289 research outputs found

    Notes on representations of Brazilian women showed in international press

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    Este artigo objetiva mostrar as representações da mulher brasileira, divulgadas, sobretudo, pela imprensa, pelas autoridades do turismo e pelos propagadores da cultura nacional e repercutidas na mídia internacional. É recorrente o enaltecimento da beleza, sensualidade e disponibilidade da mulher brasileira. O que inquieta e leva à reflexão é: como tais representações manifestam-se na imprensa internacional? Qual o discurso fundador dessas representações? Este artigo apresenta a relação entre mídia, gênero e representações sociais, apontando as contradições do discurso jornalístico ao reproduzir essas visões estereotipadas da mulher brasileira e, ao mesmo tempo, combater o turismo sexual, que se alimenta dessas representações. São utilizadas, para tanto, duas situações de repercussão internacional: o caso Geisy Arruda, uma estudante de uma faculdade na Grande São Paulo agredida por seus colegas por usar um vestido curto; e a cobertura da posse da presidenta do Brasil, Dilma Roussef. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTThis article aims to show how the Brazilian women have been seen by the international press through the social representations of beauty, sensuality and availability. The discussion is: how such representations are manifested in the international press? What is the founding discourse of these representations? .The paper presents the relationship between media, gender and social representations we analyse here the contradictions of journalism to convey such speeches and at the same time fighting the sex trade. Journalism is revealed, then as a space of social conflict, in which there is affirmation of prejudices and stereotypes and criticisms of these worldviews. Two situations of international repercussion were used as example: the Geisy Arruda, a case of a student at a college in São Paulo assaulted by colleagues for wearing a short dress, and the coverage of inaugration of the Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff

    Ressonância da fala na cirurgia ortognática em indivíduos com fissura labiopalatina

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    The main purpose of this study was to investigate the impact of maxillary advancement on speech resonance in subjects with cleft lip and palate. The study sample was composed of 42 subjects aged 16 to 41 years old with operated cleft palate ± lip submitted to maxillary advancement. Resonance was evaluated before and 3 to 12 months after surgery by perceptual analysis and graduated from absent to severe. It was observed that 47.5% of the subjects presented impairment of resonance after orthognathic surgery, with a confidence interval (at 95%) from 31.5% to 63.9%. These results suggest that orthognathic surgery in individuals with cleft palate may interfere in resonance, causing, or increasing the degree of hypernasality. Therefore, this highlights the importance of the orientation about the risks and benefits of maxillary advancement surgery and follow-up of these patients.O propósito deste estudo foi verificar o impacto do avanço de maxila na ressonância de fala em sujeitos com fissura labiopalatina. A amostra do presente estudo foi composta por 42 sujeitos, entre 16 e 41 anos de idade, com fissura de palato associada ou não à de lábio submetidos ao avanço da maxila. A ressonância foi avaliada entre 3 e 12 meses após a cirurgia por análise e perceptual e graduada de ausente a severa. Observou-se que 47.5% dos sujeitos apresentaram prejuízo da ressonância após a cirurgia ortognática, com um intervalo de confiança (a 95%) de 31.5% a 63.9%. Esses resultados sugerem que a cirurgia ortognática, em sujeitos com fissura palatina, pode interferir na ressonância, causando ou aumentando o grau de hipernasalidade. Portanto, isso elucida a importância da orientação sobre os riscos e benefícios da cirurgia de avanço da maxila e acompanhamento desses pacientes

    Efeito da cinesioterapia na qualidade de vida, função sexual e sintomas climatéricos em mulheres com fibromialgia

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    ResumoObjetivoAvaliar e comparar o efeito da cinesioterapia na qualidade de vida, função sexual e sintomas climatéricos em mulheres climatéricas com e sem fibromialgia.MétodosParticiparam 90 mulheres climatéricas, divididas em dois grupos: fibromialgia (47) e controle (43). As pacientes foram avaliadas nas variáveis: qualidade de vida (Utian Quality of Life [UQOL]), função sexual (questionário do quociente sexual/versão feminina [QS‐F]) e intensidade dos sintomas climatérios (Índice Menopausal de Blatt‐Kupperman [IMBK]). Os grupos fizeram cinesioterapia para o assoalho pélvico, composto de 20 sessões, duas vezes por semana. Análise estatística foi feita por meio dos testes t de Student pareado, análise de variância de delineamento misto e Kappa de Cohen.ResultadosNa qualidade de vida, foi observada melhoria em ambos os grupos para todos os domínios avaliados. Na análise intergrupo foi evidenciada diferença nos domínios emocional (p=0,01), saúde (0,03) e sexual (p=0,001) com ganhos mais expressivos para o grupo controle. Na função sexual, foi verificada melhoria nos grupos, após a intervenção; na análise intergrupo as fibromiálgicas apresentaram escores inferiores ao grupo controle (p<0,001). Em relação aos sintomas climatéricos não houve diferença na análise intergrupo pós‐intervenção (p=0,73). Entretanto, ambos os grupos apresentaram redução significativa da sintomatologia após a intervenção (p<0,001).ConclusõesA cinesioterapia do assoalho pélvico exerce efeito benéfico sobre os domínios da qualidade de vida, função sexual e sintomatologia climatérica em mulheres com e sem fibromialgia na fase do climatério. Entretanto, a fibromialgia parece ser fator limitante para melhores resultados em alguns aspectos avaliadosAbstractObjectiveTo evaluate the effect of the kinesiotherapy in the quality of life, sexual function and menopause‐related symptoms and compare in climacteric women with and without fibromyalgia (FM).Methodologythe group was composed of 90 climacteric women divided in 2 groups: FM (47) and control (43). The patients were analyzed on their quality of life (Utian Quality of Life [UQoL]), sexual function (Sexual Quotient‐Female Version [SQ‐F] questionnaire) and intensity of the climacteric symptoms (Blatt‐Kupperman menopausal index [BKMI]). Both groups performed pelvic floor kinesiotherapy, composed of 20 sessions, twice a week. Statistical analysis was performed using Student's t‐test, mixed‐design analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Cohen's Kappa.ResultsIn the quality of life, an improvement was noticed in both groups for all domains analyzed. In the comparison between groups it was noticed a difference in the emotional (p=0.01), health (p=0.03) and sexual (p=0.001) domains with considerable gains verified in the control group. Improvement was also noticed in the sexual function. In the analysis between groups, FM group showed a lower score compared to the control group (p < 0.001). With respect to the climacteric symptoms, there was no difference in the analysis between groups after the intervention (p < 0.001).ConclusionsThe pelvic floor kinesiotherapy promotes a positive effect in the domains of quality of life, sexual function and climacteric symptoms in women with and without fibromyalgia in the climacteric period; however, fibromyalgia seems to be a limiting factor to achieve better results in some of the aspects evaluate

    Nursing workload in hematopoietic stem cell transplantation: a cohort study

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    Measure nursing workload required by patients submitted to autologous and allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) and analyze the Nursing Activities Score (NAS) of the nursing team during the hospitalization period for HSCT. A prospective cohort study conducted from January 2013 to April 2014 with 62 patients hospitalized in the HSCT unit of a university hospital in Campinas, Sao Paulo, Brazil. The workload was measured through NAS and data analysis was through chi-square test or Fisher's exact test, Mann-Whitney test and Spearman's correlation coefficient; with 5% significance level. Mean nursing workload was 67.3% (SD of 8.2) in autologous HSCT patients and 72.4% (SD of 13.0) in allogeneic HSCT patients (p=0.1380). Monitoring and titration showed, in more than 50% of the time, patients demanded intensified care, requiring two hours or more in a nursing shift for reasons of safety, severity or therapy. The nursing workload and the NAS items with the highest scores reflect the magnitude, complexity and specificity of care required by patients submitted to HSCT49SI9298COORDENAÇÃO DE APERFEIÇOAMENTO DE PESSOAL DE NÍVEL SUPERIOR - CAPES480388/2012-

    Perspective Chapter: Molecular Crosstalk and Signal Transduction between Platyhelminths and Their Hosts

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    Parasitic infection is an intimate relationship between host and parasites with an exchange of signal and complex signaling systems involved in these organisms’ molecular crosstalk. With the advances of knowledge due to the genomic and transcriptomic projects in the last decades, several genes and the molecular mechanism involved in the biological function of platyhelminths have been described. Cytokines, hormones, and other molecules from the host have influenced the growth, development, and reproduction of platyhelminths. We are going to review the effects of host cytokines (IL-1, IL-4, IL-12, IL-7, TGF-β, TNF-α) and hormones (T4, estrogen, progesterone, and androgens) that directly or indirectly affect parasite’s development and reproduction, and the possible associated signaling pathway. These are excellent models for system biology studies, and the generated knowledge may be helpful in the development of new strategies to combat these helminthiases

    ERICA: prevalência de dislipidemia em adolescentes brasileiros

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    OBJETIVO Determinar a distribuição de colesterol total, LDL-colesterol, HDL-colesterol e triglicerídeos em adolescentes brasileiros, bem como a prevalência de níveis alterados de tais parâmetros. MÉTODOS Foram utilizados dados do Estudo de Riscos Cardiovasculares em Adolescentes (ERICA), estudo transversal, de âmbito nacional e base escolar que avaliou adolescentes de 12 a 17 anos, residentes em municípios com mais de 100 mil habitantes. Foi avaliada a média e distribuição dos níveis plasmáticos de colesterol total, LDL-colesterol, HDL-colesterol e triglicerídeos. Dislipidemia foi determinada por níveis de colesterol total ≥ 170 mg/dl, LDL-colesterol ≥ 130 mg/dl, HDL-colesterol < 45 mg/dL ou triglicerídeos ≥ 130 mg/dl. Os dados foram analisados por sexo, idade e regiões do Brasil. RESULTADOS Foram avaliados 38.069 adolescentes, 59,9% do sexo feminino; 54,2% com idade entre 15 a 17 anos. Os valores médios encontrados foram: colesterol total 148,1 mg/dl (IC95% 147,1-149,1), HDL-colesterol 47,3 mg/dl (IC95% 46,7-47,9), LDL-colesterol 85,3 mg/dl (IC95% 84,5-86,1), e triglicerídeos 77,8 mg/dl (IC95% 76,5-79,2). Adolescentes do sexo feminino apresentaram níveis médios de colesterol total, LDL-colesterol e HDL-colesterol mais elevados, mas sem diferença nos níveis de triglicerídeos. Não houve diferença significativa de valores médios entre adolescentes de 12 a 14 e de 15 a 17 anos. As alterações com maior prevalência foram HDL-colesterol baixo (46,8% [IC95% 44,8-48,9]), hipercolesterolemia (20,1% [IC95% 19,0-21,3]) e hipertrigliceridemia (7,8% [IC95% 7,1-8,6]). O LDL-colesterol elevado foi observado em 3,5% (IC95% 3,2-4,0) dos adolescentes. As prevalências de HDL-colesterol baixo foram mais elevadas nas regiões Norte e Nordeste do País. CONCLUSÕES Uma parcela significativa dos adolescentes brasileiros apresenta alterações dos lípides plasmáticos. A alta prevalência de HDL-colesterol baixo e a hipertrigliceridemia, sobretudo nas regiões Norte e Nordeste do Brasil, devem ser analisadas em futuros estudos para subsidiar formulações de estratégias de intervenções eficazes.OBJECTIVE To determine the distribution of total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, and triglycerides in Brazilian adolescents, as well as the prevalence of altered levels of such parameters. METHODS Data from the Study of Cardiovascular Risks in Adolescents (ERICA) were used. This is a country-wide, school-based cross-sectional study that evaluated 12 to 17-year old adolescents living in cities with over 100,000 inhabitants. The average and distribution of plasma levels of total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, and triglycerides were evaluated. Dyslipidemia was determined by levels of total cholesterol ≥ 170 mg/dl, LDL cholesterol ≥ 130 mg/dl, HDL cholesterol < 45 mg/dL, or triglycerides ≥ 130 mg/dl. The data were analyzed by gender, age, and regions in Brazil. RESULTS We evaluated 38,069 adolescents – 59.9% of females, and 54.2% between 15 and 17 years. The average values found were: total cholesterol = 148.1 mg/dl (95%CI 147.1-149.1), HDL cholesterol = 47.3 mg/dl (95%CI 46.7-47.9), LDL cholesterol = 85.3 mg/dl (95%CI 84.5-86.1), and triglycerides = 77.8 mg/dl (95%CI 76.5-79.2). The female adolescents had higher average levels of total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, and HDL cholesterol, without differences in the levels of triglycerides. We did not observe any significant differences between the average values among 12 to 14 and 15- to 17-year old adolescents. The most prevalent lipid alterations were low HDL cholesterol (46.8% [95%CI 44.8-48.9]), hypercholesterolemia (20.1% [95%CI 19.0-21.3]), and hypertriglyceridemia (7.8% [95%CI 7.1-8.6]). High LDL cholesterol was found in 3.5% (95%CI 3.2-4.0) of the adolescents. Prevalence of low HDL cholesterol was higher in Brazil’s North and Northeast regions. CONCLUSIONS A significant proportion of Brazilian adolescents has alterations in their plasma lipids. The high prevalence of low HDL cholesterol and hypertriglyceridemia, especially in Brazil’s North and Northeast regions, must be analyzed in future studies, to support the creation of strategies for efficient interventions

    Moderate exercise training promotes adaptations in coronary blood flow and adenosine production in normotensive rats

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    OBJECTIVES: Aerobic exercise training prevents cardiovascular risks. Regular exercise promotes functional and structural adaptations that are associated with several cardiovascular benefits. The aim of this study is to investigate the effects of swimming training on coronary blood flow, adenosine production and cardiac capillaries in normotensive rats. METHODS: Wistar rats were randomly divided into two groups: control (C) and trained (T). An exercise protocol was performed for 10 weeks and 60 min/day with a tail overload of 5% bodyweight. Coronary blood flow was quantified with a color microsphere technique, and cardiac capillaries were quantified using light microscopy. Adenine nucleotide hydrolysis was evaluated by enzymatic activity, and protein expression was evaluated by western blot. The results are presented as the means ± SEMs (p<0.05). RESULTS: Exercise training increased the coronary blood flow and the myocardial capillary-to-fiber ratio. Moreover, the circulating and cardiac extracellular adenine nucleotide hydrolysis was higher in the trained rats than in the sedentary rats due to the increased activity and protein expression of enzymes, such as E-NTPDase and 59- nucleotidase. CONCLUSIONS: Swimming training increases coronary blood flow, number of cardiac capillaries, and adenine nucleotide hydrolysis. Increased adenosine production may be an important contributor to the enhanced coronary blood flow and angiogenesis that were observed in the exercise-trained rats; collectively, these results suggest improved myocardial perfusion