209 research outputs found

    September 11th Fund Employment Assistance Program: Performance Outcomes

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    This report examines the anticipated and actual performance outcomes of the Employment Assistance Program, an initiative to enable workers displaced by the 9/11 terrorist attacks to connect with employment services, career counselors, job placement opportunities, education, training, and other resources

    Trying to Become the Person I Was Before: 9/11 Displaced Workers and the Employment Assistance Program

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    This report examines the September 11th Fund's Employment Assistance Program (EAP), an effort to enable workers displaced by the 9/11 terrorist attacks to connect with employment services, career counselors, job placement opportunities, education, training, and other resources. The report discusses the EAP's different services, and analyzes participants' employment status prior to the attacks and following their participation in the EA

    Physical function limitation among gay and bisexual men aged ≥55years with and without HIV: findings from the Australian Positive and Peers Longevity Evaluation Study (APPLES)

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    Background. As people living with HIV now have a life expectancy approaching that of the general population, clinical care focuses increasingly on the management and prevention of comorbidities and conditions associated with aging. We aimed to assess the prevalence of physical function (PF) limitation among gay and bisexual men (GBM) and determine whether HIV is associated with severe PF limitation in this population. Methods. We analysed cross-sectional data from GBM aged ≥55 years in the Australian Positive and Peers Longevity Evaluation Study who completed a self-administered survey on health and lifestyle factors. PF was measured using the Medical Outcomes Study–Physical Functioning scale. Factors associated with severe PF limitation were assessed using logistic regression. Results. The survey was completed by 381 men: 186 without HIV and 195 with HIV. Median age was 64.3 years for GBM without HIV and 62.1 years for GBM with HIV. Compared with men without HIV, those with HIV had higher proportions of severe (13.3% vs 8.1%) and moderate-to-severe (26.7% vs 24.2%) PF limitation. Severe PF limitation commonly involved difficulty with vigorous activity (95% with severe PF limitation described being limited a lot), climbing several flights of stairs (68.4% limited a lot), bending, kneeling or stooping (60.5% limited a lot), and walking 1 km (55.0% limited a lot). In a model adjusted for age, body mass index, typical duration of physical activity, psychological distress, and number of comorbidities, we found a significant association between HIV and severe PF limitation (adjusted odds ratio 3.3 vs not having HIV, 95% confidence interval 1.3–8.7). Conclusions. The biological mechanisms underlying this association require further investigation, particularly given the growing age of the HIV population and inevitable increase in the burden of PF limitation

    Too Hot to Handle: Unprecedented Seagrass Death Driven by Marine Heatwave in a World Heritage Area

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    The increased occurrence of extreme climate events, such as marine heatwaves (MHWs), has resulted in substantial ecological impacts worldwide. To date metrics of thermal stress within marine systems have focussed on coral communities, and less is known about measuring stress relevant to other primary producers, such as seagrasses. An extreme MHW occurred across the Western Australian coastline in the austral summer of 2010/2011, exposing marine communities to summer seawater temperatures 2‐5 °C warmer than average. Using a combination of satellite imagery and in situ assessments, we provide detailed maps of seagrass coverage across the entire Shark Bay World Heritage Area (ca. 13,000 km2) before (2002, 2010) and after the MHW (2014, 2016). Our temporal analysis of these maps documents the single largest loss in dense seagrass extent globally (1,310 km2) following an acute disturbance. Total change in seagrass extent was spatially heterogenous, with the most extensive declines occurring in the Western Gulf, Wooramel Bank and Faure Sill. Spatial variation in seagrass loss was best explained by a model that included an interaction between two heat stress metrics, the most substantial loss occurring when degree heat weeks (DHWm) was ≥ 10 and the number of days exposed to extreme sea surface temperature during the MHW (DaysOver) was ≥ 94. Ground‐truthing at 622 points indicated that change in seagrass cover was predominantly due to loss of Amphibolis antarctica rather than Posidonia australis, the other prominent seagrass at Shark Bay. As seawater temperatures continue to rise and the incidence of MHWs increase globally, this work will provide a basis for identifying areas of meadow degradation, or stability and recovery; and potential areas of resilience

    Migrant African women: tales of agency and belonging

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    This paper explores issues of belonging and agency among asylum seekers and refugee women of African origin in the UK. It discusses the ways these women engendered resistance in their everyday life to destitution, lack of cultural recognition, and gender inequality through the foundation of their own non-governmental organization, African Women’s Empowerment Forum, AWEF, a collective ‘home’ space. The focus of this account is on migrant women’s agency and self-determination for the exercise of choice to be active actors in society. It points to what might be an important phenomenon on how local grassroots movements are challenging the invisibility of asylum seekers’ and refugees’ lives and expanding the notion of politics to embrace a wider notion of community politics with solidarity. AWEF is the embodiment of a social space that resonates the ‘in-between’ experience of migrant life providing stability to the women members regarding political and community identification

    The Grizzly, March 25, 1986

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    The Day U.C. Shut Down • R.A. Selections Underway • Suggestions Being Taken for Forum Topics • Letter: Proud Parents Commend U.C.\u27s Talent • Learn to Swim • New Course for Lifeguards • BreMiller\u27s Diversified Interests • What are You Doing After Graduation? • Matthews an NEH Grant Recipient • Briefs: USGA Represented at Leadership Conference; Ray Bunt Honored at Luncheon; Science Fair in Helfferich; Senior Symposium Topics; Women\u27s Track • Men\u27s Lacrosse Club Starts New Season • Bears Even Record • Lady Bears Look to Win it all • Women\u27s Lacrosse to Begin • Gymnasts Deserted by Coach Morrison • A Reminiscent Backflip • Woody\u27s Hannah a Hit • Equipment Donatedhttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/grizzlynews/1161/thumbnail.jp

    Children's Oxygen Administration Strategies Trial (COAST):  A randomised controlled trial of high flow versus oxygen versus control in African children with severe pneumonia.

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    Background: In Africa, the clinical syndrome of pneumonia remains the leading cause of morbidity and mortality in children in the post-neonatal period. This represents a significant burden on in-patient services. The targeted use of oxygen and simple, non-invasive methods of respiratory support may be a highly cost-effective means of improving outcome, but the optimal oxygen saturation threshold that results in benefit and the best strategy for delivery are yet to be tested in adequately powered randomised controlled trials. There is, however, an accumulating literature about the harms of oxygen therapy across a range of acute and emergency situations that have stimulated a number of trials investigating permissive hypoxia. Methods: In 4200 African children, aged 2 months to 12 years, presenting to 5 hospitals in East Africa with respiratory distress and hypoxia (oxygen saturation or = 80% (permissive hypoxia); andHigh flow using AIrVO 2TM compared with low flow delivery (routine care). Discussion: The overarching objective is to address the key research gaps in the therapeutic use of oxygen in resource-limited setting in order to provide a better evidence base for future management guidelines. The trial has been designed to address the poor outcomes of children in sub-Saharan Africa, which are associated with high rates of in-hospital mortality, 9-10% (for those with oxygen saturations of 80-92%) and 26-30% case fatality for those with oxygen saturations <80%. Clinical trial registration: ISRCTN15622505 Trial status: Recruiting

    Methodology for Whole-Genome Sequencing of Methicillin-Resistant <i>Staphylococcus aureus</i> Isolates in a Routine Hospital Microbiology Laboratory

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    There is growing evidence for the value of bacterial whole-genome sequencing in hospital outbreak investigations. Our aim was to develop methods that support efficient and accurate low-throughput clinical sequencing of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) isolates. </jats:p

    Informe del muestreo geoquímico de gases en sistemas geotermales en el sur del Perú (6 al 18 de julio del 2007)

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    La recolección y análisis de las muestras de gas se realizaron en el marco de un proyecto de cooperación entre el Instituto Geológico Minero y Metalúrgico (INGEMMET) y la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM). Teniendo como participantes al Dr. Claus Siebe de la UNAM – México; y los Drs. Fraser y Cathy Goff del Laboratorio Los Álamos de Estados Unidos, especialistas en campos geotermales y el Lic. Pablo Masías, Químico del INGEMMET. Los trabajos se realizaron del 6 al 18 de julio del 2007, en 17 zonas geotermales en 4 departamentos del sur del Perú (Puno, Arequipa, Moquegua y Tacna), las que se pueden apreciar en la fig. 1 y 2. Estas se caracterizaron por presentar agua caliente, en algunos casos se encontraron fuentes saturadas con vapor, además de geisers, solfataras y fumarolas. En algunas zonas se tomaron más de un punto de muestreo. El muestreo de gases se realizó utilizando las botellas de Giggenbach con el método que se describirá más adelante, además se tomaron muestras de agua para realizarle análisis químicos e isotópicos, se midieron parámetros como la temperatura, pH, Conductividad y los sólidos totales disueltos