54 research outputs found

    Information sharing in complex systems : a case study on public safety management

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    The main purpose of this article is to explore the information-sharing process in complex systems on the basis of public safety management, and also identify the role of emergency call centres in this area. The methodology, based on the desk research method and empirical investigations, contains semi-structured interviews with the heads of 4 emergency call centres in Poland (25% of all of them), 1 in the Czech Republic, and also 54 survey questionnaires with the operators of these centres. As a result, the model of information sharing in complex systems was elaborated, and also the properties of this process were explored

    Odporność i przedsiębiorczość w zarządzaniu kryzysowym

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    Koncepcje odporności i przedsiębiorczości w zarządzaniu kryzysowym mogą przyczynić się do zwiększenia możliwości sprostania zagrożeniom i sytuacjom kryzysowym. Dotychczasowe badania ukierunkowane są w większości przypadków na wyjaśnienie wpływu odporności i przedsiębiorczości na zarządzanie kryzysowe, a sporadycznie podejmowane są próby ustalenia, jak wzajemnie oddziałują one między sobą. Z tego względu za cel niniejszego artykułu przyjęto usystematyzowanie wiedzy w zakresie roli odporności i przedsiębiorczości w zarządzaniu kryzysowym oraz wzajemnych relacji między tymi koncepcjami. Został osiągnięty na podstawie systematycznego przeglądu literatury, który został przeprowadzony w oparciu o metodykę PRISMA Group. W wyniku przeprowadzonych analiz zidentyfikowano cechy i wpływ zarówno odporności, jak i przedsiębiorczości na zarzadzanie kryzysowe, znaczenie tych koncepcji w ujęciu społecznym, a także wzajemne interakcje pomiędzy nimi. Uzyskane wyniki wskazują, że sytuacje kryzysowe stanowią akceleratory zmian stwarzające szanse na rozwój przedsiębiorczości zarówno w perspektywie społecznej, jak i w działaniach organizacji publicznych i prywatnych. Odporność i przedsiębiorczość współoddziałują, wspólnie budując lepsze możliwości organizacji do radzenia sobie z zagrożeniami. ABSTRACT The concepts of resilience and entrepreneurship in emergency management can contribute to increasing the ability to cope with threats. However, research and analysis in this area are limited. Research on resilience and entrepreneurship in emergency management has largely focused on the impact of these concepts on emergency management, with limited attempts to find out how they interact together. For this reason, the aim of this article is to systematize the knowledge of the role of resilience and entrepreneurship in emergency management and to establish mutual relations between these concepts. The aim of this article was achieved based on a systematic literature review using the PRISMA Group methodology. As a result, the characteristics and impact of both resilience and entrepreneurship on emergency management were presented, the importance of these concepts in social terms was shown, and the mutual interactions between them were identified. The obtained results indicate that emergencies constitute change accelerators that create opportunities for social and public entrepreneurship development. Resilience and entrepreneurship interact; together they create better abilities to deal with threats

    Factors of effective inter-organizational collaboration : a framework for public management

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    The purpose of the paper is to identify factors driving effective inter-organizational collaboration, investigate the impact of these factors on efforts launched in public management and systematize them. To accomplish the aim of the paper, a systematic literature review and a hermeneutic process based on a focus group with scholars were used. The studies conducted enabled recognition of key publications analyzing drivers behind effective inter-organizational collaboration, to formulate the typology of these drivers as well as to divide them into those with strong, medium or weak influence on collaborative public management. It was stated that all drivers identified affect the effectiveness of inter-organizational collaboration in the public sector, though by varying degrees. These factors are mutually complementary, and thus bolstering or mitigating their effects on effective collaboration. They jointly determine the effectiveness of inter-organizational collaboration in public management

    Benefits, challenges, and perspectives of using the blockchain technology in emergency management

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    The potential of blockchain causes more researchers to postulate this technology’s use in public governance. Due to the specificity and complexity of emergency management, blockchain may have particular importance in this area. On the other hand, there are many challenges related to the implementation and use of this technology. Therefore, this article aim is to understand blockchain technology’s benefits, challenges, and usefulness in emergency management based on previous research and experience in this field. The perspectives and challenges of using blockchain were analyzed based on the complexity of emergency management. As a result, this article presents how blockchain can contribute to the improvement of emergency management processes

    Organisational consciousness in public safety management system

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    Organisational consciousness is one of the primary determinants driving organisational development. It is the organisation’s capacity for assessment of its operation level, quest for uniformity and organisational identity. This consciousness revolves around objectives of actions and integrates collective efforts, thereby determining collaboration. Therefore, it performs a vital role in the public safety management system (PSMS), where efficiency of operations may be achieved only as a result of joint actions. In essence, this was an imperative to carry out research aimed at analysing the significance of organisational consciousness in the public safety management system. During enquiries the authors gave insight into the concepts of organisational consciousness and organisational development as well as characterizing the PSMS in the context of organisational consciousness. Bearing in mind a comprehensive and adaptive approach to each analysed situation in an individual manner the relevance of organisational consciousness in public safety management systems was found. Furthermore it was testified that organisational consciousness in the PSMS affects three areas, namely: enhances involvement in accomplishment of objectives set, strengthens inter-organisational collaboration and fosters innovative solutions

    New requirements for managers of public safety systems

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    The current conditions of public safety systems require a broad management approach. This includes managing security issues related to all public policies, as well as giving proper attention to management issues. Thus, the thematic scope of public safety is wide-ranging, taking in social and criminal policy and crisis management. The characteristic feature of public safety systems lies in the fact that each hazard requires an individual configuration of activities, performed by various units. This issue requires the need for proper preparation by the organizations taking part in shaping public safety, especially the managers responsible for coordinating activities in this field. In the traditional approach, the specificity of managerial competence has not been studied, particularly in the area of public management. The question therefore arises: What competencies should modern managers in the public security system possess, in order to provide a highly efficient implementation of activities? Finding an answer to this question is the goal of this paper. The main findings of our study include: identification of the broad and narrow approaches to public safety, the characteristics of public safety as a complex adaptive system, and an analysis of the requirements of managers of public safety systems. As a conclusion, it was stated that managerial competencies in public safety systems should have an adaptive character, built on the basis of public safety, managerial knowledge and modern organizational capabilities, including organizational learning

    Ryzyko współpracy w sieciach publicznych – specyfika, źródła i zarządzanie

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    Współpraca w sieciach publicznych stanowi współcześnie istotne i popularne narzędzie służące realizacji usług publicznych. Wiąże się ona jednak z wieloma problemami wynikającymi zarówno z organizacji wspólnych działań, jak i z relacji łączących poszczególne organizacje. Pojawiające się ryzyko współpracy w sieciach publicznych to interesujący obszar badawczy, który cechuje niedosyt analiz teoretyczno-empirycznych. Z tego względu celem niniejszego artykułu jest poznanie specyfiki i źródeł tego ryzyka, a także zanalizowanie jego czynników na przykładzie sieci bezpieczeństwa publicznego oraz wyjaśnienie roli zarządzania ryzykiem współpracy. Osiągnięcie tego celu opiera się na krytycznym przeglądzie literatury oraz wynikach ustrukturyzowanych wywiadów. W rezultacie scharakteryzowano ryzyko współpracy w sieciach publicznych oraz zaproponowano ramowy proces zarządzania tym ryzykiem

    Rational and relational bases of public managers’ new profiles in the context of trust research

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    Competencies are a set of distinctive resources and opportunities. They relate to specific capabilities of management and to performance of management methods. In the catalogue of existing managerial competencies, an increasingly important role is played by trust. The deep insight in this field of literature gives grounds for the inference that trust is rather a means to achieve public organisations’ goals, than being the end in itself. Therefore in this article we have assumed, that contemporary competencies, to a large degree, rely on trust which is rationally and relationally rooted. The main aim of this paper is to identify and evaluate components of trust with reference to the competences of public managers mirrored in their new profiles. To achieve the goal of the article, publications of the field of organisational studies and public management which aim to show the importance of creating trust within an organisation were reviewed to identify main managerial competences analysed in the context of public trust as an important factor of improving public organisations. Moreover, the results of a survey with 93 respondents carried out in 2014 in 8 units of local public administration from the Malopolska Region were used. As a result the main components of trust in new public managers’ profiles have been identified and assessed

    Public services standardization as a prerequisite of Polish territorial self-government unit (TSU’s) effectiveness

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    The search for assessment methods of territorial self-government units activities is related to the need of adaptation of various types of instruments and mechanisms, which theoretical and implementation basics are developed by different scientific disciplines. Some theories claim that ensuring the effectiveness in the functioning of these organizations can be achieved through the minimum public services standards. It is the effect of the cost categories adaptation, which – as an economic category – ensures: the utility of the services, the compatibility of resource consumption with the needs of local communities and the binding procedures, as well as understanding the goals and entrusted or commissioned tasks, etc