional matkultur av Kristin Mattsson
– Från fågelkropon till matsvinn av Nina Söderlund
– Skärgårdspolitik av Annastina Sarlin
– Ragnar Granit, en nervfysiolog med rötter i Korpo av Tom Reuter
– HÒLA! av Aarón Blanco Tejedor
– Bokhörnan: Våra krigshärjade, bortglömda utöar av Thure Malmberg
– Skärinytt
– Sista bilde
Die Bibliothek als Erfolgsfaktor - 10 Jahre danach
Im Jahr 2022 feiert die Universitätsbibliothek Bochum ihr 60. Jubiläum.
Die UB Bochum ist auf dem Campus der Ruhr-Universität Bochum neben ihrer Rolle als professionelle Dienstleisterin für Studium, Lehre und Forschung längst ein attraktiver Lern- und Begegnungsort, geographisch zentral und in Sachen Digitalisierung sowie Vernetzung und Kooperationen zukunftsweisend
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