140 research outputs found

    Effects of Cortical FoxP1 Knockdowns on Learned Song Preference in Female Zebra Finches

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    The search for molecular underpinnings of human vocal communication has focused on genes encoding forkhead-box transcription factors, as rare disruptions of FOXP1, FOXP2, and FOXP4 have been linked to disorders involving speech and language deficits. In male songbirds, an animal model for vocal learning, experimentally altered expression levels of these transcription factors impair song production learning. The relative contributions of auditory processing, motor function or auditory-motor integration to the deficits observed after different FoxP manipulations in songbirds are unknown. To examine the potential effects on auditory learning and development, we focused on female zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata) that do not sing but develop song memories, which can be assayed in operant preference tests. We tested whether the relatively high levels of FoxP1 expression in forebrain areas implicated in female song preference learning are crucial for the development and/or maintenance of this behavior. Juvenile and adult female zebra finches received FoxP1 knockdowns targeted to HVC (proper name) or to the caudomedial mesopallium (CMM). Irrespective of target site and whether the knockdown took place before (juveniles) or after (adults) the sensitive phase for song memorization, all groups preferred their tutor’s song. However, adult females with FoxP1 knockdowns targeted at HVC showed weaker motivation to hear song and weaker song preferences than sham-treated controls, while no such differences were observed after knockdowns in CMM or in juveniles. In summary, FoxP1 knockdowns in the cortical song nucleus HVC were not associated with impaired tutor song memory but reduced motivation to actively request tutor songs

    The influence of bilingualism on gray matter volume in the course of aging: a longitudinal study

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    BackgroundBilingualism is associated with higher gray matter volume (GMV) as a form of brain reserve in brain regions such as the inferior frontal gyrus (IFG) and the inferior parietal lobule (IPL). A recent cross-sectional study reported the age-related GMV decline in the left IFG and IPL to be steeper for bilinguals than for monolinguals. The present study aimed at supporting this finding for the first time with longitudinal data.MethodsIn the current study, 200 participants aged 19 to 79 years (87 monolinguals, 113 sequential bilinguals, mostly native German speakers with variable second language background) were included. Trajectories of GMV decline in the bilateral IFG and IPL were analyzed in mono- and bilinguals over two time points (mean time interval: 3.6 years). For four regions of interest (left/right IFG and left/right IPL), mixed Analyses of Covariance were conducted to assess (i) GMV changes over time, (ii) GMV differences for language groups (monolinguals/bilinguals), and (iii) the interaction between time point and language group. Corresponding analyses were conducted for the two factors of GMV, surface area (SA) and cortical thickness (CT).ResultsThere was higher GMV in bilinguals compared to monolinguals in the IPL, but not IFG. While the left and right IFG and the right IPL displayed a similar GMV change in mono- and bilinguals, GMV decline within the left IPL was significantly steeper in bilinguals. There was greater SA in bilinguals in the bilateral IPL and a steeper CT decline in bilinguals within in the left IPL.ConclusionThe cross-sectional observations of a steeper GMV decline in bilinguals could be confirmed for the left IPL. Additionally, the higher GMV in bilinguals in the bilateral IPL may indicate that bilingualism contributes to brain reserve especially in posterior brain regions. SA appeared to contribute to bilinguals’ higher GMV in the bilateral IPL, while CT seemed to account for the steeper structural decline in bilinguals in the left IPL. The present findings demonstrate the importance of time as an additional factor when assessing the neuroprotective effects of bilingualism on structural features of the human brain

    Evaluation of Arctic land snow cover characteristics, surface albedo and temperature during the transition seasons from regional climate model simulations and satellite data

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    This paper evaluates the simulated Arctic land snow cover duration, snow water equivalent, snow cover fraction, surface albedo and land surface temperature in the regional climate model HIRHAM5 during 2008-2010, compared with various satellite and reanalysis data and one further regional climate model (COSMO-CLM). HIRHAM5 shows a general agreement in the spatial patterns and annual course of these variables, although distinct biases for specific regions and months are obvious. The most prominent biases occur for east Siberian deciduous forest albedo, which is overestimated in the simulation for snow covered conditions in spring. This may be caused by the simplified albedo parameterization (e.g. non-consideration of different forest types and neglecting the effect of fallen leaves and branches on snow for deciduous tree forest). The land surface temperature biases mirror the albedo biases in their spatial and temporal structures. The snow cover fraction and albedo biases can explain the simulated land surface temperature bias of ca. -3 °C over the Siberian forest area in spring

    Summer-drought constrains the phenology and growth of two coexisting Mediterranean oaks with contrasting leaf habit: implications for their persistence and reproduction

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    13 páginas, 9 figuras, 5 tablas.-- El PDF es la versión post-print.This study analyses how coexisting evergreen and deciduous oaks adjust their phenology to cope with the stressful Mediterranean summer conditions. We test the hypothesis that the vegetative and reproductive growth of the winter deciduous (Quercus faginea Lam.) is more affected by summer drought than that of the evergreen [Quercus ilex L. subsp. ballota (Desf.) Samp.]. First, we assessed the complete aboveground phenology of both species during two consecutive years. Shoot and litter production and bud, acorn and secondary growth were monitored monthly. Second, we identified several parameters affected by summer conditions: apical bud size, individual leaf area (LA), leaf mass per area (LMA) and acorn yield in both species, and leaf-fall in Q. faginea; and analysed their variation over 10 years. Q. ilex performed up to 25% of shoot growth and most leaf development during summer, whereas Q. faginea completed most of both phenophases during spring. Secondary growth was arrested in summer under drought conditions. Approximately, 30–40% of bud and 40–50% of acorn growth was undertaken during summer in both species. Summer drought related to differences in LA, LMA and leaf senescence, but not to acorn yield. Both species had similar year-to-year patterns of acorn production, though yields were always lower in Q. faginea. Bud size decreased severely in both species during extremely dry years. In Q. ilex, bud size tended to alternate between years of large and small buds, and these patterns were followed by opposite trends in stem length. In Q. faginea, bud size was more stable through time. Q. ilex was more phenologically active during summer than Q. faginea, indicating a higher tolerance to drought. Furthermore, bud and fruit growth (the only two phenophases that both species performed during summer) were more severely affected by summer drought in Q. faginea than in the evergreen. The differential effects of summer drought on key phenophases for the persistence (bud growth) and colonization ability (fruit production) of both species may have consequences for their coexistence.This study was possible thanks to the collaboration within the GLOBIMED network (Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia, Spain) and it was supported by the MEC-CICyT projects AGF96-0399, CGL2007-66066-C04/BOS and CGL2008- 04847-C02-01, DGA projects P-038/96 and GA-LC-011/2008, and INIA projects RTA2005-00100-C02-00 and SUM2006-00025-00-00. JJC acknowledges the support of the ‘‘Fundación Aragón I+D’’. SP and RM were funded by MEC by a postdoc (SEUI-FECYT) and a Juan de la Cierva contract, respectively. JA was funded by DGA.Peer reviewe

    Be- und Ent-Hinderung im Sportunterricht? Zur Kontextabhängigkeit der Wahrnehmung behinderungsbezogener Kategorien von Lehrkräften

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    Rischke A, Braksiek M. Be- und Ent-Hinderung im Sportunterricht? Zur Kontextabhängigkeit der Wahrnehmung behinderungsbezogener Kategorien von Lehrkräften. In: Borkenhagen F, Heim R, Pöppel K, Schierz M, Sohnsmeyer J, eds. Bewegung und Sport im Horizont von Jugend- und schulpädagogischer Forschung. Schriften der Deutschen Vereinigung für Sportwissenschaft. Vol 276. Hamburg: Feldhaus Verlag; 2019: 98

    Futsal im erziehenden Sportunterricht. Evaluation eines Unterrichtsvorhabens in der Sekundarstufe I

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    Bergmann F, Meier C, Braksiek M. Futsal im erziehenden Sportunterricht. Evaluation eines Unterrichtsvorhabens in der Sekundarstufe I. In: Borkenhagen F, Heim R, Pöppel K, Schierz M, Sohnsmeyer J, eds. Bewegung und Sport im Horizont von Jugend- und schulpädagogischer Forschung. Schriften der Deutschen Vereinigung für Sportwissenschaft. Vol 276. Hamburg: Feldhaus; 2019: 87

    Danger of Herbal Tea: A Case of Acute Cholestatic Hepatitis Due to; Artemisia annua; Tea

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    Background:; Artemisia annua; is a Chinese medicinal herb. Artemisinin-derivatives are recommended as part of a combination treatment for uncomplicated malaria. Herbal and dietary supplements (HDS) are increasingly used worldwide and HDS-induced liver injury is becoming a growing concern.; Case Report:; We present the first case of severe acute cholestatic hepatitis due to the intake of; Artemisia annua; tea as chemoprophylaxis for malaria in a patient returning from Ethiopia. The patients presented with jaundice, elevated transaminases, and parameters of cholestasis (total bilirubin 186.6 μmol/L, conjugated bilirubin 168.5 μmol/L). A liver biopsy showed a portal hepatitis with lymphocytic infiltration of the bile ducts and diffuse intra-canalicular and intra-cytoplasmic bilirubinostasis. The toxicologic analysis of the Artemisia tea revealed the ingredients arteannuin b, deoxyartemisin, campher, and scopoletin. There were no other identifiable etiologies of liver disease. The Roussel Uclaf Causality Assessment Method (RUCAM) score assessed a "probably" causal relationship. Sequencing of genes encoding for hepatic transporters for bile acid homeostasis (BSEP, MDR3, and FIC1) found no genetic variants typically associated with hereditary cholestasis syndromes. Normalization of bilirubin occurred 3 months after the onset of disease.; Conclusion:; The use of artemisinin-derivatives for malaria prevention is ineffective and potentially harmful and should thus be discouraged. Moreover, the case demonstrates our as yet inadequate understanding of the pathophysiology and susceptibility to HDS induced liver injury

    Heiric von Auxerre, Miracula sancti Germani – Buch II

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    Das Werk ist eine kritische Edition und deutsche Übersetzung des zweiten Buchs der "Miracula sancti Germani" des Heiric von Auxerre, geschrieben zwischen ca. 873 und 875 – eine bemerkenswerte Quelle für die Geschichte des Klosters Saint-Germain-d'Auxerre, aber auch für die Vorstellungsgeschichte, den Heiligenkult und die Idee der "drei Ordnungen" der Arbeiter, Kämpfer und Beter

    CYLD Enhances Severe Listeriosis by Impairing IL-6/STAT3-Dependent Fibrin Production

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    The facultative intracellular bacterium Listeria monocytogenes (Lm) may cause severe infection in humans and livestock. Control of acute listeriosis is primarily dependent on innate immune responses, which are strongly regulated by NF-kappa B, and tissue protective factors including fibrin. However, molecular pathways connecting NF-kappa B and fibrin production are poorly described. Here, we investigated whether the deubiquitinating enzyme CYLD, which is an inhibitor of NF-kappa B-dependent immune responses, regulated these protective host responses in murine listeriosis. Upon high dose systemic infection, all C57BL/6 Cyld(-/-) mice survived, whereas 100% of wildtype mice succumbed due to severe liver pathology with impaired pathogen control and hemorrhage within 6 days. Upon in vitro infection with Lm, CYLD reduced NF-kappa B-dependent production of reactive oxygen species, interleukin (IL)-6 secretion, and control of bacteria in macrophages. Furthermore, Western blot analyses showed that CYLD impaired STAT3-dependent fibrin production in cultivated hepatocytes. Immunoprecipitation experiments revealed that CYLD interacted with STAT3 in the cytoplasm and strongly reduced K63-ubiquitination of STAT3 in IL-6 stimulated hepatocytes. In addition, CYLD diminished IL-6-induced STAT3 activity by reducing nuclear accumulation of phosphorylated STAT3. In vivo, CYLD also reduced hepatic STAT3 K63-ubiquitination and activation, NF-kappa B activation, IL-6 and NOX2 mRNA production as well as fibrin production in murine listeriosis. In vivo neutralization of IL-6 by anti-IL-6 antibody, STAT3 by siRNA, and fibrin by warfarin treatment, respectively, demonstrated that IL-6-induced, STAT3-mediated fibrin production significantly contributed to protection in Cyld(-/-) mice. In addition, in vivo Cyld siRNA treatment increased STAT3 phosphorylation, fibrin production, pathogen control and survival of Lm-infected WT mice illustrating that therapeutic inhibition of CYLD augments the protective NF-kappa B/IL-6/STAT3 pathway and fibrin production
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