29 research outputs found

    Case Study of Physiotherapy Treatment of a Patient after Hallux Fracture

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    č ř Cílem této práce je popsání teoretických poznatků z oblasti anatomie, kineziologie, speciální části je zpracování kazuistiky pacienta po fraktuře halluxu. Bakalářská práce je rozdělena na část obecnou a část speciální. Obecná část zahrnuje teoretické poznatky o distálních částech dolní končetiny. Jsou to poznatky o anatomické stavbě, o kineziologii nohy, o biomechanice chůze a také o traumatologii a následné rehabilitaci v oblasti nohy. Speciální část tvoří kazuistika pacienta, která je složena ze vstupního efektu terapie. Tato kazuistika byla zpracována v průběhu souvislých bakalářských praxích v průběhu ledna a února 2021 ve Všeobecné fakultní nemocnici Pacientův stav se po sedmi ambulantních fyzioterapeutických jednotkách objektivně i subjektivně zlepšil. Došlo ke snížení bolestivosti, k pozitivnímu ovlivnění otoku i reflexních změn v měkkých tkáních, ke zvětšení rozsahu pohybu, zvětšení svalové síly a především ke zlepšení stereotypu chůze a celkové stability. Klíčová slova: kazuistika, fraktura, hallux, dolní končetinaTitle: A Case Study of Physiotherapy Treatment of a Patient after Hallux Fracture Objectives: The aim of this thesis is to describe the theoretical aspects in the field of anatomy, kinesiology, traumatology and subsequently the rehabilitation of the foot. The purpose of the special part is a case study analysing a patient after a hallux fracture. Methods: The bachelor thesis is divided into two parts: a general and a special part. The general part highlights the theoretical knowledge about the distal part of the lower limb and shines light on the anatomical structure, the kinesiology of the foot and the biomechanics of walking. Furthermore, it focuses on the traumatology and the subsequent rehabilitation of the foot. The special part comprises of a case study of a patient, which is divided into an initial physiotherapy examination, a short term and long term therapy plan, a description of the individual therapeutic units, the resulting physiotherapy examination and an overall evaluation of the effect of the therapy. The work on this case report has been done during bachelor internship between January and February 2021 at the Všeobecná fakultní nemonice in Prague. Results: The patients' condition improved both objectively and subjectively after seven outpatient physiotherapy sessions. As a result,...FyzioterapieFakulta tělesné výchovy a sportuFaculty of Physical Education and Spor

    The influence of different formulations and process parameters during the preparation of drug-loaded PLGA microspheres evaluated by multivariate data analysis

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    The main objective of this study was to evaluate the influence of the formulation and process parameters on PLGA microparticles containing a practically insoluble model drug (ibuprofen) prepared by the o/w solvent evaporation method. Multivariate data analysis was used. The effects of altered stirring speed of a mechanical stirrer (600, 1000 rpm), emulsifier concentrations (PVA concentration 0.1 %, 1 %) and solvent selection (dichlormethane, ethyl acetate) on microparticles characteristics (encapsulation efficiency, drug loading, burst effect) were observed. It was found that with increased stirring speed, the PVA concentration or the use of ethyl acetate had a significantly negative effect on encapsulation efficiency. In addition, ethyl acetate had an adverse effect on the burst effect, while the increased stirring speed had the opposite effect. Drug load was not affected by any individual variable, but rather by the interactions of evaluated variables

    Therapeutic Potential of Adipose-Derived Therapeutic Factor Concentrate for Treating Critical Limb Ischemia

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    Transplantation of adipose-derived stem cells (ADSCs) is an emerging therapeutic option for addressing intractable diseases such as critical limb ischemia (CLI). Evidence suggests that therapeutic effects of ADSCs are primarily mediated through paracrine mechanisms rather than transdifferentiation. These secreted factors can be captured in conditioned medium (CM) and concentrated to prepare a therapeutic factor concentrate (TFC) composed of a cocktail of beneficial growth factors and cytokines that individually and in combination demonstrate disease-modifying effects. The ability of a TFC to promote reperfusion in a rabbit model of CLI was evaluated. A total of 27 adult female rabbits underwent surgery to induce ischemia in the left hindlimb. An additional five rabbits served as sham controls. One week after surgery, the ischemic limbs received intramuscular injections of either (1) placebo (control medium), (2) a low dose of TFC, or (3) a high dose of TFC. Limb perfusion was serially assessed with a Doppler probe. Blood samples were analyzed for growth factors and cytokines. Tissue was harvested postmortem on day 35 and assessed for capillary density by immunohistochemistry. At 1 month after treatment, tissue perfusion in ischemic limbs treated with a high dose of TFC was almost double (p < 0.05) that of the placebo group [58.8 ± 23 relative perfusion units (RPU) vs. 30.7 ± 13.6 RPU; mean ± SD]. This effect was correlated with greater capillary density in the affected tissues and with transiently higher serum levels of the angiogenic and prosurvival factors vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and hepatocyte growth factor (HGF). The conclusions from this study are that a single bolus administration of TFC demonstrated robust effects for promoting tissue reperfusion in a rabbit model of CLI and that a possible mechanism of revascularization was promotion of angiogenesis by TFC. Results of this study demonstrate that TFC represents a potent therapeutic cocktail for patients with CLI, many of whom are at risk for amputation of the affected limb

    DNA methylation profiles in a group of workers occupationally exposed to nanoparticles

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    The risk of exposure to nanoparticles (NPs) has rapidly increased during the last decade due to the vast use of nanomaterials (NMs) in many areas of human life. Despite this fact, human biomonitoring studies focused on the effect of NP exposure on DNA alterations are still rare. Furthermore, there are virtually no epigenetic data available. In this study, we investigated global and gene-specific DNA methylation profiles in a group of 20 long-term (mean 14.5 years) exposed, nanocomposite, research workers and in 20 controls. Both groups were sampled twice/day (pre-shift and post-shift) in September 2018. We applied Infinium Methylation Assay, using the Infinium MethylationEPIC BeadChips with more than 850,000 CpG loci, for identification of the DNA methylation pattern in the studied groups. Aerosol exposure monitoring, including two nanosized fractions, was also performed as proof of acute NP exposure. The obtained array data showed significant differences in methylation between the exposed and control groups related to long-term exposure, specifically 341 CpG loci were hypomethylated and 364 hypermethylated. The most significant CpG differences were mainly detected in genes involved in lipid metabolism, the immune system, lung functions, signaling pathways, cancer development and xenobiotic detoxification. In contrast, short-term acute NP exposure was not accompanied by DNA methylation changes. In summary, long-term (years) exposure to NP is associated with DNA epigenetic alterations

    Case Study of Physiotherapy Treatment of a Patient after Hallux Fracture

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    Title: A Case Study of Physiotherapy Treatment of a Patient after Hallux Fracture Objectives: The aim of this thesis is to describe the theoretical aspects in the field of anatomy, kinesiology, traumatology and subsequently the rehabilitation of the foot. The purpose of the special part is a case study analysing a patient after a hallux fracture. Methods: The bachelor thesis is divided into two parts: a general and a special part. The general part highlights the theoretical knowledge about the distal part of the lower limb and shines light on the anatomical structure, the kinesiology of the foot and the biomechanics of walking. Furthermore, it focuses on the traumatology and the subsequent rehabilitation of the foot. The special part comprises of a case study of a patient, which is divided into an initial physiotherapy examination, a short term and long term therapy plan, a description of the individual therapeutic units, the resulting physiotherapy examination and an overall evaluation of the effect of the therapy. The work on this case report has been done during bachelor internship between January and February 2021 at the Všeobecná fakultní nemonice in Prague. Results: The patients' condition improved both objectively and subjectively after seven outpatient physiotherapy sessions. As a result,..

    Conversion of Gas - Works, Ostrava - DOV

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    Předmětem mé diplomové práce je rekonverze plynojemu na území NKP Vítkovice v Ostravě. Objekt je umístěn v kontaminovaném území areálu bývalých vysokých pecí a koksovny, proto před jakoukoliv rekultivací je nutno provést dekontaminaci. Plynojem je spolu s dalšími objekty určen pro nové využití, ostatní objekty jsou buď určeny ke konzervaci, či zbourání a nahrazení jinými objekty. Koncept návrhu vychází z urbanistického uspořádání objektů v areálu a reflektuje jejich budoucí využití. Plynojem je umístěn na spojnici nejatraktivnějších objektů a to se odráží v členění jeho hmoty. Vytváří tak prvky ulice a náměstí se zajímavými průhledy, průchody, pohledy na dominanty areálu, to vše v prostředí chráněném stávající střešní strukturou. Funkční dělení: Objekt je rozdělen do 4 segmentů, z nichž každý má vlastní funkci – kongresové centrum, muzeum, hotel a administrativa. Jednotlivé funkční rozdělení se může změnit podle požadavků investora, může tak dojít k přesunutí jednotlivých funkcí na dva či více segmentů a vypuštění jiných funkcí, či jejich ponechání a vzájemné prolínaní v rámci jednotlivých pater, ale také mimoúrovňové. Urbanistická koncepce: Objekt je rozčleněn do segmentů aby co nejlépe reflektoval své okolí. Z hlavní ulice spojující šestou ústřednu a objekt vysokých pecí jsou voleny vstupy do plynojemu. Z přízemí vede rampa do suterénu, kde je situována recepce, komerční jednotky, šatna, stravovací zařízení, internet café, wc a hlavní vertikální komunikace do jednotlivých segmentů. V přízemí je umístěno zázemí pro jednotlivé funkce pro snadný přístup zásobování . Každý segment je dále od prvního nadzemního podlaží dělen na funkci vertikální komunikace a vlastní funkce, spojené volným prostorem zeleně. V 5.np je pak na každém segmentu zimní zahrada, která je zastřešena stávající střešní strukturou, která je opatřena ETFE fólií. Konstrukce střechy je vynášena jako kdysi zvon plynojemu přes kladky umístěné na 32 sloupech profilu I. Plynojem tak dostává dvě tváře, starou, monofunkční, obrácenou vně a reflektující areál nkp, a novou, polyfunkční, obrácenou dovnitř, chráněnou, avšak propojenou se stávající strukturou území. Konstrukce nové části je vsazená do stávajícího pláště, je od stávající konstrukce oddilatovaná a založena na pilotách. Jedná se o ocelový skelet radiálního uspořádání s osami nosníků směřujícími do středu plynojemu. Na ocelových sloupech jsou příhradoviny 1,5m vysoké vynášející rozpon 15m. S távající konstrukce je zakonzervována a v případě nutnosti opatřena bezpečnostními konstrukcemi.The subject of my diploma project is reconversion of a gasholder placed in Ostrava Vitkovice. The gasholder is noted as national culture heritage and is strongly contaminated. The concept is following the functional structure of the objects around and counts with their new use. The gasholder is placed in the middle of the area and lays on the crossing of conjuction of the main dominant s of the area. These cojuctions create streets which meet in the middle of the gasholder and create the square. The gasholder has now two faces, the old one faces the area is monofunctional and the other, new one faced to the inside is polyfunctional. The square is covered by the existing roof construction and creates safe place full of nice views and visual conjunctions of the main dominants.

    Surrogacy in a gay couple

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    The thesis deals with the process of surrogacy in a homosexual couple and colnsultation when two homosexuals have a child. The text is structured into four chapters. The first chapter describes parenthood and what possibilities a homosexual couple has in this area, the second chapter professionally presents assisted reproduction, the third chapter deals in detail with the whole process of surrogacy in a homosexual couple. The last chapter is dedicated with colnsultation at a homosexual couple with children, and other problems that a couple may encounter

    Porovnávání hodnot a ideálů prvorepublikových skautských organizací

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    This bachelor thesis focuses on Czech scouting in the interwar period. The object of research are three First Republic scouting organizations, namely the Union of Scouts of the Czechoslovak Republic, the Association of Socialist Scouts, and the Czechoslovak Community of Freedom Scouts. The aim is to compare the differences between the professed values and ideals of these organizations. The research is carried out by analysing articles from magazines published by these organizations during this period. The theoretical part describes the history of English and Czech scouting up to 1939, including the organizations under study, and then puts into context the issue of scouting values and ideals laid down by the founder of the scout movement himself. In the empirical part, the methodology, aim and research questions of the thesis are described and then the actual comparison of values and ideals of Scouting organisations is carried out. The conclusion summarisizes the findings and attempts to answer the research questions posed