19 research outputs found

    How Class Background Influences Negative Countertransference in Outreach Therapy

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    This dissertation examines how the class background of social workers and doctoral level psychologists influences negative countertransference towards working with the poor in an outreach setting. A literature review explores countertransference from a psychoanalytic stance and showcases the development of the two disciplines, psychology and social work, and how class has directly or implicitly been a factor. Finally, the review discusses outreach therapy, its advantages and limitations, and how doing this work can impact clinicians. Participants for the study were master\u27s level clinicians, current and former predoctoral psychology interns, postdoctoral fellows, and other doctoral level clinicians who were currently or formerly practicing outreach therapy. Participants completed two measures that were developed by the principal investigator. The first measure asked participants to identify with one of four possible social class descriptions. The second measure was a series of 10 vignettes portraying potential countertransference scenarios. Participants were to select from three possible emotional blends of negative countertransference and then rank the intensity (1-5) of that particular emotional blend. The study had 27 participants varying in age, gender and ethnicity. Chi-square analyses between education level and social class, education level and countertransference, and social class and countertransference, all were not significant. Descriptive statistics outlined the frequencies of emotional blend responses for each vignette, as well as levels of intensity for each emotional blend and respective vignette. Means and standard deviations indicated differences between social classes and the average level of intensity that was experienced. T-tests indicated that there were significant differences between master\u27s and doctoral level clinicians regarding emotional blends. The research implies that there are relationships between education level and social class and its influence on negative countertransference in outreach therapy. Possible explanations include that people from lower class backgrounds are better able to work with people from lower class backgrounds. Further, those who go into social work versus psychology are better able to work in an outreach setting as they receive focused training in working with an underprivileged population

    How Class Background Influences Negative Countertransference in Outreach Therapy

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    This dissertation examines how the class background of social workers and doctoral level psychologists influences negative countertransference towards working with the poor in an outreach setting. A literature review explores countertransference from a psychoanalytic stance and showcases the development of the two disciplines, psychology and social work, and how class has directly or implicitly been a factor. Finally, the review discusses outreach therapy, its advantages and limitations, and how doing this work can impact clinicians. Participants for the study were master\u27s level clinicians, current and former predoctoral psychology interns, postdoctoral fellows, and other doctoral level clinicians who were currently or formerly practicing outreach therapy. Participants completed two measures that were developed by the principal investigator. The first measure asked participants to identify with one of four possible social class descriptions. The second measure was a series of 10 vignettes portraying potential countertransference scenarios. Participants were to select from three possible emotional blends of negative countertransference and then rank the intensity (1-5) of that particular emotional blend. The study had 27 participants varying in age, gender and ethnicity. Chi-square analyses between education level and social class, education level and countertransference, and social class and countertransference, all were not significant. Descriptive statistics outlined the frequencies of emotional blend responses for each vignette, as well as levels of intensity for each emotional blend and respective vignette. Means and standard deviations indicated differences between social classes and the average level of intensity that was experienced. T-tests indicated that there were significant differences between master\u27s and doctoral level clinicians regarding emotional blends. The research implies that there are relationships between education level and social class and its influence on negative countertransference in outreach therapy. Possible explanations include that people from lower class backgrounds are better able to work with people from lower class backgrounds. Further, those who go into social work versus psychology are better able to work in an outreach setting as they receive focused training in working with an underprivileged population

    MONITORIA DE FÍSICA - 2021.4, 2022.4, CÁLCULO - 2022.2 E DESENHO TÉCNICO 2022.4

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    A monitoria tem um papel crucial na graduação, principalmente no contexto dos cursos das ciências agrárias, como a zootecnia, onde as disciplinas de exatas podem criar desafios significativos aos alunos. Neste cenário, a monitoria se mostra como uma ferramenta crucial para o fortalecimento do ensino superior. Primeiramente, a monitoria oferece aos estudantes a oportunidade de aprofundar seu entendimento em cálculo por meio da interação direta com colegas mais experientes, os monitores. Estes monitores, geralmente alunos que já demonstraram proficiência na matéria, atuam como mentores e facilitadores do processo de aprendizado. Eles podem explicar conceitos complexos, resolver exercícios desafiadores e compartilhar estratégias de estudo eficazes, proporcionando uma abordagem personalizada para lidar com as dificuldades específicas dos estudantes.Além disso, a monitoria desempenha um papel crucial na redução das taxas de evasão. Muitos alunos enfrentam dificuldades iniciais em disciplinas de exatas e, se não receberem apoio adequado, podem se desmotivar e abandonar o curso. A presença de monitores capacitados ajuda a identificar e abordar esses problemas precocemente, proporcionando aos estudantes a confiança necessária para persistir na jornada acadêmica. Outro aspecto relevante é o desenvolvimento de habilidades tanto para os monitores quanto para os estudantes. Os monitores aprimoram suas capacidades de comunicação, ensino e liderança, adquirindo uma valiosa experiência que pode ser aplicada em futuras carreiras acadêmicas ou profissionais. Por outro lado, os alunos que buscam a monitoria também aprimoram suas habilidades de estudo, autodisciplina e resolução de problemas, competências essenciais para o sucesso acadêmico e profissional.Em resumo, a monitoria das disciplinas de exatas para cursos de agrárias desempenham um papel crucial, ela não apenas contribui para a melhoria do desempenho acadêmico dos estudantes, mas também fortalece as habilidades dos monitores e ajuda a manter altas taxas de retenção. Esse ambiente de aprendizado colaborativo e enriquecedor promove uma formação acadêmica sólida e bem-sucedida para todos os envolvidos

    Passaporte literário: uma proposta de incentivo à leitura / The importance of reading: literary passport, a strategy to stimulate the reading in elementary school

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    O presente trabalho tem como eixo temático a leitura e por isso foi elaborado com a finalidade de sugerir aos professores de Língua Portuguesa o Passaporte Literário, uma proposta de prática pedagógica para que possa incentivar e cativar os discentes para a prática da leitura. Atualmente, estamos passando por algumas reformulações nos documentos oficias que regem a educação no Brasil, tal como a Base Nacional Comum Curricular (BNCC), por isso entende-se que é o momento de discutir as nossas metodologias e fazer mudanças no que for necessário para agir consoante o documento. A metodologia utilizada é a qualitativa, de cunho bibliográfico, com aporte teórico na BNCC (2018), Antunes (2006; 2009), Kleiman (2009), Lajolo (1982; 2000), entre outros. A partir da aplicação das ações presentes no Passaporte o aluno terá acesso através da leitura a novos saberes, a fim de ampliar a sua compreensão e interpretação, bem como a sua bagagem cultural

    Passaporte literário: uma proposta de incentivo à leitura / Literary passport: a proposal to encourage reading

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    O presente trabalho tem como eixo temático a leitura e por isso foi elaborado com a finalidade de sugerir aos professores de Língua Portuguesa o Passaporte Literário, uma proposta de prática pedagógica para que possa incentivar e cativar os discentes para a prática da leitura. Atualmente, estamos passando por algumas reformulações nos documentos oficias que regem a educação no Brasil, tal como a Base Nacional Comum Curricular (BNCC), por isso entende-se que é o momento de discutir as nossas metodologias e fazer mudanças no que for necessário para agir consoante o documento. A metodologia utilizada é a qualitativa, de cunho bibliográfico, com aporte teórico na BNCC (2018), Antunes (2006; 2009), Kleiman (2009), Lajolo (1982; 2000), entre outros. A partir da aplicação das ações presentes no Passaporte o aluno terá acesso através da leitura a novos saberes, a fim de ampliar a sua compreensão e interpretação, bem como a sua bagagem cultural.

    Choice, Dependence, and the Reinvigoration of the Traditional Family

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    Symposium: Law and the New American Family Held at Indiana University Law School Apr. 4, 201

    An edition of the journals of Adlard Welby

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    This thesis comprises edited and annotated transcriptions of four of the six known journals of Adlard Welby, (1776 – 1861), Lincolnshire landowner and traveller. The transcriptions have been made from the original manuscript journals, housed in the Lincolnshire Archives and the Sleaford Museum Trust. They cover the periods 1832 to 1856. Welby’s domestic life was unusual, in that he had two families, one with his wife Elizabeth, and a second, with his mistress Mary Hutchinson. The Italian Journal (1832-1835), is a detailed record of his first three years in Italy, where he lived with Mary and their ten children, after giving up his family estate. The remaining three journals, dating from 1841 to 1856, are a record of his travels in Europe and his experiences following Mary’s death in 1840. He was a thoughtful and outspoken diarist, and the journals provide a unique record of his view of the world he lived and travelled in. The Introduction considers the contents of these Journals together with references to other manuscript letters and documents, the remaining two journals and his only published work, A Visit to North America and the English Settlements in Illinois, (1821). Welby’s writing is placed in the context of nineteenth-century life writing and the travel writing of the period. The journals also provide a perspective on English attitudes to life on the continent at the time. The journals are prefaced by headnotes which give bibliographical details of the manuscripts and the principles of transcription. Each journal is accompanied by an itinerary. The editorial notes provide contextual material, and identify contemporary and historical references. The fifteen appendices include a family tree, details of his reading, illustrations of journal pages, notes on The Fourth Journal and the transcription of a bastardy bond signed by Welby

    Statistical literacy for classification under risk: an educational perspective

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    After a brief description of the four components of risk literacy and the tools for analyzing risky situations, decision strategies are introduced, These rules, which satisfy tenets of Bounded Rationality, are called fast and frugal trees. Fast and frugal trees serve as efficient heuristics for decision under risk. We describe the construction of fast and frugal trees and compare their robustness for prediction under risk with that of Bayesian networks. In particular, we analyze situations of risky decisions in the medical domain. We show that the performance of fast and frugal trees does not fall too far behind that of the more complex Bayesian networks

    Frank Lloyd Wright\u27s Taliesin

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    The Wisconsin-born Frank Lloyd Wright (1867–1959) is recognized worldwide as an iconic architectural genius. In 1911 he designed Taliesin to use as his personal residence, architectural studio, and working farm. A century later Randolph C. Henning has assembled a splendid collection of rare vintage postcards, some never before published, that provides a revealing and visually unique journey through Wright’s work at Taliesin. Included are intimate images of Taliesin at various stages and views of the building just after the tragic 1914 fire. The postcards also depict nearby buildings designed by Wright, including the Romeo and Juliet windmill and two buildings for the Hillside Home School. Henning provides useful explanations that highlight relevant details and accompany each image. Frank Lloyd Wright’s Taliesin documents and celebrates Wright’s 100-year-old masterpiece.https://nsuworks.nova.edu/nsudigital_flwbooks/1101/thumbnail.jp