304 research outputs found

    The effects of measuring poverty – indicators of the World Bank

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    Freistein K, Koch M. The effects of measuring poverty – indicators of the World Bank. SFB 882 Working Paper Series. Vol 27. Bielefeld: DFG Research Center (SFB) 882 From Heterogeneities to Inequalities; 2014.The use of indicators has become a practice almost without alternatives in the realm of global politics. The World Bank – as both a credit institution and knowledge producer – uses various indicators and related instruments to measure poverty. The paper explores the different effects of using these instruments, studying numerical indicators, maps and narrative forms of poverty measurement. While primarily focused on knowledge and governance effects in the field of poverty, the paper also turns to the function indicator use has for organisations

    Strukturuntersuchungen antimikrobieller Peptide an biologischen und artifiziellen Membranen

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    The transition to secondary education. Problems and solutions from the teachers\u27 point of view

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    Nicht nur mit der in Niedersachsen beschlossenen Abschaffung der Orientierungsstufe stellt sich die Frage, wie der Übergang der Schülerinnen und Schüler gestaltet werden kann. Eine Befragung von Lehrerinnen und Lehrern macht diese Schwierigkeiten deutlich. Fallstudien an Sekundarschulen und Grundschulen zeigen, wie die Härten des Übergangs abgefedert werden können. (DIPF/Orig.)Not only with the resolved dismantling of the "orientative level" in Lower Saxony, the question on how to organise the transition into secondary education has to be raised. An interview with teachers highlights these difficulties. Case studies on secondary and primary schools illustrate how the hardships of transition can be diminished. (DIPF/Orig.

    Supporting language acquisition in the preschool. First results form the project "Fit in German"

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    Für Kinder, deren Sprachfertigkeiten für das Lernen in der Schule nicht ausreichen, wurden in einem niedersächsischen Projekt Fördermaßnahmen angeboten. Die Ergebnisse sind ermutigend: Die meisten Kinder können komplexe Handlungsanweisungen verstehen, haben ihren Wortschatz erweitert und können sich frei in deutscher Sprache äußern. Gleichwohl bleibt eine weitere Förderung über das Projekt hinaus wichtig. (DIPF/Orig.)Children lacking necessary competencies in German, took part in a project in Lower Saxony to support their language acquisition. The results are encouraging: most of the children are able to understand complex instruction for action, have broadened their vocabulary and are capable to express themselves freely. Nevertheless they need further assistance following the project. (DIPF/Orig.

    Translation and emerging functions of non‐coding RNAs in inflammation and immunity

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    Regulatory non-coding RNAs (ncRNAs) including small non-coding RNAs (sRNAs), long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs), and circular RNAs (circRNAs) have gained considerable attention in the last few years. This is mainly due to their condition- and tissue-specific expression and their various modes of action, which suggests them as promising biomarkers and therapeutic targets. One important mechanism of ncRNAs to regulate gene expression is through translation of short open reading frames (sORFs). These sORFs can be located in lncRNAs, in non-translated regions of mRNAs where upstream ORFs (uORFs) represent the majority, or in circRNAs. Regulation of their translation can function as a quick way to adapt protein production to changing cellular or environmental cues, and can either depend solely on the initiation and elongation of translation, or on the roles of the produced functional peptides. Due to the experimental challenges to pinpoint translation events and to detect the produced peptides, translational regulation through regulatory RNAs is not well studied yet. In the case of circRNAs, they have only recently started to be recognized as regulatory molecules instead of mere artifacts of RNA biosynthesis. Of the many roles described for regulatory ncRNAs, we will focus here on their regulation during inflammation and in immunity

    Translation and emerging functions of non-coding RNAs in inflammation and immunity

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    Regulatory non-coding RNAs (ncRNAs) including small non-coding RNAs (sRNAs), long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs), and circular RNAs (circRNAs) have gained considerable attention in the last few years. This is mainly due to their condition- and tissue-specific expression and their various modes of action, which suggests them as promising biomarkers and therapeutic targets. One important mechanism of ncRNAs to regulate gene expression is through translation of short open reading frames (sORFs). These sORFs can be located in lncRNAs, in non-translated regions of mRNAs where upstream ORFs (uORFs) represent the majority, or in circRNAs. Regulation of their translation can function as a quick way to adapt protein production to changing cellular or environmental cues, and can either depend solely on the initiation and elongation of translation, or on the roles of the produced functional peptides. Due to the experimental challenges to pinpoint translation events and to detect the produced peptides, translational regulation through regulatory RNAs is not well studied yet. In the case of circRNAs, they have only recently started to be recognized as regulatory molecules instead of mere artifacts of RNA biosynthesis. Of the many roles described for regulatory ncRNAs, we will focus here on their regulation during inflammation and in immunity. Keywords: immunology; inflammation; non-coding RNA; regulation; translatio

    Sprachbewusst unterrichten. Handreichung für den Unterricht an Grund-, Haupt-, Ober- und Realschulen

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    Sprachliche Bildung in allen Fächern gehört zu den Kernaufgaben der Grund- und weiterführenden Schulen. Unterschiede in den sprachlichen Kompetenzen der Schülerinnen und Schüler erfordern einen Unterricht, der sich neben der fachlichen Vermittlung zugleich sprachsensibel verhält. Dies wiederum verlangt von den Lehrpersonen entsprechende Konzepte, mit denen sie den sprachlichen Herausforderungen ihrer Schülerinnen und Schüler konstruktiv begegnen können. Die Handreichung richtet sich deshalb an Dozentinnen und Dozenten aller Fächer in der Hochschullehre und in der Lehrerfortbildung sowie an Lehrerinnen und Lehrer, die sich im Selbststudium zu Fragen der sprachlichen Bildung weiterqualifizieren möchten. Neben einem theoretischen Überblick über aktuelle Aspekte sprachsensiblen Unterrichts werden exemplarische Seminarkonzepte aus der universitären Lehrerfortbildung vorgestellt. Das Material der Handreichung ist im Rahmen des Verbundprojektes „UMBRÜCHE GESTALTEN. Sprachenförderung und -bildung als integrale Bestandteile innovativer Lehramtsausbildung in Niedersachsen“ entwickelt, erprobt und evaluiert worden

    From primary school to secondary school. Transitional processes from the view point of students and parents

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    Der Übergang vom vierten zum fünften Schuljahr ist für Schülerinnen und Schüler und ihre Eltern mit vielfältigen Überlegungen und Entscheidungen verbunden, bei denen unterschiedliche Erwartungen und Kriterien eine Rolle spielen. Anhand ausführlicher Befragungen werden schulische und auch außerschulische Bildungserfahrungen und Bildungsvorstellungen thematisiert. Dabei deutet sich an, dass das pädagogische Profil der beteiligten Schulen eine wichtige Rolle spielt. (DIPF/Orig.)The transition between fourth and fifih grade is connected by many considerations and decisions, influenced by expectations and criteria. Extensive interviews have pointed out the school related and informal educational ideas and experiences of children and their parents. The pedagogical profile of the school involved plays a major role. (DIPF/Orig.

    Function-oriented defect assessment in hybrid sheet molding compound tensile specimen using surrogate models

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    Glass fiber (GF) Sheet Molding Compound (SMC) composites are popular lightweight materials due to their good processability. Hybrid SMCs expand the field of operation, combining the high stiffness of unidirectional carbon fibers (CF) with the economic efficiency of GF. Combinations of manufacturing deviations (delamination, varying GF content, CF misorientation) occur during the production of hybrid SMCs and impede the mechanical performance of the part. A function-oriented quality assurance instead of strict tolerances is proposed. Finite element (FE) simulations are computationally too expensive for an assessment within the cycle time. Hence, surrogate models are trained on multiple parameterized FE simulations. The surrogate models shall allow for an individual functional assessment in real-time based on integrated measurement inputs. This work focuses on the generation of parametrized FE simulations for measurement inputs and surrogate modeling. Simulations and surrogate models show acceptable deviations from tensile tests for multiple combinations of manufacturing deviations. The measurement uncertainty of the stiffness prediction is assessed for both the FE simulation and the surrogate models in accordance with the Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement (GUM)