9 research outputs found

    The mysteries of mammatus clouds: Observations and formation mechanisms

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    Mammatus clouds are an intriguing enigma of atmospheric fluid dynamics and cloud physics. Most commonly observed on the underside of cumulonimbus anvils, mammatus also occur on the underside of cirrus, cirrocumulus, altocumulus, altostratus, and stratocumulus, as well as in contrails from jet aircraft and pyrocumulus ash clouds from volcanic eruptions. Despite their aesthetic appearance, mammatus have been the subject of few quantitative research studies. Observations of mammatus have been obtained largely through serendipitous opportunities with a single observing system (e.g., aircraft penetrations, visual observations, lidar, radar) or tangential observations from field programs with other objectives. Theories describing mammatus remain untested, as adequate measurements for validation do not exist because of the small distance scales and short time scales of mammatus. Modeling studies of mammatus are virtually nonexistent. As a result, relatively little is known about the environment, formation mechanisms, properties, microphysics, and dynamics of mammatus. This paper presents a review of mammatus clouds that addresses these mysteries. Previous observations of mammatus and proposed formation mechanisms are discussed. These hypothesized mechanisms are anvil subsidence, subcloud evaporation/sublimation, melting, hydrometeor fallout, cloud-base detrainment instability, radiative effects, gravity waves, Kelvin-Helmholtz instability, Rayleigh-Taylor instability, and Rayleigh-Bénard-like convection. Other issues addressed in this paper include whether mammatus are composed of ice or liquid water hydrometeors, why mammatus are smooth, what controls the temporal and spatial scales and organization of individual mammatus lobes, and what are the properties of volcanic ash clouds that produce mammatus? The similarities and differences between mammatus, virga, stalactites, and reticular clouds are also discussed. Finally, because much still remains to be learned, research opportunities are described for using mammatus as a window into the microphysical, turbulent, and dynamical processes occurring on the underside of clouds. © 2006 American Meteorological Society

    Numerical simulation of mammatus

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    Mammatus are hanging lobes on the underside of clouds. Although many different mechanisms have been proposed for their formation, none have been rigorously tested. In this study, three-dimensional numerical simulations of mammatus on a portion of a cumulonimbus cirruslike anvil are performed to explore some of the dynamic and microphysical factors that affect mammatus formation and evolution. Initial conditions for the simulations are derived from observed thermodynamic soundings. Five observed soundings are chosen—four were associated with visually observed mammatus and one was not. Initial microphysical conditions in the simulations are consistent with in situ observations of cumulonimbus anvil and mammatus. Mammatus form in the four model simulations initialized with the soundings for which mammatus were observed, whereas mammatus do not form in the model simulation initialized with the no-mammatus sounding. Characteristics of the modeled mammatus compare favorably to previously pub-lished mammatus observations. Three hypothesized formation mechanisms for mammatus are tested: cloud-base detrainment instability, fallout of hydrometeors from cloud base, and sublimation of ice hydrometeors below cloud base. For the parameters considered, cloud-base detrainment instability is a necessary, but not sufficient, condition for mammatus formation. Mammatus can form without fallout, but not without sublimation. All the observed soundings for which mammatus were observed feature a dry-adiabatic subcloud layer of varying depth with low relative humidity, which supports the importance of sublimation to mammatus formation. 1


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    Nocturnal tornadoes, while comprising only about a quarter of verified tornadoes, produce 42.5 percent of tornado fatalities (Ashley 2007). However, very little investigation into the dynamics unique t