17 research outputs found

    Cellular signaling pathways engaged in the entrainment of mammalian biological clock

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    The mammalian biological clock is based on endogenous rhythmic oscillations of the so-called clock genes which affects the timing of the external manifestations, such as rhythmic alternations of sleep and activity. This endogenous mechanism, of which the innate period slightly deviates from the solar time, can be adjusted by various external synchronizers to the exact 24 hour period. This thesis is focused on the influence of the most prominent synchronizer, the sunlight, on the molecular basis of changes in the dynamics of internal mechanism of the oscillations in the main mammalian circadian pacemaker, the suprachiasmatic nuclei of the hypothalamus. There are numerous studies which have demonstrated the effect of various cellular signaling pathways on changes of circadian rhythms. The most common methods of assessing the oscillation phase changes, however, measure changes in output rhythms that may not always reflect the changes in the molecular mechanism itself. The aim is to evaluate which components of signaling pathways have provably shown to affect the dynamics of the rhythmic expression of clock genes.Biologické hodiny savců jsou založeny na endogenních rytmických oscilacích takzvaných hodinových genů, které ovlivňují načasování vnějších projevů, například rytmické střídání spánku a aktivity. Tento vnitřní mechanismus, jehož vrozená perioda se mírně odchyluje od solárního času, je možno seřizovat různými vnějšími synchronizátory na periodu přesně 24 hodin. Tato práce se zabývá vlivem nejvýraznějšího synchronizátoru, jímž je sluneční světlo, na molekulární podstatu změny dynamiky mechanismu vnitřních oscilací v hlavním savčím cirkadiánním pacemakeru, suprachiasmatických jádrech hypotalamu. Existuje nespočet prací, které prokázaly vliv různých buněčných signálních drah na změny cirkadiánních rytmů. Nejčastějšími metodami posuzování fázových změn oscilací je však měření změn ve výstupních rytmech, které ne vždy musí odrážet i změny v mechanismu molekulárním. Cílem je tedy zhodnotit, které komponenty signálních drah prokazatelně ovlivňují dynamiku rytmické exprese hodinových genů.Department of PhysiologyKatedra fyziologieFaculty of SciencePřírodovědecká fakult

    Physical and mental performance of morning and evening chronotypes in different times of day

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    Circadian rhythmicity, which evolved in accordance with the rhythmicity of the external environment tied to the earth's rotation, governs the regular rhythms of our physiology and behavior. The central circadian clock in the suprachiasmatic nuclei of the hypothalamus controls the roughly 24-hour rhythmicity of many peripheral clocks of most cells of the body, that can be observed from the molecular to the behavioral level. The intrinsic circadian period (τ) in humans is on average slightly longer than 24 h, but may also be slightly shorter. Individuals with a short τ are referred to as morning chronotypes, whereas individuals with a long τ are referred to as evening chronotypes. However, the majority of the population belongs to the so-called intermediate chronotype. The molecular mechanism of circadian oscillations controlled by the circadian clock has been shown to be closely linked to cellular metabolism. Many physiological processes important for physical and cognitive performance are also regulated by the circadian system. The main aim of both studies was to quantify the difference in performance during morning and evening testing in subjects of a pronounced evening and morning chronotype. While the motivation for conducting Study A was practical, with the aim of identifying potential biases...Cirkadiánní rytmicita, která se vyvinula v souladu s rytmicitou vnějšího prostředí vázanou na zemskou rotaci, řídí pravidelné rytmy naší fyzologie a chování. Centrální cirkadiánní hodiny v suprachiasmatických jádrech hypotalamu řídí zhruba 24 hodinovou rytmicitu mnoha periferních hodin většiny buněk těla, která je měřitená od molekulární po behaviorální úroveň. Vrozená cirkadiánní perioda (τ) je u člověka v průměru mírně delší než 24 h, ale může být i mírně kratší. Jedinci s krátkou τ bývají označováni jako ranní chronotypy, zatímco jedinci s dlouhou τ bývají označováni jako večerní chronotypy. Většina populace však náleží k tzv. nevyhraněnému chronotypu. Bylo prokázáno, že molekulární mechanismus cirkadiánních oscilací řízený cirkadiánními hodinami je úzce propojen s buněčným metabolismem. Cirkadiánním systémem je také regulováno mnoho fyziologických procesů důležitých pro fyzickou i kognitivní výkonnost. Hlavním cílem obou studií bylo kvantifikovat míru rozdílu ve výkonnosti při ranním a večerním testování u jedinců vyhraněného večerního a ranního chronotypu. Zatímco motivace pro realizaci studie A byla praktická, s cílem identifikovat možné zkreslení výsledků neuropsychologického testování způsobené testováním vyhraněných chronotypů v suboptimální čas, studie B byla rozšířením existujících...Department of PhysiologyKatedra fyziologiePřírodovědecká fakultaFaculty of Scienc

    Identification of potentially zoonotic parasites in captive orangutans and semi-captive mandrills: phylogeny and morphological comparison

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    Cysts and trophozoites of vestibuliferid ciliates and larvae of Strongyloides were found in fecal samples from captive orangutans Pongo pygmaeus and P. abelii from Czech and Slovak zoological gardens. As comparative material, ciliates from semi-captive mandrills Mandrillus sphinx from Gabon were included in the study. Phylogenetic analysis of the detected vestibuliferid ciliates using ITS1-5.8s-rRNA-ITS2 and partial 18S rDNA revealed that the ciliates from orangutans are conspecific with Balantioides coli lineage A, while the ciliates from mandrills clustered with Buxtonella-like ciliates from other primates. Morphological examination of the cysts and trophozoites using light microscopy did not reveal differences robust enough to identify the genera of the ciliates. Phylogenetic analysis of detected L1 larvae of Strongyloides using partial cox1 revealed Strongyloides stercoralis clustering within the cox1 lineage A infecting dogs, humas and other primates. The sequences of 18S rDNA support these results. As both B. coli and S. stercoralis are zoonotic parasites and the conditions in captive and semi-captive settings may facilitate transmission to humans, prophylactic measures should reflect the findings

    Expression of AMPA glutamate receptor subunits in the suprachiasmatic nucleus of the rat

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    The main mammalian circadian pacemaker stored in suprachiasmatic nuclei of the hypothalamus (SCN) is adapted to changes in the external environement by synchronization of its endogenous period with periodic changes of light and dark during day and night. The information about light travels via glutamatergic retinohypothalamic tract to the ventrolateral part of the SCN. Activation of ionotropic glutamate receptors in this area provably mediates the transfer of information about light on the transcriptional mechanism of light-sensitive cells. The role of the NMDA type of ionotropic glutamate receptors is well studied in this field and it is known that some NMDA receptor subunits show a circadian rhythm and an increased expression after a light pulse. Signalization via AMPA type receptors is much less elucidated. The aim of this thesis was to determine which AMPA receptor subunits are expressed in the SCN of the rat and if these subunits show a daily rhythm of expression and a reactivity to light pulse, as well as to outline the possible roles of distinct AMPA receptor subunits in the SCN. Keywords: circadian rhythms, suprachiasmatic nuclei, glutamate receptors, AMP

    Strategic marketing of the town Přelouč

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    Tato diplomová práce se zabývá postavením a fungováním složitého komplexu, kterým je obec či město. Snaží se zmapovat současný strategický rozvoj města Přelouč se zaměřením na mobilizaci vnitřního potenciálu pro rozkvět města prostřednictvím strategických dokumentů dané problematiky. V práci jsou vysvětleny základní zákonitosti, které musí město splňovat, aby bylo funkční nejen uvnitř, ale i ve vztahu k okolním subjektům, a tím vytvářelo dokonalé podmínky pro splnění strategické vize města. Zjištěná teoretická východiska jsou následně porovnávána s výsledky terénního šetření. V závěru jsou stručně shrnuty získané poznatky a vytvořeny některé vlastní návrhy.This thesis is about position and operating of complicated complex that is municipality or town. It tries to map out the present strategic development of the town Přelouč with a focus on the mobilization of inside potential for townprosperity through strategic documents relating to this issue. There are explained basic patterns in the thesis that the town has to keep to be operational not only within but also in relation to surroundings areas, and therefore it can create perfect conditions for the fulfillment of strategic plan of the town. The theoretic data is consequently compared with results of cross-country research. At the end I have summed up the obtained facts and stated some of my recommendations.Ústav ekonomiky a managementuDokončená práce s úspěšnou obhajobo

    Social and economic image of the town

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    Práce se zabývá postavením a fungováním složitého komplexu, kterým je obec či město. Snaží se zmapovat současný obraz města Týniště nad Orlicí se zaměřením na sociální a ekonomickou stránku problematiky. V práci jsou vysvětleny základní zákonitosti, které musí město splňovat, aby bylo funkční nejen uvnitř, ale i ve vztahu k okolním subjektům, a tím vytvářelo dokonalý obraz. Zjištěná teoretická východiska jsou následně porovnávána s výsledky terénního šetření.Ústav veřejné správy a právaDokončená práce s úspěšnou obhajobo

    Physical and mental performance of morning and evening chronotypes in different times of day

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    Circadian rhythmicity, which evolved in accordance with the rhythmicity of the external environment tied to the earth's rotation, governs the regular rhythms of our physiology and behavior. The central circadian clock in the suprachiasmatic nuclei of the hypothalamus controls the roughly 24-hour rhythmicity of many peripheral clocks of most cells of the body, that can be observed from the molecular to the behavioral level. The intrinsic circadian period (τ) in humans is on average slightly longer than 24 h, but may also be slightly shorter. Individuals with a short τ are referred to as morning chronotypes, whereas individuals with a long τ are referred to as evening chronotypes. However, the majority of the population belongs to the so-called intermediate chronotype. The molecular mechanism of circadian oscillations controlled by the circadian clock has been shown to be closely linked to cellular metabolism. Many physiological processes important for physical and cognitive performance are also regulated by the circadian system. The main aim of both studies was to quantify the difference in performance during morning and evening testing in subjects of a pronounced evening and morning chronotype. While the motivation for conducting Study A was practical, with the aim of identifying potential biases..

    Claims of employees in the case of insolvency of their employer

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    Department of Labor Law and Social Security LawKatedra pracovního práva a práva sociálního zabezpečeníFaculty of LawPrávnická fakult

    Hippotherapy as a supporting therapy in patients with stroke

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    This bachelor thesis deals with hippotherapy as supportive therapy of patients with stroke. Our starting platform is from the practical experience of therapists hippotherapy's centers Pirouette and available literature. The work is traditionally divided into theoretical and practical. The theoretical part provides an overview of current knowledge and is divided into two chapters, which dealing with the issue of stroke and hippotherapy. There are explained basic concepts necessary for insight into the problems of work. As part of subchapter about of stroke describing its dividing, the causes, consequences, and treatment. In hippotherapy I deal with the principles of hippotherapy effect and its impact to humans, both physically and mentally. In the research part describes the objectives of the work and the research itself. For the purposes of work I chose the design of qualitative research - a case study, which was carried out on three probands after a stroke. The probands were selected from the "Centre of hippotherapy Pirouette" Havlíčkův Brod, where it was from the end of September 2014 to mind January 2015 performed a practical application of hippotherapy under the expert guidance of a certified therapist. Data collection was conducted three complex processing of case studies using the technique of observation (kinesiology analysis of motor skills), secondary data analysis and interview with probands. The aim of this thesis is to map the effect of hippotherapy for patients with stroke and the develop specific hippotherapy's procedures in these patients. The purpose why the work was created, is an effort to improve awareness about hippotherapy as supporting methods for patients after stroke and objectification many years of practical experience hippotherapy's center "Pirouette". The outputs of this work can also be further utilized as educational material for students of physiotherapy and hipoterapeuty alone or as a basis for further research in this area