206 research outputs found

    Shareholder-Authorized Corporate Political Spending in the United Kingdom

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    Factores de riesgo para lesiones premalignas de cérvix

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    Objetivo: Identificar los factores de riesgo, asociados a la presencia de lesiones premalignas de cérvix en pacientes atendidas en el Hospital Belén de Trujillo, entre los años 2014-2017. Material y Métodos: Se desarrolló un estudio retrospectivo, observacional, analítico, de casos y controles en 394 pacientes atendidas en el servicio de Ginecología y Obstetricia del Hospital Belén de Trujillo durante el periodo 2014 – 2017. Para la evaluación de la independencia entre las variables factores de riesgo y lesiones premalignas de cérvix se utilizó la prueba de Chi Cuadrado de Pearson, considerándose significancia estadística para un valor p < 0,05 y riesgo para un Odds ratio > 1. Además se realizó el análisis multivariado a través de la prueba de regresión logística, identificándose la influencia de cada variable interviniente y la variable exposición con la variable resultado en un contexto más sistemático e integrado, con un mejor control de sesgos, y a través de este se corroboraron los hallazgos observados en el análisis bivariado. Resultados: El promedio de edad fue de 34,42 años, la mayoría de las pacientes inició su vida sexual antes de los 19 años, reportando en más del 50 % el haber tenido más de 1 pareja sexual. El análisis bivariado y multivariado evidenciaron que el número de parejas sexuales ≥ 2, el inicio de relaciones sexuales a edad < 19 años, ser > 35 años de edad y la paridad son factores de riesgo para lesiones premalignas de cérvix. Conclusión: El número de parejas sexuales ≥ 2, el inicio de relaciones sexuales a edad 35 años de edad y la multiparidad son factores de riesgo para lesiones premalignas de cérvix.dentify the risk factors associated with the presence of premalignant lesions of the cervix in patients treated at the Hospital Belén de Trujillo, between 2014-2017. Material and Methods: A retrospective, observational, analytical study of cases and controls was developed in 378 patients treated in the Gynecology and Obstetrics service of the Hospital Belén de Trujillo during the period 2014 - 2017. For the evaluation of the independence between the variables risk factors and premalignant lesions of the cervix, the Pearson Chi Square test was used, considering statistical significance for a p value < 0,05 and risk for an Odds ratio > 1. In addition, multivariate analysis was performed through the test of Logistic regression, identifying the influence of each intervening variable and the exposure variable with the result variable in a more systematic and integrated context, with better bias control, and through this the findings observed in the bivariate analysis were corroborated. Results: The average age was 34.42 years, the majority of patients began their sexual life before age 19, reporting in more than 50% having had more than 1 sexual partner. The bivariate and multivariate analysis showed that the number of sexual partners ≥ 2, the beginning of sexual relations at age 35 years of age and parity are risk factors for premalignant lesions of the cervix. Conclusion: The number of sexual partners ≥ 2, the beginning of sexual relations at age 35 years of age and multiparity are risk factors for premalignant lesions of the cervix.Tesi

    Running the D.C. Circuit Gauntlet on Cost Benefit Analysis after Citizens United: Empirical Evidence from SOX and the JOBS Act

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    To require disclosure or not to require disclosure; that is the question faced by regulators, including the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), in light of the Supreme Court\u27s 2010 Citizens United decision, which allows anew free flow of corporate money into the political system. Pending before the SEC since 2011 is a petition by 10 law professors asking for transparency of corporate political spending. We write this article in anticipation of the SEC\u27s eventual promulgation of rules requiring disclosure of corporate political spending. Many of the core questions about the market\u27s reaction to increased regulation of listed companies that we can study now are likely to be implicated in the debate about regulation within the narrower subset of corporate political spending.Corporations who do not want to disclose their political spending are likely to challenge any rule that the SEC issues on the subject. Such a legal challenge is destined to be heard by the D.C. Circuit Court, which examines federal regulations with an increasingly jaundiced eye. One of the ground on which the D.C. Circuit can dispose of a new regulation is by finding that the SEC did not do a sufficiently rigorous cost-benefit analysis.This article addresses the potential hostility that the D.C. Circuit may harbor against a new SEC rule requiring greater corporate transparency in election activities and provides some data that might assist the SEC in navigating this gauntlet.In summary, our data showed that the market reacted positively to the new regulations in SOX and reacted negatively to the deregulations embodied in the JOBS Act. In short, and as discussed more fully below, the data demonstrate that the market values transparency and distrusts opaqueness. We hope that the D.C. Circuit will find these data useful in illuminating the larger debate over what securities regulations are allowable

    Compliance costs and disclosure requirement mandates: Some evidence

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    © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. This note contributes to the discussion on the compliance costs of disclosure requirements for publicly traded companies. Prior research tends to focus on audit cost increases when disclosure requirements are stricter. We add some evidence from the point of views of shareholders. Particularly, we contrast stock market reaction to the 2002 Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX) Act which significantly enhanced public company disclosure requirements, with the 2012 Jumpstart Our Business Startups (JOBS) Act which alleviated disclosure requirements for small firms. Contrary to popular belief that more disclosure rules impose regulatory burdens on firms and are costly to implement, we find that the stock market reacted positively toward rules that require more disclosure; whereas it reacted negatively toward rules that require less disclosure, even though those disclosure rules were initially designed to reduce the costs of compliance

    Sentidos de territorio y comunidad por parte de mujeres firmantes del proceso de paz de los AETCR y veredas aledañas en el Caquetá. Una significación de la reintegración social (DDR) en clave comunitaria

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    Este proyecto presenta el estudio de la dinámica comunitaria para la reconciliación y sentido de comunidad por parte de reincorporados y de veredas aledañas a los AETCR en el Caquetá, se examina la coherencia entre las políticas nacionales de intervención psicosocial y las personas en proceso de reincorporación a la sociedad civil. En la primera sección del documento se hace una revisión de los antecedentes teóricos y empíricos de las problemáticas mencionadas. Se realizó un proceso de investigación en las comunidades de los AETCR de manera respetuosa de tal manera que, mediante la observación, el relato y análisis de contexto y necesidades dadas en el proceso de reincorporación permitiera ver reflejado el sentido de adherencia a una rutina civil, una observancia que estudia las dinámicas y visualizaciones de diferentes problemáticas que medianamente hacen eco en el proceso de paz, ello se representa en entrevistas y cartografías.This project presents the study of community dynamics for reconciliation and sense of community by reincorporated people and villages surrounding the AETCR in Caquetá, it examines the coherence between national psychosocial intervention policies and people in the process of reincorporation to civil society. In the first section of the document, a review of the theoretical and empirical background of the mentioned problems is made. An investigation process was carried out in the communities of the AETCR in a respectful manner in such a way that, through observation, the story and analysis of the context and needs given in the reincorporation process, it would allow to see reflected the sense of adherence to a civil routine, an observance that studies the dynamics and visualizations of different problems that moderately echo in the peace process, this is represented in interviews and cartographies

    Effects of Acute Bouts of Aerobic Exercise on Adipokines in Individuals with Mid-Spectrum Chronic Kidney Disease

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    Adipokines have been known to influence various health-related complications such as chronic kidney disease (CKD) and cardiovascular diseases. Fluctuations in adipokines are commonly seen from changes in body composition, however, some evidence shows acute changes may be seen from exercise. Individuals with CKD are commonly characterized by a decline in renal filtration and systemic inflammation. It may be possible that an acute bout of aerobic exercise may improve pro- and anti-inflammatory adipokine concentrations typically seen in individuals with moderate stages of CKD. PURPOSE: To determine the acute effects of aerobic exercise on adipokine concentrations in individuals with moderate stages of CKD. METHODS: Fourteen participants (8 females and 6 males, age = 58.7 ± 9.3 yrs., and %BF = 36.0 ± 9.6) were classified as having moderate stages of CKD (stages G3 and G4). Participants completed 30 min of steady-state moderate intensity exercise (SSE) at 65% VO2 reserve and high-intensity interval training (HIIE) at a 90% VO2 reserve separated by 2 min of slow walking (20% VO2 reserve) in a randomized, crossover design fashion. Venous blood samples were obtained at baseline, 1 h, and 24 h post-exercise. Data were analyzed using a repeated measures ANOVA (p \u3c 0.05) and a paired t-test. If any significant main or interaction effects were found, a post-hoc test was performed. RESULTS: There were no significant differences in adiponectin and leptin levels within treatments. However, significant differences were seen between baseline and 24 h omentin concentrations when performing HIIE (F(2,26) = 5.001, p = .015). Omentin rose significantly 24 h after an acute bout of HIIE (214.69 ± 83.28 to 252.04 ± 91.22, p = .034). A paired t-test showed no significant differences between SSE and HIIE for adiponectin and leptin. Although, there was a significant difference between 24 h omentin concentrations for SSE and HIIE (t = -2.327, p \u3c .037). Omentin concentrations were significantly higher when performing HIIE (252.04 ± 91.22) as opposed to SSE (218.70 ± 82.00, p \u3c .001). CONCLUSION: Omentin plays an anti-inflammatory role in chronic diseases. Thus, individuals experiencing systemic inflammation from moderate stages of CKD may see benefits after performing an acute bout of HIIE due to the up-regulated release of omentin 24 h post-exercise


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    This work addresses the situation of the Digital Marketing of the companies of the seating autoparts sector installed in the state of Tlaxcala that is located in Mexico and also of the importance of the Automotive sector focused on autoparts. The methodology focuses on the application of instruments, an interview with the companies of auto parts of seats and a questionnaire to the shipowners or assemblers taking into account the location of Tlaxcala and its surroundings. Digital marketing would provide value for positioning and publicize the autoparts sector in the heading of Seats.Este trabajo aborda la situación del marketing digital de las empresas del sector autopartes de asientos instaladas en el estado de Tlaxcala que se encuentra ubicada en México y también de la importancia del sector automotriz enfocado a las autopartes. La metodología se enfoca en la aplicación de instrumentos típicos en ciencias sociales, una entrevista a las empresas de autopartes de asientos y un cuestionario a las armadoras o ensambladoras tomando en cuenta la ubicación de Tlaxcala y sus alrededores. El marketing digital aportaría un valor para posicionamiento y dar a conocer el sector de Autopartes en el rubro de Asientos

    Assessing the umbrella value of a range-wide conservation network for Jaguars (Panthera onca)

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    Umbrella species are employed as conservation short-cuts for the design of reserves or reserve networks. However, empirical data on the effectiveness of umbrellas is equivocal, which has prevented more widespread application of this conservation strategy. We perform a novel, large-scale evaluation of umbrella species by assessing the potential umbrella value of a jaguar (Panthera onca) conservation network (consisting of viable populations and corridors) that extends from Mexico to Argentina. Using species richness, habitat quality, and fragmentation indices of similar to 1500 co-occurring mammal species, we show that jaguar populations and corridors overlap a substantial amount and percentage of high-quality habitat for co-occurring mammals and that the jaguar network performs better than random networks in protecting high-quality, interior habitat. Significantly, the effectiveness of the jaguar network as an umbrella would not have been noticeable had we focused on species richness as our sole metric of umbrella utility. Substantial inter-order variability existed, indicating the need for complementary conservation strategies for certain groups of mammals. We offer several reasons for the positive result we document, including the large spatial scale of our analysis and our focus on multiple metrics of umbrella effectiveness. Taken together, our results demonstrate that a regional, single-species conservation strategy can serve as an effective umbrella for the larger community and should help conserve viable populations and connectivity for a suite of co-occurring mammals. Current and future range-wide planning exercises for other large predators may therefore have important umbrella benefits

    Reflecting on the global report on adult learning and education in the “post-truth society”

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    This article contextualizes and reviews the third global report on adult learning and education (ALE) released by UNESCO in 2016. The authors suggest that it is a visionary document, which is articulated through the bringing together of data from a range of areas that are usually kept apart. They recognize the report as a bold attempt to project what role ALE plays, or could play, within a holistic philosophy and approach to lifelong learning. They argue that given the ambitious nature of the task, and the inevitable tensions and contradictions that exist within a report of this nature, the report both fails to present a robust picture of ALE and succeeds as an advocacy document toward achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals. They recognize that the political and pedagogical work undertaken by the third Global Report on Adult Learning and Education is at an early stage. Alongside this work, they argue for the importance of the broader nonformal and informal ALE, including popular education, as a means of challenging the “post-truth society.